The City Engineer may, at his or her discretion, waive the requirements for a parcel map for the following:
Division of real property or interest therein created by eminent domain procedures, partition, or other civil judgments or decrees.
Division or consolidation of real property to facilitate conveyance of land or interest therein to or from the City, a public entity or a public utility for public purpose, such as school sites, public building sites, public parks, or rights-of-way or easements for streets, sewers, utilities, drainage, etc.
Division of property that has been merged pursuant to Chapter 17.28, the Subdivision Map Act or any prior ordinance of the City.
Consolidation of four or fewer contiguous parcels under the same ownership that were created under the provisions of this title and which, when consolidated, contain less than five acres, provided such parcels abut upon a maintained public street or highway and no dedications or improvements are required by this title.
Applications for parcel map waivers shall be made on forms provided by the City Engineer and shall be submitted to the City Engineer along with a preliminary parcel map. The City Engineer shall review the application and within 30 days approve, conditionally approve or disapprove the parcel map waiver. The applicant shall be notified in writing of the City Engineer's decision.
Prior to approving a parcel map waiver, the City Engineer shall make a finding that the proposed division or consolidation of land complies with applicable requirements concerning area, the City's standard engineering specifications for improvements and design, floodwater drainage control, appropriate public roads, sanitary disposal facilities, water supply availability, environmental protection and any other requirements of the Subdivision Map Act and this title.
Upon the approval of a parcel map waiver pursuant to this section, the City Engineer shall cause to be filed in the Official Records of the County of Orange a certificate of compliance for the land to be divided or consolidated and a plat map showing the division or consolidation. The certificate shall include a certificate by the County Tax Collector in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act.
(Ord. 2004-882, § 3, 2004)
The procedures set forth in the Subdivision Map Act shall govern the filing, processing, approval, conditional approval, or disapproval of subdivision maps and the modifications thereof, except to the extent modified by the provisions of this chapter.
Tentative maps shall be filed with the Community Development Director and shall be processed in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the provisions of this chapter. The subdivider shall file as many copies of the tentative map as may be required by the Community Development Director. A map shall not be deemed to be filed until the Subdivision Committee has verified that it is in compliance with the requirements of this chapter.
Each tentative map filed shall be in compliance with any general or specific plan, or any amendments thereto, adopted pursuant to the state Planning and Zoning law. Each tentative map filed shall also comply with the regulations for the zoning district or zone within which it is located.
A vesting tentative map shall be filed and processed in the same manner as a tentative map, except to the extent modified by this chapter.
At the time a vesting tentative map is filed, it shall have printed conspicuously on its face the words: "Vesting Tentative Map." (Gov. Code 66452.)
Whenever a subdivider files a vesting tentative, map for a subdivision whose intended development is inconsistent with the zoning ordinance in existence at that time, that inconsistency shall be noted on the map. (Gov. Code 66498.3)
(Prior code § 30-13; Ord. 2004-882, § 4, 2004)
A preliminary check map may be submitted at any time for the purpose of comparing the proposed map against the requirements of this chapter at the discretion of the subdivider. Any such preliminary map should comply with the currently applicable zoning regulations, and shall not be deemed to be the filing of a tentative map.
Prior to filing a map, the subdivider shall submit the necessary number of copies of a check map to the Community Development Director.
The check map shall be reviewed as to the specific requirements by various city departments and by the Subdivision Committee.
Within twenty-one calendar days all comments and the check maps shall be returned to the subdivider for preparation of a tentative map.
