The purpose of this fee is to finance construction of wastewater interceptor, treatment and disposal facilities necessary to mitigate the impact of new development in the city upon such facilities, as supplemented by available ad valorem taxes.
In order to implement the goals and objectives of the city general plan and the Chino Basin Regional Sewage Service Contract, a ten-year capital improvement program, which shall be updated annually, has been prepared by the Chino Basin Municipal Water District (CBMWD), for those expansions of the regional sewerage facilities to be needed by the contracting agencies and which will mitigate sewage impacts caused by new development in the city and within the spheres of each of the contracting agencies. The initial ten-year capital improvement program commences with the fiscal period 1987/88-1997/98. The ten-year capital improvement program, which is incorporated by reference, establishes that certain public sewage treatment facilities must be or had to be constructed to provide adequate treatment capacity to service anticipated new development within the jurisdiction of each of the contracting agencies. The cities and agencies contracting for sewage treatment with the Chino Basin
Municipal Water District (CBMWD) are Cucamonga County Water District, Fontana, Montclair, Ontario, Chino, Upland and the county of San Bernardino.
The contracting agencies and CBMWD have determined that a development impact fee is needed in order to completely finance these public improvements and to pay for the development's fair share of the construction costs of these improvements. In establishing the fee contained herein, the city council has found the fee to be consistent with its general plan and, pursuant to Government Code Section 65913.2, has considered the effects of the fee with respect to the city's housing needs as established in the housing element of the general plan.
CBMWD's 10-year capital improvement program identifies the need for new regional wastewater interceptor, treatment and disposal facilities and sets forth the relationship between new development, needed facilities and estimated costs of the facilities. This report is annually updated by CBMWD. The report utilizes the contracting agencies forecasted growth and an analysis of CBMWD's financial projection of being able to provide capacity. Those projections have been examined and have been found to be reasonable estimates of the projected growth within the city and the regional service area of the CBMWD.
The regional sewerage supplemental capital outlay fees collected pursuant to this section shall be used to finance only the debts identified in the CBMWD ten-year capital improvement program in accordance with the terms of the regional sewage service contract.
The city finds that new development within the city will generate additional need for sewage treatment capacity within the regional service area and will contribute to the degradation of treatment facility capacity within the CBMWD contracting area.
The facts and evidence presented in CBMWD's ten-year capital improvement program establish that: (1) there is a reasonable relationship between the need for the wastewater interceptor, treatment and disposal facilities and the types of development considered in the forecasts submitted by the contracting agencies, including the city, for which a regional sewerage supplemental capital outlay fee is hereby imposed; (2) there is a reasonable relationship between the use of such fee and each type of development project upon which the fee is imposed; (3) there is a reasonable relationship between the amount of the fee and the cost of the facilities to be built to service the new development projects for which the fee is imposed; and (4) the procedures used to determine these relationship are described in more detail in the "Agreement Amending and Supplementing Chino Basin Regional Sewage Service Contract" and the ten-year capital improvement program.
There is a need in this city for sewage treatment capacity which has not been constructed or has been constructed in anticipation of new development which has not contributed its fair share towards these facility costs and said facilities have been called for in or are consistent with the city's general plan.
The cost estimates set forth in CBMWD's ten-year capital improvement program are reasonable cost estimates for constructing wastewater interceptor, treatment and disposal facilities necessitated by projected new development, and the development fees collected by the city from any affected development project will not exceed the total of these costs attributable to the increased capacity necessary to serve that project.
(Prior code § 7511.1)
Every person constructing any new residential structure in the city who connects to the city's sewer collection system shall pay to the city a regional sewerage supplemental capital outlay fee for each residential unit. Any unit built as a replacement for a similar unit which had been connected to the sewer shall not be required to pay this fee. A "residential unit" is defined as each unit designed for the purpose of providing permanent housing for one family or tenant. This includes, but is not limited to, single-family detached, apartment, townhouse, condominium, mobilehome or trailer space. Each unit shall constitute one equivalent dwelling unit (EDU).
For residential structures with building permits issued prior to July 1, 1979, no regional sewerage supple-mental outlay fee will be levied. If the original building permit was issued on or after July 1, 1979, then the fees established at the date of permit issuance will apply as follows:
Date of Permit Issuance
EDU Rate
Prior to July 1, 1979
July 1, 1979 to December 31, 1989
$ 950.00 per EDU
January 1, 1990 to, December 31,1990
1,700.00 per EDU
January 1, 1991 to December 31,1991
1,805.00 per EDU
January 1, 1992 to June 30, 1993
1,837.00 per EDU
July 1, 1993 to June 30,1994
1,914.00 per EDU
July 1, 1994 to June 30,1995
3,350.00 per EDU
After June 30, 1995
As established by CBMWD and adopted by resolution of the city council.
