Recycled water use is regulated by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB). In accordance with waste discharge requirements for water reclamation projects, the RWQCB requires control mechanisms to regulate facilities distributing recycled water. Article 2 of Chapter 7 of Division 7 of the California Water Code establishes a state policy to encourage the use of recycled water. Permission to use recycled water is based on the ability of IEUA to adequately treat domestic wastewater to the point that the recycled water (effluent) meets the requirements of existing Title 22, Chapter 3 regulations of the California Code of Regulations. These regulations were adopted to ensure proper health protection and specify the treatment degree to meet the needs of the intended applications.
(Ord. 1839 § 1, 2009)
The purpose of this chapter is to establish procedures, specifications, and limitations for the safe and orderly development and operation of recycled water facilities and systems within the city's service area, and adopt rules and regulations controlling such use.
The objectives of this chapter include:
Achieve conservation of potable water supplies by using recycled water for current and future demands. Recycled water uses may include, but are not limited to:
Agricultural irrigation,
Commercial uses,
Construction use,
Industrial processes,
Landscape irrigation,
Landscape and/or recreational impoundments,
Wildlife habitat, and
Sanitary uses (including flushing toilets and urinals).
Provide regulations which prevent direct human consumption of recycled water by establishing health and safety standards that include, but are not limited to, imposing requirements that mandate:
Adherence to all applicable rules and regulations,
Posting of warning signs by the user, and
A cross-connection/backflow prevention program.
Provide regulations which control runoff of recycled water through monitoring of the installation and operation of all recycled water facilities and use areas.
Require the regular monitoring of recycled water quality.
(Ord. 1839 § 1, 2009)
It is the policy of the city that recycled water shall be used for any purposes approved for recycled water use, when it is economically, technically, and institutionally feasible. Recycled water shall be the primary source of supply for commercial and industrial uses, whenever available and/or feasible.
(Ord. 1839 § 1, 2009)
Connection to the recycled water system shall be provided on a basis that best advances the policy specified in Section 13.22.030.
(Ord. 1839 § 1, 2009)
Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the following terms and phrases, as used in this chapter, in addition to the definitions set forth in Title 22, Division 4, Chapter 3, Regulations of the California Code of Regulations, shall have the meanings hereinafter designated.
means the public works director of the city of Upland or authorized designee.
means the Inland Empire Utilities Agency (IEUA).
"Agricultural use"
means water used for the production of crops and/or livestock.
"Air-gap separation"
means a physical break between a supply pipe and a receiving vessel. The air gap shall be at least double the diameter of the supply pipe, measured vertically from the flood rim of the receiving vessel to the supply pipe; however, in no case shall this separation be less than one inch.
means any person, group, firm, partnership, corporation, association, or agency that applies for recycled water service.
"Application rate"
means the rate at which irrigation water is applied to an approved use area, expressed in gallons per minute.
"Approved use"
means an application of recycled water in a manner, and for a purpose, designated in a recycled water use agreement in compliance with applicable state and local rules, regulations and ordinances.
"Approved use area"
means a site with well-defined or readily identifiable boundaries designated in a recycled water use agreement in compliance with applicable rules and regulations.
"As-built drawings"
means the record drawings that show the completed facilities as constructed or modified as approved and acceptable by the city.
"Automatic system"
means the electronically actuated controllers, valves, and associated equipment used to program and operates irrigation systems for the efficient application of recycled water.
"Auxiliary water supply"
means any water supply on or available to the premises other than the city's potable water.
means the American Water Works Association.
means the city of Upland, California.
"City council"
means the city council of the city of Upland.
"Commercial/industrial use"
means the water used for toilets, urinals, decorative fountains, decorative indoor and outdoor landscape, industrial process such as rinsing, washing, cooling, flushing, circulation, or construction; and other uses approved by the city.
"Commodity charge"
means a charge imposed by the city for all metered, recycled water used.
means any unapproved and/or unprotected, actual or potential, connection between any part of a potable water system and any equipment, source, or system containing water or other substances not approved as safe and potable for human consumption.
