This subchapter shall be known, and may be pleaded as, the South Hillsboro Transportation System Development Charge (SHTSDC).
(Ord. 6161 § 2, 2016; Ord. 6375 § 1, 2021)
This subchapter is adopted to ensure that adequate transportation improvements are available within South Hillsboro to accommodate traffic generated by development within the area. The SHTSDC applies throughout the South Hillsboro area as shown on the map attached as Exhibit A-2.
The SHTSDC is intended to provide funds for those transportation improvements on the capital improvements project list as established by council resolution.
The SHTSDC is imposed in addition to and not in lieu of the Transportation Development Tax (TDT). New development in the South Hillsboro area is subject to both the SHTSDC imposed under this subchapter and the TDT charged under Washington County Code Chapter 3.17.
(Ord. 6161 § 2, 2016; Ord. 6375 § 1, 2021)
As used in this chapter unless the context requires otherwise:
means a person seeking a building permit or a development permit for property annexed into the South Hillsboro area.
means an application for a building permit or a development permit for property annexed into the South Hillsboro area.
means the South Hillsboro area identified in Exhibit A-2.
means a roadway or street that has the functional classification of "arterial" on the city's transportation system plan.
"Building permit"
means that permit issued by the city building official pursuant to the International Building Code. In addition, building permit means a mobile home placement permit issued by the manager on a form approved by the Department of Commerce of the state and relating to the placement of mobile homes in the city. For those uses for which a building permit is not provided, the final approval granted by the city for the use shall be deemed a building permit for purposes of this subchapter.
means a roadway or street that has the functional classification of collector on the city's transportation system plan.
"Comprehensive plan"
means the city's comprehensive land use plan, transportation plan, capital improvements plan, public facilities plan or equivalent plan adopted by ordinance or resolution by the city.
"Condition of development approval"
means any requirement imposed on an applicant by the city in a land use decision, limited land use decision, site plan approval, or other city action that approves development.
means that a property and an improvement or portion thereof share a common boundary line. A determination of contiguous includes all property subject to the development approval. The boundary lines and area of an improvement shall be determined by the right-of-way and easement areas for the improvement. In addition, multiple properties under common ownership separated by features such as a common area, non-motorized vehicle or pedestrian way, creek, wetland, park, or similar areas; up to a distance of not more than 100 feet between the properties at the boundary with the improvement, are deemed to include the feature in their combined boundary line. Any portion of an improvement that is located beyond the frontage of a property, as determined by the extension of boundary lines perpendicular to the frontage of the property, is not deemed to be contiguous to that property. An intersection improvement shall be deemed contiguous to all property with frontage on the intersection, or that touches the intersection at a point.
means the amount by which an applicant may be able to reduce the SHTSDC.
means the city public works department.
means any man-made change to improved or unimproved real estate, including a building or other land construction, or making a physical change in the use of a structure or land, in a manner that increases the usage of transportation capital improvements or which may contribute to the need for additional or enlarged transportation capital facilities as determined in this chapter. "Development" includes new development.
"Development permit"
means any permit issued by the city that allows for the use of a property in a manner which generates vehicle travel demand on public roadways. This definition is only applicable in the context of the TSDC assessment.
"Extra capacity facilities or improvements"
means those improvements listed on the project list that are necessary in the interest of public health, safety and welfare to increase multimodal capacity to address new development. Such improvements include, but are not limited to, signalization, channelization, widening, drainage work, pedestrian safety, lighting, acquisition of right-of-way, necessary easements, street extensions, railroad crossing protective devices, bridges and bike paths.
"Improvement fee"
means an SDC for costs associated with capital improvements to be constructed after the effective date of this subchapter.
"Ite trip generation manual"
means that publication entitled "Trip Generation, 9th Edition" (2012) published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers.
"Local improvement district (LID)"
means the area determined by the council to be specifically benefitted by a local improvement, within which properties are assessed to pay for the cost of the local improvement.
"Minimum standard facility"
for roads means facilities to meet the adopted standards for a local public street or road applicable in the location of the subject development.
"New development"
means development for which a building permit or development permit is required, and which is issued on or after the effective date of this subchapter.
"New trips"
means those vehicular trips that are made for the specific purpose of visiting the trip generator site as its primary trip destination, as well as trips that are attracted to the trip generator site from the existing traffic volume on roadways within the vicinity of the generator but which requires a diversion from that roadway to another roadway(s) to gain access to the trip generator site.
