Except where the context otherwise requires, the definitions given in this section shall govern the construction of this chapter.
"Motor vehicle"
means every self-propelled vehicle operated or suitable for operation on the highway.
means the use or possession or the right to the use or possession of any space for the parking of a motor vehicle or any other purpose in a parking facility. For the purpose of this chapter, it is presumed that any fee paid for valet service to park a motor vehicle is paid for the personal services of the valet and not the right to occupy a parking space.
means a person who, for a consideration, uses, possesses or has the right to use or possess any space for the parking of a motor vehicle in a parking facility under any lease, concession, permit, right of access, license to use or other agreement or otherwise, whether voluntarily or involuntarily. Occupant shall not include any person required to pay any valet or service labor charge in connection with the parking of motor vehicles on public or private property; however, occupant shall include any person required to pay a charge for the occupancy of parking space by another person by means of validation or otherwise.
means the person who conducts a parking facility, whether in the capacity of owner, lessee, mortgagee in possession, licensee or other service supplier or any other capacity. When the operator performs his or her functions through a managing agent of any type or character other than an employee, the managing agent shall also be deemed an operator for purposes of this chapter and shall have the same duties and liabilities as his or her principal.
"Parking facility"
means any outdoor space or uncovered plot, place, street, lot, parcel, yard or enclosure, or any portion thereof, or any building or structure, or any portion thereof, where or in which a motor vehicle may be parked, stored, housed or kept, for which any charge is made.
"Parking fee"
means the consideration charged, whether or not received, for the occupancy or use of space in a parking facility valued in money, whether received in money, goods, labor or otherwise, including all receipts, cash, credits and property and services of any kind or nature, without any deduction therefrom. Nothing shall be construed to mean that a parking fee is charged to the occupant of space in a parking facility for the sale of petroleum products, automobile parts or other tangible personal property, the rendering of services, including car wash services, totally unconnected with the use or occupancy of parking space, or where parking space is provided to the occupant as a compliment from the operator and where no consideration is charged to or received from any other person.
"Parking meter"
means any device which, when the recording device thereof is set in motion, or immediately following the deposit of any coin, shall register the period of time that any motor vehicle may be parked adjacent thereto.
means any natural person, partnership, joint venture, joint stock company, corporation, estate, trust, business trust, receiver, administrator, executor, assignee, trustee in bankruptcy, firm, company, association, club, syndicate, society, municipal corporation, the state of California, political subdivision of the state of California, the United States, instrumentality of the United States, or any group or combination acting as a unit, whether mutual, cooperative, fraternal, nonprofit or otherwise.
(Prior code § 6801; Ord. 206 § 1, 2000)
For the privilege of occupying space in any parking facility in the city, each occupant is subject to and shall pay a tax in the amount of 10% of the parking fee. The tax imposed by this chapter shall be paid upon any occupancy on and after May 11, 2000, although such occupancy is pursuant to a contract, lease or other arrangement made prior to such date. Where the parking fee is paid, or charged or billed, or falls due on either a weekly, monthly or other term basis, the parking fee so paid, charged, billed or fallen due shall be subject to the tax herein imposed to the extent that it covers any portion of the period occurring on or after May 11, 2000, and such payment, charge, bill or parking fee due shall be apportioned on the basis of the proration of the number of days covered thereby. In computing the tax herein imposed, the fractional part of one cent shall be disregarded unless it amounts to one-half of one cent or more, in which case the amount shall be increased to the next highest cent. The tax herein imposed constitutes a debt owed by the occupant to the city, which is extinguished by payment to the operator or the city.
(Prior code § 6802; Ord. 206 § 1, 2000)
Unless prohibited by the laws of the United States or the state of California or exempted by the provisions of this chapter, every occupant occupying parking space in a parking facility shall be required to pay the tax imposed herein to the operator along with the parking fee for occupancy. If the parking fee is paid in installments, or if an amount paid is less than the full amount of parking fee and tax accrued at the time of payment, a proportionate share of the tax shall be deemed to have been paid with each such payment or installment. Any unpaid tax shall be due upon the occupant's ceasing to occupy parking space in the parking facility. If for any reason the tax is not paid to the operator, the city clerk shall require that such tax shall be paid directly to the city. Payment of the tax to the operator does not relieve the occupant of liability for the tax to the city until the tax has been remitted to the city by the operator, unless the occupant has a receipt for the parking fee and tax issued by the operator.
