Trailer coaches may be stored only as follows:
Within an enclosed building;
On a lot or parcel of property on which there exists a lawfully established and maintained dwelling which is occupied by the owner of the stored trailer coach;
On a lot or parcel on which there is conducted lawfully operated business for the sale, rental, storage or repair of trailer coaches and such storage is incidental to the operation of the business.
No stored trailer coach shall be used or occupied and all water, gas, electric and sewer lines shall be and remain disconnected from the trailer coach at all times it is stored; except, that a stored trailer coach may be connected to the foregoing utilities for a forty-eight-hour period for the purpose of maintenance and repairs or for servicing prior to or upon the return from travel.
(Prior code § 56.210)
No person shall use or occupy a trailer coach in the city except when authorized by and in accordance with a valid unexpired trailer coach use permit issued by the community development director pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 190, 1991)