Note: Prior ordinance history: Ords. 1414, 1445 and 1643.
Every person constructing any new residential, commercial or industrial structure shall pay to the city the following capital impact fees:
Park acquisition and development impact fee;
Street and traffic facilities development impact fee;
Storm drain development impact fee;
Water development impact fee;
Sewer development impact fee;
General government, fire, and police development impact fees;
The amount of each development impact fee shall be established by a resolution of the city council.
(Prior code § 7810.0; Ord. 1810 § 1, 2006)
Purpose. In order to implement the goals and objectives of the recreation element of the open space/conservation element of the city's general plan and to mitigate additional burdens on existing park facilities created by new residential developments, additional park acreage should be developed. The city council has determined that a development impact fee is needed in order to finance these public improvements and to pay for the development's fair share of the construction costs of these improvements. In establishing the fee described in subsequent sections, the city council has found the fee to be consistent with its general plan.
Park Acquisition and Development Impact Fee. A park acquisition and development fee is established on issuance of all building permits for development within the boundaries of the city to pay for acquiring of and improvement to land designated for park use. The city council shall, by resolution, set forth the specific amount of the fee, describe the benefit and impact area on which the fee is imposed, list the specific public improvements to be financed, describe the estimated cost of these facilities, describe the reasonable relationship between this fee and the various types of new developments and set forth the time of payment. On an annual basis, the city council shall review this fee every five years to determine whether the fee amounts are reasonably related to the impacts of developments and whether the described public facilities are still needed.
Pursuant to Section 66477 of the California Government Code (hereinafter, the Quimby Act), the subdivider shall be required to dedicate land, pay fees in lieu thereof, or pay and dedicate a combination of both, for park and/or recreational purposes, including open space purposes. The standards for land dedication or in lieu fees are established in city council Ordinance No. 1811.
(Prior code § 7811.0; Ord. 1810 § 11, 2006; Ord. 1811 § 1, 2006)
In order to implement the goals and objectives of the general plan element for traffic facilities of the city's general plan, and to mitigate the additional traffic burdens created by new development to the city's arterial and collector street system, certain traffic signal system and intersection improvements at major intersections on the city's system of arterial and collector streets should be constructed. The city council has determined that a development impact fee is needed in order to finance these public improvements and to pay for the development's fair share of the construction costs of these improvements. In establishing the fee described in subsequent sections, the city council has found the fee to be consistent with its general plan and, pursuant to Government Code Section 65913.2, has considered the effects of the fee with respect to the city's housing needs as established in the housing element of the general plan.
Street and Traffic Facilities Development Impact Fee.
A street and traffic facilities development fee is established on issuance of all building permits for development within the boundaries of the city to pay for traffic signal systems and related intersection improvements at major intersections throughout the city. The city council shall, by resolution, set forth the specific amount of the fee, describe the benefit and impact area on which the fee is imposed, list the specific public improvements to be financed, describe the estimated cost of these facilities, describe the reasonable relationship between this fee and the various types of new developments and set forth the time of payment. The city council shall review this fee every five years to determine whether the fee amounts are reasonably related to the impacts of developments and whether the described public facilities are still needed.
(Prior code § 7812.0; Ord. 1810 § 1, 2006)
In order to implement the goals and objectives of the master plan of the city's storm drain master plan, and to mitigate the stormwater runoff impacts caused by new development within the boundaries of the city, certain public storm drain facilities should be constructed. The city council has determined that a development impact fee is needed in order to finance these public improvements and to pay for the development' s fair share of the construction costs of these improvements. In establishing the fee described in the following section, the city council has found the fee to be consistent with the city' s storm drain master plan and, pursuant to Government Code Section 65913.2, has considered the effects of the fee with respect to the city's housing needs as established in the housing element of the general plan.
Storm Drain Development Impact Fee.
