The North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District development and design standards reflect the City's goals and objectives for North Hillsboro and are intended to implement the vision, goals, policies and principles outlined in the City of Hillsboro Comprehensive Plan and North Hillsboro Industrial Area Community Plan (HCP Section 30).
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
Plan District Boundary. The standards of this section apply only within the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District boundary as shown on Figure 12.66.020-A.
Base Zones. The base zones used to implement the Industrial Comprehensive Plan designation within North Hillsboro include: I-P (Industrial Park), I-S (Industrial Sanctuary), HSID (Helvetia Special Industrial District), ESID (Evergreen Special Industrial District) and SSID (Shute Special Industrial District). In some cases, the base standards of these zones are modified by this plan district to achieve the purpose of the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District.
Special Features. Specific standards within this section apply to the following special features as shown on Figure 12.66.020-A.
Urban/Rural Edge Streets
District Edge Streets
Waible Creek Greenspace
Figure 12.66.020-A: North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District Boundary and Special Features
Greenspace corridor location shown is approximate. See Section 12.66.130.C for instructions on calculating the Waible Creek Greenspace setback.
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022; Ord. 6410 § 1, 2022)
Table 12.66.030-1 summarizes the applicability of Subchapter 12.50 Development and Design Standards within the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District.
Table 12.66.030-1:
Applicability of Subchapter 12.50 Standards
Applicable Code Sections
Base Zone Standards
Lot Dimensions
The standards of 12.50.110 apply.
Residential Density
The standards of 12.50.120 are not applicable.
The standards of 12.50.130 apply except as modified by 12.66.130.
Building Height
The standards of 12.50.140 apply.
Floor Area Ratio
The standards of 12.50.150 apply.
Site Design
Usable Open Space
The standards of 12.50.210 are not applicable.
The standards of 12.50.220 apply in addition to the standards in 12.66.220.
Tree Preservation
The standards of 12.50.230 apply except as modified by 12.66.230.
Exterior Lighting
The standards of 12.50.240 apply.
Fences, Free-Standing Walls, Hedges and Berms
The standards of 12.50.250 apply except as modified by 12.66.250.
Sight Distance / Vision Clearance
The standards of 12.50.260 apply.
Vehicle Parking
Purpose, Applicability and Maintenance Responsibilities
The standards of 12.50.310 apply.
Number of Spaces Required
The standards of 12.50.320 apply.
Exempt Parking
The standards of 12.50.330 apply.
Credit for On-Street Parking
The standards of 12.50.340 apply.
Vehicle Parking and Loading: Location
The standards of 12.50.350 apply in addition to the standards in 12.66.350.
Vehicle Parking and Loading: Design and Improvements
The standards of 12.50.360 apply except as modified by 12.66.350.
Bicycle Parking/Bicycle and Pedestrian Circulation and Connectivity
Bicycle Parking
The standards of 12.50.410 apply.
Pedestrian and Bicycle Circulation
The standards of 12.50.420 apply.
Connectivity and Design Standards at or near Transit Stops
The standards of 12.50.430 apply.
Access and Street Standards
Purpose, Applicability and Exceptions
The standards of 12.50.510.
Street Connectivity and Access
The standards of 12.50.520 apply.
Public Streets and Alleys Design and Improvement
The standards of 12.50.530 apply.
Common Driveways and Private Streets: Design and Improvement
The standards of 12.50.540 apply.
Sidewalk Widths; Design and Location
The standards of 12.50.550 apply.
Street Trees
The standards of 12.50.560 apply.
Public Utilities General Requirements, Site Grading and Storm Water Facilities Site Integration
Purpose, Applicability and Exceptions
The standards of 12.50.610 apply.
Public Utilities General Requirements
The standards of 12.50.620 apply except as modified by 12.66.620.
Site Grading
The standards of 12.50.630 apply.
Storm Water Facilities Site Integration
The standards of 12.50.640 apply.
Design Standards for Residential Development
Design Standards for All Residential Development
The standards of 12.50.710 are not applicable.
Additional Design Standards for Middle Housing
The standards of 12.50.715 are not applicable.
Design Standards for Multiple-Dwelling Residential
The standards of 12.50.720 are not applicable.
Design Standards for Non-Residential and Mixed-Use Development
Purpose and Applicability
The standards of 12.50.810 apply except as modified by 12.66.800.A and B.
Main Entries
The standards of 12.50.820 apply.
Ground Floor Windows
The standards of 12.50.830 do not apply. They are superseded by 12.66.830.
