This chapter assures the provision of adequate off-street parking facilities in conjunction with any residential use or development. These standards should be considered the minimum required to preserve the public health, safety, and welfare, and more extensive parking provisions may be warranted in particular circumstances.
(Prior code § 9330; Ord. 86 § 3, 1993)
The number of spaces noted in the zone district development standards shall be the minimum requirement for uses and developments in the respective district.
(Prior code § 9331; Ord. 86 § 3, 1993)
Parking shall be provided in accordance with the list of uses under this section. Where the standards result in a fraction, the next larger whole number shall be the number of spaces required. For additions to existing development, the increased parking requirement shall be based only on the addition. A minimum of two spaces shall be provided for any use or development regardless of the size or scope of the use or development. The minimum size for a residential parking space shall be 18 feet long by 10 feet wide. If the specific use is not listed in the following table, the parking requirements listed in each zone district shall apply.
Parking Standards
A. Residential Units.
Emergency shelters
For each 10 adult beds, one space plus one additional space per employee on the largest shift.
Large residential care facility
For every two beds, one space and one space for every employee
In addition, one off-street parking space for each outside employee shall be provided and maintained.
Multifamily units
For each efficiency dwelling unit, two spaces which (market rate) shall be either enclosed or covered. For each one-bedroom or two-bedroom unit, three spaces, two of which shall be enclosed. For each additional bedroom above two, one space which shall be enclosed or covered. Guest parking for each four units or fraction thereof, one space.
Multifamily units
For each efficiency or one-bedroom dwelling unit, (affordable) one space. For each two-bedroom or three- bedroom unit, two spaces, inclusive of guest parking. For each four-bedroom or larger unit, two and one-half spaces. Guest parking for each four units or fraction thereof, one space.
Single-room occupancy
For two units, one space inclusive of guest parking. Resident manager parking, two spaces.
Small residential care facility
For each facility, two enclosed and two unenclosed spaces.
B. Visitor-Serving Commercial Uses.
Two spaces for each room, plus one space for the average, per-shift number of employees, plus one space for each 100 square feet of gross floor area used for consumption of food or beverages, or public recreation areas, plus one space for each five fixed seats, or for every 35 square feet of assembly area where there are no fixed seats in meeting rooms or other assembly areas.
Motel or motor hotel
One space for each keyed room, plus one space for the average, per-shift number of employees
Boarding/lodging houses, student housing, dormitories, and fraternity/ sorority houses
Two spaces for each three guest rooms, plus two spaces for each dwelling unit. In dormitories, each 100 square feet of gross floor area shall be considered equivalent to one guest room.
C. Educational and Cultural Uses.
Elementary and junior high
Two spaces for each classroom.
High school, including auditoriums and stadiums on the site
Seven spaces for each teaching station.
College or university, including auditoriums and stadiums on the site
.85 spaces for each full-time equivalent, less the number of space provided to serve on-campus housing facilities in accord with this schedule.
Business, professional or trade schools
One space for each faculty member or employee, plus one space for each three students based upon the maximum number of students attending classes at any one time during any 24-hour period.
Day nurseries and preschools
One space for each employee, plus one space for each five children or one space for each 10 children where a circular driveway is provided for the continuous flow of passenger vehicles (for the purpose of loading and unloading children) and which accommodates at least two such vehicles.
Libraries, museums, and art galleries
One space for each 250 square feet of gross floor area.
D. Places of Assemble and Recreational Uses.
Theater, auditorium, arena or stadium, except when part of a school or institutional
One space for each three fixed seats or for every 21 square feet of seating area where there are not fixed seats, plus one space for each two employees.
One space for each three fixed seats or for every 21 square feet of seating area where there are no fixed seats.
Chapels, mortuaries or funeral homes
One space for each three fixed seats or for every 21 square feet of seating area where there are no fixed seats in the main chapel, plus one space for each 350 square feet of gross floor area outside the main chapel.
Dance halls, pool and billiard parlors, skating rinks, exhibition and assembly halls without fixed seats, community centers, health clubs, lodge and union halls
One space for each three persons allowed with the maximum occupancy load as established by local building code, or one space for each 72 square feet of gross floor area, whichever is greater, plus one space for each employee.
