The city council may amend the general plan, the official zoning map, or the text of this title when required by public necessity, convenience and general welfare.
(Prior code § 9550; Ord. 86 § 3, 1993)
An amendment to the official zoning map, or to the general plan, or to the text of this title may be initiated in the following manner:
A resolution of intention of the planning commission;
A resolution of intention of the city council; or
An application from any other person or agency pursuant to Sections 17.04.110 through 17.04.150.
(Prior code § 9551; Ord. 86 § 3, 1993; Ord. 93 § 83, 1993)
Upon receipt in proper form of a general plan amendment, or upon receipt of a resolution of intention from either the planning commission or city council, the planning commission shall set a public hearing.
Notice shall be given at least 21 days prior to the hearing by either of the following procedures:
By placing a display advertisement of at least one-fourth page in a newspaper having the greatest circulation within the area affected by the proposed action; or
By placing an insert within any generalized mailing sent by the city to property owners and tenants in the area affected by the proposed action.
Such notice shall state the nature of the proposed change, location of the affected area, and the time and place of the scheduled hearing.
Following a public hearing, the commission shall recommend approval, modification or denial of the proposed amendment to the city council. The recommendation shall be by resolution carried by the affirmative vote of not less than the majority of the entire commission. It shall be transmitted to the city council within 40 days after the rendering of a decision. Such decision is final and conclusive and may not be reconsidered except upon referral by the city council.
After receipt of the commission's recommendation, the city council shall hold a public hearing and shall give notice in the same manner as required for the planning commission in subsection C of this section.
After the required hearing, the city council shall, by resolution, approve, modify or deny the proposed amendment to the general plan.
(Prior code § 9552; Ord. 86 § 3, 1993; Ord. 111 § 7, 1994)
Upon receipt of a proper zoning text amendment application, or upon receipt of a resolution of intention by either the planning commission or city council, the planning commission shall set a public hearing to discuss the matter.
The notice and procedures for any public hearing before either the planning commission or city council for a zoning text amendment shall be the same as that which is required for general plan amendments as described in Section 17.74.030, except that the minimum length of time for any required notice shall be 21 days prior to the hearing.
Before approval of any zoning text amendment, the city council must make the finding that such amendment is consistent with the general plan as adopted.
After the required hearing, the city council shall either adopt an ordinance approving or modifying the amendment or deny the proposal by adopting a resolution of denial.
(Prior code § 9553; Ord. 86 § 3, 1993; Ord. 111 § 7, 1994)
Upon receipt of a proper zoning map amendment application, or upon receipt of a resolution of intention of either the planning commission or city council, the planning commission shall set a public hearing to discuss the matter.
Notice for that hearing shall be mailed, post prepaid, to all owners and tenants of property within a radius of 500 feet of the exterior boundaries of the property or properties involved in the amendments at least 20 days prior to the hearing. In addition, a legal advertisement shall be placed in the newspaper of greatest circulation within the area affected by the proposed action.
In the event the number of owners to whom notice would be sent pursuant to subsection B of this section is greater than 1,000, notice may at the discretion of the city be given at least 21 days prior to the hearing by either of the alternate procedures explained in Section 17.74.030.
All other procedures for modifying the zoning map shall be the same as that which is required for general plan amendments as described in Section 17.74.030.
Before approval of any zoning map amendment, the city council must make the finding that that such amendment is consistent with the general plan as adopted.
(Prior code § 9554; Ord. 86 § 3, 1993; Ord. 93 § 84, 1993; Ord. 111 § 7, 1994)