It is deemed unlawful for any person to make, suffer or to cause to be made any excavation in any public right-of-way or make any improvements on, under, over or across any street, alley or public place within, and under the jurisdiction and control of the city of Upland, without first obtaining from the city a permit authorizing such work. No permit to excavate will be issued if the applicant does not have or has not demonstrated legal right or authority to occupy and use the public right-of-way for the purposes identified in the application.
Unless the street is identified in the city's then adopted capital improvement program (CIP), excavations in any street, regardless of the street's age or condition, shall be subject to the following provisions:
The party responsible for making, suffering or causing the excavation to be made shall restore or cause to be restored such excavation in the manner specified herein:
For lateral cuts in the street:
Final resurfacing shall include the grinding of existing, surrounding pavement and repaving at a minimum depth of 0.15 feet. The applicant shall grind five feet on either side of the trench line for residential streets for the trench length, and 10 feet on either side of the trench for nonresidential streets for the trench length.
Slurry seal shall be applied 30 feet on either side of the trench line for a length equivalent to the full width of residential streets, and for a length equivalent to the half width of nonresidential streets.
If the distance between any two trenches, including the finished resurfacing area(s) as required herein and approved under permit, is less than 10 feet, the final resurfacing shall be extended to encompass the area between the trenches.
For longitudinal cuts in the street:
Final resurfacing shall include the grinding of existing, surrounding pavement and repaving at a minimum depth of 0.15 feet. The applicant shall grind two feet on either side of the trench line for residential streets, and the width of the affected travel lane(s) for nonresidential streets. If the remainder pavement between the edge of cut and gutter lip is 48 inches or less, said pavement shall be included in the final resurfacing.
Slurry seal shall be applied for the full width of residential streets and half width of nonresidential streets.
In all cases, the resurfacing shall be for the full length of the trench, but not less than 100 feet.
For trenches other than those that are longitudinal or lateral, the city engineer shall establish the appropriate limits of paving in his or her sole reasonable discretion.
(Ord. 1841 § 1, 2009)
No permit shall be issued which would permit an excavation, or pavement cut, in newly paved streets unless the applicant can demonstrate clearly to the city engineer that the public health and safety require the contemplated work be permitted, and that there are no reasonable alternatives to cutting and/or excavating. This prohibition shall not apply to public agencies or public utilities when repairs are required to repair or replace failed pipelines and conduits, or when a new connection, which could not have been anticipated, must be made to satisfy a current need of that agency or utility.
Newly paved streets are defined as those constructed, recently reconstructed, or repaved, with the improvements having been completed and accepted by the city not less than 60 months prior to the date of the request for cutting or excavation.
If an installation or repair is demonstrated to be critically needed and no other alternatives exist, the city engineer may approve an open cut or excavation within newly paved streets, subject to the following provisions:
The party responsible for making, suffering or causing the cut or excavation shall restore or cause to be restored such cut or excavation in the manner specified herein:
For lateral cuts in the street:
Final resurfacing shall include the grinding of existing, surrounding pavement and repaving at a minimum depth of 0.15 feet. The applicant shall grind 10 feet on either side of the trench line for the full width of residential streets, and 20 feet on either side of the trench for the full width of nonresidential streets.
Slurry seal shall be applied 50 feet on either side of the trench line, and for a length equivalent to the width of the street.
If the distance between any two trenches, including the finished resurfacing area(s) as required herein and approved under permit, is less than 10 feet, the final resurfacing shall be extended to encompass the area between the trenches.
For longitudinal cuts in the street:
Final resurfacing shall include the grinding of existing, surrounding pavement and repaving at a minimum depth of 0.15 feet. The applicant shall grind the entire width of residential streets, and the half-street width between the curb and centerline (or raised median) for nonresidential streets.
If there is no raised median, slurry seal shall be applied for the full width of nonresidential streets.
In all cases, the resurfacing shall be for the full length of the trench, but not less than 1,000 feet.
For trenches other than those that are longitudinal or lateral, the city engineer shall establish the appropriate limits of paving in his or her sole reasonable discretion.
(Ord. 1841 § 2, 2009)
Any person desiring a permit under this chapter shall present a written application therefor to the city engineer, setting forth the name and address of the applicant, details concerning the location, nature and extent of construction intended to be made, and the purpose for which the construction is to be made and used.
(Prior code § 7210.2)
Each such applicant shall pay to the city fees for processing the permit and for city inspection services in connection with the permitted construction. The fees for these services shall be set from time to time by resolution of the city council of Upland.
(Prior code § 7210.3)
No person performing work under this chapter shall fail, neglect or refuse to remove all unused materials and debris within three days after completion of the work.
The materials used in the construction work may be stored on adjacent public property during the course of construction, provided that the same are so placed and safeguarded by lights, warning signs and barricades, as not to constitute a hazard to public peace and safety.
No driveway approach shall cross over a lot line extended, without the consent of the city engineer.
Raw materials and workmanship for work provided under this chapter shall conform to applicable provisions of standard specifications on file in the office of the city engineer.