"Occupancy permit"
means the final occupancy permit provided for in the International Building Code or other ordinance of the city. If an occupancy permit is not provided for a particular use, the final inspection and approval shall serve as the occupancy permit.
means that portion of an improvement that is built larger or with greater capacity than is necessary to serve a new development or mitigate for transportation system impacts attributable to the new development.
"Pass-by trips"
means vehicular trips which are made as intermediate stops on the way from an origin to a primary trip destination without a route diversion. Pass-by trips are attracted from traffic passing the site on an adjacent street or roadway that offers direct access to the trip generator site.
"Previous use"
means the most intensive lawful, permitted use existing at a particular property not more than 10 years prior to the date of application for a building permit. Where the site was used simultaneously for several different uses (mixed use) all of the specific use categories shall be considered. Where the previous use is composed of a primary use with one or more ancillary uses that support the primary use and are owned and operated in common, the primary use shall be deemed to be the sole use of the property.
"Proposed use"
means the use proposed by the applicant for a new development. Where the applicant proposes several different uses (mixed use) for the development, all of the specific use categories shall be considered. Where the proposed use is composed of a primary use with one or more ancillary uses that support the primary proposed use and are owned and operated in common, the primary use shall be deemed to be the sole proposed use of the property.
"Qualified public improvement"
means a transportation system capital facility or the conveyance of an interest in real property that increases the capacity of the transportation system, and is: (1) required as a condition of development approval; (2) identified in the SHTSDC capital improvement projects list; and (3) not located on or contiguous to property that is the subject of development approval, or alternatively located on or contiguous to property that is the subject of development approval and, in the opinion of the manager, is required to be built larger or with greater capacity than is necessary for the development or to mitigate for transportation system impacts attributable to the development.
"Reimbursement charge"
means an SDC for costs associated with capital facilities that have already been constructed and have been determined to have capacity available to serve new development.
means a road under jurisdiction of the city, county or state.
"South hillsboro transportation system development charge capital improvement projects list or project list"
means the program set forth by council resolution that identifies transportation facility improvements projected to be funded with SHTSDC revenues and includes the estimated cost, timing and percentage of costs eligible for funding from SHTSDC revenues for each project.
"South hillsboro transportation system development charge methodology report"
means the report entitled "South Hillsboro Transportation System Development Charge Methodology Report," dated June 10, 2015, as adopted and amended by the council.
"South hillsboro transportation system development charge or SHTSDC"
means a reimbursement charge, an improvement charge or a combination thereof assessed or collected at the time of increased usage of transportation capital facilities or issuance of a development permit or building permit. SHTSDC also means the charge imposed under this chapter.
"Temporary construction facility"
means those facilities needed on a temporary or interim basis for construction of specific uses, structures or road improvements, and which are intended to be discontinued when construction is complete. Temporary construction facilities include, but are not limited to, accessory construction structures, staging areas, parking and park-and-ride lots in conjunction with construction of a facility.
"Temporary use"
means a use or structure on improved or unimproved real estate that is not permanent and is used for less than 90 days in a calendar year.
(Ord. 6161 § 2, 2016; Ord. 6375 § 1, 2021)
A SHTSDC is imposed on all development throughout the South Hillsboro area as shown on the map attached as Exhibit A-2 and as provided for herein. The amount of the charge shall be calculated according to HMC 3.30.050.
Except as otherwise provided in this section, a SHTSDC shall be imposed upon all development for which an Application is filed, or was required to be filed, after the effective date of this subchapter, and for which a building permit or development permit is issued.
At the time of application, the applicant shall provide the information requested on a SHTSDC application form regarding the proposed use(s) and the previous use (if any), of the property, including the following:
A description of each of the previous and proposed uses for the property for which the building permit or development permit is being sought with sufficient detail to allow calculation of trip generation for the entire property under the previous use and for the proposed use(s) of the development; and
For a residential use, the number of residential dwellings, including type (i.e., single-family, multifamily, manufactured housing, etc.); and
For a nonresidential use, the number of units (i.e., number of square feet, students, movie screens, vehicle fueling positions, beds, etc.) for the use (i.e., office, shopping center, etc.) to be included in the development.
