The PD District is intended to provide for a mix of residential and recreational development consisting of five single-family residences and 1.74 acres of recreational area located east of Malibu Bluffs Park and south of Pacific Coast Highway. The PD District consists of the land designated as Assessor Parcels Numbers (APNs) 4458-018-019, 4458-018-002, and 4458-018-018 known as Malibu Coast Estate.
(Ord. 398 § 6, 2015)
Lot numbers are as identified on Malibu Coast Estate Planned Development Map 1. The following uses and structures are permitted:
Lot Nos. 1—5.
One single-family residence per lot.
Accessory uses (one second unit or guest house per lot, garages, swimming pools, spas, pool houses, cabanas, water features, gazebos, storage sheds, private non-illuminated sports courts, noncommercial greenhouses, gated driveways, workshops, gyms, home studios, home offices, and reasonably similar uses normally associated with a single-family residence, as determined by the planning director).
Domestic animals, kept as pets.
Lot No. 6. Uses and structures maintained by either the owners of Lots 1—5 or the homeowners' association formed to serve the residential development within Malibu Coast Estate, including a guard house, private access road, gates (including entry gates), fencing, visitor parking, landscaping, guardhouse parking, community utilities, informational and directional signage, private open space, lighting and wastewater treatment facilities serving uses within Malibu Coast Estate.
Lot No. 7.
Parks and public open space, excluding community centers.
Active and passive public recreational facilities, such as ball fields, skate parks, picnic areas, playgrounds, walkways, restrooms, scoreboard, sport court fencing, parking lots, and reasonably similar uses as determined by the planning director. Night lighting of recreational facilities shall be prohibited, except for the minimum lighting necessary for public safety.
Onsite wastewater treatment facilities.
(Ord. 398 § 6, 2015)
All new lots created in Malibu Coast Estate shall comply with the following criteria.
Lot Nos. 1—5.
Minimum lot area: 113,600 square feet (2.60 acres).
Minimum lot width: 115 feet.
Minimum lot depth: 480 feet.
Lot No. 6.
Minimum lot area: 125,700 square feet (2.88 acres).
Minimum lot width: 625 feet.
Minimum lot depth: 100 feet.
Lot No. 7.
Minimum lot area: 75,640 square feet (1.74 acres).
Minimum lot width: 460 feet.
Minimum lot depth: 100 feet.
(Ord. 398 § 6, 2015)
The following development standards shall replace the corresponding development standards (Sections 17.40.040 and 17.40.080) for Malibu Coast Estate. All requirements of the zoning ordinance, including, but not limited to, Section 17.40.030 that are consistent with the criteria listed below shall remain in effect for those parcels in Malibu Coast Estate.
Lot Nos. 1—5.
Development Footprint and Structure Size (Replaces corresponding standards in LIP Section 3.6(K)).
The total development square footage (TDSF) on each of Lot Nos. 1—5 shall not exceed the following square footage per lot:
Lot 1—10,052 square feet.
Lot 2—9,642 square feet.
Lot 3—9,434 square feet.
Lot 4—9,513 square feet.
Lot 5—10,990 square feet.
Combinations of Basements, Cellars and/or Subterranean Garages. If any combination of basements, cellars, and/or subterranean garages is proposed, the initial 1,000 square feet of the combined area shall not count toward TDSF. Any additional area in excess of 1,000 square feet shall be included in the calculation of TDSF at ratio of one square foot for every two square feet proposed.
Covered areas, such as covered patios, eaves, and awnings that project up to six feet from the exterior wall of the structure shall not count toward TDSF; if the covered areas project more than six feet, the entire covered area (including the area within the six-foot projection) shall be included in TDSF.
The development footprint on each lot (Lot Nos. 1—5) shall substantially conform to that indicated on Malibu Coast Estate Planned Development Map 1. Structures on Lot 5 shall be set back a minimum of 190 feet from the edge of the bluff as identified on Malibu Coast Estate Planned Development Map 1 in order to ensure that impacts to public views of the eastern Malibu coastline as seen from Malibu Bluffs Park are minimized. The structural setback on Lot 5 does not apply to at-grade improvements or low profile above-grade improvements for accessory uses not to exceed 10 feet in height.
Setbacks (Replaces corresponding standards in Section 17.40.040).
Front yard setbacks shall be at least 20% of the total depth of the lot measured from the property line abutting the street, or 65 feet, whichever is less. However, the front yard setback for Lot 5 shall be at least 43 feet.
Side yard setbacks shall be cumulatively at least 25% of the total width of the lot but, in no event, shall a single side yard setback be less than 10% of the width of the lot.
Rear yard setbacks shall be at least 15% of the lot depth.
Parkland setbacks in LIP Section 3.6(F)(6) shall not apply.
Structure Height (Replaces corresponding standards in Section 17.40.040).
Every residence and every other building or structure associated with a residential development (excluding chimneys), including satellite dish antenna, solar panels and rooftop equipment, shall not be higher than 18 feet, except the easternmost approximately 2,500 square feet of the residence on Lot 2 and the south-western corner of the residence on Lot 5 shall not be higher than 15 feet, as indicated on Malibu Coast Estate Planned Development Map 1 of the LIP. Height is measured from natural or finished grade, whichever is lower.
Mechanical equipment, including screens may not exceed roof height. Roof-mounted mechanical equipment shall be integrated into the roof design and screened.
