The OS district establishes provisions for passive recreational activity and enjoyment and preservation of the city's natural resources. This district primarily addresses public beaches and state and regional parks within the city boundaries.
(Prior code § 9275; Ord. 86 § 3, 1993)
The following uses are permitted in the OS district:
Public beaches and parks.
(Prior code § 9276; Ord. 86 § 3, 1993)
The following uses may be permitted subject to obtaining a conditional use permit.
Wireless telecommunications antennae and facilities (pursuant to Chapter 17.46) provided, that the applicant establishes that it is not feasible to locate such antenna and/or facility on any other nonresidentially zoned property (other than recreational vehicle park zoning districts);
Emergency communication and service facilities;
Public utility facilities provided that the facilities are ancillary to the Civic Center wastewater treatment facility, including, but not limited to, injection wells, generators, and pump stations.
(Prior code § 9277; Ord. 155 § 12, 1996; Ord. 193 § 7(2)(9), 1999; Ord. 393 § 6, 2015)