The purpose of the special event permit is to allow for occasional large events in residential neighborhoods, while preserving the predominately residential character of the neighborhood. Large events shall be regulated so as to avoid incompatibility between such uses and surrounding areas.
(Ord. 322 § 1, 2008)
It is unlawful for any person to conduct or hold in any residence or on any residential property any special event requiring a special event permit as provided in this chapter without such a permit. A special event permit issued by the city prior to the commencement of the event shall be required for all of the following events on property located in any RR, SF, MF, MFBF, MH, or (Malibu Coast Estate) PD zone:
Any event anticipating or prepared to accommodate 100 or more persons; or
Any event with any commercial component such as an admission fee, renting of facility, public advertising, or promoting a product in the media by inviting persons who wear or display a product or products for the purpose of attracting media attention to such products at the event, such as to attract the attention of the paparazzi; or
Any event held at a location that is being rented for a period of 30 days or fewer qualifies as a special event if 15 or more people are anticipated to attend.
A special event permit shall not be issued for an event of more than eight hours in duration.
(Ord. 322 § 1, 2008; Ord. 406 § 2, 2016)
A resident of the city may obtain from the city a maximum of four special events permits per calendar year per parcel in order to conduct a special event at the resident's residence pursuant to the provisions of this section. Properties with outstanding code enforcement violations are not eligible for special event permits unless a compliance agreement between the city and the property owner exists that addresses a resolution to the violation.
Requirements. A complete application for special event permit shall consist of the following:
An application, in a form as approved by the city, completely filled out and signed by applicant and property owner;
Filing fee;
Site plan, including the location of all temporary structures, access onto the site, and parking areas;
A written description detailing the type and nature of the event, the date and hours of the event and information on how noise, garbage, sanitation, dust and traffic will be managed; and
An affidavit signed by the applicant attesting that he or she is the person hosting the special event.
(Ord. 322 § 1, 2008; Ord. 406 § 2, 2016)
The city manager, or his or her designee, shall issue a permit for special events that meet the requirements of this chapter within 10 business days of receipt of a complete application. The city manager may impose conditions on the permit to protect against the event becoming a nuisance to the surrounding neighborhood due to the number of people in attendance, the amount of traffic to be generated, the type and volume of amplified music or entertainment to be utilized and other similar considerations. Conditions shall take into account the size of the residential property, the capacity of the street on which it is located, the availability of parking and the proximity to neighbors.
Ten days prior to the event, or on the date of permit issuance, whichever is later, the event host or property owner(s) shall post a notice of special event provided by the city in a conspicuous location on the property that is visible from the adjacent street. The notice may be mounted to the exterior of the building, mailbox, fences, or mounted on a stake. The notice shall state the time, location and nature of the event, and applicant name and phone number.
Should a special event be held without a special event permit, or be in violation of the special event permit conditions, no special event permits will be issued for the property for a period of six months from the date of violation. An additional six-month restriction period will be imposed for each subsequent special event permit violation.
(Ord. 322 § 1, 2008; Ord. 406 § 2, 2016; Ord. 409 § 2, 2016)