Benches may be placed in the public right-of-way within the central business district subject to approval by the manager of the:
Location. Such decision may be appealed to the TC by filing a written appeal with the city within five business days of receipt of the decision. The TC will then set, notice and conduct a hearing on the appeal of applicant; and
Design standards. Such decision may be appealed to the PC by filing a written appeal with the city within five business days of receipt of the decision. The PC will then set, notice and conduct a hearing on the appeal of applicant.
The city reserves the right at any time to order any benches installed under HMC 9.12.010 to be removed.
The manager will mail written notice to the owners of the benches and the property adjacent to the area where such benches are placed at least 10 days prior to a removal deadline.
The city shall not be liable for the costs of removal, payment of damages or any other costs associated with removal of such benches.
Failure of a property owner to remove benches prior to the removal deadline may result in the city removing the bench and assessing any cost of removal to the bench owner or abutting property owners.
The city shall not be liable for any injury or damage resulting from placement of benches within the public right-of-way.
The property owner or other person placing the bench within the right-of-way shall be liable for any injury or damage resulting from the bench being placed in the right-of-way.
The city may summarily remove and confiscate any bench placed in the right-of-way that creates or becomes a hazard.