The demolition permit procedure is intended to protect neighborhoods from the blighting effects of uncontrolled demolition. This chapter is intended to regulate the demolition of buildings and structures in such a way as to assure and adhere to the city's land use and environmental policies and goals.
(Prior code § 9500; Ord. 86 § 3, 1993)
A demolition permit under this chapter shall be required for the demolition of any building or structure, or for a substantial remodel, except for a demolition initiated by the city and ordered or authorized under the provisions of the building code. In the event of a demolition ordered or authorized under the building code, the findings required by this chapter shall be considered but need not be satisfied for such a demolition.
(Prior code § 9501; Ord. 86 § 3, 1993)
An application for a demolition permit to demolish an existing structure shall not be considered complete unless accompanied by complete applications for all discretionary approvals necessary for the proposed new construction on the site, except as provided in subsection D of this section.
The application for the demolition permit shall be processed and approved concurrently with all other required discretionary applications and shall not be approved until and unless all discretionary permits for the proposed new project on the site are approved.
Before issuance of the demolition permit, the applicant shall provide to the director complete plans and specifications, for the proposed new construction, evidence that construction financing has been secured or committed, and executed architectural, engineering and construction contracts.
The commission may grant exceptions to the above requirements when the structure is the subject of persistent or habitual code violations, or is in a hazardous condition or when a proposed use satisfies a public need.
(Prior code § 9502; Ord. 86 § 3, 1993)
Demolition permits shall be issued by the director.
(Prior code § 9503; Ord. 86 § 3, 1993)
(Repealed by Ord. 261, 2004)
The review and approval body shall approve a demolition permit application provided that all of the findings of fact set forth herein are made in a positive manner:
The demolition permit is conditioned to assure that it will be conducted in a manner that will not create significant adverse environmental impacts; and
A development plan has been approved or the requirement waived by the city.
(Prior code § 9505; Ord. 86 § 3, 1993)