The PRF district is intended to provide for private recreational facilities whose members receive membership through deeded rights, property rights, or membership.
(Prior code § 9285; Ord. 151 § 21, 1996)
The following uses and structures are permitted in the PRF district:
Expansion up to 500 square feet of existing buildings provided the expansion conforms to the provisions of Chapter 17.40;
The following uses provided no new construction or expansion over 500 square feet is involved:
Private recreational facilities whose members receive membership through deeded rights, property rights, or membership;
Wireless telecommunications antennae and facilities (pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 17.46 and Section 17.62.040) that comply with the most restrictive design standards set forth in Section 17.46.070.
(Prior code § 9286; Ord. 151 § 21, 1996; Ord. 155 § 15, 1996)
The following uses may be permitted subject to obtaining a conditional use permit:
Any permitted use involving new construction or expansion over 500 square feet;
Wireless telecommunications antennae and facilities (pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 17.46);
Emergency communication and service facilities.
(Prior code § 9287; Ord. 151 § 21, 1996; Ord. 155 § 16, 1996; Ord. 193 § 7(2)(11), 1999)
All new lots created in the PRF district shall comply to the following criteria:
Minimum lot area: .5 acre.
Minimum lot width: 80 feet.
Minimum lot depth: 125 feet.
In addition to the regulations contained in this chapter, all uses in the PRF district shall be subject to the applicable standards located in the following chapters:
Chapter 17.40: Property Development and Design Standards;
Chapter 17.48: Parking Requirements;
Chapter 17.52: Sign Standards;
Chapter 17.62: Development Permits;
Chapter 17.66: Conditional Use Permits;
Chapter 17.72: Variances;
Chapter 17.68: Temporary Use Permits;
Chapter 17.70: Demolition Permits.
(Prior code § 9288; Ord. 151 § 21, 1996)