Filing and Checking Fees. The subdivider shall pay the city fees for filing, processing and checking all tentative subdivision maps, final subdivision maps, tentative parcel maps, final parcel maps, street improvement plans, sanitary sewer plans and utility plans, lot line adjustments and/or lot mergers.
The fee for these services shall be set by resolution of the city council.
(Prior code § 9503.010)
Filing Procedures. Tentative maps shall be filed with the planning department and shall be processed in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the provisions of this title. The subdivider shall file as many copies of the tentative map as may be required by the planning department. Tentative subdivision maps shall include the following information:
Title of subdivision and description of property;
Name and address of owner and subdivider;
Name and address of person preparing map;
Approximate acreage;
North point;
Scale (at not less than one inch equals 60 feet);
Boundary lines;
Location and name of streets;
Width of streets and alleys;
Name, location and width of adjacent streets;
Proposed street grades;
Proposed lot grades;
Width of easements;
Dimensions of reservations;
Existing structures;
Existing sewers;
Existing water mains;
Existing culverts and drainpipes;
Land subject to overflow, inundation or flood hazard;
Lot lines and approximate dimensions;
Approximate radius of curves;
Special setback lines (when applicable);
Lands and parks to be dedicated for public use;
Contours at two-foot intervals if slope less than 10 percent;
Proposed land uses: single family, multiple family, business and industrial, etc;
Name and tract number of adjoining subdivisions;
Existing use of property immediately surrounding the tract;
Vicinity map (a small scale map indicating location of the project site in relation to major arterial streets in the vicinity).
Public Hearing. The planning commission shall hold a public hearing on tentative tract maps and tentative parcel maps. Public notice thereof shall be given as provided in Section 66451.3 of the Subdivision Map Act. Any interested person may appear at such a hearing and shall be heard.
Planning Commission—Authority. The planning commission is made the advisory agency of the city council as such advisory agency is established and defined by the Stated Subdivision Map Act, and the powers and authority delegated to the commission to investigate any and all matters pertaining to proposed divisions of land to be created by either a subdivision map or a parcel map, to make its findings of fact in relation thereto, to approve, conditionally approve, or disapprove any such map, and to report such actions to the city council and to the subdivider in writing.
Time Limit for Action. The commission shall approve, conditionally approve, or disapprove the tentative map within 50 days of the filing thereof with its clerk. Provided, however, that the time limit for action may be extended for an additional time, not to exceed 30 days, subject to the written consent of the subdivider. The action of the commission shall become effective and final 10 days after the date of any such action, excepting upon the filing of an appeal from such action made in accordance with all procedures and requirements therefor. The filing of an appeal shall stay the action of the commission.
Council Review of Commission Action. The commission shall communicate its approval, conditional approval, or disapproval of tentative maps and its findings therefor to the city council within 10 days of any such action.
Appeal from Commission Actions. Appeal from any action taken by the commission with respect to the tentative map shall be taken as provided by California Government Code Section 66452.5, as it may be amended from time to time, provided that on such appeal and hearing on complaints the noticed public hearing shall be conducted in the manner prescribed in such section.
Report of the Advisory Agency.
A report as to conformity to the general plan, which is required pursuant to Section 65402 of the Government Code as the result of a proposed division of land, may be included as part of, and at the same time as, the action taken by the advisory agency on such divisions of land.
Exemptions. Such report is not required for a proposed subdivision which involved:
The disposition of the remainder of a larger parcel which was acquired and used, in part, for street purposes;
Acquisitions, dispositions, or abandonments for street widening; or
Alignment projects, provided that the advisory agency expressly finds that any such disposition for street purposes, acquisitions, dispositions, or abandonments for street widening, or alignment projects of a minor nature.
Expiration of Tentative Map Approval.
Expiration. The approval or conditional approval of a tentative map shall expire 24 months from the date the map was approved or conditionally approved by the city council.
Extension. The administrative committee is made the advisory agency of the council in matters pertaining to the approval, conditional approval or denial of extensions of time for tentative maps in accordance with the required facts, conditions, procedures and time limits as set forth in Section 17.16.090 of this code.
Time Limit on Extensions. An extension or extensions of tentative map approval or conditional approval shall not exceed an aggregate of one year additional to the original term of approval by the council.
Effect of Map Modification on Extension. Modification of a tentative map after approval, or conditional approval, shall not extend the time limits imposed by this section.
(Prior code § 9503.020)
Filing Procedures. After receipt of the report of the planning commission approving or conditionally approving the tentative map, the subdivider shall submit to the city engineer the original final map and shall make such arrangements or pay such fees as may be required by the city engineer to provide the city with those prints of the final map which are needed by the city for purposes of public record and for purposes of distribution to other departments and agencies. The final map shall be completed in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and this title, and in additions thereto, shall be accompanied by:
Traverse sheets and work sheets showing the closure, within the allowable limits of error, of the exterior boundaries and of each irregular block and lot of the subdivision;
Plans and specifications of the proposed improvements together with the necessary bonds or guarantees as provided herein;
A copy of the protective covenants to be recorded;
A memorandum in duplicate showing:
The total area of the subdivision,
The total area in streets,
The total area in lots,
The area in parks, school sites, or other lands offered for dedication or reserved for future or quasi-public use;
Proposed grading plan for all improvements within limits enumerated in Section 15.52.010 of the Upland Municipal Code.
A current (within 90 days) title report which shall include all lands within the boundaries of the subdivision (in duplicate);
The city engineer shall examine the final map as to sufficiency of affidavits and acknowledgements, correctness of surveying data, mathematical data and computations, and such other matters as require checking to insure compliance with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act and of this title.
If the final map is found to be in correct form and the matters shown thereon are sufficient, the city engineer shall endorse his or her approval thereon and transmit it to the city council, or return the final map to the subdivider together with a statement setting forth the reasons for its return. The council shall be the final authority to approve or disapprove the subdivision map or the parcel map.
(Prior code § 9503.040)
A lot line adjustment between two or more adjacent parcels may be permitted subject to the facts, conditions, procedures and required findings as set forth in Section 17.16.090 of this code.
(Prior code § 9503.070)