The following definition applies unless inconsistent with the context:
for the purpose of this subchapter, includes all streets, roads, avenues, lanes, courts, places or other public or private ways in the city which have been or may hereafter be dedicated and open to use by vehicular traffic.
Beginning with the number 100 and extending northerly and southerly from East and West Main Street and extending easterly and westerly from North and South First Avenue, 100 numbers will be available for assignment for each city block.
Even numbers will be assigned on the east side of each north-south street and on the south side of each east-west street with the odd numbers assigned on the opposite sides of each.
The address numbers will be assigned as nearly as practical in conformity with the existing pattern under HMC 9.28.020(A) and (B) in the portion of the city where that pattern is presently established.
In areas where the existing pattern under HMC 9.28.020(A) and (B) is not established, the numbering will conform as nearly as practical to the street grid system of 20 blocks per mile.
(Ord. 6328 § 2, 2020)
Acting in accordance with HMC 9.28.020, the manager will inform applicants for a number what the number shall be and attempt to resolve questions concerning the same.
Division within buildings. Buildings may be issued additional address numbers if there are ground level exterior doors for multiple tenants. Where access to divided spaces within a building are from a common interior pathway, suite numbers are issued based on the floor level (i.e. 100, 200, 300, etc.).
Owner to pay for numbers. The cost of the physical act of numbering a building will be borne by the owner of the building.
Size of numbers. All numbers placed on buildings must be distinctly legible and meet the requirements of HMC 11.28.010.
Placement. All numbers must be placed on buildings in such a manner that they can be easily seen and read from the street and sidewalk in front of the building.
Damaging prohibited. No person other than the owner may alter, deface, obscure or remove any number assigned and placed under the provisions of this subchapter.
Assigned numbers. No person may use a number other than the one assigned to the building by the manager.
(Ord. 6328 § 3, 2020)