[Ord. No. 246, 10/11/2023]
The Board of Supervisors shall establish fees by ordinance or resolution to defray plan review and construction inspection costs incurred by the Township. All application fees shall be paid by the applicant at the time of drainage plan submission.
The applicant shall reimburse the Township for all legal and engineering fees incurred in the review of the drainage plan or permit application and supporting documents, review of agreements for maintenance of stormwater management facilities, review of easement agreements, and inspection of stormwater management facilities. If required by applicable ordinance or resolution, the applicant shall deposit the estimated review and inspection fees with the Township at the time of application.
In the event that applicant disputes the amount of such review fees, the applicant shall, within 10 days of the date of an invoice for the review or inspection fees, notify the Township in writing that such fees are disputed, in which case the Township shall not delay or disapprove a drainage plan or permit application due to the applicant's request over disputed fees.
In the event the Township and the applicant cannot agree on the amount of review and/or inspection fees which are reasonable and necessary, then the applicant and the Township shall follow the procedure for dispute resolution set forth in MPC Section 503.[1]
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10503.
[Ord. No. 246, 10/11/2023]
The fees required by this Part shall at a minimum cover:
Administrative costs.
The review of the drainage plan by the Township and the Township Engineer.
The site inspections.
The inspection of stormwater management facilities and drainage improvements during construction.
The final inspection upon completion of the stormwater management facilities and drainage improvements presented in the drainage plan.
Any additional work required to enforce any permit provisions regulated by this Part, correct violations, and assure proper completion of stipulated remedial actions.
Subpart G.
Construction and Maintenance of Stormwater Management Facilities.