(Prior code § 6803; Ord. 206 § 1, 2000)
Each operator shall collect the tax imposed by this chapter to the same extent and at the same time as the parking fee is collected from every occupant. In all cases in which the tax is not collected by the operator from the occupant, the operator shall be liable to the city for the amount of tax due on the amount of the taxable parking fee collected from the occupant under the provisions of this chapter the same as though the tax were paid by the occupant. The amount of tax shall be separately stated from the amount of the parking fee charged, and each occupant, upon demand, shall be given a receipt for payment. No operator shall advertise or hold out or state to the public or any occupant, directly or indirectly, that the tax or any part thereof will be assumed or absorbed by the operator or that it will not be added to the parking fee for the parking space, or that, if added, it or any part thereof will be refunded. When the managing agent collects parking fees and tax on behalf of his or her principal and deposits the same into the principal's account in a financial institution, such principal shall be responsible for reporting and remitting the tax to the city. It shall be the duty of the managing agent to provide the city clerk with the name and address of each principal who will be responsible for reporting and remitting the tax to the city. Compliance with the provisions of this chapter by either the principal or the managing agent shall be considered to be compliance by both. A person who qualifies as an operator shall not, by reason of being exempt from the tax imposed in this chapter, be exempt from the duties and liability of an operator imposed under this chapter.
(Prior code § 6804; Ord. 206 § 1, 2000)
No tax shall be imposed upon:
Any person as to whom or any occupancy as to which it is beyond the power of the city to impose the tax herein provided;
The parking fee for any occupancy of parking space in a parking facility which is paid by the deposit of a coin or coins in a parking meter owned or operated by the city and located adjacent to the parking space;
The parking fee for any occupancy of parking space in a parking facility which is part of residential or hotel premises if the occupant of the parking space is a resident of, or a registered guest for dwelling, lodging or sleeping purposes at, the premises for a period of at least a full calendar month or 30 or more consecutive calendar days, counting portions of calendar days as full days. Any occupant described in this subsection shall not be deemed exempt until the period of at least a full calendar month or 30 consecutive calendar days has expired unless there is an agreement in writing between the operator and the occupant providing for a period of occupancy of at least a full calendar month or 30 or more consecutive calendar days;
The parking fee for occupancy by a local resident of parking space in any parking facility, which space, as a condition of a city permit, is dedicated for occupancy exclusively by local residents.
(Prior code § 6805; Ord. 206 § 1, 2000)
On May 11, 2000, or within 15 days after commencing business, whichever is later, each operator of any parking facility providing parking space to occupants shall register each parking facility with the city clerk and obtain from him or her a parking occupancy registration certificate which shall be at all times posted in a conspicuous place on the premises. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the certificate for any unattended parking facility may be maintained at any other business location of the operator. The certificate shall among other things state the following:
The name of the operator;
The address of the parking facility;
The date upon which the certificate was issued; and
"This Parking Occupancy Registration Certificate signifies that the person named on the face hereof has fulfilled the requirements of Chapter 3.12 of the Malibu Municipal Code by registering with the city clerk for the purpose of collecting from parking space occupants the Parking Occupancy Tax and remitting said tax to the city clerk. This certificate does not constitute a business license or a land use permit or any approval for use of the premises."
(Prior code § 6806; Ord. 206 § 1, 2000)
Each operator shall, on or before the twenty-fifth day of the calendar month following each three-month period ending on the last day of August, November, February and May of each year, make a statement to the city clerk, on forms provided by him or her, of the total parking fees charged and received and the amount of tax collected for parking occupancies. At the time the statement is filed, the full amount of the tax collected, and tax not collected but required to be collected, shall be remitted to the city clerk. An operator shall not be required to remit to the city clerk any amount of tax not collected and not required to be collected from an occupant. Where the city clerk determines that efficiency in the administration of the tax would be prompted, he or she may establish reporting periods greater than quarterly, but not to exceed one year, to operators who provide parking space to occupants only occasionally or seasonally. The city clerk may establish shorter reporting periods for any certificate holder, if he or she deems it necessary in order to insure collection of the tax, and he or she may require further information in the statement. Statements and remittances of taxes are due immediately upon cessation of business for any reason, at which time the operator shall furnish the city clerk with the name and address of the successor operator. All taxes collected by operators pursuant to this chapter shall be held in trust for the account of the city until payment thereof is made to the city clerk.
