Property owners must maintain in good repair all sidewalks adjacent to their property and are liable for injuries and damages incurred as a result of a failure to maintain sidewalks in accordance with HMC 9.16.
The manager will, but is not obligated to, notify property owners of record who fail to conform to the requirements of HMC 9.16.010(A).
Notice under HMC 9.16.010(B) will:
Specify the location of the sidewalk to be repaired, the kind of work required, the materials to be used and the time within which the work must be done; and
Be delivered by certified or registered mail or be posted in a conspicuous place on the subject property.
If the repairs are not complete within 60 days after the notice is mailed or posted under HMC 9.16.010(C)(2), the city may perform the necessary work and assess the property owner(s) for the cost including administrative, legal, and engineering expenses not to exceed 15 percent of construction costs.
(Ord. 6068 § 1, 2013)