Bowling alley
Five spaces for each lane.
Golf driving range, public
One and one-half spaces for each 10 linear feet of driving range or one space per tee, whichever is greater.
Golf course, regulation, public
Eight spaces for each hole, plus one space for each employee.
Golf course, miniature or 3 par, public
Two spaces for each hole, plus one space for each employee.
Swimming pool, commercial
One space for each 100 square feet of water surface, plus one space for each employee, but not less than 10 spaces for any such use.
Tennis, handball, and racquetball courts, public
Two spaces for each court.
Private golf course, country club, swim club, tennis club, recreation center and other similar uses
One space for each four persons allowed within the maximum occupancy load as established by building code, plus one space for each two employees.
One space for every five horses.
E. Medical and Health Uses.
Convalescent and nursing homes, homes for the aged, resthomes and sanitariums
One space for every four beds or One space for every dwelling unit, whichever is greater, plus one space for each employee.
One space for each two patient beds, plus One space for each employee.
Dental and medical offices or other similar uses
One space for each 150 square feet of gross floor area.
Veterinary hospitals and clinics
One space for each 300 square feet of gross floor area.
F. Office Uses.
Commercial bank, savings and loan offices, other floor financial institutions, public or private utility office, mutual ticket agency, other similar window service offices
One space for each 225 square feet of gross floor area of the main non-bank uses within a bank structure shall provide parking pursuant to specific use guidelines.
General office and other business, technical service, administrative, or professional offices
One space for each 250 square feet of gross floor area.
G. Business and Commercial Uses.
Beauty shop or barber shop
Three spaces for each of the first two beauty or barber chairs, plus one and one-half spaces for each additional chair.
Other personal service establishments, including cleaning or laundry agency or similar use
One space for each 250 square feet of gross floor area.
General retail stores, except as otherwise provided
One space for each 225 square feet of gross floor area.
Shopping centers
Five space for each 1,000 square feet of gross floor area within the center, or spaces as required for each individual use within the center. To qualify for the "shopping center" criteria (5/1000) a well balanced mixture of uses within the center must be demonstrated. Where there is an imbalance of high intensity uses, restaurants, theater, bowling alleys, billiard parlors, beauty schools and other such uses and/or long-term parking uses, parking calculations will be based totally or in part on an individual basis.
Food store, grocery store, supermarket, or similar use
One space for each 225 square feet of gross floor area.
Restaurants, night clubs, bars and similar establishments for the sale and consumption of food or beverages on the premises
One space for each 50 square feet of service area.
Drive-in and window service restaurants providing outdoor eating area or walk-up or drive-up window service
One space for each 50 square feet of gross floor area, but not less than 10 spaces for any such use. The above may be modified for walk-up facilities with no seating area (and beach-front walk-up seating) depending upon the particulars of the individual case.
Laundromats and coin operated cleaners
One space for each two machines.
Automobile service stations
Two spaces for each lubrication stall, rack, or pit, plus one space for each gasoline pump outlet.
Auto wash, except self-service
Reservoir (line-up) parking equal to five times the capacity of the auto wash. In determining capacity, each 20 linear feet of wash line shall equal one car length.
Auto wash, self-service
Five spaces for each two wash stalls.
Furniture store, appliance store, machinery rental or sales store (excluding motor vehicle rental or sales), and similar establishments which handle only bulky merchandise
One space for each 500 square feet of gross floor area, except floor area used exclusively for storage of loading, plus one space for each 500 square feet of outdoor sales, display or service area.
Commercial service, establishments, repair shops, motor vehicle repair garages, and similar establishments
One space for each 500 square feet of gross floor area, except floor area used exclusively for storage or loading, plus one space for each 500 square feet of outdoor sales, display or service area.
Automobile, truck, boat, trailer or similar vehicle shops, motor vehicle sales or rental establishment
One space for each 500 square feet of gross floor area, except floor area used exclusively for storage or loading, plus one space for each 1,000 square feet of outdoor sales, display or service area.
Wholesale establishments, mail order houses, printing and publishing establishments, and cartage or express facilities
One space for each 500 square feet of gross floor area, but not less than five spaces, plus one space for each employee.