Articulation and Detailed Design
The standards of 12.50.840 do not apply. They are superseded by 12.66.840.
Building Step-Back Requirements
The standards of 12.50.845 do not apply.
Improvements and Activities between Streets and Buildings
The standards of 12.50.850 apply.
Waste and Recycling Facilities
The standards of 12.50.270 apply except as modified by 12.66.860.
Sidewalk Dining and Displays in Light Rail Zones
The standards of 12.50.870 do not apply.
Drive Through Facilities in Light Rail Zones
The standards of 12.50.875 do not apply.
Outdoor Storage
The standards of 12.50.880 apply in addition to the standards in 12.66.880.
Utilitarian Functions
The standards of 12.50.890 apply except as modified by 12.66.890.
Public Benefit Standards
Purpose and Applicability
The standards of 12.50.910 apply.
Building and Site Design Guidelines
The guidelines of 12.50.920 apply.
Sustainable Development Practices
The standards of 12.50.930 apply.
Crime Prevention through Environmental Design
The standards of 12.50.940 apply.
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6322 § 1, 2019; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
Purpose. The annexation agreement is intended to ensure awareness of the annexation process as well as reasonable certainty to the property owner, the City, Washington County, and the public that the scope and timing of subsequent development of the property will occur in a manner that facilitates the timely and equitable construction of necessary infrastructure improvements. The agreement is intended to describe the intended use of the property following annexation, the process for development review, the parties' commitments regarding the subsequent development, and the infrastructure anticipated to be necessary to support development.
Applicability. Unless waived by the City under Subsection 12.66.040.D, an annexation agreement consistent with this Section shall be executed prior to and included with any owner-initiated annexation application under Section 12.80.010 for any property located in the Jackson East-North or Jackson East-South Sub-Areas, the boundaries of which are depicted on Figure 12.25.310-A.
Contents. Unless otherwise agreed by the City, an annexation agreement shall include the following information and, at a minimum, address the following elements to the City's satisfaction:
A legal description of the property;
The current zoning;
The owner's intended urban use of the property in sufficient detail to allow the City to determine the public facility impacts and required infrastructure improvements necessary to support the intended use. The description should include the anticipated type, size and density of the use, the timing of any anticipated phases, and an engineering assessment of impact on urban services at full build-out and for each phase of a phased project;
A Transportation Study consistent with the requirements of Sections 12.70.200 that includes the portion of Jackson School Road between Waible Creek and US Highway 26 and describes:
The existing transportation facilities that serve the property, including the existing and planned capacity of the facilities;
The committed and funded multi-modal transportation facilities expected to be available at full buildout of the property, and at each development phase of a phased project;
The intended size, type, location and phased development timing, if any, of occupancy;
The transportation impact of the intended use(s) at full buildout, and at each development phase of a phased project;
Any transportation improvements that may be necessary to accommodate full buildout, and each development phase of a phased project, including the potential impacts of anticipated future development; and
Information establishing compliance with ORS 215.296 for any road improvements deemed necessary by the Transportation Study conducted pursuant to Subsection (C)(4); and
Timing. The City will not execute an annexation agreement until Washington County and the City have entered into an agreement regarding transportation system improvements and financing for Jackson East-South and Jackson East-North Sub-Areas outlined in the adopted Urban Planning Area Agreement (UPAA) between Washington County and the City.
The City may waive the requirement to execute and submit an annexation agreement if the City, in its sole discretion, determines the agreement is not necessary and would not achieve the purposes described in Section 12.66.040.A.
As a condition of waiving the requirement to execute and submit an annexation agreement, the City may require a development agreement prior to approval of any necessary land use applications for development. Any such development agreement may require, to the City's satisfaction, the information and elements described in Section 12.66.040.C.
Owners Commitments. The annexation agreement shall provide for at least the following owner commitments:
To limit development of the property such that it will not exceed the capacity of affected transportation facilities, as determined by the Transportation Study, including any improvements proposed and constructed as part of the development;
Authorize the City to limit or condition any land use decision or entitlements consistent with the Transportation Study, as determined by the City, to ensure that adequate public transportation infrastructure is available to serve the proposed development; and
Authorize the City to limit or condition any land use decision or entitlements consistent with Section 12.27.200, the City's Significant Natural Resources Overlay District.
City Commitments. The annexation agreement shall provide for at least the following City commitments:
To initiate the zone change process to rezone the property to the appropriate City zone at the time of annexation or such other time as parties agree.
General Provisions.
An annexation agreement shall include the parties' intended schedule of significant development-related events, including annexation, zone change, land use, and land division, if applicable.