"Direct beneficial use"
means the use of recycled water which has been transported from the point of production to the point of use, without an intervening discharge to waters of the state.
means any release or distribution of recycled water to a use area or disposal site/mechanism. Such discharges are subject to approval by the city.
means the California State Department of Public Health or its successor.
"Double check valve assembly"
means a double check valve (DC) that, as a minimum, conforms to the AWWA Standard C506-78 (R83), adopted January 28, 1978, and its latest revised standard (presently the AWWA Standard C510-07, published June 24, 2007) for double check valve backflow prevention assembly, which is herein incorporated by reference or any administrator approved alternate.
"Greenbelt areas"
means those areas including, but not limited to, parkways, parks, rights-of-way, and landscaping within and/or surrounding a parcel or series of parcels.
means a unit of measure equaling 100 cubic feet or 748 gallons.
"Industrial process water"
means the water used in industrial facilities for blending, rinsing, washing, or cooling purposes.
"Infiltration rate"
means the rate at which water penetrates the soil surface and enters the soil.
"Interim service"
shall apply to areas where recycled water is not immediately available when the use area is ready for construction, and if the city has determined that recycled water will be supplied in the future, on-site facilities shall be designed to use recycled water. In the interim, potable or other suitable water may be supplied to the on-site facilities through an interim service connection.
"Landscape impoundment"
means a body of water containing recycled water, which is used for aesthetic or irrigation purposes and which is not intended for public contact or ingestion.
"Landscape irrigation/use"
means recycled water used for the propagation and maintenance of trees, shrubs, ground cover and turf used for erosion control and aesthetic value, not for resale/profit purposes.
"Nonpotable water"
means water that has not been treated for, or is not acceptable for human consumption, in conformance with federal, state and city administered water standards. Nonpotable water includes recycled water.
"Off-site facilities"
means all existing or proposed facilities under the control of the IEUA or the city, from the source of supply to the point of connection with the customer's on-site facilities, up to and including the city's recycled water meter and meter box.
"On-site facilities"
means all existing or proposed facilities within property under the control of the customer, normally downstream of the city's recycled water meter and meter box.
"On-site recycled water supervisor"
means a qualified person designated by a recycled water user and approved by the city to be responsible for the safe and efficient operation of the user's recycled water system. This person shall be knowledgeable in the operation of the recycled water system and in the application of federal, state and city guidelines, criteria, standards, and rules and regulations governing the use of recycled water.
"Open space"
means land that has been designated to remain undeveloped or developed in a manner authorized by city zoning standards for such use or uses. These areas may receive recycled water service for agricultural or landscape irrigation, or other approved uses.
means point of connection at the recycled water service meter.
means the retention of recycled water on the ground surface or human-made surface for a period of time following the cessation of an approved recycled water use activity, such that potential hazard to the public health may result, as determined by regulatory agencies.
"Potable water"
means water which conforms to the federal, state and local drinking water standards adopted, enforced or administered by the city.
means pounds per square inch.
"Recycled water"
means water, as a result of treatment of wastewater, is suitable for direct beneficial use or a controlled use that otherwise would not occur. The treatment of wastewater is accomplished pursuant to and in accordance with the criteria set forth in Title 22, Division 4 of the California Code of Regulations or its successor.
"Recycled water facilities"
means the systems, structures, and the like, used in the treatment, storage, pumping, transmission and distribution of recycled water.
"Recycled water use agreement"
means an agreement between the user and the city to use recycled water in compliance with all applicable rules and regulations. Such agreement shall be subject to approved by the city manager, administrator and city attorney.
"Recreational impoundment"
means a body of recycled water used for recreational activities including, but not limited to, fishing, boating, and/or swimming. Allowable uses will depend on treatment level of the recycled water.
"Reduced pressure principle backflow prevention device"
means a reduced pressure principle backflow prevention device (RP) that, as a minimum, conforms to the AWWA Standard C506-78 (R83), adopted January 28, 1978, and its latest revised standard (presently the AWWA Standard C511-07, published June 24, 2007) for reduced-pressure principle backflow prevention assembly, which is herein incorporated by reference or any city approved alternate.
