For the purposes of this subchapter, the following definitions apply unless inconsistent with the context:
"Public facility"
means buildings under city ownership, control or authority.
"Public land"
means publicly owned or leased land or buildings under city ownership, control or authority including sidewalks, rights of way, and publicly accessible property owned or controlled by Tri-Met such as transit stations, transit centers, bus shelters and light rail passenger platforms.
means improvements in a trail, including, but not limited to, stairs and bridges, that are accessible by a user on foot, horseback, bicycle or other nonmotorized vehicle or conveyance.
"Unimproved right-of-way"
means a right-of-way platted or dedicated to the public over which a street, road or highway has not been constructed to adopted Hillsboro standards and specifications and which has not been expressly accepted by the city.
(Ord. 6215 § 4, 2017; Ord. 6455 § 1, 2023)
The intent of this subchapter is to provide for equal access to all public lands and facilities, and to ensure that persons use public lands and public facilities for their intended purpose. The provisions of this subchapter apply to all public lands including the Civic Center Block, Complex and Plaza, which are also governed by Subchapter 9.40 of this code.
(Ord. 6215 § 3, 2017)
As used in this section:
means improvements in a trail, including, but not limited to, stairs and bridges, that are accessible by a user on foot, horseback, bicycle or other nonmotorized vehicle or conveyance.
"Unimproved right-of-way"
means a right-of-way platted or dedicated to the public over which a street, road or highway has not been constructed to adopted Hillsboro standards and specifications and which has not been expressly accepted by the city.
A personal injury or property damage resulting from use of a trail that is in a public easement or an unimproved right-of-way, or from the use of structures in a public easement or unimproved right-of-way, by a user on foot, horseback, bicycle or other nonmotorized vehicle or conveyance does not give rise to a private claim or right of action based on negligence against:
The City of Hillsboro or its officers, employees or agents to the extent the officers, employees or agents are entitled to defense and indemnification under ORS 30.285;
The owner of land abutting the public easement or unimproved right-of-way; or
A nonprofit corporation and its volunteers for the construction and maintenance of the trail or the structures in a public easement or unimproved right-of-way.
The immunity granted by this section from a private claim or right of action based on negligence does not grant immunity from liability:
Except as provided in subsection (B)(2) or (C)(2) of this section, to a person that receives compensation for providing assistance, services or advice in relation to conduct that leads to a personal injury or property damage;
For personal injury or property damage resulting from gross negligence or from reckless, wanton or intentional misconduct;
For an activity for which a person is strictly liable without regard to fault.
(Ord. 6157 § 1, 2016)
In addition to any other remedy or penalty provided by law, a peace officer or other person specifically authorized by the manager may exclude a person who violates a provision of state or local law or rule or Tri-Met ordinance from that public land and public facilities for a period of up to 90 days.
A person excluded pursuant to HMC 9.32.020(A) may not enter or remain upon that public land or public facility during the exclusion period except a person excluded from the Civic Center Complex may enter upon or remain at the Civic Center Complex to the extent necessary to file documents required to be filed with a city official or appear in a municipal court proceeding.
A person will be given a warning and an opportunity to comply with the law or rule before an exclusion notice is issued unless the exclusion is based on:
Conduct punishable as a felony;
Controlled substances or alcoholic beverages;
Behavior prohibited by HMC 9.32.040(O);
Actions actually or likely to result in personal injury or property damage; or
The person having been previously warned or excluded for the same conduct in a separate situation.
An exclusion notice will not be issued if the person promptly complies with the warning under HMC 9.32.020(C).
An exclusion notice will be written and include:
The signature of the issuing party and date of issuance;
The effective dates of the exclusion period;
The places from which the person is excluded;
The provisions of law violated;
A brief description of the offending conduct;
A statement of the consequences for failure to comply; and
The appropriate municipal court procedures.
The code does not authorize exclusion of a person lawfully exercising free speech rights or other rights protected by state or federal law.
(Ord. 6215 § 3, 2017)
A violation of an exclusion notice issued in accordance with this subchapter constitutes criminal trespass in the second degree and is punishable as provided by state law and any other applicable provision of the code.