The uses listed and described in this section are exempt, either partially or fully, from payment of the SHTSDC. Any applicant seeking an exemption under this section shall request the exemption, in writing, not later than the time of application for the building permit. Where a development includes only a portion of one or more of the uses described in this section, only that/those portion(s) of the development that qualify under this section are eligible for the exemption. The balance of the development that does not qualify for exemption under this section shall be subject to the full SHTSDC.
Remodeling or replacement of an existing structure (including mobile homes) except to the extent that the remodeling or replacement creates demands on the transportation system greater than the existing use of the property;
A temporary use that does not exceed 90 days in a calendar year;
Temporary construction facilities as determined by the manager;
A transit improvement that has the effect of removing vehicle trips or reducing vehicle miles of travel on the city's major roadway system, as approved by the manager;
Construction, remodeling or expansion of a federal or state facility and uses otherwise exempt from taxation by counties;
Relocation due to government acquisition of the entire previous use as part of a project on the project list set by council resolution to the extent the use at the new site does not exceed the size or impact of the previous use. Any additional size or impact shall be subject to the SHTSDC.
(Ord. 6161 § 2, 2016; Ord. 6375 § 1, 2021)
Except as otherwise provided in this subchapter, the amount of the SHTSDC shall be calculated by: (1) determining the category of the proposed use from the list rate table as set by council resolution; (2) determining the SHTSDC rate per unit for that use set by council resolution; and (3) determining the number of units for the proposed use. The sum of the SHTSDC rate per unit, multiplied by the number of units for the use, shall be the SHTSDC charge.
For new development on property that had a previous use, the amount of the SHTSDC shall be determined by calculating the SHTSDC of the previous use(s) on the property and subtracting that sum from the SHTSDC for all of the proposed use(s) as provided in HMC 3.30.050(A). Except as provided in HMC 3.30.050(C), the proposed use and the previous use shall be determined based on the rates set by council resolution.
In the event the manager determines that a particular use does not have a basis for SHTSDC calculation as set by council resolution, the manager may either:
Determine the SHTSDC based on the use most similar in trip generation set by council resolution; or
At the applicant's election (and expense), consider an alternate SHTSDC based on a traffic study to estimate the weekday average PM peak hour vehicle trip generation (new trips minus pass-by trips) of a same or similar use verified by a registered traffic engineer. In the event an alternate SHTSDC is utilized, the manager may make such adjustments as deemed appropriate considering the location, size and other appropriate factors.
The applicant's traffic study methodology must be consistent with the methodology report set by council resolution and follow standard professional traffic engineering practice.
The applicant's study must provide complete and detailed documentation, including verifiable data. Supporting documentation must rely upon generally accepted sampling methods, sources of information, demographics, growth projections and techniques of analysis.
The SHTSDC shall be determined according to the methodology set forth in council resolution, applied to the trip generation determined by the traffic study.
If all of the above criteria are not met, the manager shall provide the applicant a written decision explaining the basis for rejecting the proposed study and shall determine the SHTSDC according to HMC 3.30.050(C)(1).
When a single structure includes more than one use, the manager shall apportion the uses for purposes of establishing the SHTSDC.
Beginning on the effective date of this HMC 3.30, and notwithstanding any other provision of the Hillsboro Municipal Code, the rates per unit for each land use set forth by council resolution shall on July 1 of each succeeding year be adjusted based on the annual review as described in HMC 3.30.140.
(Ord. 6161 § 2, 2016; Ord. 6375 § 1, 2021)
Unless deferred under subsection B or C of this section, the SHTSDC is due and payable at the time of issuance of a building permit by the city. Except as otherwise provided in this section, a building permit or development permit shall not be issued for a development subject to the charge unless it is first paid in full.
Notwithstanding HMC 3.30.060(A), when the total SHTSDC amount due exceeds the amount of SHTSDC on a single family detached residence (ITE Code 210), the applicant may request a payment deferral. The request must be made in writing to the manager no later than the time of application for a building permit. The manager may grant deferral of the SHTSDC, but the deferred amount shall be paid in full prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit. The amount of SHTSDC due on a deferred obligation shall be the amount in effect when the complete building permit or development permit application is received. Deferred SHTSDC obligations shall not be eligible for internal financing or Bancroft bonding as provided in HMC 3.30.060(C) unless requested at the time of application for deferral.