An annexation agreement expires one year from the last date it is signed by the parties unless the City has received an annexation application for the property and deemed the application complete.
The provisions of an annexation agreement may be included in and made part of a subsequent land use decision, in which case the provisions of the land use decision supersede any conflicting provisions in the annexation agreement.
An annexation agreement is not effective and binding on the parties until the annexation application is approved by the City Council under Section 12.80.010.
(Ord. 6410 § 1, 2022)
The base zone standards in the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District include the following sections:
Lot Dimensions
Residential Density
Building Height
Floor Area Ratio
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
The standards of the applicable base zone or Section 12.50.110 shall apply in the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District.
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
The standards of Section 12.50.120 are not applicable in the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District.
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
Setbacks required by this section are not additive; they are coexistent (i.e., overlapping) with those required by other sections of the Development Code. The standards of Section 12.50.130 and applicable base zones apply except as modified below:
District Edge Street Setbacks. Setbacks at property lines abutting District Edge Streets (designated on Figure 12.66.020-A) shall be a minimum of 35-foot in width. Landscaping within the District Edge Street Setback shall be in accordance with Subsection 12.66.220.C.
Urban/Rural Edge Street Setbacks. Setbacks at property lines abutting Urban/Rural Edge Streets (designated on Figure 12.66.020-A) shall be a minimum of 50-foot in width. Landscaping within the Urban/Rural Edge Street Setback shall be in accordance with Subsection 12.66.220.D.
Waible Creek Greenspace Setback. Properties abutting the Waible Creek Greenspace, shown on Figure 12.66.020-A, shall have a setback of 50 feet from the outermost edge of the Clean Water Services Vegetated Corridor. Landscaping within the Waible Creek Green-space setback shall be in accordance with Subsection 12.66.220.E.
An easement for recreational trail and public access shall be granted for the entirety of the required setback area. The easement may be shown on the final plat or recorded as a separate easement document. In either case, the easement must be recorded prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. The land may be dedicated to the City instead of granting an easement.
Within the Greenspace Setback, only passive recreation, stormwater management, and natural area enhancement uses shall be permitted. These uses include, but are not limited to:
Public multi-use paths;
Pedestrian trails and walkways;
Picnic areas;
Interpretive and educational displays;
Publicly accessible overlooks, observation towers, and viewpoints, including benches and outdoor furniture;
Bridges and related appurtenances for pedestrians, bicycles and motor vehicles; and
Stormwater facilities.
Privately owned stormwater facilities located within the Greenspace Setback shall occupy a maximum of 25% of the total area of the Greenspace Setback on a single parcel. Regional stormwater facilities are exempt from this standard.
The minimum Waible Creek Greenspace setback width may be waived or reduced by the Review Authority upon finding the setback is not necessary to implement key components or policies of the North Hillsboro Community Plan (HCP Section 30) related to greenspace corridors.
Gateways. The following requirements shall apply to sites located adjacent to Gateways (designated on Figure 12.66.020-A). Landscaping within the Gateway setback shall be in accordance with Section 12.66.220.
Area. Gateway Setbacks are required within 50 feet of a designated Gateway as measured along the property lines extending out from a property corner located in a Gateway. See Figure 12.66.130-B.
Gateway Enhancements. Within the gateway, enhancements should emphasize the character of the district and the sense of the gateway as an important entry to the district.
Development proposals shall provide the City with an access easement or other means to install and maintain streetscape and design elements such as seating, works of art or water features.
Figure 12.66.130-B: Required Gateways
Exceptions to Minimum Setbacks. In addition to the setback exceptions permitted in Subsection 12.50.130.H, the Review Authority may approve exceptions to a minimum setback standard under any of the following circumstances without a Variance or an Adjustment:
Front Yard Setback Reductions. Minimum front yard setbacks may be reduced in accordance with Table 12.66.130-1 to allow buildings to be closer to the street provided all of the following standards are met:
The street-facing façade abutting the reduced setback and the first 50 feet of any street-facing façade forming a corner with that façade provides windows in accordance with Section 12.66.830.
The street-facing façade abutting the reduced setback and the first 50 feet of any street-facing façade forming a corner with that façade provides articulation in accordance with Section 12.66.840.
No portion of a designated Gateway or Urban/Rural Edge Street Setback, as shown on Figure 12.66.020-A, shall be reduced by this subsection.