(Ord. 6215 § 4, 2017)
A person receiving an exclusion notice may appeal to the municipal court and seek to have the exclusion reversed or the exclusion period shortened.
An appeal of an exclusion notice must be filed with the city within 10 calendar days of receipt of the notice, unless extended by the municipal court.
An appeal of an exclusion notice automatically stays the exclusion period until a decision on appeal is issued by the municipal court.
The municipal court will decide all appeals within 10 days of their filing unless the hearing date is extended by court order.
No person may, upon or in any public land or public facility:
Engage in conduct that constitutes a crime.
Unless otherwise authorized by law, carry upon the person a weapon or an instrument by the use of which injury could be inflicted upon a person or property of a person.
Discharge a firearm in violation of HMC 7.08.010, except for a peace officer in the line of duty.
Sell, drink or consume alcoholic beverages or possess an alcoholic beverage container that has been opened, has a broken seal or the contents of which have been partially removed, unless otherwise authorized by law or city regulation or permit.
Intentionally or knowingly block, obstruct, impair or hinder or attempt to block obstruct, impair or hinder the free movement of pedestrian traffic in or out of a public facility.
In a manner that unduly interferes with the ability of others to use a public facility, use personal electronic equipment such as cell phones, computers, and other playback devices at an excessively loud volume.
Lay down or sleep in a public facility, unless otherwise authorized to engage in such activities.
Climb upon an object in such a manner as to create a danger of personal injury or property damage.
Have personal hygiene that unduly interferes with the ability of others to use the public land or public facility, including body odor or strong perfume.
Fail to wear appropriate attire. For the purposes of this restriction appropriate attire includes a top, bottom, and shoes except where public land or public facility-specific regulations allow otherwise.
Ride or operate a skateboard, scooter, roller blades or roller skates in a public facility, unless otherwise authorized to engage in such activities.
Bring bicycles, shopping carts, or similar wheeled objects into a public facility when doing so would be inconsistent with the intended use of the public facility.
Solicit, petition, or distribute written materials or canvass for any purpose in a public facility, including doorways or vestibules of a public facility. This includes conducting surveys, distributing materials, soliciting signatures for a petition, sales, and donations for charity.
Place a display or post written material anywhere within a public facility, the violation of which will result in the removal of the written material. This provision does not apply to the display or posting of written material in areas authorized for such activities to occur.
Engage in sexual conduct as defined by ORS 167.060;
Pick, cut, trim or remove flowers, trees, or other vegetation;
The prohibitions listed in this section do not apply to the lawful actions of a person exercising free speech rights or other rights protected by state or federal law.
(Ord. 6215 § 4, 2017; Ord. 6282 § 4, 2018)
Domesticated animals are prohibited from public facilities, playground areas, sports fields, sports courts, ponds, streams and wetlands, including the Jackson Bottom Wetlands Preserve, except as authorized under the Americans with Disabilities Act or specifically authorized by the city.
Inside parks, domesticated animals must be on a leash at all times except in designated off-leash areas, except as authorized under the Americans with Disabilities Act or specifically authorized by the city.
Owners are responsible for the immediate removal of all solid waste from their domesticated animals inside parks.
(Ord. 6015 § 1, 2012; Ord. 6215 § 3, 2017)
The PRC will adopt by resolution rules for the safe and efficient operation of parks.
Hours. Except for evening use authorized by the council or PRC, the permissible hours of use for parks are dawn to dusk, except parks specifically designated for evening use that are closed from 1 a.m. to dawn.
Fires are prohibited in parks, except in barbecue stands, pits, or fireplaces provided for that purpose by the city, unless prior approval is granted from the PRC.
No fire may be left unattended and every fire must be extinguished by the user before leaving the park area.
Activities Restricted to Specific Areas. Activities that may be hazardous to persons using the park or public lands or which may damage grass or foliage, such as hard or softball, golf, football, horseshoes, soccer or rugby, are restricted to areas designated for such activities.
Vehicles. The use of motorized vehicles on park property is restricted to roadways and parking lots designed for that purpose, unless otherwise authorized by the city.
The following activities are prohibited within parks unless specifically authorized by this code or the PRC:
The production of live music;
Organized gatherings or events involving 50 or more people unless they are within areas available for rent;
Vending activities;
The use of fireworks.