(Prior code § 30-13; Ord. 2004-882, § 4, 2004)
Tentative parcel maps shall include the following information either on the map or attached thereto:
Scale and north arrow;
Legal description and dimensions of the land sufficient to define the boundary thereof;
Name, address and telephone number of the person filing the map;
Location of the property in relation to existing streets;
The layout of the parcels proposed and the dimensions of each, with a number or letter within each proposed parcel;
The location of each existing building or structure above ground in relation to the parcel lines being created;
The location of existing wells, cesspools, irrigation lines, culverts, storm drains, underground structures and any excavations within the subdivision, and a statement noting whether or not such uses are to be abandoned, removed or used;
The source, name of supplier, quality, and an estimate of available quantity of domestic water;
Type of street improvements and utilities proposed;
Method of sewage disposal proposed;
Proposed method of storm drainage disposal and, where applicable, a reference to any duly adopted master plan of drainage;
Proposed use of parcels;
The width and approximate locations of all existing or proposed easements or rights-of-ways, whether public or private, for roads, drainage, sewers, or flood-control purposes;
The location of all areas subject to inundation or flood hazard and the locations, width and directions of flow of all watercourses and flood-control channels;
The grade contours of the existing land and the preliminary grading plan if any grading is to be performed.
Any of the foregoing requirements may be waived or modified by the Subdivision Committee if it is found that a given requirement is not necessary in a particular instance or the clarity of the map would be impaired.
Each tentative tract map shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act and in addition shall comply with the following requirements either by reference on the map or attached thereto as supplemental materials:
Graphic and linear presentation:
Tract map boundary: heavy double width solid line,
Street and lot lines: heavy solid line,
Existing lot lines: light solid line,
Easements: light dashed line (delineate type of easement),
Utility lines: heavy dashed line (delineate type of utility),
Tract name and number, north arrow and date,
Description of location and boundaries of subdivision,
Tract numbers of adjoining subdivision,
Name and current address of record owner(s),
Name, address and telephone number of subdivider,
Name, address, telephone number, license and registration number of map preparer,
Acreage of subdivision to nearest tenth of an acre,
Number, dimension and size of lots,
Locations, grades, widths, total area, and names of internal and adjacent vehicular access ways and transit corridors,
Centerlines of existing streets, if available,
Location of future vehicular access ways indicated with a dotted line,
Widths, locations, and designations for all easements (sewage, trails, drainage, etc.),
Total area to be held in reservation for capital improvements,
Total length in feet along the centerline of all streets within the boundaries of the subdivision measured from intersection to intersection,
Approximate size, type and lineal footage of proposed water and sanitary sewer facilities,
Approximate size, type and lineal footage of proposed water and sanitary sewer facilities,
Dimensions, and locations of sidewalks and bicycle trails,
Location, number, and size of existing trees,
Present zoning and uses of the property,
Location of all structures (to scale),
Statement or map of existing adjoining land uses,
Location and size of all lands to be dedicated for public use,
Location and size of all common areas to be designated for private use,
Total area of parkland, trails, recreational areas, etc., with specific area calculation for each of the following:
Public area dedication,
Private areas,
Location, dimensions, boundaries, and direction of flow of all watercourses,
Boundaries of areas subject to storm water overflow or inundation,
Location of drainage easements,
Plan for handling stormwater,
Location and source of water supply and sewerage facilities,
Contour intervals of five feet for slopes ten percent or greater and two feet for slopes less than ten percent,
Proposed grading concept including pad elevations, slope ratios and street grades;
Such other information or matters as may be required by the Subdivision Committee.
Any of the foregoing requirements may be waived by the Subdivision Committee if it is found that a given requirement is not necessary in a particular instance or the clarity of the map would be impaired.
(Prior code § 30-13; Ord. 2004-882, § 4, 2004)
When a check map has been properly submitted and the subdivider has furnished the required number of copies, the Director of Planning shall forward one such copy thereof to the following in addition to the members of the Subdivision Committee:
Orange County surveyor;
The Health Officer of the County of Orange;
The Director of the Orange County Environmental Management Agency;
The Fire Warden of the County of Orange;
The school districts in which the proposed subdivision is located;
The District Engineer of the Division of Highways, Department of Public Works, state of California if a Federal or state highway or freeway is involved;
Any other public agency or officer having an interest in or jurisdiction with respect to the proposed subdivision;
Any agency which could serve the subject subdivision with utilities;
Appropriate community association and/or citizen groups.