Lumber yard
One space for each 500 square feet of gross floor area, plus one space for each 1,000 square feet of outdoor sales, display or service area, plus one space for each two employees.
Contractor's storage yard, salvage yard, junk yard, automobile wrecking yard
Five spaces, plus one space for each employee.
Retail plant nursery, garden shop including greenhouses or lathhouses, or similar outdoor sales and display
Five spaces, plus one space for each 500 square feet of outdoor sales, display or service area.
H. Manufacturing and Related Uses.
Manufacturing or industrial establishment, including offices and other incidental operations on the same site
One space for each 350 square feet of gross floor area, but not less than three spaces for each four employees.
Laboratories and research establishments
One space for each 300 square feet of gross floor area, but not less than three spaces for each four employees.
Warehouses or storage building
One space for each one thousand square feet of gross floor area, but not less than one space for each employee.
Public utility facilities, including electric, gas, water, telephone, and telegraph, facilities not having business offices on the premises
One space for each employee, but not less than two spaces for each such facility.
(Prior code § 9332; Ord. 86 § 3, 1993; Ord. 93 § 57, 1993; Ord. 151 § 12, 1996; Ord. 179 § 7(2), 1998; Ord. 222 § 3(B), 2001; Ord. 449 § 8, 2019)
The planning commission may permit the joint use of parking facilities to meet the standards for certain mixed uses under the following conditions:
Up to one-half of the parking facilities required for a primarily daytime use may be used to meet the requirements of a primarily nighttime use and up to one-half of the parking facilities required for a primarily nighttime use may be used to meet the requirements of a primarily daytime use; provided, that such reciprocal parking arrangement shall comply with subsection C of this section.
The planning commission may reduce parking requirements for common parking facilities by up to 25% in shopping centers or other commercial areas where a parking lot with common access and joint use is provided.
The parties concerned shall show that there is no substantial conflict in the principal operating hours of the building or uses for which the joint use is proposed and shall evidence agreement for such use by a proper legal instrument, to which the city is a party.
(Prior code § 9333; Ord. 86 § 3, 1993)
The following development standards shall apply to all parking areas with six or more spaces:
Required parking facilities shall be on the same lot as the structure they are intended to serve, except that with proper legal agreement, the planning commission may approve parking on a separate lot. In no event shall required parking be farther than 300 feet from the use it is required to serve. This distance shall be measured along a legal and safe pedestrian path from the parking space to the nearest entrance of the building or use for which the parking is required.
The required parking spaces may be located in interior side and rear setbacks. Except for schools and public safety facilities, no parking space, either required or otherwise, shall be located in any required front or street-side setback area, unless regulations provide otherwise.
Access. There shall be a minimum 10 foot wide, three-inch thick, asphaltic or cement concrete, paved, vehicular accessway from a public street or alley to off-street parking facilities.
Where a parking area abuts or is across the street from a residential district, it shall be separated therefrom by a solid masonry wall not less than 42 inches in height. The planning commission may waive this wall requirement if additional setback and screening planting, or landscaped berms are to be provided.
Where a parking area is across the street from a residential district, there shall be a border of appropriate landscaping not less than five feet in depth, measured from the street right-of-way line, along the street frontage.
Parking areas shall be screened from view from all designated highways.
Layout and Paving.
Parking areas shall provide for a 25 foot outside turning radius within the facility and a 30 foot outside turning radius into public alleys.
Except in residential parking facilities with less than six spaces, parking spaces shall be arranged so that vehicles need not back onto or across any public sidewalk.
Off-street parking facilities shall be designed so that a vehicle within the parking facility shall not be required to enter a street to move from one location to any other location within that parking facility. Separate noncontiguous parking facilities may be provided with independent entrances for employee and visitor parking, provided the use of each lot is clearly identified on proposed plans and at the entrances to each lot.
No dead end parking aisles serving more than five stalls shall be permitted unless the aisle is provided with a turnaround area installed in a manner meeting the approval of the director.
Tire stops shall be provided within all parking areas.
