The increased complexity of onsite wastewater treatment systems (OWTS), changes in treatment technology, and the need to protect groundwater and watershed areas make it essential that qualified professionals design, install, maintain and operate, and manage wastewater residuals of these systems and to create uniform requirements for these professional practitioners.
Registration of practitioners will establish an administrative framework and standards for practitioners in the field of onsite wastewater treatment system design, siting, installation, inspection, operation and maintenance, and residuals management. This program is an essential part of the local agency management program for enforcement of the Statewide OWTS Policy and State Water Resources Control Board's Regional Water Basin Plan.
(Ord. 435 § 5, 2018)
For purposes of this chapter, the following words and terms have the following meaning:
"Certificate holder"
means the person who is appropriately registered as an onsite wastewater treatment system practitioner with the city.
means the successful completion of course work and testing by a third party entity as evidence by a certificate of completion.
"Conventional onsite wastewater treatment system"
means an onsite wastewater treatment system comprised of a two-compartment septic tank for primary treatment and dispersal in leaching trenches, leaching beds, leaching chambers, or seepage pits. Effluent will flow to the trenches by gravity, or may be pumped to the dispersal system.
means the obtainment of the appropriate state of California licensing as a contractor, a registered civil engineer, a registered professional geologist, or a registered environmental health specialist.
"Malibu Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems Manual (Malibu OWTS Manual)"
means the document developed, maintained and amended, as needed from time to time, by the city of Malibu containing guidelines for implementation of onsite wastewater treatment system regulations.
"Onsite wastewater treatment system" or "OWTS"
means a system, or series of systems, of pipes, tanks, trenches, seepage pits and other components used for the collection, treatment and subsurface dispersal of wastewater. This term is synonymous with private sewage disposal systems, as used in the California Plumbing Code. OWTS do not include "graywater" systems pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 17922.12.
"Operating permit"
means the administrative document issued by the administrative authority authorizing the initial and/or continued use of an OWTS in conformance with the provisions of this code.
"Operation, monitoring, and maintenance (OM&M)"
means regular inspection, monitoring, and service provided to onsite wastewater treatment systems to ensure the system is properly functioning and to ensure their long-term viability.
means any individual, corporation, association, firm, organization, partnership, or company.
"Registered OWTS designer"
means a person approved by the city to perform site evaluations and design OWTS who meets the requirements for registration as specified in this chapter.
"Registered OWTS inspector"
means a person approved by the city to inspect the condition and operation of onsite wastewater treatment systems who meets the requirements for registration in this chapter.
"Registered OWTS installer"
means a person approved by the city to install onsite wastewater treatment systems who meets the requirements for registration as specified in this chapter.
"Registered OWTS operation, monitoring, and maintenance (OM&M) specialist"
means a person approved by the city to perform operation, monitoring, and maintenance assessments and routine maintenance of OWTS who meets the requirements for registration as specified in this chapter.
"Registered residuals manager (pumper)"
means a person approved by the city to pump septic tanks, wastewater treatment tanks, and pump chambers having met the requirements for registration as specified in this chapter.
means the successful completion of course work and testing by a third party entity as evidenced by a certificate of completion.
"Site evaluation"
means an assessment of the characteristics of the site sufficient to determine its suitability for an OWTS to meet the requirements of this code. Site evaluations shall be in accordance with procedures and criteria established in the Malibu OWTS Manual.
"Supplemental (advanced) treatment OWTS"
means any additional treatment, so that the effluent meets a predetermined performance requirement prior to discharge of effluent into the dispersal field.
means sewage that is designated as "blackwater" and/or "graywater."
means wastewater contaminated with human wastes, generally originating from toilets. It includes, but is not limited to, wastewater discharges from water closets, toilets, urinals, kitchen sinks, food preparation sinks, or other similar fixtures alone or in combination with other wastewater.
means wastewater, exclusive of blackwater or industrial waste, deposited into plumbing drainage system or exiting directly from wastewater generating appliances. It includes, but is not limited to, wastewater discharges from washing machines, bathtubs, showers, bathroom washbasins, and laundry tubs. Kitchen sinks shall be considered blackwater for the purposes of this chapter.
(Ord. 435 § 5, 2018)
This chapter shall apply to all OWTS within the city regardless of design flow, strength, or other state or local regulatory requirements.