"Regulatory agency"
means any public entity legally constituted by federal, state, county and/or city statutes with the authority to regulate and protect health and water quality with jurisdiction within city.
means the flow of water along natural or human-made surfaces away from the designated use area.
means the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, including the division therein with jurisdiction over city.
"Secondary effluent"
means any oxidized wastewater that has been treated by gravity sedimentation to remove settled solids remaining after the primary biological treatment process.
means the delivery of recycled water to a user.
"Service connection"
means city facilities between the city recycled water distribution system and the customer's meter, including, but not limited to, the meter, meter box, valves, and piping equipment.
"Standard specifications"
means the specifications approved by the city for construction of recycled water facilities.
"Tertiary effluent"
shall mean any secondary effluent which has been filtered and disinfected, and meets all applicable requirements under Title 22.
"Unauthorized discharge"
means any release of recycled water that violates any applicable federal, state, county or city statutes, regulations, chapters, contracts or other requirements.
"Use area"
means the specific area designated to be served with recycled water through on-site recycled water facilities.
means any person, group, firm, partnership, corporation, association or agency accepting recycled water from the city's recycled water facilities for use in accordance with this chapter. "Applicant," "owner," or "customer" are defined terms that also mean as user.
"Windblown spray"
means any dispersed, airborne particles of recycled water capable of being transmitted through the air to a location other than that for which the direct application of recycled water is approved.
(Ord. 1839 § 1, 2009)
Except as otherwise provided in this chapter the administrator shall administer, implement, and enforce the provisions of this chapter. The administrator may, at his or her discretion, delegate any or all of these powers and duties to his or her designee.
(Ord. 1839 § 1, 2009)
This chapter shall apply to all users of the city's potable and recycled water system within the city and to users outside the city's service area or boundary who, by permit, contract or agreement, are or become users of the city's potable and recycled water system.
(Ord. 1839 § 1, 2009)
The city council may, from time to time, revise the recycled water master plan and recommend location(s) where potable water service should be replaced with recycled water. The city council may request modifications to existing on-site water facilities to provide recycled water and/or require construction of recycled water systems in new developments.
The city council may enter into any agreement, consistent with the city's goals and objectives, to provide recycled water to areas or locations outside the city's service area.
Existing Potable Water Service. The city council may make determinations of areas or locations where existing potable water should be replaced with recycled water. In such case, notices of recommendation shall be mailed to affecting users or owners, explaining reasons for potable water use replacement, and procedures or transitional steps needed to facilitate recycled water use.
New Recycled Water Service.
Upon receiving request or submittal of a tentative map, land use permit, other proposed land development for use of recycled water, the administrator shall determine if recycled water service can be economically and/or technically provided to the requested area. Based upon such determination, the use of recycled water and construction of recycled water distribution system or facility in new development may be required as conditions of approval of any development application or permit.
Upon receiving a request or submittal of a proposed alteration or remodeling of a multifamily, commercial or industrial structure, which substantially increases its area, volume or size, for recycled water service, the administrator shall make preliminary determinations if recycled water service can be economically and technically provided. Based upon such determination, the use of recycled water and construction of recycled water distribution system or facility may be required as conditions of approval of such request or submittal.
The administrator may require the use of recycled water for approved uses, and refuse or otherwise restrict potable water service when recycled water is available and feasible for use.
(Ord. 1839 § 1, 2009)
Uses of recycled water include only those uses approved by the California State Department of Public Health (DPH) and for which Title 22 of the California Code of Regulations provides treatment requirements. Each such use will be considered for approval on case-by-case basis. Prior to approval, the user must comply with the requirements established by this chapter and any other requirements imposed by IEUA, DPH, or any other regulatory agency that has jurisdiction over such use.
(Ord. 1839 § 1, 2009)
Prior to obtaining recycled water service, the user must enter into a recycled water use agreement with the city. Recycled water use shall be subject to terms and conditions established in the agreement, and in accordance with this chapter and other applicable codes, rules, and regulations. If any of the conditions of service are not satisfied at all times, the recycled water use agreement may be revoked after which all recycled water service shall cease.