Table 12.66.130-1:
Reduced Minimum Front Setback
Minimum Front Setbacks
Buildings up to 45 feet high
15 feet
Buildings > 45 feet in height
15 feet +
1 additional foot for every 2 feet of structural height over 45 feet*
* The additional setback applies only to those portions of a building over > 45 feet in height. Buildings step-backs may be used to comply with this standard. See Figure 12.66.130-A.
Figure 12.66.130-A: Building Step-Backs
Special Feature Setback Area Exchange. Minimum front yard setbacks on properties abutting the Waible Creek Greenspace and/or an Urban/Rural Edge Street, as shown on Figure 12.66.020-A, may be reduced in accordance with Table 12.66.130-1 to allow buildings to be closer to the street provided all of the following standards are met within the reduced setback:
The street-facing façade abutting the reduced setback and the first 50 feet of any street-facing façade forming a corner with that façade provides windows in accordance with Section 12.66.830.
The street-facing façade abutting the reduced setback and the first 50 feet of any street-facing façade forming a corner with that façade provide articulation in accordance with Section 12.66.840.
The total lineal feet of setback reduction is equal to or less than the total lineal feet of Waible Creek Greenspace and/or Urban/Rural Edge Street Setback on the property.
No portion of a designated Gateway or Urban/Rural Edge Street Setback, as shown on Figure 12.66.020-A, shall be reduced by this subsection.
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
The standards of Section 12.50.140 and the applicable base zones apply in the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District.
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
The standards of Section 12.50.150 and the applicable base zones apply in the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District.
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
Site design standards for the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District include the following sections:
Usable Open Space
Tree Preservation
Exterior Lighting
Fences, Free-Standing Walls, Hedges and Berms
Sight Distance/Vision Clearance
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
The standards of Section 12.50.210 are not applicable in the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District.
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
In addition to the standards of Section 12.50.220, within the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District the following standards apply.
Purpose. Enhanced requirements are intended to establish an appropriate and attractive rural/urban edge and district edge, improve the Waible Creek Riparian Corridor, as well as to encourage the establishment and vitality of Oregon White Oaks and other native plantings.
Landscape Materials. Landscaping shall be designed to feature plant materials that evoke the character of the area focusing on Oregon White Oaks and other native plantings. Landscaping should be adaptable to climatic, topographic, and hydrologic characteristics and urban constraints. To maintain tree health, landscaping should be designed to avoid the need to water underneath mature oaks. Instead, landscaping near oaks should emphasize Pacific Northwest native grasses, wildflowers, perennial herbs, and shrubs. Native woodland or prairie plants can be used to create a natural landscape which does not require summer irrigation once established.
Ground covers are required in all planting areas, unless the entire bed is planted with shrubs that branch out so that they cover the surface of the ground. Bark, mulch or other organic soil covers are not considered to meet this standard.
Landscaping shall incorporate a mixture of vertical and horizontal elements such as ground cover, shrubs and trees and contain a mix of evergreen and deciduous plants.
Irrigation methods shall minimize stormwater run-off through the use of drip irrigation, rain sensors, rotor irrigation heads and similar techniques.
Berms, if utilized, shall be fully landscaped with a mixture of trees, shrubs, and groundcover.
The preservation of existing mature and specimen trees is encouraged.
District Edge Street Landscape Design Standards. The required setback for a designated District Edge Street, shown on Figure 12.66.020-A, shall include the following:
A mixture of vertical and horizontal landscaping elements to provide visual and acoustic buffering;
Landscaping shall be designed to provide screening of views of parking areas, vehicle maneuvering areas, and utilitarian features described in Subsection 12.50.890.C, and building façades which do not meet the design standards in Section 12.66.840 from the abutting District Edge Street by the time of occupancy; and
Landscape design within the setback shall comply with the minimum size and spacing standards for landscaping materials in Table 12.50.220-1 and shall be designed to incorporate 2 rows of trees as shown on Figure 12.66.220-A except where such landscaping would interfere with the preservation of mature or specimen trees (as defined in Section 12.66.230).
Figure 12.66.220-A: Landscaping Along Designated District Edge Streets
Urban/Rural Edge Street Landscape Design Standards. The required setback for a designated Urban/Rural Edge Street, shown on Figure 12.66.020-A, shall include the following:
Landscaping shall be designed to provide screening of views of parking areas, vehicle maneuvering areas, utilitarian features described in Subsection 12.50.890.C, and building façades which do not meet the design standards in Section 12.66.840 from the abutting Urban/Rural Edge Street by the time of occupancy; and a visual transition between the industrial uses and the rural areas located across the right-of-way.