In no event shall the maximum number of stories above grade be greater than two. Basements and subterranean garages shall not be considered a story.
Grading (Replaces corresponding standards in Section 17.40.040).
Notwithstanding other provisions of this code, all grading associated with the berm, ingress, egress, including safety access, shall be considered exempt grading.
Non-exempt grading shall be limited to 2,000 cubic yards per lot.
Net export shall be limited to 3,500 cubic yards per lot.
Impermeable Coverage, Landscaping, and Berm.
The impermeable coverage requirement in Section 17.40.040 shall apply.
In addition to the requirements of Section 17.40.040, site landscaping shall be designed to minimize views of the approved structures as seen from public viewing areas, including the use of native trees to screen approved structures. Landscaping and trees shall be selected, sited, and maintained to not exceed 25 feet.
A natural-looking earthen berm that is four feet in height (except for the northernmost 30 foot long portion on Lot 1 that shall be no less than two feet in height) above finished grade shall be constructed along the east side of all approved structures on Lots 1 and 2 to minimize views of the development from downcoast public viewing locations. The location and height of the berm shall substantially conform to that indicated on the Malibu Coast Estate Planned Development Map 1 of the LIP. The berm shall be vegetated with lower-lying native species that blend with the natural bluff landscape.
Parking (In addition to the parking standards of Section 17.40.040).
Two enclosed and two unenclosed parking spaces. The minimum size for a residential parking space shall be 18 feet long by 10 feet wide.
One enclosed or unenclosed parking space for a guest unit or second unit.
Colors and Lighting (In addition to the standards of LIP Section 6.5(B)).
Structures shall be limited to colors compatible with the surrounding environment and landscape (earth tones), including shades of green, brown, and gray with no white or light or bright tones. The color palette shall be specified on plans submitted in building plan check and must be approved by the planning director prior to issuance of a building permit. All windows shall be comprised of non-glare glass.
Lighting must comply with LIP Section 6.5(G).
Permit Required. To insure the protection of scenic and visual resources in accordance with the provisions of the LCP, any future improvements to structures or significant changes to landscaping beyond that authorized by the coastal development permit (CDP) for each residential lot (Lots 1—5), which would ordinarily be exempt from a CDP pursuant to LIP Section 13.4.1, shall be subject to a new CDP or permit amendment.
Lot No. 6.
Structure Size. The total development square footage of all structures shall not exceed 180 square feet. The development footprint (gate and guardhouse) shall substantially conform to that indicated on Malibu Coast Estate Planned Development Map 1.
Buildings, not including projections permitted in Section 17.40.050, shall maintain a minimum setback of 50 feet from all property lines.
Parkland setbacks in LIP Section 3.6(F)(6) shall not apply.
Structure Height.
Structure height shall not exceed 12 feet, as measured from natural or finished grade, whichever is lower.
In no event shall the maximum number of stories above grade be greater than one.
A basement, cellar or subterranean garage shall not be permitted.
Grading (Replaces corresponding standards in Section 17.40.040).
Notwithstanding other provisions of this code, all grading associated with ingress, egress, including safety access, shall be considered exempt grading.
Non-exempt grading shall be limited to 1,000 cubic yards.
Net export shall be limited to 2,500 cubic yards.
Impermeable Coverage (Replaces corresponding standard in Section 17.40.040). The impermeable coverage requirement in Section 17.40.040 shall not apply. Up to 44,000 square feet of impermeable coverage shall be permitted.
Parking (In addition to the parking standards of Section 17.40.040). The guardhouse shall not have more than two parking spaces to be used for on duty guards and one additional parking space for service parking. Parking within the property boundaries shall not be located on or obstruct fire department access.
Colors and Lighting.
Structures shall be limited to colors compatible with the surrounding environment and landscape (earth tones), including shades of green, brown, and gray with no white or light or bright tones. The color palette shall be specified on plans submitted in building plan check and must be approved by the planning director prior to issuance of a building permit.
Lighting must comply with LIP Section 6.5(G).
Lot No. 7.
Site Design. Grading, setbacks, and facility siting shall be designed to meet the operational programs of the park as defined in the City of Malibu Parks Master Plan. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, grading in all new parks shall be limited to not more than 1,000 cubic yards per acre, except that grading required for sports fields and skate parks designed to accommodate commonly accepted facility dimensions shall be exempt from these limitations. The facility shall be designed to minimize noise, lighting impacts and disruption to nearby residents.
Parking (In addition to the parking standards of Section 17.47.030). Adequate parking shall be provided to serve the proposed recreational uses. Parking shall be determined by a parking study prepared by a registered traffic engineer and based upon the proposed recreational uses. The planning director shall have the authority to determine the appropriateness of studies or other information used in determining the parking to be required. Where appropriate, off-site parking may be provided and may be counted towards satisfying the on-site parking requirement as long as sufficient parking is provided to serve existing and proposed public access and recreation uses and any adverse impacts to public access and recreation are avoided.
Fencing. With the exception of skate park and sport court fencing and backstops, fences and walls shall not exceed eight feet in height. The fencing and backstops design and materials shall take into consideration view and vista areas, site distance, and environmental constraints.
Temporary Uses. Temporary uses shall be in accordance with LIP Section 13.4.9 and the temporary use permit process contained within Chapter 17.68.
(Ord. 398 § 6, 2015)