For purpose of this chapter, the following definitions apply:
"Director" or "director of parks and recreation"
means the city director of parks and recreation or the director's authorized designee.
"Park" or "recreation area"
means any property, grounds, or facilities under the supervision of the department of parks and recreation. This includes, but is not limited to, city parks, pools, recreation centers, golf center, playgrounds, fields, open spaces, and all parking lots and structures involved in these facilities, and school facilities when scheduled or programmed by the city.
(Ord. 1741 § 2, (2004))
It is unlawful for any person to trespass upon the grounds and facilities of any park or recreational area of the city which are restricted to the exclusive use of such persons as may be permitted thereon by the rules and regulations governing the use thereof by the general public or as may be engaged in the recreational programs of the city, and the employees assigned thereto.
The city manager or the director of parks and recreation is authorized to have excluded from any park any person violating the provisions of this chapter or any of the rules and regulations. Any person thus excluded who fails to leave the park forthwith, or who thereafter enters therein or thereupon, except with the consent of the city manager or director of parks and recreation, is guilty of a misdemeanor or infraction as determined pursuant to this code.
(Ord. 918 § 1, (1970); Ord. 1741 § 2, (2004))
Except as provided in Section 10.55.020, the parks, recreational areas and all facilities located therein, including the parking lots serving the parks and recreational areas, shall be closed to the public between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. the following morning.
In addition to all city owned facilities, the provisions of this section shall also apply to that area known as Wooley Park, located between 150 Anza Boulevard and the entrance to Anza Lagoon, except it shall not apply to the adjacent parking lot or to persons traversing the bayfront pathway between that parking lot and the bridge at Anza Lagoon.
(Ord. 918 § 1, (1970); Ord. 1205 § 1, (1981); Ord. 1515 § 1, (1994); Ord. 1741 § 2, (2004))
The hours established by Section 10.55.015 hereof shall not apply to:
The parking lots serving and immediate area of any municipal recreation building during the time the building is being used with permission and for one hour after the closing thereof;
Any recreation program conducted or authorized by the parks and recreation department and for one hour after the completion thereof.
(Ord. 918 § 1, (1970); Ord. 1741 § 2, (2004))
It is unlawful for any unauthorized person to use, cross or remain in any park or recreational area and the parking lots adjacent thereto except during the hours such park or recreational area and parking lot is open to the public as provided in Sections 10.55.015 and 10.55.020.
(Ord. 918 § 1, (1970); Ord. 1741 § 2, (2004))
It is unlawful for any person, group, or organization to do any of the following in any city park or recreational area without the express permission of the director of parks and recreation, or the director's authorized designee:
Open, expose or interfere with any water or gas pipe, hydrant, stopcock, sewer, basin or other construction, or any natural or artificial drainage;
Remove turf, soil, grass, rock, sand or gravel, tree, shrub or wood or portion thereof;
Make or kindle a fire for any purpose, except in places provided therefor or in a portable barbecue in an area designated for such purpose;
Play or practice golf or archery or fly or operate motor-driven models, except in areas specifically designated and posted for such purposes;
Take into, exhibit or use any firearm, air gun, slingshot, firecracker, torpedo, rocket or weapon of any sort, whether manufactured or improvised. This prohibition includes the use of any item or utensil in such a manner as to approximate a weapon or to cast fear into another;
Cut, break, injure, deface or disturb any tree, shrub, plant, rock, building, cage, pen, monument, fence, bench, path, walk or other structure, apparatus or property, or mark or write thereon;
Practice, carry on, conduct or solicit for any trade, occupation, business or profession without a permit therefor endorsed by the director of parks and recreation;
Sell or offer for sale, any merchandise, article or thing, whatsoever, without a permit therefor endorsed by the director of parks and recreation;
Use or attempt to use or interfere with the use of any table, space or facility which at the time is reserved for any other person or group;
Enter any area which is posted by the city as being closed to the public;
Operate or park any vehicle except upon areas designated or as may be permitted by the director of parks;
Place litter or debris elsewhere than in container designed to receive such litter or debris;
Play any game of chance or carry on betting of any kind;
Fish, wade, swim or bathe except in the places designated therefor;
Set up or use a volleyball net so as to exceed a maximum of two such nets in a park at any time;
Have in his or her possession or control any exotic animal, as defined by Section 9.08.050 of this code, regardless of size, or to release any such animal in a park or recreational area;