Pursuant to the terms of the agreement, the city shall not be liable for any damage by recycled water or resulting from:
Defective plumbing;
Broken or faulty services or recycled water mains;
On-site facilities failures;
High or low pressure conditions;
Interruptions of service;
Any inappropriate or illegal use or management practices.
All recycled water will be provided to the user in the conditions and quantity specified in the recycled water use agreement.
Recycled water use will not be subject to supply specific use regulations during drought periods.
Recycled water service may be terminated whenever the quality of the recycled water does not comply with the requirements of the regulatory agencies, or at any time the provisions of this chapter, or the conditions specified in the recycled water use agreement are violated.
(Ord. 1839 § 1, 2009)
Other guidelines, rules and regulations, ordinances and specifications that may be used or applied by the administrator to govern the use of recycled water within the city include, but not limited to:
Regulations pertaining backflow prevention, billing, deposits, penalties, delinquencies, and metering for potable water as established in Chapters 13.04, 13.08, and 13.12 of the Upland Municipal Code;
IEUA Regional Recycled Water Distribution System Ordinance;
Regulations governing water reclamation (Title 22, Division 4 of the California Code of Regulations);
Regulations Relating to Cross-Connections (Title 17 of the California Code of Regulations);
Standards and specifications governing the installation of recycled water line and use of recycled water, adopted or used by the city or administrator.
(Ord. 1839 § 1, 2009)
Application for a recycled water connection must be made on form(s) provided by the city. The general steps for obtaining recycled water service are as follows:
Applicant completes and submits a recycled water service application to the city, including existing facility as-built drawings or proposed facility plans as appropriate, description of where and how recycled water use is proposed, and any other information pertinent to the use of recycled water;
Applicant shall submit an engineering report prepared by a licensed engineer, registered in California and experienced in the field of wastewater treatment, describing proposed/requested recycled water use(s), to DHS for approval. Applicant may request the city to request IEUA to prepare the engineering report, provided that the applicant pays all costs associated with its preparation. The engineering report shall contain:
Description of the design of the proposed reclamation system,
Means for compliance with regulations governing the use of recycled water and any other features required by regulatory agencies governing the use and/or distribution of recycled water, and
Contingency plan which will assure that no untreated or inadequately treated wastewater will be delivered to the intended use area;
Applicant will address any concerns that the DPH may have regarding the engineering report and revise it accordingly; Applicant may request IEUA, through the city, for assistance in addressing DPH concerns;
Upon DPH approves the engineering report, the applicant may elect to enter into a recycled water use agreement with the city and concurrently pay any applicable fees;
The city schedule start-up tests of applicant's on-site recycled water system to verify and ensure that cross-connections do not exist; and
Upon the successful completion of the cross-connection test, recycled water service is authorized.
(Ord. 1839 § 1, 2009)
As a precondition to an applicant prior to receiving recycled water, the applicant shall enter into a recycled water use agreement with the city and shall be subject to the terms and conditions including, but not limited to, connection fees and service charges, operation and maintenance requirements, time of use and reporting or notification requirements.
(Ord. 1839 § 1, 2009)
All rates and fees regarding recycled water service, including administrative costs, shall be set from time to time by resolution of the city council.
Applicant for recycled water service shall pay for his or her fair share for the construction of facilities needed to deliver recycled water to his or her property or use area. All fees and estimated construction costs shall be paid prior to construction; however, the city may reimburse the applicant for a portion of the cost of such facilities as described in subsection C of this section.
The city, in its sole discretion, may contribute to the cost of designing and/or constructing the facilities needed to deliver recycled water to an applicant's property or use area. The city may, in its sole discretion, under take one or more of these options:
Reimburse an applicant for costs incurred to install oversized facilities in the public right-of-way; and/or
Elect to participate in or construct pipelines, reservoirs, pumping stations or other facilities.
(Ord. 1839 § 1, 2009)
Recycled water service line shall be extended by the owner to a curb line or property line of the owner's property, abutting on a public street, highway, road or city easement in which a recycled water main is installed. The size and location and/or type of recycled water service line, service connection, meter, backflow protection device, and any/all other appurtenances are subject to prior review and approval by the city.
