The following definitions apply unless inconsistent with the context:
"Authorized activity",
for the purpose of this subchapter, is any activity for which a Civic Center Plaza activity permit has been issued or a city-sponsored event.
"Civic center block",
the area bounded by the face of curb along First and Second Avenues, and Washington and Main Streets, as generally depicted on the map appended to this subchapter as Figure 1.
"Civic center complex",
the area of the Civic Center Block that is city property, including the area classified as Tax Lot 1N2 31CC 04100 by the county assessor, as generally depicted on the map appended to this subchapter as Figure 2.
"Civic center plaza",
the public space areas within the area of the Civic Center Block, as generally depicted on the map appended to this subchapter as Figure 3.
"Commercial pursuit",
for the purpose of this subchapter, is activity related to or connected with trade, commerce or fundraising involving the receipt of money or property, but not including solicitation for personal needs in a manner where such expression is protected by the state or federal constitutions, such as but not limited to advertising, displaying, distributing, selling, taking orders or offering to sell or take orders for goods or services; providing a place for customers to sit; fundraising activities; activities, events, and performances for which admission is charged; and activities related to construction or demolition on abutting private premises.
The purpose of this subchapter is to establish policies to regulate uses and activities in and near the Civic Center Complex. These policies are needed to allow a functional gathering place for the community in the downtown part of the city, regulate conflicting uses within that gathering place and protect access to and efficient operations within City Hall. Any regulation of speech by this subchapter is intended to advance these policies with the least restrictive means and in ways that allow alternative forms of communication.
The provisions of this subchapter apply only to the Civic Center Block or to those portions specified and not to other areas of the city.
If any other provision of this code creates a more restrictive standard of conduct, the more restrictive standard applies.
This subchapter is consistent with state criminal law and defenses available in prosecution under state criminal law that apply to enforcement actions under this subchapter.
This subchapter is consistent with the provisions of the state and federal constitutions.
Except when approved as part of an authorized activity, the following acts are prohibited within the Civic Center Block:
Interfering with an authorized activity;
Impeding access to the Civic Center Complex or to any building adjacent to the Civic Center Complex. This prohibition does not apply to any activity protected by the state or federal constitutions;
Placing a newspaper or other written material dispenser:
Within 10 feet of a street corner;
Within one foot of a street curb;
Within one foot of, or connected or affixed by any means to, a public fixture;
Between any window abutting the sidewalk and the central traveled portion of the adjacent sidewalk, except with the permission of the owner or person in charge of the building housing said window; or
Within the central traveled portion of a sidewalk or in any other location likely to impede pedestrian traffic;
Allowing an animal to be at large or leaving it unattended, except when contained within a motor vehicle, a privately owned carrier or other container;
Entering into or lying or sitting in a landscaped planting area or acting in a manner harmful to plant life;
Picking or cutting flowers or other vegetation from landscaped planting areas;
Blocking or interfering with, or attempting to block or interfere with, a person along a public pedestrian area by any means, including, but not limited to, standing, sitting, kneeling or creating a trip hazard on that part of the public pedestrian area used for pedestrian travel or placing an object or vehicle in that area, with intent to interfere with free passage. This prohibition does not apply to an activity otherwise made lawful including, but not limited to, lawful protesting activity and lawful picketing activity;
Blocking or interfering with, or attempting to block or interfere with, pedestrian or vehicular entrances to public or private property abutting a public pedestrian area with the intent to interfere with free ingress to or egress from that property. This prohibition does not apply to an activity otherwise made lawful including, but not limited to, lawful protesting activity and lawful picketing activity;
Entering in or upon and using an area that has been reserved for an authorized activity for a purpose other than in accordance with the authorized activity;
Engaging in conduct that imminently threatens to cause or causes a speaker or performer to cease speaking or performing or threatens to cause or causes an audience to be unable to hear the speaker or performer;
Except when participating in an authorized activity, engaging in conduct within 20 feet of an authorized activity that prevents participants in the activity with normal sensitivities from carrying on a normal conversation; and
Applying graffiti to any surface without authorization by the owner or person in charge of the property.