The required setback for a designated Urban/Rural Edge Street shall be landscaped as shown on Table 12.66.220-1 or the alternative treatment described in Subsection 12.66.220.D.3.
Properties having an Urban/Rural Edge Street setback with a negative slope exceeding a 10 feet differential between the property line and finish grade of the building may substitute a green roof covering a minimum of 75% of the building(s) for the landscape treatment described in Table 12.66.220-1. The Urban/Rural Edge Street Setback shall be landscaped in accordance with Subsection 12.66.220.B.
Table 12.66.220-1
Landscape Treatments at Urban/Rural Edges
Slope Differential from Property Line to Finished Grade1
Landscape Treatment
Positive slope when finish grade is up to 10 feet higher
A mixture of native plants of graduated height and treatments and berms as shown in Figure 12.66.220-B.
Positive slope when finish grade is more than 10 feet higher
A mixture of native plants of graduated height and treatments as shown in Figure 12.66.220-B. The use of berms is optional.
Negative slope when finish grade is up to 10 feet lower
A mixture of native plants of reducing height and treatments and berms as shown in Figure 12.66.220-C.
Negative slope when finish grade is more than 10 feet lower
A mixture of native plants of reducing height and treatments as shown in Figure 12.66.220-C. The use of berms is optional. Alternatively, the developer may choose to utilize a green roof as described in Subsection 12.66.220.D.3.
Measured from the property line to edge of 50′ foot Urban/Rural Edge Street Setback.
Figure 12.66.220-B: Urban/Rural Edge Street Landscape Treatment for Positive Slopes
Figure 12.66.220-C: Urban/Rural Edge Street Landscape Treatment for Negative Slopes
Waible Creek Greenspace Setback Landscape Design Standards. The setback required by Subsection 12.66.130.B for properties abutting the Waible Creek Greenspace shall be landscaped to the following standards:
Within the outermost 6 feet of the setback, landscaping shall be designed to provide screening of views of parking areas, vehicle maneuvering areas, utilitarian features described in Subsection 12.50.890.C, and building façades which do not meet the design standards in Section 12.66.840 from the future Crescent Park Greenway trail by the time of occupancy;
Within the remainder of the setback, a 20% tree and 80% shrub mixture shall be planted at a density of 2600 stems (bare root plantings) per acre, with trees planted 6′ on center and shrubs 4′ on center;
At least 75% of plants and seeds within the setback shall be selected from and in-stalled according to the planting requirements from Appendix A of the June 2007 CWS Design and Construction Standards- R&O 17-05; and
A seed mix that includes a mix of native herbaceous groundcover cover and grasses appropriate to the plant community and hydrologic zone of the site shall be seeded into the understory throughout the setback.
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
The standards of Section 12.50.230 apply within the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District except as modified below:
Purpose. Increased requirements for on and off-site mitigation for the removal of mature and specimen trees supports the goals of improving the Waible Creek Tributary Riparian Corridor. Incentives for the voluntary preservation of existing specimen trees further the goal of preserving and enhancing the unique natural resources and character of the area while supporting economic development.
Applicability. The applicability requirements of Subsection 12.50.230.B apply in the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District.
Standards for Mature Tree Preservation. The standards of Subsection 12.50.230.C apply in the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District except as modified below.
Where the Review Authority determines it is impracticable or unsafe to preserve mature trees, removal of the trees shall be mitigated at a ratio of 1 inch (dbh) planted for every 1 inch (dbh) removed. Mitigation shall be provided by 1 or more of the following alternatives, as determined by the Review Authority:
The trees shall be replaced in accordance with an approved landscape plan including new plantings of similar character at least 1 ½″ in caliper, and no greater than 2 ½″ in caliper. The Review Authority may allow the replacement trees to be planted off-site in a public open space, natural resource mitigation area, or park, with preference given to planting within the Waible Creek Tributary Riparian Corridor;
A fee in-lieu-of replacement may be paid by the developer to the City. The amount of the in-lieu-of payment shall be approximately equal to the market value of the replacement trees cited in Subsection a, above.
A credit toward the mitigation requirements of Subsection 12.66.230.C.1 may be granted by the Review Authority for preservation of mature and specimen trees on site, at a ratio of ½ inch (dbh) preserved for every 1 inch (dbh) removed, provided measures are also taken to preserve the health of the tree(s) to be preserved. If approved, the amount of credit for preservation of specimen trees shall not exceed 30% of the total mitigation requirement.
