The geographically specific Hawthorn Farm / Fair Complex Plan District development and design standards reflect the City's goals and objectives for the Hawthorn Farm / Fair Complex SCPA as described in the Hillsboro Comprehensive Plan.
Plan District standards within the previously developed Hawthorn Farm Business Park are intended to minimally supplement the established design and character of the park, in order enhance basic principles of increased density and enhanced pedestrian orientation near the Hawthorn Farm LRT station.
The Plan District standards applicable to the Fair Complex are intended to implement the intent of the Fair Complex Master Plan, adopted by Washington County in October 2008 and revised in October 2010.
(Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
The standards of this section apply to properties within the Hawthorn Farm / Fair Complex Plan District boundaries as shown on Figure 12.63.200-A. There are 2 zones applicable within the Hawthorn Farm / Fair Complex Plan District:
SCBP Station Community Business Park; and
SCFI Station Community Fairgrounds Institutional.
Figure 12.63.200-A: Hawthorn Farm / Fair Complex Plan District.
(Ord. 6294 § 1, 2019; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
Permitted, Restricted and Specially Regulated Uses. Medical and dental offices, outpatient and clinical facilities are considered a permitted Use in the SCBP zone. However, this Use shall be limited in size to not more than 15,000 square feet per tax lot. Parking for this type of use shall be provided at the ratios specified for Medical Offices as shown in Table 12.50.320-2.
Minimum Usable Open Space Requirements. On lots abutting the Dawson Creek riparian area, up to 200 feet of area (measured from top of bank) may be counted toward usable open space requirements if viewing areas and pathways make the area publicly accessible.
Sidewalks. New development shall construct sidewalks at the locations and widths shown on Figure 12.63.300-A. Sidewalks on streets not shown on Figure 12.63.300-A shall meet the width requirements of the Public Works Design and Construction Standards. All sidewalk improvements shall comply with the Public Works Design and Construction Standards.
Building Entries and Orientation. New development on lots in Hawthorn Farm abutting the Dawson Creek riparian area may orient building entrances toward Dawson Creek. Off-street parking and pedestrian accessways may also be oriented toward the riparian area provided that Usable Open Space or natural area is retained between the building and the top of the creek bank.
Location and Design of Off-Street Parking. New development on lots abutting the Dawson Creek riparian area may site off-street parking between the street and the building if the area between the building and the top of the creek bank is improved and enhanced as Usable Open Space.
Figure 12.63.300-A: Hawthorn Farm / Fair Complex Sidewalks
(Ord. 6294 § 1, 2019; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)