(Ord. 1839 § 1, 2009)
Recycled water service shall be subject to the following conditions:
A recycled water service connection and its corresponding meter shall not be used to supply any real property except that which is specified in the recycled water use agreement. Expressly prohibited use includes, but is not limited to, supplying recycled water to an adjoining property of a different owner, or to supply property of the same owner across a road, street or other public right-of-way. When a property provided with recycled water connection and corresponding meter is subdivided, such connection and meter shall be considered as serving solely the lot or parcel of land on which the meter is located. Additional recycled water mains and/or recycled water service lines will be required for all subdivided areas in accordance with this chapter;
Private irrigation systems for common interest subdivisions, homeowners' association maintained real property and other developments where landscaping around homes and in common areas are served with one meter, shall not be allowed to cross public roads, easements, or other public rights-of-way without city approval pursuant to an encroachment permit; and/or
All recycled water used on any property where a meter is installed must pass through the meter prior to entering property. The user shall be responsible and charged for recycled water used at his or her property.
When the recycled water uses or conditions, as determined by the city or other regulatory agencies, represent a clear and immediate hazard to the city potable and/or recycled water supply that cannot be immediately removed or corrected, the city shall terminate recycled water use. Conditions or uses that create a basis for termination include, but are not limited to, refusal to install, test or repair a required backflow prevention device.
(Ord. 1839 § 1, 2009)
There shall be not less than 10 psi differential between an owner's potable water supply line and the owner's recycled water service line. The potable water service line shall, at all times, be maintained at the higher pressure. Site-specific conditions may result in pressure differentials being impractical. In such cases, other design and operational measures can be taken, including proper pipe identification practices, ensuring adequate horizontal and vertical separation distances between potable and nonpotable systems and maintaining accurate as-built maps.
(Ord. 1839 § 1, 2009)
If a recycled water service line installed according to the directions of the user is of the wrong size, or installed at a wrong location or depth, the user shall, at his or her sole cost and expense, cause the line to be abandoned and/or relocated or replaced as is required to conform to all applicable law and policy.
(Ord. 1839 § 1, 2009)
The following provisions are intended to protect the city's potable water supplies against actual, undiscovered, unauthorized, or potential cross-connections to the user's recycled water system. These provisions are in addition to, not in lieu of, the controls and requirements of other regulatory agencies.
Approved backflow prevention devices on the city's potable water services to the use area as required in these provisions, shall be provided, installed, tested, and maintained according to Chapter 13.12. These devices shall be located on the property served immediately downstream of the meter. All devices shall be readily accessible for testing and maintenance and no device shall be submerged at any time.
When a request for recycled water service is initiated, the applicant must provide sufficient information, including plumbing and building plans, for determination of the level of backflow protection required. Proper backflow protection, determined by the city and other regulatory agencies, shall then be installed and tested according to Chapter 13.12 before recycled water service is provided.
Each time there is a change of user on any commercial or industrial premises, the owner or user shall notify the city immediately for reassessing the required level of protection of the potable water supply. In addition, any alterations to the user's existing on-site recycled water facilities that may affect the required potable water protection, the city must be immediately informed.
The city and representatives of any governing agencies at their discretion may inspect any property provided with recycled water service by the city. The inspection shall serve to determine if any actual or potential cross-connections exist. The owner or user shall provide full cooperation in facilitating the inspection.
When protection is required by the administrator, an approved backflow protection device for potable water supplies shall be provided as follows:
Each water service connection that supplies potable water to a premises having an auxiliary water supply (including recycled water) that is not accepted as a potable source by the city and/or is not approved for potable use by the DPH, shall be protected against backflow from the premises into the city potable water system.
Each water service connection supplying potable or recycled water to a premises on which any substance is handled in such a fashion as to permit entry into the city water systems (potable or recycled) from the premises shall be protected against backflow. This shall include, but not limited to, the handling of fertilizers, process waters, waters originating from any of the city water systems that have been subject to deterioration in quality, and agricultural use.