All parking areas shall be surfaced with asphaltic or cement concrete paving which is at least three inches thick or permeable paving of comparable load-carrying capacity and durability.
Parking stalls shall be at least nine feet by 20 feet minimum, and shall be marked with lines or indicated with special paving materials. The access lanes shall be clearly defined and shall include directional arrows to guide internal movement traffic. Compact parking spaces are permitted, but shall not exceed 20% of the total number of required spaces. Compact stalls shall be a minimum of eight feet by 15 feet six inches and shall be marked for compact use only.
Off-street parking facilities shall be designed so that provision is made, to the satisfaction of the director, for the accommodation of vans, motorcycles, and bicycles.
A landscaped planter bed of at least five feet in width with a six-inch high cement concrete berm shall be installed along the entire perimeter except for those areas devoted to perpendicular accessways.
A minimum of five percent of the paved parking area shall be devoted to interior planting areas. Extensive use of trees is encouraged. All planting areas shall be at least three feet wide. Perimeter planting shall not be considered part of this required interior planting.
Where topography and gradient allow, parking lots should be depressed and/or screened from view by landscaped berms and hedges.
Where trees already exist on the property, the design should make the best use of this growth and shade. Such trees shall be protected by a tree well with a diameter sufficient to insure their continued growth.
Planting areas should be distributed throughout the lot as evenly as possible, but variations from this pattern may be granted by the director when a different pattern would result in the overall aesthetic improvement of the project. Innovation in design and materials is encouraged.
Wherever a center divider separates parking stalls facing each other, tree wells shall be established not more than 50 feet apart for large trees (exceeding 20 feet spread at maturity), or not more than 30 feet for small and medium-sized trees.
All plantings shall be permanently and regularly maintained free of debris and in conformity with the accepted practices for landscape maintenance.
Required landscaping shall be irrigated with greywater, where feasible.
Lighting. Lighting, where provided to illuminate a parking area, shall be hooded and so arranged and controlled so as not to cause a nuisance either to highway traffic or to adjacent properties.
Usability. The required off-street parking facilities and driveways shall not be used for any purpose other than as required by this chapter. Unless otherwise provided by an approved use permit, no owner or tenant shall lease, rent or otherwise make such required parking available to any person who does not occupy the premises for which the parking is required.
Seasonal or Peak Parking Areas. With the approval of the planning commission, the above development standards may be waived or conditionally waived for a portion of the required parking spaces where applicant can show that such spaces are required only on a periodic basis.
(Prior code § 9334; Ord. 86 § 3, 1993; Ord. 93 §§ 58, 59, 1993; Ord. 373 § 6, 2013)
The following off-street loading spaces shall be provided and continuously maintained and shall be not less than 10 feet in width, 20 feet in length, and with 14 feet of vertical clearance:
Total Square Feet of Building Space
Loading Spaces Required
1. Commercial buildings (gross floor area)
105,001 and over
2. Commercial outdoor sales (gross area)
105,001 and over
3. Institutional (gross floor area)
110,001 and over
When the lot upon which the loading spaces are located abuts an alley, such loading spaces shall adjoin or have access from the alley. The length of the loading space may be measured perpendicular to or parallel with the alley. Where such loading area is parallel with the alley and the lot is 50 feet or less in width, the loading area shall extend across the fill width of the lot. The length of a loading area need not exceed 50 feet for any two spaces.
Loading space required by this section may occupy a required rear or interior side setback, but not a required front or street side setback. Where the loading is permitted in a setback, the setback may be used in calculating the area required for loading, providing that there be no more than one entry or exit for each 60 feet of lot frontage or fraction thereof.
All loading spaces shall be separate, striped spaces in addition to the required parking spaces not within a required parking lot drive, backout space or aisle; except, that for commercial buildings with a gross floor area of less than 15,000 square feet, the loading space may be within a parking lot drive, backout space or aisle.
No loading space shall be located on a dead end driveway, accessway, aisle, or alley unless a turn-around circle with a minimum radius of 90 feet is provided adjacent to the loading space.