In addition to the acts prohibited under HMC 9.40.040(A), the following acts are prohibited in the Civic Center Complex unless approved as part of an authorized activity:
Engaging in a commercial pursuit, soliciting for a charitable contribution, or conducting, presenting, or participating in musical, theatrical, cinematic, choreographic or athletic performances whether or not admission is charged, and no specific area of public property is reserved for its use. This provision does not apply to the lawful receipt or delivery of goods or services or the provision of utility services to public or private entities or persons that occupy buildings abutting the Civic Center Complex;
Occupying or being present between 12 a.m. and 6 a.m., unless authorized to be in the Civic Center Plaza by the manager or traveling to or from a place of employment or a public meeting at City Hall;
Placing a display or posting written material anywhere within, the violation of which will result in the removal of the written material. This provision does not apply to the distribution of leaflets or handbills, the display of hand-carried signs or the display of signs authorized by a rule adopted by the council or manager;
Using sound amplification or producing equipment other than personal listening devices audible only to the person using the device;
Except for a peace officer, carrying concealed upon the person an electrical stun gun, blow gun, pepper spray, tear gas, knife having a blade that projects or swings into position by force of a spring or centrifugal force, knife sharpened on both edges, dirk, dagger, ice pick, sling shot, metal knuckles, nunchaku, shirika, butterfly knife, blackjack, billy club, sap, sap gloves, straight razor, bolo knife, bayonet, or a similar instrument by the use of which injury could be inflicted upon the person or property of a person;
Except for a peace officer or member of the Army, Navy or Marine Corps of the United States, or the National Guard, while on duty, carrying a firearm concealed upon the person without having a license to carry the firearm as provided in state law;
Except for a peace officer in the line of duty, discharging a firearm;
Unless authorized by the liquor commission and with a liquor license issued by the city, selling, drinking or consuming alcoholic liquor or possessing alcoholic liquor in a container that has been opened, has a broken seal or the contents of which have been partially removed;
Smoking or carrying a lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe or other smoking equipment, except in areas designated by the manager;
Willfully cutting, removing, defacing, injuring, damaging or destroying:
Property within;
Enclosures around;
A notice of rules or regulations posted within; or
A work of art, statue, monument, memorial tablet, ornamental fountain or any other ornamental structure within;
Erecting, installing, leaving or setting up a temporary or permanent fixture, structure or enclosure within, including but not limited to, canopies, tents, tables or chairs;
The placing of solid waste. This prohibition does not apply to the proper disposal of solid waste resulting from the normal use of the Civic Center Plaza;
Operating a motor vehicle, except if owned or used by the city;
Riding a bicycle, except by a peace officer;
Locking or chaining a bicycle to any object other than a bike rack;
Riding or operating a skateboard, scooter, roller blades, or roller skates;
Climbing a tree;
Climbing upon an object in such a manner as to create a danger of personal injury or property damage;
Depositing anything into an ornamental or water fountain or altering the flow of water in such a fountain in a way that injures or endangers the welfare, health or safety of others;
Allowing an animal to enter an ornamental fountain;
Failure to immediately remove fecal matter after allowing a dog or other animal to defecate;
Engaging in cooking activities or building a fire;
Possessing a hazardous substance or destructive device that may cause personal injury or property damage including, but not limited to, fireworks;
Possessing implements capable of scarring or leaving a visible mark, including an aerosol paint container, wide tipped permanent marker, gum label or decal, paint stick, etching equipment or brush; and
Engaging in any other activity that creates a danger of personal injury or property damage.
Notwithstanding HMC 9.40.060, the manager may affect closure of all or part of the Civic Center Plaza in those circumstances set forth under HMC 9.40.050(D) by erecting barricades prohibiting access.
If feasible, notices of closure of all or part of the Civic Center Plaza will be posted at appropriate locations during the closure.
Failure to post notices under HMC 9.40.050(B) does not invalidate such closure nor is it a defense to a charge of violating the code.
A closure under HMC 9.40.050(A) will be based upon one or more of the following criteria or conditions existing in or near the Civic Center Plaza:
Life or property appears to be endangered and other means cannot reasonably be utilized to eliminate the danger;
An overcrowding of persons or vehicles has occurred so that necessary access to emergency assistance or emergency vehicles is unavailable;
Loud and unreasonable noise, fighting, violent, tumultuous or threatening behavior, or a violation of a criminal statute or city ordinance is occurring and is caused by sufficient numbers of persons so that other means cannot reasonably be utilized to eliminate the condition; or
A hazardous condition exists such that the safety of persons or property cannot reasonably be assured.
During a closure under HMC 9.40.050(A), it is unlawful to enter or remain in that portion of the Civic Center Plaza that has been closed, after having been notified of the closure.
It is unlawful to conduct or participate in an activity in the Civic Center Plaza for which a CCPAP is required unless the manager has previously issued a CCPAP for the activity and the permittee is able to immediately produce a CCPAP upon the request of an authorized person or said activity is programmed or sponsored by the city.