The city's approved backflow devices shall be installed where premises have complex piping arrangement that is vulnerable to be at risk of having a cross-connection or where not all portions of the premises are readily accessible for inspection.
Backflow protection shall be required at premises where there has been a history of cross-connections being established.
Additional Protective Measures.
Water meters used for recycled water service shall be tagged or purple color-coded (color pantone 512 or 522), or otherwise distinguished as such per AWWA standards. These meters shall not be interchanged or used for potable water service after repairs and/or meter testing has been performed.
The city may conduct a periodic inspection of the recycled water facilities to determine if all identifying items are still clearly discernable. Any items or equipment failing to pass such inspection shall be immediately replaced, repaired or refurbished as needed, by the user. These items include:
Warning tags or tapes;
Painted surfaces;
Identification tape;
Covers, caps, signs; and
Other items that indicate recycled water is being used.
To determine the existence of any cross-connections or backflow conditions into the potable water system, periodic testing by DPH approved methods will be performed by the city and/or other regulatory agencies.
(Ord. 1839 § 1, 2009)
The level of protection required shall be related to the degree of potential hazard that exists on the premises served, as determined by the city or applicable regulatory agencies.
(Ord. 1839 § 1, 2009)
The user is responsible for causing all backflow prevention devices to be tested and maintaining them in an operating condition satisfactory to the city. Testing shall be done not less than at least once a year by a San Bernardino County certified backflow prevention tester. More frequent testing may be required if successive inspections indicate repeated failures. Any and all backflow prevention devices shall be repaired, overhauled and/or replaced whenever they are found to be defective. These devices shall also be tested by a San Bernardino County certified backflow prevention tester immediately after they are installed, relocated or repaired. All inspections, tests and repairs shall be performed at the user's expense. The user shall maintain records of all such tests, repairs and overhauls. These records shall be submitted to the city, annually, and made available to the city and/or DPH, upon request.
(Ord. 1839 § 1, 2009)
The design of off-site facilities, including the preparation of plans and construction specifications shall be conducted under the responsibility of an engineer registered in the state of California. The design of user's on-site facilities that will use recycled water, and all preparations of plans and construction specifications, shall be stamped and signed by a state of California registered landscape architect or civil engineer, unless otherwise approved by the city.
Before the city grants final approval to any system that uses recycled water, as-built drawings of the system shall be provided to the city. The installed system shall be tested in accordance with the city's standards to ensure that the system is in full compliance with the rules and regulations governing recycled water use.
All off-site and on-site recycled water facilities shall be designed and constructed according to the requirements, conditions, and standards and specifications adopted or used by the city to ensure that this system is in full compliance with this chapter. Recycled water systems, both on-site and off-site, shall be separate and independent of any potable water systems.
Where the use area contains dual or multiple water systems, the exposed portions of pipelines shall be identified at sufficient intervals as specified by the city's standards or the administrator.
Areas irrigated with recycled water must be kept completely separated from domestic water wells and reservoirs pursuant to the following standards. Recycled water shall not be applied or allowed to migrate to within 50 feet of any well used for domestic supply. No impoundment of recycled water shall be located within 100 feet of any domestic water well, unless it can be demonstrated to the administrator that special circumstances justify lesser distances to be acceptable.
Adequate means of notification should be provided to inform the public, employees and others that recycled water is being used. Conspicuous signs with appropriate wording that can be clearly read should be placed at adequate intervals, as required by the city's standard or the administrator, around the authorized use area.
Golf courses should print messages on score cards in a different color indicating recycled water is being used. Water hazards containing recycled water should be posted with appropriate signs that clearly give note of the use of recycled water.
Signs in other languages, in addition to English, should also be used where there are non-English speaking ethnic communities using the public area where recycled water is used.
Off-Site Facilities.
Any off-site recycled water distribution facilities required to serve existing or new developments within the city shall be provided by the applicant, owner, or user at their expense, unless it is determined that it is a city benefit to construct these capital facilities.
Plans and specifications for all recycled water distribution facilities shall be submitted to and approved by the city and/or other regulatory agencies with jurisdiction and all permits obtained prior to commencement of construction.
