Other than sidewalk vendors operating in compliance with Chapter 5.76, no person shall use any portion of any sidewalk or part of any public street within the city for the deposit, exhibition, or sale of goods or for any like or comparable purpose; and no person shall permit any goods, wares, merchandise, fixtures, or other property owned, consigned to, or controlled by that person to be or remain upon any portion of any sidewalk or part of any public street in the city, save temporarily as set forth in Section 12.16.020, unless expressly permitted by other ordinance or regulation of the city.
(Prior code § 7230.1; Ord. 1934 § 4, 2019)
Nothing herein contained, however, shall prevent any person temporarily to use any portion of a sidewalk or public street in the city merely for the casual handling and receiving of goods or other property; nevertheless, no merchant or the proprietor of any other established place of mercantile business in the city shall use the sidewalks in front of such stores or other established places of business, in any business district within the city for the purpose of loading or unloading any goods when there is reasonable access thereto from any adjacent or reasonably convenient alley. No merely casual, and merely occasional, use as referred to in Section 12.16.010, or any merely casual, and merely occasional, handling or receiving, or loading or unloading, as referred to in this section, shall be deemed within the provisions of this chapter.
(Prior code § 7230.2)
Nothing herein contained is intended to apply to the use of the public streets by any motor or other vehicle in the display of goods; nor for the sale of goods, when the same is otherwise permitted or licensed by the city, save that no person may use the streets of the city for the display or exhibit of goods, or any other like or comparable purpose, without first having secured a permit so to do from the chief of police, which permit is only to be granted under such conditions or regulations as may be proper and reasonable, having regard to the nature of the display or exhibit, the extent of street use required, and particularly having regard to traffic regulations, and generally the safety and convenience of the public. Subject to such restrictions or conditions, the chief of police is authorized and empowered to issue such permits in all proper cases, to cancel the same upon any plain violation or disregard of the same, or to refuse any such permit when it is apparent the use of the street sought for is not within the spirit or letter of this provision. The provisions of this section are not intended to apply to any merely casual or occasional use of the streets for display or exhibition purposes for merely a brief time, or merely in passing through the city. Nor are the provisions meant to apply to sidewalk vendors, which are subject to regulations pursuant to Upland Municipal Code Chapter 5.76.
(Prior code § 7230.3; Ord. 1934 § 5, 2019)
No person shall discharge swimming pool water into any public street, storm drain or natural watercourse without the written permission of the city engineer. Such permission may be obtained by written application to the city engineer stating the date on which the discharge may occur, together with the time and the expected point of discharge. In the event that the applicant expects to use a natural watercourse which is not owned by him or her or which is not in the public domain, the applicant shall show the written consent of the owner to the discharge. The city engineer may require such other information as he or she deems necessary from time to time as a condition to the granting of the application, and may impose such conditions as he or she may deem necessary which will be in the best interest of the city and the persons downstream from the discharge. The city council may fix a fee for the discharge permit from time to time by resolution.
(Prior code § 7230.5)
It shall be the duty of any person owning, leasing, occupying or having charge or possession of any property within the city to maintain the streets, gutters, alleys and sidewalks adjoining their respective properties free and clean of debris, vegetation, or any other accumulations which may encroach upon or overhang any public right-of-way and/or that may impede traffic.
(Prior code § 7230.10)
No animal shall be staked or tethered in any manner upon any of the streets, avenues, or other public places, within the city.
(Prior code § 7230.12)
No person shall ride a bicycle upon any of the public sidewalks within the limits of the city of Upland.
(Prior code § 7230.13; Ord. 1835 § 6, 2008)
No person shall litter any walk within the city with nutshells, fruits, or other substances, or scatter paper, refuse, decayed vegetables, manure, or other debris, in any of the streets or alleys within the city.
Any waste or surplus materials remaining on a street or alley after the completion of a building or structure of any kind, shall be removed by the person in interest, or responsible for placing the materials in the street, alley, or public place, or after five days' notice from the chief of police to cause such removal.
(Prior code § 7230.14)