Any person doing work under this chapter shall cause all such work to be inspected by the city engineer's office, and shall notify any department 24 hours before the time set for inspection. Work completed without such notice or request for inspection will not be accepted, and work done during the absence of the inspector may not be accepted by the city. All work to be performed under this chapter shall be to the satisfaction of the city and in accordance with laws of the city and state of California, and under the supervision of the city engineer.
(Prior code § 7210.4)
Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to include the issuance of permits, or inspections included under the provisions of the plumbing code of the city, Chapter 15.24 of this code, or any amendments thereto.
(Prior code § 7210.5)
Purpose. Whenever construction, reconstruction, and/or maintenance of facilities within any street, alley, or other public right-of-way necessitates the temporary full or partial closure of the right-of-way, to either vehicular or pedestrian traffic, the person(s) responsible for the temporary closure shall obtain a street closure permit from the city engineer in advance of the work being done. Except as otherwise provided hereinafter, work shall not be undertaken within a public right-of-way without a valid street closure permit. The type of construction, reconstruction, and/or maintenance may include but is not limited to the following:
Utility appurtenances;
Sewerage facilities;
Water facilities;
Storm drain facilities;
Traffic control facilities.
Applications for such permits shall specify the following information:
Dates and hours for which the closure is requested;
The maximum length of time the closure will be required;
Special signage, striping, barricades, arrow boards, flaggers, delineators, lights, and other methods and materials proposed to be used to handle traffic safely and efficiently. Generally, closures shall be in accordance with the Work Areas Traffic Control Handbook;
Detour plan, if proposed;
Requests for closure permits which are incomplete or which do not adequately address traffic problems may be rejected.
Street Closures Defined. Temporary street closure permits shall be issued as either a full closure or a partial closure.
A "full closure" is defined as a closure in which access is denied to all traffic or all through traffic. While local access may be permitted for residents and businesses, if the road is closed to through traffic the closure is considered full.
Any other type of activity that affects normal use, either vehicular or pedestrian, is considered a partial closure regardless of whether or not traffic or parking lanes are actually closed. The city engineer, or appointed representative, will determine the type of permit to be issued.
Exception for Emergency Work.
The requirement for the issuance of a street closure permit shall be waived if immediate action is necessary to correct a hazardous condition which could cause injury or death. For the purpose of this section an emergency is further defined as a loss of existing public utility service to a property, business or customer. A request for new service shall not be considered an emergency. (Refer also to subsection F of this section regarding notification.)
The permit waiver for emergency work does not grant exemption from traffic control requirements.
First and foremost, public safety must be maintained. In the absence of a city-approved traffic control plan the requirements of the "Work Area Traffic Control Handbook (WATCH)" shall be implemented.
Other Exceptions.
The requirement for the issuance of a street closure permit shall be waived for routine inspection work subject to the following conditions:
Work as used in this context is of short duration (less than two hours) and involves inspecting existing facilities. (If inspection reveals a problem which requires immediate attention, refer to subsection D of this section for action);
Work is to be done on a residential street; or
Work is to be done on a collector street but confined to parking lanes or parkway areas; or
Work involves washing down high voltage insulators.
Other types of routine maintenance may have the permit requirement waived at the discretion of the city engineer. Waiver requests shall be submitted to the city engineer. Street classifications may be obtained from the engineering department.
Permit Application Process.
Any person(s) desiring a temporary street closure permit shall make an application to the city engineer. The application may also be faxed to the engineering department.
An application for a partial street closure permit shall be made at least three full working days in advance of the anticipated closure time. The completed permit shall be picked up by the applicant no later than one full working day in advance of the anticipated closure time.
An application for a full street closure shall be made at least seven full working days in advance of the anticipated closure. The completed permit shall be picked up by the applicant no later than three full working days in advance of the anticipated closure time.
The permit issued under the terms stated above is valid only for the times and days specified in the permit. In the event that all work is not completed within the time specified in the permit, the applicant shall apply for either an extension of that permit or a new permit. The city engineer shall determine which procedure shall be followed. A new permit shall be issued under the conditions set forth in the two preceding paragraphs. Extension of a partial street closure permit shall be done no later than one full working day in advance of the first day the extension is to be in effect. Extension of a full street closure permit shall be done no later than two full working days in advance of the first day the renewal is to be in effect.
Emergency work as defined in subsection D of this section will not require a permit in advance. Concurrent with the emergency work the person(s) responsible for such work shall notify the city engineer of the nature of the emergency, the street(s) affected, the type of closure, and the anticipated duration of the closure. Notification via fax is acceptable.
Each applicant for a temporary street closure permit(s) shall be subject to a fee for processing and any other work necessary to the issuance of the permit(s). The fee shall be set from time to time by resolution of the city council of the city.
Utility companies which pay a franchise fee to the city shall be exempt from the permit fee. Work done by contractor for those utility companies shall also be exempt from the permit fee.
(Prior code § 7211.0)