An SHTSDC may be eligible for internal financing or a Bancroft bonding agreement pursuant to ORS 223.205 to 223.785 (the Bancroft Bonding Act). Any installment or Bancroft agreement provided by this section shall have an interest rate determined at the time of the application by the manager and in recognition of the then current market rates and costs associated with the administration of such agreements. An application for internal financing or Bancroft bonding must be made at the time of building permit application, or occupancy application for amounts deferred under subsection HMC 3.30.060(B). An application made subsequent to issuance of the building permit, or occupancy permit if allowed by HMC 3.30.060(B), shall not be considered. Any SHTSDC obligation financed under this subsection 3.30.060(C) may be filed as a lien pursuant to ORS 223.230.
(Ord. 6161 § 2, 2016; Ord. 6375 § 1, 2021)
An applicant for a building permit, or occupancy permit if deferral has been granted, shall be entitled to a credit against the SHTSDC in an amount equal to the cost of constructing a qualified public improvement as defined in this section. Credit eligibility shall be determined by the manager.
A qualified public improvement constructed and accepted by the city is eligible for credit provided it meets all the following criteria and the requirements of HMC 3.30.070(B). The applicant has the burden of demonstrating in its application for credit that a particular improvement qualifies for credit.
The improvement is required to fulfill a condition of development approval issued by the city.
The improvement will provide additional capacity or be constructed to address an existing safety hazard. Improvements to mitigate a safety hazard created primarily by the development are not eligible.
The improvement must implement a project on the SHTSDC project list.
Improvements, including, but not limited to, travel lanes and bike lanes, must be at ultimate alignment, line and grade.
Credit shall not be given for minor realignments that are not designated on the comprehensive plan.
Not more than 13.5 percent of the total eligible construction cost shall be creditable for survey, engineering, and inspection unless otherwise designated on the project list.
Credits shall not be given for storm or sewer improvements that are also eligible for storm or sewer SDC credits.
The manager shall provide credit for the documented, reasonable cost of construction of all or part of a qualified public improvement listed in the project list set by council resolution based on the following criteria:
To the extent an improvement is located neither on nor contiguous to the property that is the subject of development approval, the reasonable market value of land purchased by the applicant from a third party and necessary to complete that improvement is creditable.
Road right-of-way located on or contiguous to the property that is the subject of development approval shall be eligible for credit to the extent necessary to construct the facility. The value of the right-of-way shall be based on the market value of the property as shown on the county tax records.
For an improvement that is eligible for both TDT and SHTSDC credits, the TDT credits shall be calculated first. Total credits, including SHTSDC credits, together with TDT credits, shall not be issued in an amount that exceeds the eligible capital improvement cost for which the credits were issued.
(Ord. 6161 § 2, 2016; Ord. 6375 § 1, 2021)
A request for credit voucher must be in writing and filed with the manager not more than 90 days after the city accepts the improvement. Improvement acceptance shall be in accordance with the city's practices, procedures and standards. The amount of a credit shall be based on contract and construction documents, and other appropriate information provided by the applicant. In the request, the applicant must identify the improvement(s) for which credit is sought and explain how the improvement(s) meet the requirements of HMC 3.30.070. The applicant shall also document, with credible evidence, the value of the improvement(s) for which credit is sought. If, in the manager's opinion, the improvement(s) meets the requirements of HMC 3.30.070 and the manager concurs with the proposed value of the improvement(s), a SHTSDC credit shall be granted for the eligible amount. The value of the SHTSDC credits shall be determined by the manager based on the actual cost of construction, including the value of the right-of-way, if any, as verified by construction contracts, receipts, invoices and other credible evidence submitted by the applicant. In the event the manager determines that the contract amounts, including payments for right-of-way, exceed prevailing market rates for a similar project, the manager may issue a credit based upon the market rates.
The manager shall respond to the applicant's request in writing within 30 days of the date the city receives a technically complete request. The manager shall provide a written explanation of the decision on the SHTSDC credit request.
If approved, the manager shall provide the applicant with a credit voucher, on a form provided by the department. The original of the credit voucher shall be retained by the department. The credit voucher shall state a dollar amount that may be applied against any SHTSDC imposed against the subject property. In no event shall a subject property be entitled to redeem credit vouchers in excess of the SHTSDC imposed. Credits are limited to the amount of the charge attributable to the development of the specific lot or parcel for which the credit is sought and shall not be a basis for any refund.