(Ord. 435 § 5, 2018)
Registered Wastewater Residuals Management Requirements (OWTS Pumpers).
It is unlawful for any person to engage in wastewater residuals removal (pumping) from any septic tank, distribution box, dispersal area; including, but not limited to, leach fields and seepage pits, a chemical or portable toilet, or the removal of any other accumulations of sewage, without first having obtained a registered wastewater residuals management certificate from the city.
Upon pumping any septic tank, distribution box, dispersal area, including, but not limited to, leach fields and seepage pits, a chemical or portable toilet, or the removal of any other accumulations of sewage, pumpers shall complete a "septage pumping report" (report), using a reporting format prescribed by the city. All septage pumping reports shall be submitted to the city on a monthly basis on or before the 15th of the following month. The city may request specific reports seeking additional information which shall be provided within three business days. At any time any septic tank, distribution box, dispersal area, including, but not limited to, leach fields and seepage pits is pumped three or more times during any 180 day period or when pumping is required to eliminate the discharge of septage or effluent onto the ground or into a structure, such activity shall be reported to the city within 24 hours in a "septage pumping report."
Any person seeking registered status with the city as a registered wastewater residuals management entity (pumper) shall file and maintain a current mailing address with the city, and shall agree that correspondence and notices may be sent to the stated addresses from the city. Address verification and correspondence and notice agreement shall be filed with the city on the OWTS practitioner address form.
Requirements for initial registered wastewater residuals management (pumper) registration and for the re-registration when the registration has lapsed without renewal shall include the following:
The pumper shall demonstrate to the city that the vehicles used to pump and transport septage meet the following requirements:
Are registered with the state of California Department of Motor Vehicles; and
Are registered with the county of Los Angeles Department of Public Health and/or Ventura County Environmental Health Division and maintained in full compliance with all of their requirements; and
All outer contact surfaces and fittings shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition while stored or in transit; and
All discharge valves shall be in good repair, free from leaks and fitted with water-tight caps; and
The name of the operating person shall be prominently displayed on the sides of any pump tank vehicle.
The pumper shall provide the city with a list of all proposed authorized disposal sites that will be used for the deposition of any septage or holding tank wastes for approval by the city. The specific site used for each pumping shall be indicated on the septage pumping report per subsection (A)(2) of this section.
The pumper applicant shall successfully complete a written and/or field examination of the applicant's knowledge of residuals handling principles and the rules, regulations, laws, and ordinances affecting public health and safety with respect to the pumping and disposal of OWTS residuals. The examination may be administered by the city or by a third party approved by the city. Satisfaction of this requirement shall be demonstrated to the city by certification of successful completion of the examination.
Requirements for pumper registration renewal shall include the following:
The pumper shall renew the registration prior to the date of the registration's expiration;
The pumper shall provide the city with an opportunity to inspect pump vehicles and demonstrate compliance with the requirements of this section; and
The pumper shall demonstrate to the city a minimum annual attendance of three hours of educational courses approved by the city. Acceptable educational courses must have a curriculum associated with the pumping, handling, and disposal of OWTS residuals. Six hours of the required class time may be averaged over two consecutive years, and may be demonstrated to the city by certification of course completion provided by the instructor, sponsor, or institution of said educational course.
Pumper registration shall remain valid for two consecutive years and may be renewed. A pumper's registration shall not be transferable.
Registered Onsite Wastewater Treatment System Installer Requirements (OWTS Installer).
It is unlawful for any person to engage in the construction, alteration, repair or modification of an OWTS within the city of Malibu, without first obtaining a registered OWTS installer certificate from the city.
Any person seeking registered status with the city as an OWTS installer shall file and maintain a current mailing address with the city, and shall agree that correspondence and notices may be sent to the stated addresses from the city. Address verification and correspondence and notice agreement shall be filed with the city on the OWTS practitioners address form.
