[Added 5-19-2023 by L.L. No. 3-2023]
A fee or fees shall be paid by applicants for the following applications for permits or approvals authorized under this chapter:
Zoning map or code amendments by the Board of Trustees.
Special exception review by the Board of Trustees, Planning Board or Board of Appeals.
Site plan review by the Planning Board.
Variance, interpretation or other zoning relief by Board of Appeals.
Design review by the Design Review Board.
Amendment of a covenant, easement or other restriction imposed as a condition of a zoning action.
Building permits, demolition permits, sign permits, change of use permits, review of tennis court landscape plans, certificates of occupancy/compliance or other zoning review by the Building Inspector.
The application fees or fees authorized under this chapter shall be established by the Board of Trustees under a separate resolution, which may be amended from time to time.
In addition to all other fees, an inspection fee or fees established by the Board of Trustees under a separate resolution shall be paid prior to each field inspection of improvements in connection with the applications under this chapter.
The Board of Trustees, Planning Board, Design Review Board and Board of Appeals may charge a review fee in an amount which will recover the cost of the reasonably necessary consultant fees incurred on behalf of the board incident to review of the proposed application. The cost to be recovered shall consist of the consultant fees which are reasonable in amount and which are necessary to the accomplishment of the board's legitimate functions.