A credit shall have no cash or monetary value. A credit shall only apply against the SHTSDC and its only value is to be used to reduce the SHTSDC otherwise due, subject to all conditions, limitations and requirements of this subchapter.
SHTSDC credits may not be used to satisfy TDT obligations, other system development charges or for other special obligations.
TDT credits issued for construction of transportation facilities as a condition of approval for development within the South Hillsboro area in accordance with Washington County Code 3.17 may be used to satisfy a SHTSDC obligation upon written request of applicant, provided:
A request to use a TDT credit voucher must be made in writing to the manager and signed by the person who owns the credit. The request shall contain all the information necessary to establish that the use of the TDT credit is allowable under HMC 3.30.080(F), and the burden of proof is on the applicant. The manager shall respond in writing to a written request to convert a TDT voucher into a SHTSDC voucher within 30 days the date the city receives the request.
When a credit voucher or portion of a credit voucher is converted a notation shall be placed on the initial credit voucher that a conversion has been made. The amount converted shall be deducted from the credit voucher.
When a conversion occurs a new credit voucher shall be issued for the credit amount.
The new credit voucher shall note the credit voucher number from which it was converted.
The new credit voucher shall have the same expiration date as the initial credit voucher.
A converted credit voucher shall follow all rules regarding redemption of credits.
The city may charge a fee for administering the conversion of credits.
A request to convert a credit voucher, whether approved or not, constitutes acceptance of the credit amount.
When issued by the manager, a credit is personal to the applicant and shall remain the personal property of the applicant unless transferred by the applicant or its authorized agent. A person claiming the right to redeem a credit shall have the burden of demonstrating that a credit issued to another person has been properly transferred.
Credits shall be apportioned against the property that was subject to the requirement to construct an improvement eligible for credit. Unless otherwise requested by the applicant, apportionment against the lots or parcels constituting the property shall be proportional to anticipated average weekday PM peak hour trips (new trips minus pass-by trips) generated by the respective lots or parcels. Upon written application to the manager, however, credits may be reapportioned from a lot or parcel to another lot or parcel within the confines of the property originally eligible for the credit. In the case of multi-phase development, excess credit generated in one phase may be applied to reduce the SHTSDC in subsequent phases of the original development project. Reapportionment shall be noted on the original credit voucher retained by the department.
Credits originally apportioned against property in the South Hillsboro area may be transferred to another property in the South Hillsboro area provided that:
A request for the transfer of a credit voucher must be made in writing to the manager and signed by the person who owns the credit. The request to transfer a credit voucher shall contain all the information necessary to establish that the transfer is allowed under HMC 3.30.080(J) and the burden of proof is on the applicant. The manager shall respond in writing to a written request to transfer a credit voucher within 30 days of the date the city received the request.
A credit voucher may not be transferred to a property outside the identified SHTSDC area as identified by the map in Exhibit A-2.
When a credit voucher or portion of a credit voucher is transferred a notation shall be placed on the initial credit voucher that a transfer has been made. The amount transferred shall be deducted from the credit voucher.
When a transfer occurs a new credit voucher shall be issued for the transferred credit amount.
The new credit voucher shall note the property to which the initial credit was assigned, subsequent transfers shall also note the property to which the initial credit was assigned.
The new credit voucher shall note the credit voucher number from which it was transferred, if multiple transfers occur each credit voucher number shall be noted.
The new credit voucher shall have the same expiration date as the initial credit voucher.
Apportionment against lots or parcels constituting the property to which a transfer has been made is allowed as described in HMC 3.30.080(I).
A transferred credit voucher is subject to all of the rules for redeeming credits.
The city may charge a fee for administering credit transfers.
A request to transfer a credit voucher, whether approved or not, constitutes acceptance of the credit amount.
A credit must be applied to the outstanding SHTSDC obligation not later than the issuance of the building permit or, if deferral was permitted pursuant to HMC 3.30.060, prior to the issuance of the occupancy permit. The applicant is responsible for presenting the credit voucher prior to issuance of the building or occupancy permit. Except as provided in HMC 3.30.110, under no circumstances may a credit be redeemed after issuance of a building permit or, if deferral was granted, issuance of the occupancy permit.
A credit voucher expires on the date 10 years after the acceptance of the applicable improvement. This deadline may not be extended.
(Ord. 6161 § 2, 2016; Ord. 6375 § 1, 2021)
The city shall create a dedicated fund entitled "South Hillsboro Transportation System Development Charge Fund," herein "fund." All moneys derived from this charge shall be placed in the fund.