Requirements for initial registered OWTS installer registration and for re-registration when the registration has lapsed without renewal shall include the following:
The registered OWTS installer applicant shall successfully complete a written and/or field examination of the applicant's knowledge of OWTS principles and the rules, regulations, laws, and ordinances affecting public health and safety with respect to the installation of OWTS. The examination may be administered by the city or by a third-party entity approved by the city. Satisfaction of this requirement shall be demonstrated to the city by certification of successful completion of the examination; and
The registered OWTS installer applicant shall provide verification to the city of the applicant's state of California contractor's license status as a Class A (general engineering contractor) or Specialty C-42 (sanitation system contractor) licensed in accordance with the provisions of the California Business and Professions Code; and
The registered OWTS installer applicant shall provide sufficient evidence to the city demonstrating a minimum of two years' experience in the installation of OWTS. Acceptable evidence includes the time in possession of a valid California contractor's license as described in subsection (B)(3)(b), or by providing documentation evidencing employment with a registered installer for a period of time not less than two years.
Requirements for Registered OWTS Installer Certificate Renewal.
The OWTS installer shall renew the registration prior to the date of the registration's expiration; and
The OWTS installer shall demonstrate to the city a minimum annual attendance of four hours of educational courses approved by the city. Acceptable educational courses must have a curriculum associated with the function, design, and construction of advanced and/or conventional OWTS. Eight hours of the required class time may be averaged over two consecutive years, and may be demonstrated to the city by certification of course completion provided by the instructor, sponsor, or institution of said educational course.
OWTS installer registration shall remain valid for two consecutive years and may be renewed. An OWTS installer's certificate shall not be transferable.
Registered Onsite Wastewater Treatment System Designer Requirements (OWTS Designer).
It is unlawful for any person to engage in the design of conventional and/or advanced OWTS or portions thereof, including site evaluation, within the city of Malibu, without first obtaining a registered onsite wastewater treatment system designer certificate from the city.
Unless pre-empted by state law, statutes, or regulations, the following registered and/or licensed professionals shall be eligible to apply to the city for registration as an OWTS designer:
California registered civil engineer;
California registered professional geologist;
California registered environmental health specialist.
Unless such a requirement is preempted by state law, statutes, or regulations, and notwithstanding subsection (C)(2) of this section, other qualified persons may be considered, on a case-by-case basis, for registered OWTS designer status when their education, knowledge and experience is determined by the city to provide an equivalent basis for registration and all other requirements of this section are met. Equivalency in education, knowledge and experience shall be determined by the city as follows:
Provisional Registration. An applicant for registration as an OWTS designer that meets all the requirements of this section other than those requirements specified in subsection (C)(2) of this section, shall be provisionally registered by the city when evidence is provided demonstrating a minimum of two years' experience actively designing advanced OWTS under the supervision of a city registered system designer or California registered professional engineer;
Full Registration. A provisionally registered OWTS designer that meets all the requirements of this section other than those requirements specified in subsection (C)(2), shall be fully registered by the city when five or more advanced OWTS designs have been submitted to the city and the OWTS construction of these designs has been overseen by the provisionally registered OWTS designer in a manner that demonstrates to the city competency in the discipline of supplemental treatment system design and compliant onsite wastewater treatment system installation control.
Any person seeking registered status with the city as a registered OWTS designer shall file and maintain with the city a current mailing address, and shall agree that correspondence and notices may be sent to the stated addresses from the city. Address verification and correspondence notice agreement shall be filed with the city on the onsite wastewater treatment system practitioner address form.
Requirements for initial registered OWTS designer application and for re-registration when the registration has lapsed without renewal shall include the following:
The registered OWTS designer applicant shall provide documentation to the city of the applicant's current licensure and/or registration status as required in subsection (C)(2); and
The registered OWTS designer applicant shall successfully complete a written and/or field examination to assure knowledge of OWTS principles and the rules, regulations, laws, and ordinances affecting the public health and safety with respect to the design of OWTS. The examination(s) may be administered by the city or by a third-party entity approved by the city; and
The registered OWTS designer applicant shall provide verification to the city of either:
The demonstration of successful completion of a third-party training program for OWTS design, and/or operating, monitoring, and maintenance administered by a third-party entity approved by the city, or
Documentation of two years' experience working with a city registered designer.
Requirements for registered OWTS designer certification renewal shall include the following:
The registered OWTS designer shall renew the registration prior to the date of the certificate's expiration; and
The registered OWTS designer shall demonstrate to the city an ongoing minimum annual attendance of eight hours of classes approved by the city dealing with subject matter related to application, design, and construction of OWTS. Sixteen hours may be averaged over two consecutive years. Attendance may be demonstrated to the city by certification of completion provided by the instructor or sponsor of said educational activity.