A CCPAP is required for:
An activity intended, or reasonably likely, to involve 50 or more persons at any one time as participants and spectators;
An activity that includes the placement of a temporary or permanent object, including but not limited to, any table, bench, stage, fence, tent or other facility, unless placed in an area of the Civic Center Plaza designated by the manager for such use without a CCPAP;
An activity that requires, or is reasonably likely to require, city services additional to those already provided to the public in the Civic Center Plaza as a matter of course, including but not limited to, increased police or fire protection, the turning on or off of water, provision of utilities, placing, removing, opening or closing bollards, gates or fences, or the special preparation of other facilities;
An activity for which the organizers will seek to exclude, or to have the right to exclude, any member of the public therefrom or from any portion of the Civic Center Plaza; or
An activity that will include conduct that is otherwise prohibited in the Civic Center Plaza.
All CCPAP and the persons involved in conducting the authorized events are subject to city ordinances and the rules of the manager.
A CCPAP permittee must obtain all other applicable permits or licenses for an activity which requires them, such as a special event permit or a street closure permit.
A CCPAP permittee is liable to a person who suffers any loss, damage, or injury because of the negligence or breach of city rules or ordinances by an authorized event or persons involved in conducting the authorized event, and shall indemnify and hold harmless the city and its agents from any and all claims and actions, including all attorney's fees and costs, that arise.
A CCPAP will be personal to the CCPAP permittee and will be void if transferred or assigned in any manner unless approved in writing by the manager.
Application for CCPAP must be submitted to the city and include any permit fee as set by council resolution.
The manager will adopt rules establishing policies and procedures relative to the application for and issuance of CCPAP.
Each application for a CCPAP must state the:
Purpose for which the Civic Center Plaza would be used;
Date and time of the proposed use;
Area of the Civic Center Plaza that would be used;
Anticipated number of persons who would be present; and
Such other information relating to the contemplated use as the manager may require.
The manager will issue the requested permit if a complete CCPAP application complying with all adopted policies and procedures is filed and all of the following conditions are met:
The proposed activity is consistent with the size of the Civic Center Plaza and its use for traveling to and from City Hall and other buildings abutting the Civic Center Plaza;
The proposed activity will not have an unreasonably adverse impact, from noise, solid waste or traffic, on the Civic Center Plaza or the surrounding uses;
The proposed activity does not pose an unreasonable risk to public health or safety or to the physical integrity of the Civic Center Plaza;
The applicant pays all required fees, posts any required insurance or bond and agrees to comply with all conditions of the permit;
The proposed activity is otherwise lawful;
The proposed activity does not conflict with another activity already scheduled for the Civic Center Plaza or for which a different CCPAP has been applied for or issued; and
The applicant, or any person affiliated with the applicant and with the activity, has complied with the conditions of any previous CCPAP.
If the requested use in a CCPAP application does not meet the criteria of HMC 9.40.070(B) through (D), the manager may deny the application, impose restrictions or conditions upon the CCPAP or issue a CCPAP for a different date, time or Civic Center Plaza area so as to meet such criteria.
The manager will make a written determination on a complete CCPAP application as quickly as possible and, at the latest, within 14 days after it is filed and arrange for the immediate delivery of the determination to the applicant.
A person whose CCPAP application is denied or who is issued an undesired permit may appeal the matter to the council by filing a written notice of appeal with the city within five days after the mailing of the denial or permit with objectionable conditions.
Within two days of the filing of an appeal on a CCPAP, the manager may modify or reverse the permit decision.
If the manager changes the CCPAP decision, the applicant may appeal the changed decision to the council by filing a notice of appeal with the city within five days after issuance of the modified permit decision. If the manager does not change an appealed decision, the appeal to the council continues.
Council consideration.
The council will consider an appeal properly filed under HMC 9.40.070(G)(3):
At the next scheduled council meeting for which an agenda has not yet been posted or published; and
On the basis of the administrative record before the manager and the argument of the applicant.
The council, in considering an appeal properly filed under HMC 9.40.070(G)(3), may:
Require that the applicant's argument be written and preclude all other testimony; and
Affirm, modify or reverse the decision of the manager to meet the criteria of HMC 9.40.070(D).
No consideration of CCPAP applications may be given to the content of any constitutionally protected expression and no condition may be imposed that would violate rights protected by the Constitution of the United States or the state.
If any portion or provision of this subchapter is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such portion or provision shall, so far as possible, be held severable, and shall not affect the remainder, which shall continue in full force and effect.
No person may willfully disrupt or obstruct the work or conducting of the business of a public body during a meeting of that public body.