Motor Vehicle, Equipment, RV, Boat, or Watercraft Sales (New or Used) or Rental Use.
Must occupy an office/sales building (new construction) or any existing structure of at least 1,000 square feet, with non-metallic siding and roofing, and located where possible on the front portion of the lot or parcel.
The use must install a decorative iron or masonry fence, raised planter, or combination thereof that will prevent a motor vehicle, equipment, RV, or boat from encroaching on sidewalks.
A used vehicle sales use is not allowed to expand onto additional property not previously occupied by and approved for used vehicle sales use within the previous 90 days.
All truck rental facilities must have approved concrete wheel stops and a 4-foot high fence where permitted in this code, preferably chain or cable, with bollards placed at 5-foot intervals and secured in the ground with concrete footings of appropriate size and depth to prevent trucks from driving on sidewalks or over curbs. These barriers must be located between the sidewalk and the paved parking or travel area.
Sales of used motor vehicle, equipment, RV, boat, or watercraft are permitted only as secondary uses in the Downtown Exception Area, i.e., where a new sales use is the primary use. If a new sales use terminates business in the Downtown Exception Area, and that new sales use also included the sale of used motor vehicle, equipment, RV, or boat, the used sales may continue to be sold from those premises and the business will be classified as a pre-existing nonconforming use.
Manufactured Dwelling and RV Sales.
A permanent office/sales building of at least 1,000 square feet, with non-metallic siding and roofing, which may be a manufactured home, must be located where possible on the front of the lot or parcel, prior to the sale or rental of any manufactured dwelling, RV, or accessory product.
Are prohibited in the Downtown Exception Area.
Motor Vehicle Repair and Service.
All activities associated with motor vehicle, RV, and boat repair and service, with the exception of maintenance activities including the pumping of gas or changing tires, must take place within a building constructed to ensure that noise or odors do not disturb the normal operation or tranquility of neighboring residential, commercial, campus industrial or public land uses. Storage of motor vehicles and boats to be repaired must be screened by a sight-obscuring fence. A 5-foot-wide landscape strip must be installed along the street frontage of all service stations.
In the BKMU Plan District, boat and RV sales must be located entirely indoors and primarily sell new units.
A high impact public facility may be approved subject to Site Plan Review when the facility is designated on the Metro Plan’s Public Facilities and Services Plan, or in the Campus Industrial District on an approved Conceptual Development Plan or Master Plan. All other high impact public facilities are subject to Discretionary use approval in accordance with a Type 3 review procedure.
The facility shall be screened as specified in SDC 4.4.100.
In residential districts, a minimum of 25 percent of the lot/parcel shall be landscaped.
Marijuana Retail Outlets shall be:
Licensed or registered and operated in accordance with Oregon Revised Statutes and applicable Oregon Administrative Rules.
Licensed and regulated as specified in Chapter 7 of the Springfield Municipal Code.
Fully contained in a permanent building in the Community Commercial or Major Retail Commercial Zoning Districts.
Prohibited in any district except CC and MRC.
Where permitted by this code, Marijuana Retail Outlets shall not be located:
At the same address as another licensed or registered marijuana business.
Within 1,000 feet of the real property comprising a public or private elementary, secondary or career school attended primarily by minors (“within 1,000 feet” means a straight line measurement in a radius extending for 1,000 feet or less in every direction from any point on the boundary line of the real property comprising an existing public or private elementary, secondary or career school primarily attended by minors).
Within 500 feet of parks where minors congregate (“within 500 feet” means a straight line measurement in a radius extending for 500 feet or less in every direction from any point on the boundary line of the real property comprising a Marijuana Retail Outlet).
Within 50 feet of any residential zoning district (“within 50 feet” means a straight line measurement in a radius extending for 50 feet, including public right-of-way, in every direction from any point of the property containing a Marijuana Retail Outlet).
Additional Marijuana Retail Outlet Regulations. A Marijuana Retail Outlet shall:
Not have a drive-up window.
Not operate from any temporary facility in any zone.
Provide for secure storage of exterior refuse containers.
Not include outdoor storage of merchandise, raw materials, or any other material associated with retail sales.
Preclude any use of products on site unless expressly exempted by state statute.
Not be allowed as a home occupation in any zone.
Industrial Uses.
Indoor Production
Outdoor Production
Tier 1- Up to 5,000 square feet
Tier 1- up to 20,000 square feet
Tier 2- 5,001-10,000 square feet
Tier 2- 20,001-40,000 square feet
Production Facilities.
Indoor production facilities licensed by the State of Oregon as a Tier 1 operation shall be located within a permanent structure on a lot no smaller than 1 acre in size, shall not be located within 500 feet of any zoning district allowing residential use, and shall provide a controlled exhaust system with filters designed to significantly reduce or eliminate odors at the property line.
Indoor production facilities licensed by the State of Oregon as a Tier 2 operation shall be located within a permanent structure on a lot no smaller than 5 acres in size, shall not be located within 1,000 feet of any zoning district allowing residential use, and shall provide a controlled exhaust system with filters designed to significantly reduce or eliminate odors at the property line.