Registered OWTS designer certificates shall remain valid for two consecutive years and may be renewed. A registered OWTS designer's certificate shall be nontransferable.
Registered Operation, Monitoring, and Maintenance (OM&M) Specialist Requirements.
It is unlawful for any person to engage in the operating, monitoring, and maintenance of any OWTS within the city of Malibu, without first having obtained a registered operation, monitoring, and maintenance (OM&M) specialist certificate from the city.
Registered OM&M specialists shall complete a maintenance record form for each monitoring and/or maintenance operation conducted on an OWTS. The maintenance record form shall be provided to the city within 15 days of the completion of the monitoring and/or maintenance operation performed.
Registered OM&M specialists shall provide notification to the city within 15 days of any termination of service.
Any person seeking registered status with the city as a registered OM&M specialist shall file and maintain a current mailing address with the city, and shall agree that correspondence and notices may be sent to the stated addresses from the city. Address verification and correspondence and notice agreement shall be filed with the city on the onsite wastewater treatment system registered practitioner address form.
Requirements for initial registered OM&M specialist application and for re-registration when the registration has lapsed without renewal shall include the following:
The registered OM&M specialist applicant shall successfully complete a written examination and certification by a third-party entity approved by the city or, in the event that a third-party entity is not available, successful passage of a written examination provided by the city, demonstrating the applicant's knowledge of OWTS principles and the rules, regulations, laws, and ordinances affecting the public health and safety with respect to OWTS; and
The registered OM&M specialist applicant shall provide verification to the city of at least one of the following:
A minimum of two years' experience providing operational oversight and maintenance of advanced OWTS within the city evidenced by maintenance contracts,
A minimum of two years' experience working with a registered OM&M specialist, or
A minimum two years' experience working as a registered OWTS designer, or
A letter of reference from a recognized manufacturer of supplemental treatment system equipment attesting to the applicants qualifications to operate and maintain advanced OWTS.
Requirements for OM&M specialist certificate renewal shall include the following:
The OM&M specialist shall renew the registration prior to the date of the registration's expiration;
The OM&M specialist shall demonstrate to the city a minimum annual attendance of eight hours of classes dealing with subject matter related to application, design, construction, operation, monitoring, and/or maintenance of OWTS provided by an approved third-party entity. Sixteen hours may be averaged over two consecutive years, and may be demonstrated to the city by certification of completion provided by the instructor or sponsor of said educational activity.
OM&M specialist registration shall remain valid for two consecutive years and may be renewed. An OM&M specialist's certificate shall not be transferable.
Registered Onsite Wastewater Treatment System Inspector Requirements (OWTS Inspector).
It is unlawful for any person to engage in the inspection of an OWTS within the city of Malibu without first obtaining a registered onsite wastewater treatment system inspector certificate from the city.
Any person seeking registered status with the city as a registered OWTS inspector shall file and maintain a current mailing address with the city, and shall agree that correspondence and notices may be sent to the stated addresses from the city. Address verification and correspondence and notice agreement shall be filed with the city on the onsite wastewater treatment system practitioner address form.
Requirements for initial registered OWTS inspector registration and for re-registration when the registration has lapsed without renewal shall include the following:
The registered OWTS inspector applicant must be a California certified engineering geologist, a California registered professional geotechnical engineer, a California registered civil engineer, a California registered environmental health specialist, or a California licensed contractor with an A or C-42 license. The applicant must maintain this status in good standing with the issuing entity and in accordance with the provisions of the California Business and Professional Code. A valid copy of the registration and/or license shall be provided to the city with the application. The registration and/or licensure must be maintained at all times and a current copy must be on file with the city; and
The OWTS inspector applicant must attend OWTS inspection training presented by the city for the understanding and use of the city's official inspection form for OWTS and the city's "Guidelines for the Inspection of OWTS"; and
The OWTS inspector applicant shall pass an examination prepared and administered by the city of Malibu or a third-party entity approved by the city. The OWTS inspector exam shall be designed to establish the fitness of the applicant for certification to assess the condition and function of OWTS and to determine whether maintenance, repair, or replacement of system components is necessary to bring the system into compliance with current city guidelines for OWTS. Evidence of successful completion of the examination shall be provided to the city with the application; and
The OWTS inspector applicant shall be required to maintain his or her accreditation with the city approved training entity according to that entity's specific guidelines. City accreditation shall be renewed every two years.