The Subdivision Committee shall hold at least one meeting for each check map filed, and as many additional meetings as may be necessary, with the subdivider or his or her authorized agent. Such meetings shall be held for the purpose of submitting technical and factual reports to the subdivider and for the purpose of preparing a report and making recommendations to the Planning Commission.
If any person, officer, department, municipality, district, or agency does not report to the Subdivision Committee, in writing, within fourteen days after the check map has been delivered or placed in the mail directed to the designated address and bearing the proper postage, such check map shall be deemed to be approved by that person, officer, department, municipality, district, or agency.
When the Subdivision Committee has determined that a proposed tentative map complies with all applicable laws, ordinances, and regulations, except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the map shall be approved for filing. A meeting shall be held for such determination within twenty-two days from the date the check map is submitted to the Subdivision Committee. Said meeting shall be properly noticed as required by Government Code Section 65090 and 65091. The filing of a tentative map shall include the appropriate number of copies of the map as specified by the Director of Planning, together with any required accompanying material and the filing fee.
The Subdivision Committee through the Planning Department shall prepare a report to the Planning Commission for each tentative map. Any reports or recommendations on the tentative map that are submitted to the Planning Commission shall also be submitted, in writing, to the subdivider at least three days prior to final action on the map by the Planning Commission. This requirement shall be deemed to have been complied with when the Subdivision Committee report prepared by the Planning Department has been submitted to the subdivider or his or her agent, in person, or when it has been placed in the mail directed to the subdivider at his or her designated address and bearing the proper postage.
(Prior code § 30-13; Ord. 2004-882, § 4, 3004)
The Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing for the purpose of taking action on each tentative map. Notice of the time and place of said hearing, including a general explanation of the matter to be considered and including a general description of the area affected, shall be given at least ten calendar days before the hearing by publication at least once in a newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated in the city, or if there is none, by posting it in at least three public places in the City.
In addition to notice by publication, the City shall give notice by first class mail to any person who has filed a written request therefor with the Planning Commission. Such a request may be submitted at any time during the calendar year and shall apply for the balance of such calendar year. The City may impose a reasonable fee on persons requesting such notice for the purpose of recovering the cost of such mailing.
In addition, the City shall give notice of the hearing as required by Government Code Section 65090 and 65091.
In the event that the proposed subdivision map approval has been requested by a person other than the property owner as such property owner is shown on the last equalized assessment roll, the City shall also give mailed notice to the owner of the property as shown on the last equalized assessment roll.
(Prior code § 30-13; Ord. 2004-882, § 4, 2004)
The action of the Planning Commission shall be to approve, conditionally approve, or disapprove the tentative map as filed. Such action shall be final upon the expiration of the period provided for appeal unless appealed to the City Council.
The action of the Planning Commission may include conditional approval of a tentative map not in compliance with existing zoning regulations provided that said map complies with the zoning regulations adopted by ordinance by the City Council but not yet effective, or subject to the approval of a variance. Such action shall include a condition that a final map of the subject parcel of land shall not be recorded until the appropriate zoning regulations have become effective or the variance is approved.
(Prior code § 30-13; Ord. 2004-882, § 4, 2004)
In accordance with the provisions of Government Code Section 66498.1(b), when the Planning Commission approves or conditionally approves a vesting tentative map, that approval shall confer a vested right to proceed with development in substantial compliance with ordinances, policies and standards described in Government Code Section 66474.2. However, if Section 66474.2 is repealed, that approval shall confer a vested right to proceed with development in substantial compliance with the ordinances, policies and standards in effect at the time the vesting tentative map is approved or conditionally approved.
Notwithstanding subsection A above, the Planning Commission may condition or deny a permit, as approval, extension, or entitlement if it determines any of the following:
A failure to do so would place the residents of the subdivision or the immediate community, or both, in a condition dangerous to their health or safety or both;
The condition or denial is required in order to comply with state or Federal law.