Outdoor production facilities licensed by the State of Oregon as a Tier 1 operation shall be located on a lot no smaller than 5 acres in size, shall not be located within 1,000 feet of any zoning district allowing residential use, and shall be screened or secured in accordance with state statutes and this code for outdoor storage. Any structure on site used for production purposes shall provide a controlled exhaust system with filters designed to significantly reduce or eliminate odors at the property line.
Outdoor production facilities licensed by the State of Oregon as a Tier 2 operation shall be located on a lot no smaller than 10 acres in size, shall not be located within 1,000 feet of any zoning district allowing residential use and shall be screened or secured in accordance with state statutes and this code for outdoor storage. Any structure on site used for production purposes shall provide a controlled exhaust system with filters designed to significantly reduce or eliminate odors at the property line.
Processing Facilities.
Processing facilities performing testing, including marijuana testing laboratories, processing, or manufacture of edibles or concentrates shall be located within LMI or HI Districts and be completely enclosed within a permanent structure provided with a controlled exhaust system with filters designed to significantly reduce or eliminate odors at the property line.
Processing facilities processing cannabinoid extracts shall be located within HI Districts, shall be located 500 feet from any district allowing residential use and be completely enclosed within a permanent structure provided with a controlled exhaust system with filters designed to significantly reduce or eliminate odors at the property line and shall be subject to Type 2 Site Plan Review.
Licensed or registered and operated in accordance with Oregon Revised Statutes and applicable Oregon Administrative Rules.
Licensed and regulated as specified in Chapter 7 of the Springfield Municipal Code.
Located on and take access from an arterial or collector street.
Wholesale Facilities.
Licensed or registered and operated in accordance with Oregon Revised Statutes and applicable Oregon Administrative Rules.
Licensed and regulated as specified in Chapter 7 of the Springfield Municipal Code.
Located on and take access from an arterial or collector street.
Within 50 feet of any residential zoning district (“within 50 feet” means a straight line measurement in a radius extending for 50 feet, including public right-of-way, in every direction from any point of the property containing a Marijuana Wholesale Facility).
No retail sales shall be permitted from any wholesale marijuana distribution facility.
No outdoor storage of any marijuana items shall occur at a wholesale marijuana distribution facility.
The siting of a future school, daycare or park use that affects a licensed marijuana business existing at the time of the siting, shall not make the existing marijuana business in violation of the locational standards specified in this code, nor shall it be grounds to refuse to renew a license.
In the event that a licensed or registered marijuana business is existing on May 17, 2016, that existing use is allowed to continue as approved. In the event a marijuana business is unoccupied, discontinued or unlicensed for 6 months or more after the above date, it shall be subject to the nonconforming use standards of SDC 5.8.100 of this code.
Planning Review.
When the proposed marijuana business is a change of use in an existing building, Minimum Development Standards (MDS) as specified in SDC 5.15.100 will apply.
When the proposed marijuana business is to be located in a new building, Site Plan Review standards as specified in SDC 5.17.100 will apply.
MDS or Site Plan Review approval by the Director will require, in addition to any other conditions of approval, a copy of the State license or registration and a copy of the City of Springfield marijuana business license pursuant to Chapter 7 of the Springfield Municipal Code. These documents shall be required prior to occupancy.
All marijuana businesses allowed under this code shall occur on properties inside city limits.
(6352; 6443)
Specific development standards for the MUC District are the same as those specified in SDC 3.2.320 as a “*” use and listed in applicable subsections of SDC 4.7.100, and the following:
Drive-through uses may conflict with safe and convenient movement of pedestrians and bicycles within MUC Districts. A drive-through use, for the purposes of this section, is defined as a business activity involving buying or selling goods or provision of services wherever one of the parties conducts the activity from within a motor vehicle. Facilities associated with a drive-through usually involve queuing lines, service windows, service islands, and service bays for vehicular use. Drive-through uses are therefore not permitted in MUC Districts unless the use is incidental to a primary site use, and when designed in conformance with the following standards:
The drive-through use must be limited to service windows which are part of a primary use structure, and no more than 2 queuing lanes.
Drive-up facilities must be designed so that circulation and drive-up windows are not adjacent to sidewalks or between buildings and the street, to the maximum extent practicable.
Parking Lots and Parking Structures, Public and Private.
In MUC Districts, surface parking lots abutting public streets must include perimeter landscaping and parking lot planting as specified in SDC 3.2.325 and 4.4.105.
Parking structures located within 20 feet of pedestrian facilities, including, but not limited to: public or private streets, pedestrian accessways, greenways, transit stations, shelters, or plazas, must provide a pedestrian-scale environment on the façade facing the pedestrian facility. One or more of the following techniques may be used:
Provide retail or office uses on the ground floor of the parking structure facing the pedestrian facility;
Provide architectural features that enhance the ground floor of a parking structure adjacent to the pedestrian facility, for example, building articulation, awnings, canopies, building ornamentation and art; and/or
Provide pedestrian amenities in the transition area between the parking structure and pedestrian facility, including landscaping, trellises, seating areas, kiosks, water features with a sitting area, plazas, outdoor eating areas, and drinking fountains.