Requirements for Inspector Registration Renewal.
The OWTS inspector shall renew the registration prior to the date of the registration's expiration; and
The OWTS inspector shall demonstrate to the city a minimum annual attendance of four hours of educational courses approved by the city. Acceptable educational courses must have a curriculum associated with the function, design, construction, and inspection of advanced and/or conventional OWTS. Eight hours of the required class time may be averaged over two consecutive years, and may be demonstrated to the city by certification of course completion provided by the instructor, sponsor, or institution of said educational course.
Registered OWTS inspector certificate shall remain valid for two consecutive years and may be renewed. An inspector's certificate shall not be transferable.
(Ord. 435 § 5, 2018)
A certificate holder's registration may be suspended by the city for a period not to exceed 90 days for incompetency, negligence, misrepresentation, or for failure by the certificate holder to comply with any other requirement of this chapter. The city shall serve the certificate holder with a notice of registration suspension by certified mail, return receipt requested, or by an express delivery service requiring confirmation of receipt. Service of notice shall be effective upon mailing. The notice shall state, in writing, the reasons for which the registration is subject to suspension and shall advise the certificate holder that the suspension will become effective 15 calendar days from the date of service, unless a written request for administrative review is filed with the city following the procedure specified in subsection D of this section.
A certificate holder's registration may be revoked by the city for a period of one year for serious or repeated violations of any of the requirements of this chapter. The city shall serve the certificate holder with a notice of registration revocation by certified mail, return receipt requested, or by an express delivery service requiring confirmation of receipt. Service of notice shall be effective upon mailing. The notice shall state, in writing, the reasons for which the registration is subject to revocation and shall advise the certificate holder that the revocation will become effective 15 calendar days from the date of service, unless a written request for administrative review is filed with the city following the procedure specified in subsection D of this section.
Any certificate holder whose registration has been revoked may not reapply until one year has elapsed from the date of revocation and shall be required to take the written examination again prior to issuance of a new certificate.
Administrative Review.
Any certificate holder whose registration is subject to suspension or subject to revocation by the city may file a request for administrative review. The request must be in writing and filed with the city on or before the fifteenth (15th) calendar day following service of the city's notice of suspension or revocation. The request for administrative review must state both the legal and factual bases in support thereof, and must include at a minimum the requested modification(s), if any, of the notice together with a summary of the issues, facts and legal authorities to be raised at the hearing. In the absence of a timely filed request that complies fully with the requirements of this section, the findings of the city contained in the notice shall be deemed true and correct.
Upon timely receipt of a request for administrative review that complies with the requirements of this section, the city shall refer the matter to an administrative hearing officer to conduct a hearing. The administrative hearing officer shall be selected pursuant to the protocol set forth in that document entitled the "City of Malibu Administrative Hearing Officer Program for Onsite Wastewater Treatment System Practitioners" on file in the office of the city clerk. Notice of the hearing shall be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, or by express delivery service requiring confirmation of receipt of the certificate holder filing the request for the administrative hearing. The notice shall state the date, time and place of the hearing which in no event shall be sooner than 10 calendar days from the date of the mailing, unless otherwise agreed to by the requesting party and the city.
Any administrative hearing conducted under this section need not be conducted according to technical rules relating to evidence and witnesses. Any relevant evidence shall be admitted if it is the type of evidence on which responsible persons are accustomed to rely in the conduct of serious affairs, regardless of the existence of any common law or statutory rule that might make improper the admission of the evidence over objection in civil actions.
The administrative hearing officer shall issue a written decision that shall include findings to support the decision. The hearing officer shall issue his or her decision within 15 calendar days after the hearing is concluded. The hearing officer may extend this time to 30 calendar days at his or her discretion. The written decision is final upon the date it is mailed by first-class mail, postage prepaid, including a copy of the certificate of mailing to the certificate holder.
(Ord. 435 § 5, 2018)
The amount of the fees for an application for all registered OWTS practitioners shall be established by resolution of the city council.
(Ord. 435 § 5, 2018)
In addition to any criminal, civil or other legal remedy established by law that may be pursued to address violations of the Malibu Municipal Code, violations of the provisions of this chapter are subject to the administrative penalty provisions of Chapter 1.10.
(Ord. 435 § 5, 2018)