Operate any of the following equipment, without express written permit from the director of parks and recreation:
Generator for producing electrical voltage, or
Sound amplification equipment, or
Any radio or sound reproduction equipment which causes any noise that disturbs the peace and quiet of the neighborhood or other users of the park or facility, or
Inflatable play equipment, such as astro-jumps and similar items, or
Batting machines, except on designated lighted ballfields between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. on Mondays through Saturdays and between 10:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. on Sundays, and on designated unlighted ballfields between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and dusk on Mondays through Saturdays and between 10:00 a.m. and dusk on Sundays. However, for Ray Park on Sundays, batting machines are only permitted on the designated ballfields between 11:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.;
Gather in groups of 15 persons or more without specific written permission from the director of parks and recreation in the following locations:
Cuernavaca Park at any time, or
Village Park on weekdays between 10:00 a.m., and 3:00 p.m., or
Pershing Park on weekdays between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.;
Engage in any activity involving batted balls in any park or recreational area, except on a designated ballfield at Bayside Park, Cuernavaca Park, Ray Park, or Washington Park;
Possess, serve or sell alcoholic beverages at any park or recreational area, except by the city's authorized golf center operator at the Burlingame Golf Center; or
Allow dogs in or around any playground as designated by the surface material at the playground equipment in Cuernavaca Park, Pershing Park, Ray Park, Trenton Park, Victoria Park, Village Park, or Washington Park, or as designated by the fenced area surrounding the City's tot lots at Alpine Park, "J" Lot, Laguna Playground and Paloma Playground.
(Ord. 1741 § 2, (2004))
In addition to the general rules and regulations contained in this chapter, the director of parks and recreation may propose and submit to the parks and recreation commission for approval, rules and regulations governing the administration, operation, use and maintenance of each park and recreational area, provided that such rules and regulations are consistent with the provisions of this chapter. The approval of such rules and regulations shall be acted on at a duly noticed public meeting of the commission, and council shall be provided notice by the director of parks and recreation of the upcoming commission agenda item. If the commission declines to approve or modifies proposed rules or regulations, the director of parks and recreation may seek review by the council by notifying the city clerk in writing within 10 calendar days of the commission's action. Additionally, any member of the city council who wishes to do so may call up the commission's action for review by notifying the city clerk in writing within 10 calendar days of the commission's action. If no such review has been initiated, the rules and regulations as approved by the commission shall go into effect on the eleventh (11th) day following the commission's action.
(Ord. 1962 § 1, (2019))
It is unlawful for any person, group, or organization to violate any rule or regulation adopted pursuant to Sections 10.55.030 of this chapter.
In addition to the other remedies provides by this code and state law, the city manager or the director of parks and recreation may suspend the privilege of a person, group, or organization that violates the provisions of this chapter or the terms and conditions of any permit issued pursuant to this chapter to obtain any further permit for use of any park or recreational area for such time as the manager or director determines is an appropriate suspension. Any person, group, or organization whose privilege is suspended under this subsection may appeal the suspension to the city council by filing a written appeal together with an appeal fee with the city clerk within 10 days of the written notice of suspension. The city council will then hear the appeal within a reasonable period of time and render a decision on the suspension. The decision of the city council shall be final and conclusive.
(Ord. 918 § 1, (1970); Ord. 1380 § 1, (1988); Ord. 1493 § 1, (1993); Ord. 1741 § 2, (2004))
The city manager and the director of parks and recreation shall provide a permit process for group reservations of park areas and recreational areas, special events, and circumstances not covered by this chapter or the rules and regulations. In so doing the city manager or director shall ensure that the parks and recreational areas are available and provided for the comfort and convenience of all.
(Ord. 918 § 1, (1970); Ord. 1741 § 2, (2004))
The city manager or the director of parks and recreation may close any park or recreational area and remove all persons therefrom when in his judgment such closing will best preserve the public peace, prevent damage to public property or quell riots, mobs or violence. The city manager or the director may also cause any and all persons whose presence on the premises is disruptive to the normal and safe use and enjoyment thereof by the greatest number of people to be removed.
(Ord. 918 § 1, (1970); Ord. 1741 § 2, (2004))