In MUC Districts, parking lots must be located beside or behind buildings, internal to the development on a site. Existing or new outparcel buildings between a large parking lot and the street must be used to help define the streetscape, and lessen the visual impact of the parking lot from the street.
Small Scale Repair and Maintenance Services. In MUC Districts these services must take place entirely indoors, and buildings must be constructed and utilized to ensure that noise or odor does not disturb the normal operation and tranquility of neighboring residential and business areas.
Specific development standards for uses within the MUE District are the same as those specified in SDC 3.2.420 as a “*” use and listed in applicable subsections of this section.
Specific development standards for uses within the MUR District are the same as those specified in SDC 3.2.210 as a “*” use and listed in applicable subsections of this section as they apply to R-2 and R-3 development.
Professional offices specified in SDC 4.7.335 are exempt from those specific development standards, but must meet the standards for development specified in SDC 3.2.630(C)(3).
The MUR District allows uses that are not allowed in the R-2 and R-3 Districts. Permitted uses are listed in SDC 3.2.610. Nonresidential uses that are not “professional office” related but have “S” designations in SDC 3.2.610, must comply with the development standards listed in SDC 3.2.630(C)(3).
Residential and Child Care Uses must comply with the specific development standards listed in SDC 4.7.340 and 4.7.350.
(6238; 6443; Ord. No. 6482, 7/1/2024)
A manufactured home, provided it meets City and State standards for safety and construction, may be used as a permanent residence for employees of businesses or property owners in Community Commercial, Light Medium Industrial, and Heavy Industrial Districts when their presence is required for security purposes by the employer 24 hours a day; provided the following standards are met.
A permanent foundation must be provided for the manufactured home, unless the manufactured home will be used for less than 120 days.
The manufactured home must be removed from the premises within 30 days if the business requiring security personnel or the property owner ceases operation.
Foundation cover-skirting, landscaping, and backfill is required.
(Ord. No. 6482, 7/1/2024)
Schools are identified in the Metro Plan or Springfield Comprehensive Plan as key urban services, and must be provided in an efficient and logical manner to keep pace with demand. Schools may be located in any district that permits schools. A unique relationship exists between schools and the community, which requires special consideration when applying screening standards. Maintaining clear sight lines for the security and safety of children is desirable and may be achieved through the use of non-opaque fencing and/or landscaping. The screening standards in SDC 4.4.110 are applied only when required to screen playground structures, spectator seating facilities, parking, storage yards and trash receptacles or where significant conflicts are determined by the Director.
All new facilities and additions over 10,000 square feet or those additions exceeding 50 percent of the size of the existing building must be through a Type 3 procedure concurrently with the Site Plan application. In addition to the Site Plan approval criteria, the Type 3 application must also address the standards specified in SDC 4.7.195(A)(2) through (11), below.
EXCEPTION: Public/Private Elementary/Middle Schools in the PLO District are reviewed through a Type 2 procedure.
A maximum of 65 percent of the site may be covered in impervious surface. The remainder of the site shall comply with the planting standards in SDC 4.4.100.
Schools shall have a landscaped front yard of 20 feet and landscaped side and rear yards of 30 feet. Athletic spectator seating structures adjoining residential uses shall be set back at least 75 feet, unless the Director determines that adequate buffering can be provided with a reduced setback. However, in no instance shall this setback (from spectator facilities) be less than 30 feet. Parking areas shall maintain a landscaped buffer of 15 feet when adjoining a residential use.
Light shall be directed away from adjoining less intensive uses.
Other uses permitted within school facilities include day care facilities, social service offices or other after school program activities approved by the School District and which otherwise do not require discretionary approval.
All plants used for “landscaped buffering” shall be a minimum of 5-gallon in size and shall reach a height of at least 36 inches within 1 year of planting.
Paved playground areas may be used as overflow parking for special events.
All parking lots and driveways shall be designated to separate bus and passenger vehicle traffic. All parking lots shall have sidewalks raised a minimum of 6 inches above grade where pedestrians have to cross parking lots to enter or leave the school grounds. All parking lots must be designed so that a person walking between the bicycle parking facilities and the main building entrance or primary point of entry to the school is not required to cross a driveway, loading area, or other area intended for motor vehicle circulation. The Director may require wider sidewalks at major approaches to schools as deemed necessary for pedestrian safety and capacity.
Any jointly shared recreational facilities, playgrounds or athletic field shall require a joint use agreement that will provide for public use and continued maintenance.
Elementary schools shall have a maximum building height of 35 feet, middle schools shall have a maximum building height of 45 feet.
A Traffic Impact Study, prepared by a Transportation Engineer, must be approved by the City Engineer.
In the PLO District, public/private elementary/middle schools shall be adjacent to residentially-zoned property.
(6211; 6412; 6443; Ord. 6465, 11/20/2023)