The Review Authority may modify the requirements of this section in a manner which in its determination reasonably satisfies the Purpose Statement in subsection A above. Where a modification is approved, the Review Authority may impose the conditions in Subsection 12.50.230.C.3.
Standards for Specimen Tree Preservation. In addition to the standards in subsection C above, the standards of Subsection 12.50.230.D shall apply in the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District.
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6322 § 1, 2019; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
The standards of Section 12.50.240 apply in the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District.
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
The standards of Section 12.50.250 apply within the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District except as modified below:
Purpose. Fences, walls, hedges and berms within the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District should balance the need for security with the need to provide a consistent, cohesive, visually pleasing environment.
Applicability. The applicability requirements of Subsection 12.50.250.B apply in the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District. In addition, within the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District the standards of Sections 12.50.250 and 12.66.250 also apply to development applications in which fences, hedges, free-standing walls or berms are proposed or required as a condition of approval.
Fence Permit Required. The permit requirements of Subsection 12.50.250.C apply in the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District.
Standards. The standards in Subsections 12.50.250.D through F apply in the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District except as modified by subsections 1 through 4, below.
Fences and free-standing walls shall be constructed of durable materials compatible with the primary materials used on the associated building façade. Materials may include, but are not limited to, the following:
Masonry or brick;
Solid wood with masonry or brick columns;
Wrought iron with masonry or brick columns; or
Alternative material(s) as approved by the Review Authority.
Use of plastic, vinyl, barbed wire, razor wire, and electric fences, industrial materials and unprocessed waste materials are prohibited as fencing or free-standing wall materials.
The use of chain link shall be fully screened so as to be not visible from public rights-of-way.
All fences and free-standing walls shall be treated with anti-graffiti sealant.
Berms. On all frontages, berms shall be fully landscaped with a mixture of trees, shrubs and ground cover.
Design. Fence designs shall contribute to overall appearance of development within the plan district through the use of high quality materials and design.
Retaining Walls. Retaining walls over 30 inches in height shall either be:
Fully screened so as to be not visible from public rights-of-way or residential zones; or
A maximum height of 15 feet in height with landscaping at the base which screens and softens the appearance of the retaining wall.
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6322 § 1, 2019; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
The standards of Section 12.50.260 apply in the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District.
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
Vehicle parking standards for the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District include the following sections:
Purpose, Applicability and Maintenance Responsibilities
Number of Spaces Required
Exempt Parking
Credit for On-Street Parking
Vehicle Parking and Loading: Location
Vehicle Parking and Loading: Design and Improvements
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
The standards of Section 12.50.310 apply within the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District.
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
The standards of Section 12.50.320 apply within the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District.
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
The standards of Section 12.50.330 apply within the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District.
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
The standards of Section 12.50.340 apply within the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District.
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
In addition to the standards of Section 12.50.350, within the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District the following standards shall apply.
Electric Car Charging Stations. In parking lots with 100 vehicle spaces or more, at least 1 electric car charging point within a rated capacity of at least 240 volts shall be provided per 100 vehicle parking spaces or portion thereof.
Off-Street Parking and Loading. Parking, loading, and vehicular circulation shall be located and configured to minimize its impact from street frontages. Surface parking or loading shall not be located between a front building plane (or a line extended there from) and the street unless 1 of the following 2 standards is met:
The surface parking or loading is located within or behind the front plane of the building and is fully screened so as to be not visible from public rights-of-way by walls with decorative features such as grates, artwork, tiles, or similar elements. Windows are not required on walls surrounding service docks and loading areas; or
Building setbacks are increased to 75 feet and a 20 foot landscape buffer is provided adjacent to the property line. Loading facilities, including maneuvering areas for loading docks and loading dock doors, shall be offset a minimum of 25 feet from driveway openings. The landscaped buffer shall be planted to the standards of Section 12.66.220, and shall include the following:
For parking and circulation areas, this landscaped buffer shall be provided to meet 1 or more of the following standards:
Planted with large-scale, high canopy, horizontally-branching tree species selected and planted to be compatible with trees and above-and below-ground utilities in the planter strips or in the public right-of-way. Individual trees shall be spaced between parking spaces to reduce damage from automobiles; and/or
Planted with an evergreen hedge between 30 inches and 42 inches in height, with landscaping between the hedge and the sidewalk consistent with Section 12.66.220; and/or
A decorative wall or fence 30 to 42 inches in height parallel to and at or beyond the landscape buffer line, with landscaping between the wall or fence and the sidewalk consistent with Section 12.66.220.