On-Site Facilities.
The user or owner of the property shall be responsible for all costs associated with on-site recycled water facilities.
When city's standards require a higher quality material, equipment, design or construction method than that required by other governing codes, rules and regulations, the city's standards shall take precedence.
Conditions relating to an interim service condition are:
The city anticipates recycled water will be available to the use area within five years of the time interim service is initiated.
The user or owner of the use area must enter a recycled water use agreement with the city.
The user or owner of the use area must agree to perform or pay for all work necessary to remove the interim connection and make connections to the permanent recycled water system at the time the recycled water system is installed.
An approved backflow prevention device is required on the interim service for potable water service. The backflow prevention device shall be at the POC with the interim supply system and a part of the on-site recycled water facilities.
All costs of connection for interim service and future recycled water service shall be borne by the user or owner.
When recycled water is available to the site, an inspection of the on-site facilities will be conducted by the administrator to verify that the facilities are still in compliance with the recycled water use agreement. Recycled water service shall be provided on verification of compliance. If the facilities are not in compliance, the user or owner is required to make any necessary corrections.
(Ord. 1839 § 1, 2009)
Construction of all new recycled water facilities will follow standards and specifications adopted or used by the city and the American Water Works Association Construction Guidelines for recycled water facilities.
Where it is planned that an existing nonrecycled water system shall be converted to a recycled water facility, the facility to be converted to use recycled water shall be investigated in detail at the user's or owner's expense, to determine the measures required to bring its system into full compliance with this chapter. No existing potable water facilities shall be connected to or incorporated into the recycled water system without approval from the city and DPH.
If, due to on-site failure of a recycled water system, the city determines that it is necessary to convert on-site facilities from recycled water system to potable water system it shall be the responsibility of the user or owner to pay all costs for such conversion. Conversion costs may include, but not be limited to, the following:
Isolation of the recycled water supply. Service shall be removed and plugged at the city's main or abandoned in a manner approved by the city.
Installation of approved backflow prevention devices, as determined by the city, on all potable, and/or other water meter connections.
Removal of any/all special recycled water quick couplers. The user shall be responsible for replacement with quick couplers approved for potable water systems.
Notification to all on-site personnel involved.
Removal of all warning labels/signs.
Installation of any/all potable water facilities and payment of any associated capacity fees, as established in Chapter 13.12 of the city's Municipal Code.
System flushing, disinfecting, decontamination, and water quality analyses, as required by the city and/or other regulatory agencies.
(Ord. 1839 § 1, 2009)
The city and/or IEUA shall be responsible for the operation, maintenance and surveillance of all off-site recycled water systems, including, but not limited to, recycled water pipelines, valves, connections, storage facilities, and other related equipment and property up to and including the meter. Only the city and/or IEUA personnel and their representatives shall operate, adjust, change, alter, move or relocate any portion of their respective off-site recycled water facilities.
(Ord. 1839 § 1, 2009)
The user or designated on-site recycled water supervisor shall be responsible for the operation, surveillance, repair, and maintenance of all on-site recycled water facilities; and
The city shall have the right to enter user's use area to monitor and inspect all on-site recycled water facilities. Where necessary, keys and/or lock combinations shall be issued to the city for such access.