(Ord. 6215 § 4, 2017; Ord. 6455 § 3, 2023)
Parking facilities abutting parks, public lands and facilities are reserved for use by park, public land and facility patrons only, unless otherwise designated by the city.
(Ord. 6215 § 3, 2017)
Nothing in this code may be interpreted as preventing access to a public restroom by a person consistent with that person's expressed gender.
The following acts are prohibited in a building, or part thereof, that is intended for use as a public restroom within a park or public land, including any city building:
Standing, climbing, sitting upon or laying down on any fixture or floor located inside of or at the entrance of any restroom, unless that fixture or floor is intended to be used for standing, climbing, sitting or lying upon;
Occupying of a restroom by two or more persons when the restroom is specifically designed for use by only one person, unless one of those persons is assisting a handicapped person, child under 12 years of age, elderly person or another person similarly in need of assistance;
Interfering with an attendant in the discharge of duties within a restroom;
For a male person to enter or occupy a restroom marked "Women" except a male child with his mother or female guardian or an authorized person in the discharge of his regular duties;
For a female person to enter or occupy a restroom marked "Men" except a female child with her father or male guardian or an authorized person in the discharge of her regular duties; and
Engaging in disorderly or disruptive conduct inside of or at the entrance to a restroom.
Smoking, vaping and tobacco use is prohibited:
On or in any public lands and facilities;
At any city-sponsored event; and
On or in any city owned or controlled personal property, including, but not limited to, vehicles.
The manager may adopt regulations to permit smoking, vaping and tobacco use by city employees, which might otherwise be prohibited by this section, to the extent necessary to comply with a collective bargaining agreement.
(Ord. 6114 § 1, 2015; Ord. 6215 § 3, 2017)
In addition to all other provisions in this chapter, the following rules apply at these specific locations:
Noble Woods Park. All bicycles must be walked on the trails and walkways.
Reedville Creek Skate Park.
Only skateboards, scooters, bicycles and inline skates may be used in the facility. Motorized vehicles are not permitted.
Skateboarding is prohibited outside of the designated skating area.
Additional ramps, jumps or other obstacles are not allowed in the facility.
No food, beverages or glass items are allowed in the facility.
Competitive or demonstrative events are not permitted without prior approval by the PRC.
All Sports Courts.
Glass containers are prohibited.
Bicycles, skateboards and inline skates are prohibited.
When others are waiting, limit play to one hour.
Hondo Dog Park.
Dogs must:
Display identification tags showing proof of current license and rabies vaccination; and
Demonstrate appropriate social interaction. Dogs displaying aggressive behavior toward people or other dogs must be leashed and removed from the area immediately.
Handlers must:
Carry a leash for each dog in your care, and leash your dog when outside the off-leash area;
Closely supervise young children. Children under 12 must be supervised by an adult;
Accept legal responsibility for any damage or injury caused by your dog. The city and its agents (as described in HMC 9.32.015) and Washington County are not responsible for any damages or injuries;
Remain in the off-leash area to supervise your dog, keeping him or her within view and under verbal control at all times;
Remove pinch, choke, and spiked collars when off-leash to prevent injury;
Not bring a dog in heat to the off-leash area;
Not bring a puppy without a complete cycle of vaccinations to the off-leash area; and
Not abandon your dog. Abandoned dogs will be impounded.
Jackson Bottom Wetlands Preserve.
Bicycles and scooters are prohibited.
Hunting is prohibited.
Fishing in the marshes, ponds and wetland areas is not permitted.
Motor boats, canoeing and kayaking are not permitted without prior approval by the PRC.
Collecting of any kind (plant, animal, etc.) is not permitted.
Shute Park Library. No person may ride a skateboard as defined herein in any area of Shute Park that provides for ingress and egress to the library, including sidewalks, walkways, plazas and decorative walls, and any other paved surface that is north or east of the asphalt parking lot adjacent to the library.
Brookwood Library. No person may ride a skateboard as defined herein on the premises of the Brookwood Library including the parking lot, walkways, and any other hard surfaces.
(Ord. 5969 § 2, 2011; Ord. 6103 § 2, 2014; Ord. 6172 § 1, 2016; Ord. 6215 § 3, 2017)