The purpose and intent of the following is to provide development standards which balance the city's goal to provide active and passive recreational amenities while also protect the city's unique natural resources.
(Ord. 310 § 4(B), 2007)
Parks, as defined in Section 17.02.060, shall be permitted in all zoning districts subject to approval of a conditional use permit.
(Ord. 310 § 4(B), 2007)
Site Design. Grading, setbacks, and facility siting shall be designed to meet the operational programs of the park as defined in the city of Malibu parks master plan. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, grading in all new parks shall be limited to not more than 1,000 cubic yards per acre, except that grading required for sports fields designed to accommodate commonly accepted facility dimensions shall be exempt from these limitations. This shall not include removal of natural scenic amenities, including large stands of trees, rock outcroppings, ravines and swales and removal of site defining topographic features. This standard recognizes that recreational trails are an integral part of parks and that park facilities may be visible from recreational trails. The facility shall be designed to minimize noise and disruption to nearby residents.
Parking. The parking requirement for parks shall be flexible and shall be determined during the conditional use permit process. The planning manager shall have the authority to determine the appropriateness of studies or other information used in determining the parking to be required. Where appropriate, off-site parking may be provided and may be counted towards satisfying the on-site parking requirement.
Fencing. With the exception of ball field fencing and backstops, fences and walls shall not exceed six feet in height. The fencing and backstops design and materials shall take into consideration view and vista areas, site distance, and environmental constraints.
Temporary Uses. Temporary uses shall be in accordance with the temporary use permit process contained within Chapter 17.68.
Permitted Activities. Parks may include uses which accommodate a wide variety of age and user groups, including children, adults, the elderly and special populations. Interpretive facilities are encouraged within these parks. With the exception of limited use by adult and youth sports teams, parks are not intended to be used for programmed activities that result in excessive noise, congestion or parking that could negatively impact adjacent residences.
(Ord. 310 § 4(B), 2007)