(Prior code § 7511.2)
Commercial Structures. All owners or occupiers of structures designed for the purpose of providing permanent housing for enterprises engaged in the exchange of goods and services who connect to the city sewer system shall pay the regional sewerage supplemental capital outlay fee. Such structures shall include but not be limited to all private businesses and service establishments, schools, churches and public facilities. EDU's shall be determined by multiplying the fixture units (FU) (as defined by the most current Uniform Plumbing code adopted by the city) shown on the approved building plans by the appropriate sewage factor for the use category shown in the following table:
Use Category
Type of Business
Sewage Flow
(gals/day per FU)
Sewage Factor
Restaurant (fast food)
Retail store
Market (w/o butcher shop)
12 gpd
Market with butcher shop
24 gpd
Convalescent home
Health spa with pool
Restaurant (full-service)
42 gpd
Dry cleaner (processor)
43 gpd
Car wash (coin-operated)
102 gpd
Public facility
17 gpd
Health spa w/o pool
Laundromat (See Note A, below)
42 gpd
Note A: (For commercial laundromats, if high-efficiency, water-saving front-load washers from approved Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD) washer list are used, the number of fixture units per machine is established at two 2 fixture units.
The total EDU's for commercial centers with various use categories will be the sum of the EDU's computed for each use category. Similarly, hotel complexes that contain restaurants, pools, health clubs or laundry facilities shall be calculated based on the individual uses in the complex with the fee based on the sum of the EDU's computed for each use category.
Industrial Structures. All owners or occupiers of structures designed for the purpose of providing permanent housing for an enterprise engaged in the production, manufacturing or processing of materials, who connect to the city sewer system shall pay the regional sewerage supplemental capital outlay fee. The EDU for industrial structures shall be determined as follows:
For domestic (sanitary) type wastewater, multiply the fixture units (as defined by the Uniform Plumbing code) shown on the approved building plans by a sewage factor of 0.0741, based on a 20 gallon per fixture unit flow a day.
For nondomestic wastewater (NDW) and process wastewater, compute EDU from information contained in the nondomestic wastewater discharge permit or test data for BOD and TSS, using the formula;
Estimated NDW flow
[0.37 + 0.31
+ 0.32
The total EDU number for industrial structures is the sum of the EDU's derived from subsections (B)(1) and (2) of this section.
The regional sewerage supplemental capital outlay fee will apply to all commercial and industrial and other non-residential development regardless of when the structure was constructed. When a nonresidential use requests to connect to the sewer system or modify its use if already connected, the fee shall be based on the current fee in effect at the time the connection or modified use is made.
Exhibit J of the Regional Sewerage Service Contract. The categories and sewage factors listed in subsection A of this section are as established in Exhibit J of the regional sewerage service contract, copies of which are on file in the offices of the public works director and the city clerk of the city. Exhibit J and the whole thereof in its present form or as may be amended from time to time by resolution, is adopted by reference and incorporated as if fully set forth herein and shall be controlling and enforceable within the city, including areas outside of its limits that are served by the community sewers.
(Prior code § 7511.3; Ord. 1785 §§ 4, 5 2005)
The regional sewerage supplemental capital outlay fee authorized pursuant to Sections 13.24.010, 13.24.020 and 13.24.030 of this code shall be in an amount as may be set by resolution of the city council, and as may be amended, from time to time.
Such fee shall be paid prior to the issuance of a building permit or a sewer connection permit, whichever would be first issues.
(Prior code § 7511.4)
On or about April 1st of each year, CBMWD shall review the estimated cost of the capital improvements described in the ten-year capital improvement program, the continued need for those improvements and the reasonable relationship between such need and the ten-year growth forecast submitted by the contracting agencies as well as the regional sewerage supplemental capital outlay fee. CBMWD shall report its findings to the regional technical and policy committees and recommend any adjustment to the fee or other action as may be needed to CBMWD's board of directors.
(Prior code § 7511.5)
The revenues raised by payment of this fee shall be placed in a separate and special account.
(Prior code § 7511.6)
A developer of any project subject to the fee described in this section may apply to the city engineer for a reduction or adjustment to that fee, or a waiver of that fee, based upon the absence of any reasonable relationship or nexus between the sewage impacts of that development and either the amount of the fee charged or the type of facilities to be financed. The application shall state in detail the factual basis for the claim of waiver, reduction, or adjustment. If a reduction, adjustment, or waiver is granted, any change in use within the project shall invalidate the waiver, adjustment, or reduction of this fee.
(Prior code § 7511.7)