A strip, not to exceed two feet in width and measured at a 90 degree angle to the parallel property line, is designated on the following streets as planting beautification areas:
Both the north and south sides of:
East Washington Street from east line of 1st Avenue easterly to the west line of SE 4th Avenue;
Main Street from 200 feet west of the west line of 1st Avenue to the west line of 5th Avenue; and
NE Lincoln Street from the east line of N 1st Avenue to the west line of NE 4th Avenue; and
Both the east and west sides of:
2nd Avenue from the north line of SE Baseline Street to 200 feet north of the north line of NE Lincoln Street;
3rd Avenue from the north line of SE Baseline Street to 200 feet north of the north line of NE Lincoln Street; and
4th Avenue from the north line of SE Baseline Street to 200 feet north of the north line of NE Lincoln Street.
Plants in portable tubs or planter boxes may be situated in planting beautification areas, provided the container is a minimum of six inches in height but not higher than any adjacent window sills.
No plants in portable tubs or planter boxes within planting beautification areas may be situated closer than 36 inches from a doorway opening when measured parallel to the property line.
Placement of portable tubs or planter boxes in the right-of-way within the planting beautification areas must take into account the safety of pedestrian traffic and leave at a minimum of five feet of clear sidewalk.
Within planting beautification areas:
Only plants of a nontoxic nature are allowed; and
Plants producing pods, berries, spines, saps or pollens of typical irritant characteristics are prohibited.
No hanging plants are allowed in planting beautification areas unless the bottom of the plant's container is maintained at a minimum height of eight feet above the sidewalk.
Within the planting beautification areas:
The utilization of the provisions of this subchapter is optional for the city;
The city is not liable for injury or damage resulting from placement of plants in portable tubs or planter boxes within the public right-of-way; and
The owner or person in charge of property adjacent to the plants in portable tubs or planter boxes within the right-of-way is liable for any injury or damage resulting from placement in the right-of-way.
The city may summarily remove and confiscate any device placed in the right-of-way in violation of the provisions of this subchapter.