(Ord. 6161 § 2, 2016; Ord. 6375 § 1, 2021)
A capital improvement funded in whole or in part with revenue from the SHTSDC shall be included in the SHTSDC capital improvement projects list, set by council resolution, and shall include, for each project, the estimated cost, timing and percentage of costs eligible to be funded with revenues from the SHTSDC. The SHTSDC capital improvement projects list may be modified at any time by council resolution.
SHTSDC revenues may be used for purposes that include, but are not limited to, the following, for any project on the Projects List:
Design and construction plan preparation;
Land and materials acquisition, including any costs of acquisition or condemnation;
Construction of transportation capital improvements;
Design and construction of new streets, transit facilities, sanitary sewers, drainage facilities or other public improvements required by the construction of transportation capital improvements;
Relocating utilities required by the construction of improvements, for which the city is legally obligated to pay under easement, franchise or law;
Landscaping required or designed as part of the project;
Construction management and inspection;
Surveying, soils and material testing;
Acquisition of capital equipment that is an intrinsic part of a facility;
Demolition that is part of the construction of any of the improvements on this list; and
Payment of principal and interest, necessary reserves and costs of issuance under any bonds or other indebtedness issued by the city to provide money to construct or acquire transportation facilities.
SHTSDC revenue may be spent for direct costs of complying with the provisions of ORS 223.297 to 223.314, including the consulting, legal and administrative costs required for developing and updating the system development charges methodologies and capital improvement project list, and the costs of collecting and accounting for system development charges expenditures.
Money on deposit in the SHTSDC fund shall not be used for:
Any expenditure that would be classified as a maintenance or repair expense; or
Costs associated with the construction of administrative office facilities that are more than an incidental part of other capital improvements.
(Ord. 6161 § 2, 2016; Ord. 6375 § 1, 2021)
Refund of a SHTSDC may be made upon initiation of the manager or upon written application filed with the manager. Refunds shall be allowed upon a finding by the manager that there was clerical or arithmetic error in the calculation of the SHTSDC. Refunds shall be allowed for failure to redeem a credit voucher or offset provided the claim for refund is in writing and actually received by the city within 30 days of the date of issuance of the building permit or occupancy permit if deferral was granted. No refund shall be granted for any reason other than those expressly provided for herein.
(Ord. 6161 § 2, 2016; Ord. 6375 § 1, 2021)
Notwithstanding issuance of a building, development or occupancy permit without payment, a SHTSDC liability shall survive and be a personal obligation of the permittee.
Intentional failure to pay the charge within 60 days of the due date shall result in a penalty equal to 50 percent of the charge. Interest shall accrue from the 60-day point at the legal maximum rate established by statute.
In addition to an action in equity or law and any statutory rights, the city may:
Refuse to issue any permits of any kind to a delinquent party for any development;
Refuse to honor any credits held by a delinquent party for any development;
Condition any development approval for a delinquent party on full payment of the obligation, including penalties and interest; and
Revoke any previous deferrals issued to a delinquent party, in which case the full amount shall be due immediately, and refuse to issue any new deferrals.
For purposes of this section, a delinquent party includes any person controlling a delinquent corporate permittee, including, but not limited to, any partnership, limited liability company or joint venture and, conversely, any corporation or entity controlled by a delinquent individual permittee.
(Ord. 6161 § 2, 2016; Ord. 6375 § 1, 2021)
The city shall provide an annual accounting of the SHTSDC as part of its normal budget and accounting process. The annual accounting shall include:
A list of the amount spent on each project funded, in whole or in part, with SHTSDC revenues including city expended revenues and constructed SHTSDC creditable improvements;
The gross revenue collected from the SHTSDC, the amount of outstanding credits and the net SHTSDC revenue; and
The costs of complying with the system development charge provisions (ORS 223.297 to 223.314, as described in ORS 223.307) and other administrative expenses.