A storm drain development fee is established upon issuance of all building permits for development within the boundaries of the city to pay for storm drain public improvements. The city council shall, by resolution, set forth the specific amount of the fee, describe the benefit and impact area on which the fee is imposed, list the specific public improvements to be financed, describe the estimated cost of these facilities, describe the reasonable relationship between this fee and the various types of new developments and set forth the time of payment. The city council shall review this fee every five years to determine whether the fee amounts are reasonably related to the impacts of developments and whether the described public facilities are still needed.
(Prior code § 7813.0; Ord. 1810 § 1, 2006)
In order to implement the goals and objectives of the general plan certain general government, fire, and police facilities should be developed and/or constructed. The city council has determined that a development impact fee is needed in order to finance these public improvements and to pay for the development's fair share of the construction costs of these improvements. In establishing the fee described in the following section, the city council has found the fee to be consistent with Government Code Section 65913.2.
Other General Development Impact Fees.
Development impact fees for general government, fire and police are established upon issuance of all building permits for development within the boundaries of the city to pay for public improvements. The city council shall, by resolution, set forth the specific amount of these fees, describe the benefit and impact area on which the fees are imposed, list the specific public improvements to be financed, describe the estimated costs of these facilities, describe the reasonable relationship between the fees and the various types of new developments and set forth the time of payment. The city council shall review the three categories of fees every five years to determine whether the fee amounts are reasonably related to the impacts of developments and whether the described public facilities are still needed.
(Prior code § 7814.0; Ord. 1810 § 1, 2006)
Each fee imposed by this chapter shall be adjusted on July 1st of each fiscal year, by a percentage equal to the Consumer Price Index for the preceding 12 months, with the exception of the street and traffic facilities development impact fee that shall be adjusted using the construction index.
(Prior code § 7815.0; Ord. 1810 § 1, 2006)
All of the sums collected pursuant to this chapter shall be deposited in four development funds, which shall include a fund for park acquisition or development, a fund for storm drain system development, a fund for street and traffic facilities development, and a fund for general government, fire and police. All of these sums, along with any interest earnings, shall be used solely for the following purposes:
Pay for the city's future construction of facilities described in the resolution enacted pursuant to this chapter or to reimburse the city for those described or listed facilities constructed by the city with funds advanced by the city from other sources; or
Reimburse developers who have been required or permitted to construct facilities to install such listed facilities, which are oversized with supplemental size, length or capacity.
(Prior code § 7816.0; Ord. 1810 § 1, 2006)
Whenever a developer is required, as a condition of approval of a development permit, to construct a public facility described in a resolution adopted pursuant to this chapter, which facility is determined by the city to have supplemental size, length or capacity over that needed for the impacts of that development, and when such construction is necessary to ensure efficient and timely construction of the facilities network, a reimbursement agreement with the developer and a credit against the fee, which would otherwise be charged pursuant to this chapter on the development project, shall be offered. The reimbursement amount shall not include the portion of the improvement needed to provide services or mitigate the need for the facility or the burdens created by the development.
(Prior code § 7818.0; Ord. 1810 § 1, 2006)
A developer of any project subject to the capital impact fees described in this chapter may apply to the city council for a reduction or adjustment to any of the fees, or a waiver of any or all fees, based upon the absence of any reasonable relationship or nexus between the impacts of that development and either the amount of the fee or fees charged or the type of facilities to be financed. The application shall be made in writing and filed with the city clerk no later than 10 days prior to the public hearing on the development permit application for the project, or if no development permit is required, at the time of the filing of the request for a building permit. The application shall state in detail the factual basis for the claim of waiver, reduction, or adjustment. The city council shall consider the application at the public hearing on the permit application or at a separate hearing held within 60 days after the filing of the fee adjustment application, whichever is later. The decision of the city council shall be final. If a reduction, adjustment or waiver is granted, any change in use within the project shall invalidate the waiver, adjustment or reduction of the fee.
(Prior code § 7818.0; Ord. 1810 §1, 2006)