The city council hereby creates a parks and recreation advisory board consisting of five (5) voting members and one (1) chairperson from city staff. The city staff member shall act as the city liaison to the board, preside over the meeting but shall not have the right to vote. The members of the board shall:
Be appointed by the mayor and ratified by the city council;
Be residents of the county; and
Shall serve without compensation.
(Ordinance 1237 adopted 8/1/2023)
The board shall act in an advisory capacity to the city council in parks planning, including, the acquisition, development, maintenance, review of current facilities and operations of city parks, lakes, or other recreational facilities, and shall make recommendations to the city council regarding future recreational opportunities for city parks and lakes. The board shall be responsible for recommending to the city council names for parks, ball fields, or other recreational facilities in accordance with any procedures adopted by the city council. The city council shall have the final determination and approval of the naming or renaming of parks, ball fields, or other recreational facilities, and the acquisition, development, maintenance and operations of city parks.
(Ordinance 1237 adopted 8/1/2023)
The board members shall be appointed for three (3) year terms, and may be removed and/or replaced by the city council at the discretion of the council.
[Ordinance 1237 adopted 8/1/2023]
The board is subject to and shall follow the posting and meeting requirements of the Texas Open Meetings Act.
(Ordinance 1237 adopted 8/1/2023)
The board shall adopt bylaws to govern its operation in cooperation with the city council and the city manager, including the creation of a nonprofit organization to facilitate the ability to obtain grants and other fundraising.
(Ordinance 1237 adopted 8/1/2023)