(Prior code § 9335; Ord. 86 § 3, 1993; Ord. 93 §§ 60, 61, 1993)
Definitions. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 17.02.060 of this title, for the purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases are defined as follows:
means lying within 75 feet of a specified object or location.
means an object, natural or man-made, other than a bollard, which is used to obstruct the passage of motor vehicles and separate pedestrian and vehicular traffic. Natural objects may include large trees or boulders.
means a vertical post designed and used to obstruct the passage of motor vehicles and separate pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
"Existing parking lot"
means a parking lot that was legally established prior to March 28, 2016.
"Outdoor pedestrian seating area"
means any area where outdoor seating for dining, resting, or other purposes of congregation, is provided for shopping center or other employees or patrons. Outdoor pedestrian seating areas shall include, but not be limited to, areas such as fountains, concrete benches, or sculptures which may not be intended for outdoor seating purposes but which are or foreseeably may be utilized for purposes of seating or congregation.
"Vehicle impact protection device"
means a device that is designed, engineered, and sited so as to effectively separate areas of pedestrian and vehicular travel and prevent automobiles from encroaching into areas which are solely intended for pedestrian use and travel; vehicle impact protection devices shall be comprised of bollards or barriers.
Vehicle Impact Protection Devices Required. Vehicle impact protection devices shall be required for parking spaces that are angled between 30 to 90 degrees relative to any outdoor pedestrian seating area that is adjacent to the head of the parking space; the requirement to install vehicle impact protection devices shall apply to all commercial uses.
Exemptions. The installation of vehicle impact protection devices shall not be required in the locations specified in subsection B above if:
The parking spaces that require vehicle impact protection devices are reconfigured or restriped to eliminate front-end parking angled between 30 to 90 degrees relative to an adjacent outdoor pedestrian seating area.
The outdoor pedestrian seating area is permanently removed or relocated so that it is no longer adjacent to parking spaces that are angled between 30 to 90 degrees.
In the opinion of the city's building official, adequate grade separation exists between the parking lot and the outdoor pedestrian seating area requiring protection; however, in no event shall the grade separation be less than 36 inches, nor shall the area of grade separation be comprised of a non-vertical wall, a ramp or stairs.
In an existing parking lot, only a portion (no more than half) of a parking space abuts the outdoor seating and the angle of the parking does not allow a vehicle approach that points the front of the vehicle at the unprotected portion of the seating.
Exceptions. This section shall not apply to bollards or barriers which are voluntarily installed and maintained and which are not otherwise required by subsection B above.
Performance Standard. All vehicle impact protection devices shall be engineered and determined to be in compliance with the low-speed vehicle impact testing standards F3016 (S20 or S30) prescribed by ASTM International. Compliance with the ASTM F3016 S20 or S30 standard shall be confirmed and certified by a bollard manufacturer or licensed professional engineer and reviewed for conformance by the city's building official. If the vehicle protection device is not S-rated, an analysis of the site conditions, approach routes, topography and type of proposed vehicle impact protection device(s), including size and depth of footings, shall be submitted showing the vehicle impact device(s) to be equivalent to an S20 or S30 standard.
Specifications for Vehicle Impact Protection Devices. Vehicle impact protection devices may take the form of bollards, barriers, or a combination of both as provided below:
Location. Vehicle impact protection devices shall be located between the parking space and the beginning of the adjacent outdoor pedestrian seating area to be protected. In no instance shall a bollard be located further than five feet from the head of the parking space. Minor exceptions to this requirement are allowed if a professional engineer attests that based on the approach of the vehicle, there is no possibility that the vehicle can miss the vehicle impact protection device. Barriers may be offset and staggered in terms of relative distance from the head of the parking space and each other in order to create a more unique aesthetic and to avoid a monolithic appearance; however, in no instance shall a barrier be located further than 12 feet from the head of the parking space. Except for curbs, no structures or other obstructions shall be located between the head of the parking space and the vehicle impact protection devices.
Bollards shall:
Be spaced so that two bollards are provided for each parking space required to have the device; and
Be centered within the width of a standard parking space and spaced between 54 inches and 60 inches apart from one another as measured from the outer perimeter of each bollard. In the case of parking spaces that are either compact or legal-non-conforming in width, a distance of less than 54 inches may be permitted between bollards; however, in no instance shall the distance from the bollard to the outside parking space limit line exceed 30 inches.