(Prior code § 6807; Ord. 206 § 1, 2000)
Taxes collected or required to be collected by an operator which are not remitted to the city clerk on or before the due dates fixed in Section 3.12.070 of this chapter, or fixed by the city clerk as provided therein, are delinquent.
Interest and penalties for delinquency in remittance of any tax collected or required to be collected, or any deficiency determination shall attach and be paid by the operator at the rates and in the same manner as is provided in Sections 3.24.080 through 3.24.100 for delinquency in the payment of transient occupancy tax, except that a month shall commence on the twenty-sixth day of each calendar month and terminate on the twenty-fifth day of the succeeding calendar month.
The city clerk shall have the power to impose additional penalties upon an operator for fraud and negligence in reporting and remitting in the same manner and at the same rates as are provided in Section 3.24.080 for such penalties upon persons requested to pay transient occupancy tax.
Every penalty imposed and such interest as accrues under the provisions of this section shall become a part of the tax herein required to be remitted.
(Prior code § 6808; Ord. 206 § 1, 2000)
Whenever the city clerk determines that any tax is or may be due to the city under the provisions of this chapter, the city clerk may make and give notice of an assessment for such tax. The manner of making and providing notice of such assessment, the right to a hearing, the manner of providing for and conducting such hearing, the preparation and service of the decision, and the manner of filing and passing upon exceptions shall be the same as are provided in Section 3.24.120.
(Prior code § 6809; Ord. 206 § 1, 2000)
It shall be the duty of every operator for the collection and payment to the city of any tax imposed by this chapter to keep and preserve, for a period of four years, all records as may be necessary to determine the amount of such tax as he or she may have been liable for the collection of and payment to the city, which records the city clerk shall have the right to inspect at all reasonable times.
(Prior code § 6810; Ord. 206 § 1, 2000)
Whenever the amount of any tax has been overpaid or paid more than once or has been erroneously or illegally collected or received by the city under this chapter, it may be refunded as provided in this section. Except as otherwise provided in this section, refunds of overpaid taxes shall be made in the same manner as is provided in Section 3.24.120 for refunds of overpayments of transient occupancy tax.
An operator may claim a refund or take as credit against taxes collected and remitted the amount overpaid, paid more than once or erroneously or illegally collected or received when it is established in a manner prescribed by the city clerk that the person from whom the tax has been collected was not liable for the tax; provided, however, that neither a refund nor a credit shall be allowed unless the amount of the tax so collected has either been refunded to such person or credited to rent subsequently payable by such person to the operator.
An occupant may obtain a refund of taxes overpaid or paid more than once or erroneously or illegally collected or received by the city by filing a claim in the manner provided in Section 3.24.120, but only when the tax was paid by the occupant directly to the city clerk, or when the occupant having paid the tax to the operator, establishes to the satisfaction of the city clerk that the occupant has been unable to obtain a refund from the operator who collected the tax.
No refund shall be paid under the provisions of this section unless the claimant establishes his or her right thereto by written records showing entitlement thereto.
(Prior code § 6811; Ord. 206 § 1, 2000)
Any tax required to be paid by any occupant under the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed a debt owed by the occupant to the city. Any such tax collected by an operator which has not been paid to the city shall be deemed a debt owed by the operator to the city. Any person owing money to the city under the provisions of this chapter shall be liable to an action brought in the name of the city for the recovery of such amount. Any operator who undertakes legal action to recover any unpaid parking fee from an occupant may include the amount of tax due from the occupant in the amount sought to be recovered.
(Prior code §6812; Ord. 206 § 1, 2000)
The proceeds from the parking occupancy tax shall be used for general city purposes.
(Prior code § 6813; Ord. 206 § 1, 2000)