The following definition applies unless inconsistent with the context:
for the purpose of this subchapter, is every type of banner or decoration displayed over or upon the streets of the city on a temporary or seasonal basis, whether illuminated or not, and whether attached to utility poles, buildings or other fixed objects.
No person may display, or cause to be displayed, over or upon the streets of the city, a banner, without having first obtained a permit therefor.
The application for a banner permit must:
Show, relative to the banner, the approximate:
Location of the proposed installation;
Distance between the average grade below a banner to the lowermost portion of the banner; and
Size and type of banner to be displayed; and
Indicate, relative to the banner:
Whether it is to be attached to utility poles, buildings or other fixed objects;
Whether or not it is to be illuminated;
The date of installation; and
The date of removal; and
Written permission of the owner or person in charge of the property to which the banner is to be attached;
A certificate of insurance, in a form approved by the manager, of an insurance policy in an amount and form set by council resolution; and
Written evidence of having provided a copy of the certificate of insurance required under HMC 9.08.030(C)(2) to the persons under HMC 9.08.030(C)(1).
If the manager is satisfied that all the requirements of this subchapter are met by an applicant for a banner permit, the manager may issue a permit as requested or include conditions of approval, if such conditions are in the interest of public safety.
Manner. Banners, other than those installed by utility company crews, are to be installed from ladders or mechanical hoists so that the individuals making the installations do not climb utility poles.
Types. Banners:
Must be of nonmetallic construction;
Fastened to poles must be attached without the use of nails or screws;
If large and illuminated, may use metal mounting brackets and reinforcing until plastic parts are available; and
Fastened to anything other than poles must be fastened in a manner approved by the owner or person in charge of the property and meet the approval of the manager.
Height of mounting. The distance between the average grade below a banner to the lowest point on the banner must allow clear passage of all vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Under no circumstances may banners be placed on, or attached to, poles, buildings or other fixed objects in such a manner that the distance between the average grade below a banner to the lowermost portion of the banner is less than eight feet above the sidewalk or 12 feet above a street that allows vehicular traffic.
Position on utility pole. No banner or support may be closer to a conductor than four feet.
Utility company requirements. Utility company representatives may refuse permission to install banners that in their opinion are too large, of insufficient strength, not properly designed to spill wind or their existence on a pole would create a hazard to persons or property.
Safety. Every installation must comply with all applicable safety codes under federal, state and local laws, and no installation may be made that will hinder linemen climbing the pole in an emergency.
Duration. The permittee must promptly remove the banner, support brackets and other supporting structure on or before the expiration date specified in the application.
The utility company or building owner upon whose property a banner is affixed has the right to remove or cause to be removed, without notice, any unauthorized banner.