Beginning July 1, 2017 and notwithstanding any other provision, the SHTSDC rates per unit for each land use set forth in the rate table adopted by council resolution shall on July 1 of each succeeding year be adjusted automatically based on the index described below. A final product ending in $0.49 or less shall be rounded down to the nearest dollar, $0.50 or more up to the next dollar. The SHTSDC index shall be calculated based on a combination of the following indices:
The Washington County Transportation Development Tax Right-of-Way Index (weighted at 33 percent); and
The Mc-Graw Hill Engineering News Record, Construction Cost Index for the Seattle Area (weighted at 67 percent)
Beginning not later than the 2020-2021 fiscal year or the fiscal year in which the first LID assessment is levied in South Hillsboro, whichever is earlier, and at intervals no longer than every five years thereafter, the annual review shall include a more comprehensive review of the South Hillsboro transportation funding plan. The five-year comprehensive review shall consider whether additional revenues are needed to fund the extra capacity improvements described in the SHTSDC project list, and ensure that revenues do not significantly exceed projected identified project needs. In so doing, the city shall consider:
The anticipated construction costs of facilities, based on most recent construction cost estimates and bids for similar improvements;
Additional or further engineering of the projects on the project list;
Receipt of funds from other sources for construction of SHTSDC facilities;
Any new information about anticipated development;
The impact of facilities already completed, or expected to be completed;
TDT credits issued within the South Hillsboro area;
SHTSDC credits issued;
Actual project costs versus the original estimates and assumptions;
Updated traffic impact analyses; and
The type and density of residential and other development that is built, approved and planned.
Upon completion of a five-year comprehensive review the city shall consider such amendments, including adjustments to the charge imposed herein, as may be necessary to address changing conditions.
Beginning in the 2021-2022 fiscal year, the manager may initiate a comprehensive review of the SHTSDC, at any time, for one of the following reasons:
Considering the enlargement, reduction or maintenance of the SHTSDC geographic boundary area or project list as a result of changing conditions or policy.
Considering the merger of the SHTSDC with other future transportation system development charges in other plan areas such as the Witch Hazel Village South Plan Area and/or the Rosa Urban Reserve.
(Ord. 6161 § 2, 2016; Ord. 6375 § 1, 2021)
Review of Expenditures.
A person may challenge an expenditure of SHTSDC revenues by filing a written petition for review with the council within two years of the expenditure. The petition shall identify with reasonable certainty the expenditure, the relevant facts and the specific provision of state or local law the person believes to have been violated.
Within 60 days of receiving a petition the city shall conduct an investigation and issue a written report. Within 30 days receiving the report, the council shall conduct a hearing to determine whether the expenditure was proper. At least 10 days' notice of the hearing, including a copy of the report, shall be mailed to the petitioner. Petitioner shall have a reasonable opportunity to present his or her position at the hearing.
The council may adopt rules of procedure governing the hearing including that the hearing may be continued if necessary to further address the issues.
The petitioner shall have the burden of proof. Evidence and argument shall be limited to grounds specified in the petition. The council shall issue a written decision stating the basis for its conclusion and directing appropriate action be taken.
If the council determines the expenditure is improper, the council shall order remedial action as the council deems necessary and appropriate. If the council determines the expenditure was proper and did not violate any applicable laws or regulations, the council shall dismiss the petition. The council's decision is subject to review only as provided in ORS 34.010 to 34.100.
Review of Decisions of the Manager.
Discretionary decisions of the manager under HMC 3.30 shall be in writing and mailed by regular mail to the last known address of the applicant.
A person aggrieved by a discretionary decision of the manager may appeal the decision to council. The appeal shall be in writing and must be filed with the manager within 14 days of the date the manager's decision was mailed.
The appeal shall state the relevant facts, applicable ordinance provisions and relief sought. The appeal shall be heard by the council in the same manner as provided for development permit applications. The city may by resolution establish a reasonable appeal fee.
The person filing the appeal has the burden of proving that an error was committed that resulted in substantial prejudice to the person.
In an appeal of a decision to deny a credit, the applicant has the burden of demonstrating that the particular improvement qualified for the credit. The manager may deny the credit requested, in whole or in part, if it is determined that the credit application does not meet the credit eligibility requirements or that the improvement for which the credit is requested is not on the project list set by council resolution. An appeal from the manager's decision shall be heard by the council in the manner provided in this section.
Submittal of an appeal must include any applicable appeal fee and state that the decision is being appealed.
A final decision by the council is subject to review only as provided in ORS 34.010 to 34.100. Venue shall be in Washington County Circuit Court.
Exhibit A-2 South Hillboro area-Image-6.tif
(Ord. 6161 § 2, 2016; Ord. 6375 § 1, 2021)