(Prior code § 30-13; Ord. 2004-882, § 4, 2004)
Where a subdivider files a vesting tentative map for a subdivision whose intended development is inconsistent with the zoning ordinance in existence at that time, that inconsistency shall be noted on the map. The Planning Commission may deny such a vesting tentative map or approve it conditioned on the subdivider, or his or her designee, obtaining the necessary change in the zoning ordinance to eliminate the inconsistency. If the change in the ordinance is obtained, the approved or conditionally approved vesting tentative map shall, notwithstanding Section 66498.1 of the Subdivision Map Act and Section 17.08.060 of this chapter, confer the vested right to proceed with the development in substantial compliance with the change in the zoning ordinance and map, as approved.
The rights conferred by this section shall be for the time periods set forth in Section 17.08.160 of this chapter.
(Prior code § 30-13; Ord. 2004-882, § 4, 2004)
The public meeting and the action of the Planning Commission shall be made within fifty days after the tentative map has been filed, counting the day after the filing as the first day, except that such time limit may be extended by mutual consent of the subdivider and the Planning Commission.
If no action is taken within these time limits, the tentative map, as filed, shall be deemed to be approved insofar as it complies with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act, this chapter and any other ordinances applicable thereto.
(Prior code § 30-13; Ord. 2004-882, § 4, 2004)
The approval, conditional approval, or disapproval of the tentative map by the Planning Commission shall be reported, in writing, directly to the subdivider. This requirement shall be deemed to have been complied with when a report of the Planning Commission's action has been placed in the mail directed to the subdivider at his or her designated address and bearing the proper postage.
(Prior code § 30-13; Ord. 2004-882, § 4, 2004)
Any subdivider or record owner of property upon which a tentative map has been filed may withdraw such map at any time prior to the action thereon by the Planning Commission. Notice of withdrawal shall be made to the Planning Commission in writing. Upon receipt of such notice, the Planning Director shall notify each person, officer, department, municipality, district, or agency from which a report was requested when the tentative map was filed. Upon the completion of such notification the tentative map shall have been officially withdrawn.
(Prior code § 30-13; Ord. 2004-882, § 4, 2004)
Within a period of twenty-four months after the date of the approval or conditional approval of a tentative map by the Planning Commission, or the date upon which the City Council takes action on an appeal, if applicable, the subdivider may cause the subdivision, or portion thereof, to be surveyed, and a final map to be prepared and recorded in accordance with the tentative map as approved.
The period set forth above may be established as thirty-six months by the Planning Commission or City Council, in their sole discretion, provided the subdivider makes application therefor at the time of the filing of the tentative tract map. Upon application of the subdivider, filed prior to the expiration of the approved or conditionally approved tentative map, the time at which the map expires may be extended by the Planning Commission for a period or periods not exceeding a total of three years.
If the Planning Commission denies a subdivider's application for extension, the subdivider may appeal to the legislative body in accordance with Section 17.08.280(A).
The City Council, upon a duly adopted motion, may appeal any decision of the Planning Commission relating to the extension of a tentative map in accordance with Section 17.08.280(C).
An appeal by the City Council of the approval of an extension of a tentative map shall operate as a stay to the expiration of the tentative map. In granting an extension new conditions may be imposed and existing conditions reviewed and revised, consistent with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act and the provisions of this ordinance.
Notwithstanding the above, new conditions on extensions of vesting tentative maps shall be governed by Section 17.08.100 of this chapter and Government Code Section 66498.1.
(Prior code § 30-13; Ord. 92-721 § 2, 1992; Ord. 2004-882, § 4, 2004)
The time periods for approval or conditional approval of tentative maps set forth in Section 17.08.150 shall apply to vesting tentative maps. Rights conferred by vesting tentative map procedures shall expire if a final map is not approved prior to the expiration of the vesting tentative map. If the final map is approved within the time periods set forth in Section 17.08.150, the rights conferred by a vesting tentative map shall last for a time period not to exceed twelve months beyond the recording of the final map. Where several final maps are recorded on various phases of a project covered by a single vesting tentative map, the twelve-month time period shall begin for each phase when the final map for that phase is recorded.