For loading facilities, or a combination of loading facilities and parking and circulation areas, this landscaped buffer shall be provided to meet 1 or more of the following standards:
A wall constructed of materials compatible with the primary materials used on the associated building façade, pursuant to Subsection 12.66.250.D, and at a height which substantially provides consistent screening from the highest loading dock. The wall shall be located at or beyond the landscape buffer line, with landscaping between the wall or fence and the sidewalk consistent with Section 12.66.220; and/or
A solid vegetative screening reaching at least 8 feet tall within 2 years, with the plantings or wall combination extending the entire distance otherwise required for a solid wall as required in Paragraph 1, above. Landscaping shall be installed between the screen and the sidewalk consistent with Section 12.66.220.
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
In addition to the standards of Section 12.50.360, within the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District the following standards shall apply.
Structured Parking.
Structured parking within or adjacent to a primary structure shall be reflective of the overall design of the primary structure it serves through the use of visually similar architectural features and façade materials.
Free-standing parking structures shall be designed to complement surrounding buildings in terms of scale, design elements, building materials, and orientation on the site.
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
Bicycle parking and bicycle and pedestrian circulation and connectivity in the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District include the following sections:
Bicycle Parking
Pedestrian and Bicycle Circulation
Connectivity and Design Standards at or Near Transit Stops
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
The standards of Section 12.50.410 apply within the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District.
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
The standards of Section 12.50.420 apply within the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District.
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
The standards of Section 12.50.430 apply within the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District.
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
Access and street standards in the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District include the following sections:
Purpose, Applicability and Exceptions
Street Connectivity and Access
Streets and Alleys: Design and Improvement
Flag Lot Driveways: Design and Improvement
Sidewalk Widths: Design and Location
Street Trees and Landscaping
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
The standards of Section 12.50.510 apply within the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District.
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
The standards of Section 12.50.520 apply within the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District.
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
The standards of Section 12.50.530 apply within the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District.
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
The standards of Section 12.50.540 apply within the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District.
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
The standards of Section 12.50.550 apply within the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District.
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
The standards of Section 12.50.560 apply within the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District.
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
Utilities, site grading, and storm water management standards for the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District include the following sections:
Purpose, Applicability and Exceptions
Public Utilities General Requirements
Site Grading
Storm Water Facilities Site Integration
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
The standards of Section 12.50.610 apply within the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District.
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
The standards of Section 12.50.620 apply within the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District. Public Utility Easement and vault locations shall be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer and the utility provider.
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
The standards of Section 12.50.630 apply within the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District.
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
The standards of Section 12.50.640 apply within the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District.
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
Design standards for residential development are not applicable.
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
Design standards for non-residential and Mixed-Use development include the following sections:
Purpose and Applicability
Main Entries
Required Windows
Articulation and Detailed Design
Step-Back Requirements
Improvements and Activities between Streets and Buildings
Waste and Recycling Facilities
Sidewalk Dining and Displays in Light Rail Zones
Drive Through Facilities in Light Rail Zones
Outdoor Storage
Utilitarian Functions
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
Purpose. These standards are intended to ensure that industrial and commercial developments are designed to be consistent with the policies in the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Community Plan.
Applicability. Within the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District, the design standards for non-residential and mixed-use development in Sections 12.50.800 through 12.50.890 shall apply except as modified or superseded by the standards in this section.
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
The standards of Section 12.50.820 apply within the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District.
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
The standards of this section supersede Section 12.50.830 and shall apply within the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District.
Applicability. The standards of this section shall apply to any façade which is visible from the public right-of-way (i.e., not screened).
Standards for Development.
All buildings shall have display windows or windows with views into the building interior. Such windows shall occupy the percentages of the exterior wall area of the façade that is visible from the public right-of-way as shown on Table 12.66.830-1. Windows in entry doors also meet this standard.
Required windows shall not be darkly tinted or mirrored.
Table 12.66.830-1:
Percentage of Windows Required on the Façade
Minimum Percentage of Windows
Façade abutting a front yard setback reduced pursuant to Subsection 12.66.130.D.1
20% of the façade visible from the ROW
Façade abutting a front yard setback exchanged pursuant to Subsection 12.66.130.D.2
15% of the façade visible from the ROW
All other façades which are visible from the public right-of-way
10% of the façade visible from the ROW
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6322 § 1, 2019; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
The standards of this section supersede Section 12.50.840 and shall apply within the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District.
Applicability. The standards of this section shall apply to any façade which is visible from the public right-of-way (i.e., not screened).