Barriers shall be designed and located so as to provide protection that is equivalent or superior to that provided by bollards. Gaps between barriers shall not exceed 54 inches. Barriers may be placed in staggered or offset rows along and between parking spaces requiring the vehicle impact protection device and the adjacent outdoor pedestrian seating area, so long as any gap between barriers does not exceed 54 inches.
Bollards shall be set with the top of the device not less than three feet and not greater than four feet in height as measured from finished grade immediately adjacent to the perimeter of the bollard.
Barriers shall be set with the top of the device not less than three feet in height as measured from finished grade immediately adjacent to the perimeter of the barrier.
All vehicle impact protection devices shall be:
Vertical relative to grade; and
Stainless steel, earth tone colored, black, grey, bronze, a concrete finish or another color determined to be appropriate by the planning commission or planning director, as applicable. Yellow, orange, or red vehicle impact protection devices shall not be allowed unless strictly required for safety purposes by the Fire Code or other state or federal law.
Installation and Maintenance. All vehicle impact protection devices shall be:
Installed in a manner consistent with the building code.
Maintained, repaired, and replaced as needed to prevent rust, corrosion or damage and to maintain structural integrity. Use and replacement of protective or decorative sleeves as bollard covers shall be allowed consistent with all provisions in this section.
Sign Poles Located within Five Feet of the Head of a Parking Space Shall be Mounted on a Vehicle Impact Protection Device. Any sign pole which is taller than 36 inches in height, and which is located within five feet of the head of the parking space that is required by this section to have a vehicle impact protection device, shall be securely mounted or affixed to a vehicle impact protection device in a manner that prevents it from detaching in the event it is impacted by a vehicle. The vehicle impact protection device, pole and sign shall be centered at the head of the parking space. The exception to this requirement is when the sign pole is located between required vehicle impact protection device(s) and pedestrian outdoor seating in such a manner that the device(s) would prevent a vehicle from hitting the sign pole.
Conflicts with Other Laws. In the event the terms of this section or its application to a particular parking lot would cause a parking lot not to comply with a provision of federal or state law or another provision of the municipal code, the provisions of this section shall be applied in a manner intended to carry out the provisions of both federal and state law, other provisions of this code and the requirements of this section to the maximum extent feasible. When there is an irreconcilable conflict between the provisions of this section and the provisions of federal or state law or the provisions of this code, the provisions of federal or state law or the other provisions of this code shall prevail over the provisions contained in this section only to the extent necessary to avoid a violation of those other laws or code provisions.
Minor Adjustments. The planning commission may approve minor modifications to any of the vehicle impact protection standards contained in this section to accommodate for the location of above-ground or underground utilities, other existing or planned features of the development, or any other constraints or limitations towards compliance with the provisions established by this section; provided, that the modifications achieve protections which are functionally equivalent to those intended by this section; the planning director shall have the same discretion and authority to modify the vehicle impact protection standards herein for administrative permit applications. In addition, in existing parking lots, the planning commission and planning director shall have the discretion to allow minor adjustments to the length of a parking space to accommodate a bollard or barrier.
Application of Ordinance to Legal Nonconforming Parking Lots. Notwithstanding the provisions in Chapter 17.60 (Nonconforming Structures and Uses) of this title and subsection H of this section, a property owner shall comply with the requirements of Section 17.48.070 by June 1, 2018. A property owner may apply for an extension of this deadline by submitting a request to the planning director 30 days before the deadline detailing why an extension is needed. Upon demonstration of good cause for providing a property owner additional time to comply with the requirements of this section, the planning director may extend the property owner's time to comply with this section and/or may require a plan for compliance that requires partial compliance in advance of full compliance. For purposes of this section, the term "good cause" shall mean a significant financial or other hardship which warrants an extension or conditional extension of the time limit for compliance established herein. In no instance shall the planning director issue an extension of the compliance period in excess of one year's time. The planning director's decision shall be appeal-able pursuant to the provisions of Malibu Municipal Code Section 17.04.220.
(Ord. 403 § 2, 2016; Ord. 438 § 4, 2018)