The time period specified in subsection A of this section shall be automatically extended by any time used by the local agency for processing a complete application for a grading permit or for design or architectural review, if such processing exceeds thirty days from the date that a complete application is filed. At any time prior to the expiration of the initial time period provided by subsection A of this section the subdivider may apply for a one year extension. If the extension is denied by the Planning Commission, the subdivider may appeal that denial to the City Council within fifteen days.
If the subdivider submits a complete application for a building permit during the period of time specified in subsection A of this section the rights conferred by subsection A of this section shall continue until the expiration of that permit, or any extension of that permit granted by the local agency.
The time period set forth in subsection A of this section shall apply to vesting tentative maps prepared in connection with a parcel map except that the time periods specified in subsection A of this section and subdivision (g) and (h) of Government Code Section 66452.6 shall be determined from the recordation of the parcel map instead of the final map.
(Prior code § 30-13; Ord. 2004-882, § 4, 2004)
Any failure to record a final map within the time period specified by Section 17.08.130 of this section shall terminate all proceedings, and the approval or conditional approval action of the Planning Commission or the City Council shall be null and void. Before a final map may thereafter be recorded on the same parcel of land, a new tentative map shall be filed and approved in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
(Prior code § 30-13; Ord. 2004-882, § 4, 2004)
Prior to the expiration date of the approval or conditional approval of a tentative map, the subdivider may cause the proposed subdivision to be accurately surveyed, substantially in accordance with the approved or conditionally approved tentative map, and may file with the county surveyor a final map of the subdivision conforming in all particulars to the Subdivision Map Act and this chapter. A sufficient number of prints thereof as determined by the City Engineer to be necessary to furnish the several interested city departments and public agencies with a copy and for checking and filing purposes shall be submitted to the City Engineer for checking purposes.
(Prior code § 30-13; Ord. 2004-882, § 4; 2004)
Each final map shall be prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act and in addition shall comply with the following requirements either by reference on the map or attached thereto as supplemental materials.
(Prior code § 30-13; Ord. 2004-882, § 4, 2004)
Final parcel maps are to include:
The information required by Section 17.08.180 to the extent that it is to be included on the map;
Approximately three inches by three inches blank space near upper right-hand corner for recorder's stamp;
(a) "Sheet of," preferably in upper left-hand corner;
County surveyor's certificate, "Examined and approved this _______ day of _______. 20____.";
Show (name of city) or (unincorporated territory), County of Orange, State of California;
Blue border around exterior boundary line of land being divided, drafted on reverse side of linen and exterior side of boundary line, no space between lines. The blue border shall be the fee title line;
Basis of bearing, if based on a field survey. SAMPLE: "The bearings of N.O. @ 01°10″E. for the Centerline of Main Street as shown on Tract No. 7000, Misc. Maps 200/1-2, Records of Orange County, State of California."
Monument note or each monument described and referenced separately;
If five or more parcels are being created the following note shall be shown on the map: "This map is excluded from the requirements of a tentative and final tract map by Section 66426 (a, b, c, d) of the Subdivision Map Act." (If 66246 (c) is applicable, add the following: "… in that the property is zoned for industrial or commercial development");
In the event that the blue border of a parcel map encompasses more than one public entity (City-City) or (City-County), the appropriate officials of both entities must sign the map;
Show tentative map number beneath or adjacent to the RST number;
No lot or parcel shall be platted so as to be divided by a City or County boundary line;
Such other information or materials as may be required by the City Engineer. Any of the foregoing requirements may be waived or modified by the City Engineer if it is found that a given requirement is not necessary in a particular instance or the clarity of the map would be impaired.