Façade Variation. Façades shall incorporate design features in order to avoid a flat and monolithic appearance. Design features include offsets, balconies, projections, or other similar elements to preclude large expanses of uninterrupted building surfaces in areas which are visible to the public. Window or entry cutouts on an otherwise flat façade do not meet this standard.
All buildings shall have design features occupying the exterior wall area of the façade that is visible from the public right-of-way as shown on Table 12.66.840-1.
Table 12.66.840-1:
Number and Spacing of Design Features Required on the Façade
Minimum Number of Features from 12.66.840.B.2
Maximum Spacing of Features
Façade abutting a front yard setback reduced pursuant to Section 12.66.130.D.1
Every 60 feet
Façade abutting a front yard setback exchanged pursuant to Section 12.66.130.D.2
Every 60 feet
All other façades which are visible from the public right-of-way
Every 60 feet
Façades shall incorporate one or more of the following design features, at the number and spacing requirements listed in Table 12.66.840-1:
Windows, as required by Section 12.66.830;
Recesses (e.g., deck, patio, courtyard, entrance or similar feature) that have a minimum depth of 6 feet and run horizontally for a minimum length of 6 feet;
Extensions (e.g., floor area, deck, patio, entrance, or similar feature) that project a minimum depth of 2 feet and run horizontally for a minimum length of 6 feet;
Horizontal articulation establishing a defined base, middle and top (e.g., cornices, belt courses);
Vertical articulation in the form of offsets or bays with a minimum depth of 1 foot;
Offsets or breaks in roof elevation of 2 feet or greater in height;
Natural wood, weathering steel trim/accents with a minimum dimension of 4 feet by 6 feet; or
Other similar façade variations approved by the Review Authority.
In order to avoid façade variations that are out of scale with the building, on buildings that are less than 3,000 square feet, the minimum dimensions (e.g., depth and width) of the features described in subparagraphs a through g, above, may be reduced by up to 50%.
Figure 12.66.840-A: Example of Façade Articulation and Materials
Exterior Building Materials. Building façades and roofs shall be constructed using high quality and long-lasting exterior building materials. A "primary material" is the predominant building material(s) that covers a majority of the building's exterior walls. An "accent material" is not the predominant building material, but accent materials should cover at least 20 percent of the building's exterior walls. Any one accent material shall not cover more than 40 percent of the building's façade. Permitted materials are as follows:
Brick, natural stone (e.g. basalt), split-and ground-faced concrete masonry units, tilt-up concrete (concrete form liner w/color-integral or stain) or a combination of these materials may be used as primary or accent materials.
Glass (other than smoked glass) may be used as primary or accent material.
Wood may be used for soffits, overhangs, entrance canopies and as an accent material.
Metal (e.g., weathering steel) may be used as a primary or accent material.
Other similar materials that are approved by the Review Authority may be used as primary or accent materials.
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6322 § 1, 2019; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
The standards of Section 12.50.845 do not apply within the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District.
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
The standards of Section 12.50.850 apply within the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District.
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
The standards of Section 12.50.270 apply within the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District except that the Review Authority may approve a reduction to the required minimum waste enclosure size of 50 square feet plus 6 square feet per 1,000 sq. ft. GFA for industrial developments over 50,000 sq. ft. GFA in size with approval from the applicable waste and recycling service provider and City of Hillsboro Sustainability Program Manager.
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6322 § 1, 2019; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
The standards of Section 12.50.870 do not apply within the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District.
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
The standards of Section 12.50.875 do not apply within the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District.
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
The standards of this section supersede Section 12.50.880 and shall apply within the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District.
Outdoor Storage of Inventory or Equipment. Outdoor storage of inventory or equipment may be located between a front building plane (or a line extended there from) and the street if the following standards are met:
The Planning Director finds that there is no other practicable location for the storage on-site;
The storage area is surrounded by dense screening material or landscaping, compliant with paragraph 3 below, which completely obscures visibility from the public right-of-way; and
Any screening material is constructed of decorative or architectural materials consistent with the materials in the primary structure. Chain link fences, plain concrete walls or wooden fences are not considered to meet this standard; and
The outdoor storage area is set back a minimum of 75 feet from the front property line.
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6322 § 1, 2019; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)
The standards of Section 12.50.890 apply within the North Hillsboro Industrial Area Plan District except as modified below.
Applicability. The standards of this section shall apply to any façade facing, adjacent to, and visible from a public street.
Standards. Loading docks may be located on the street-side façade pursuant to Subsection 12.66.350.B.
(Ord. 6274 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6294 § 1, 2019; Ord. 6322 § 1, 2019; Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022)