The user shall have the following responsibilities pertaining to operation of on-site facilities:
Ensure that all operations personnel are trained and familiarized with the use of recycled water;
Furnish their operations personnel with maintenance instructions, irrigation schedules, controller charts, and as-built drawings to ensure proper operation in accordance with the on-site facilities design and applicable rules and regulations pertaining to the use of recycled water;
Prepare and submit to the city one reproducible set of as-built drawings of on-site recycled water system and facilities;
Notify the city all updates or proposed changes, modifications, or additions to the on-site facilities and operations for review and approval prior to construction or implementation. All updates and proposed changes shall comply with this chapter, the recycled water use agreement and any other applicable rules and regulations;
Ensure that the operation and maintenance of all recycled water facilities remain in accordance with this chapter, the recycled water use agreement and any other applicable rules and regulations;
Operate and control the system in order to prevent direct human consumption of recycled water and to control and limit runoff. The user or owner of the use area shall be responsible for any and all subsequent uses of recycled water. Operation and control measures to be utilized in this regard shall include where appropriate, but not limited to:
Minimizing discharge onto areas not under control of the user or owner to minimize public contact. Full circle sprinklers shall not be used adjacent to sidewalks, roadways, and property lines to confine the recycled water to its intended use area,
Operating the on-site recycled water facilities during periods of minimal human use of the service area, and allowing a maximum dry-out time before the irrigated area will be used by the public,
Providing adequate first aid kits on the use area, and promptly treating all cuts and abrasions to prevent infection. If infection is likely, a physician should be consulted,
Taking any other precautionary measures to minimize direct contact with recycled water. The user's or owner's employees, residents, and the public should not be subjected to recycled water sprays,
Applying recycled water at a rate that does not exceed the infiltration rate of the soil. Where varying soil types are present, the design and operation of the recycled water facilities shall be compatible with the lowest infiltration rate of the soils present,
Protecting all drinking fountains located within the approved use area, by location and/or a structure from contact with recycled water to the maximum extent possible. Windblown spray, direct application through irrigation or other approved uses are considered sources of recycled water. Protection shall be by design, construction practice, or system operation, and
Protecting facilities that may be used by the public, including but not limited to, eating surfaces and playground equipment located within the approved use areas, by seating and/or structure from contact with recycled water to the maximum extent possible. Windblown spray, direct contact by irrigation application, or other approved uses are considered sources of recycled water. Protection shall be by design, construction practice, or system operation.
User shall enforce the following prohibitions:
Cross-connections, as defined by the California Code of Regulations, Title 17, resulting from the use of recycled water or from the physical presence of a recycled water service, whether by design, construction practice, or system operation, are prohibited;
Discharge of recycled water for any purposes, in areas other than the use area specifically approved in the recycled water use agreement, and without the prior approval of the city, is prohibited;
Use or installation of permanent hose bibs on any water system that presently operates or is designed to operate with recycled water is prohibited;
Conditions that directly or indirectly cause recycled water to pond either within or outside of the approved use area, whether by design, construction practice, or system operation are prohibited, unless designed specifically for ponding and approved by city;
Conditions that directly or indirectly cause runoff of recycled water onto areas outside of approved use area, whether by design, construction practice, or system operation, are prohibited;
Use of recycled water for any purposes other than the use area specifically approved in the recycled water use agreement, and without the prior approval of the city, is prohibited; and
Conditions that directly or indirectly permit windblown spray to pass outside of the approved use area, whether by design, construction practice, or system operation, are prohibited.
(Ord. 1839 § 1, 2009)
The city will monitor and inspect the entire recycled distribution facility, including both off-site and on-site facilities. The city will conduct monitoring programs, maintain records as deemed necessary, inspect on-site facilities for compliance with these rules and regulations, and provide reports as requested by DPH or other regulatory agencies. For these purposes, the city will have the right to enter user's premises, especially during hours of recycled water system operation, to inspect on-site recycled water facilities and approved use areas, to verify that the user's irrigation practices conform to this chapter or the ordinance codified in this chapter and the recycled water use agreement.
(Ord. 1839 § 1, 2009)
The user or owner is responsible for maintaining all on-site facilities that are under his or her ownership; and
No person shall place, dispose, deposit or permit the placement, disposal, deposit of oil, toxic, hazardous or contaminated liquid or waste, trash, soil, building materials or any other substances, objects, or obstructions in, on, or around meter boxes or other city facilities. No person shall allow or permit meter boxes or other city facilities from becoming obstructed or obscured by trees, shrubs, plants or in any other manner so as to impede their use or access or make their location difficult to determine. If such substances, objects, or obstructions are not cleaned and removed or are permitted to obscure or impede use or access to such facilities, the city may accomplish the cleaning and removal at the user's expense. The city will provide reasonable notice to user before assessing such charge.
(Ord. 1839 § 1, 2009)