The CV-1 district is intended to provide for visitor serving uses, including motels and bed and breakfast inns, which serve visitors and residents which respect the rural character and natural environmental setting.
(Prior code § 9265; Ord. 151 § 15, 1996)
The following uses and structures are permitted in the CV-1 district:
All permitted uses and activities set forth in Section 17.24.020 (CC district);
Retail stores selling the following:
Recreational equipment and clothes,
Souvenirs and jewelry;
Other uses determined by the planning director to be of a similar nature to uses permitted in this district.
(Prior code § 9266; Ord. 151 § 15, 1996)
The following uses may be permitted subject to obtaining a conditional use permit:
All conditionally permitted uses set forth in Section 17.24.030 (CC district) of this title except for construction services and public or private educational institutions:
Citywide, the total floor area dedicated to educational uses, among all parcels zoned CC, shall not exceed 25,000 square feet. This total shall not include any legal nonconforming uses that were operating at the time of adoption of the ordinance codified in this chapter;
Convenience stores, including ice cream and refreshment stands and fixed location outdoor vending activities;
Motels and bed and breakfast inns.
(Prior code § 9267; Ord. 151 § 15, 1996; Ord. 173 § 6, 1998; Ord. 301 § 4(C), 2006)
All new lots created in the CV-1 district shall comply with the provisions of Section 17.24.040.
In addition to the regulations contained in this chapter, all uses in the CV-1 district shall be subject to the applicable standards located in the following chapters:
Chapter 17.40: Property Development and Design Standards;
Chapter 17.48: Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements;
Chapter 17.52: Signs;
Chapter 17.62: Development Permits;
Chapter 17.66: Conditional Use Permits;
Chapter 17.72: Variances;
Chapter 17.68: Temporary Use Permits;
Chapter 17.70: Demolition Permits.
(Prior code § 9268; Ord. 151 § 15, 1996)