(Prior code § 30-13; Ord. 2004-882, § 4, 2004)
Final tract maps are to include:
All requirements of Section 17.08.060(D) of this chapter;
Approximately three inches by three inches blank space near upper right-hand corner for recorder's stamp;
"Sheet of" preferably in the upper left-hand corner. An index sheet or sheets shall be used;
The following shall appear at the top of all sheets:
Engineer's or surveyor's name and number,
Acreage, number of lots and date,
The engineering firm name may be shown;
Show "City of Yorba Linda, County of Orange, State of California" at the top of each sheet;
Colored (blue) border on exterior boundary of land being subdivided, drafted on reverse side of linen and exterior side of boundary line, no space between lines;
Basis of bearings. SAMPLE: "The bearing of N.O.°01′10″E. for the Centerline of Main Street as shown on Tract 7000, Misc. 200/1-2, Records of Orange County, California.";
Monument note (preferably) or each monument described and referenced separately;
Sufficient monumentation shall be found and/or set to enable the survey to be retracted;
Show omitted signatures of parties having certain types of interests in the land being subdivided as indicated in the title report. If a public utility or public entity has an easement within the subdivision, the following phrase shall be added to the City Clerk's certificate: "and did also approve said map pursuant to Section 66436 of the Subdivision Map Act." However, if the City has an easement for street purposes within a street being dedicated on the tract map, said phrase is not required therefor;
Any lot or parcel that is being dedicated or granted for public use shall contain a designation of the specific public use;
Record lot dimensions of adjoining record maps shall be shown only if determined to be necessary by the Director of Planning;
Abutting street right-of-way lines and widths shall be shown. Abutting right-of-way width need not be shown if identical with interior blue border right-of-way width;
Regarding City limit lines: In the event that the blue border of a tract encompasses more than one public entity (City-City) or (City-County), the appropriate officials of both entities must sign the map;
All lot lines, block lines and boundary lines require a bearing and distance. No repetitive marks of any nature may be used;
Numbered lots shall be shown entirely on one sheet;
Alphabetical lots cannot be building sites and this fact shall be noted on the final map. Said lots are not required to be shown entirely on one sheet;
Regarding easements (existing or proposed):
The centerline data, width and sidelines of all easements within the subdivision shall be shown,
The easement lines shall be indicated as dashed lines,
Sufficient ties to definitely locate the easement shall be shown;
The centerline, half width and whole width of all streets, alleys, etc. shall be shown;
Such other information or materials as may be required by the City Engineer. Any of the foregoing requirements may be waived or modified by the City Engineer if it is found that a given requirement is not necessary in a particular instance or the clarity of the map would be impaired.
(Prior code § 30-13; Ord. 2004-882, § 4, 2004)
Each officer or department responsible for checking compliance of the final map with the approved or conditionally approved tentative tract map, shall report in writing to the Department of Public Works as to the compliance or noncompliance of the final tract map with all laws, as to matters coming under their jurisdiction, together with a statement of the changes necessary thereon to cause such map to comply with the law.
(Prior code § 30-13; Ord. 2004-882, § 4, 2004)
The evidence of title required by the provisions of Section 66465 of the Subdivision Map Act shall be a certificate of title or a policy of title insurance issued by a title company authorized by the laws of the state to write same, showing the names of all persons having any record title interest in the land to be subdivided, together with the nature of their respective interests therein.
(Prior code § 30-13; Ord. 2004-882, § 4, 2004)
Prior to the recordation of a final map, street names shall be approved by the Planning Director in accordance with the City's policy on street naming as adopted by the City Council.
(Prior code § 30-13; Ord. 2004-882, § 4, 2004)
Where a final tract map should be recorded for a portion of a tentative tract map, the final tract map shall contain a reference to the tentative tract map from which it is derived.
If a final tract map is to be recorded for the entire tentative tract map, the final tract map shall so state.
Where final tract maps have been recorded for portions of a tentative tract map, the final tract map for the final increment of the tentative map shall contain the same number as the tentative tract map.
(Prior code § 30-13; Ord. 2004-882, § 4, 2004)