A manufactured dwelling may be used as a temporary on-site residence during the repair or reconstruction of a house which has been rendered inhabitable by fire, wind, flood or other disaster. The following standards apply in these circumstances:
The applicant shall submit a Plot Plan showing in detail the proposed location and size of the manufactured dwelling with respect to existing structures and property lines. Utility service connections for sewer, power and water shall also be shown.
Upon approval of the request, permits for the temporary manufactured dwelling and for the repair or reconstruction of the residence shall be applied for concurrently with the following restrictions:
The Temporary Manufactured Dwelling Permit shall expire in 6 months.
EXCEPTION: A 1-time extension not to exceed 6 months may be granted by the Building Official due to inclement weather and building material availability.
The persons residing in the temporary manufactured dwelling are limited to those who resided in the house at the time of the disaster.
The temporary manufactured dwelling shall meet City and State standards for safety and construction of units for residential purposes. The temporary manufactured dwelling shall not be expanded or have attached permanent structures.
The temporary manufactured dwelling shall be removed from the property within 1 week of the completion of the repair or reconstruction of the house and issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy by the Building Official.
A manufactured dwelling, provided it meets City and State construction and safety standards for the proposed use, may be used for a temporary construction office in any zoning district until the construction is complete.
A manufactured dwelling, provided it meets City and State construction and safety standards for the proposed use, may be used for manufactured dwelling sales offices in manufactured dwelling sales lots until units in that sales lot are completely sold. The manufactured dwelling office shall not be used for the sale of units other than in that sales lot in which it is placed.
A manufactured dwelling, provided it meets City and State construction and safety standards for the proposed use, may be used as a temporary office building in the Community Commercial, Light-Medium Industrial and Heavy Industrial Districts for not more than 12 consecutive months provided:
The applicant shall submit a Plot Plan showing where the manufactured unit will be placed and where the permanent buildings will be placed.
A Building Permit application for a permanent structure shall be submitted as a condition of Site Plan approval.
The Development Services Department shall conduct a work-in-progress inspection 3 months after Plot Plan approval. If reasonable progress on construction of the permanent building has been made, an extension of not more than 9 months shall be granted for the use of the manufactured unit. If reasonable progress on construction has not been made, approval for use of the manufactured unit shall be revoked, and the manufactured unit removed from the property within 30 days.
The manufactured unit shall be removed from the property prior to final occupancy of the permanent building. The Building Official may issue a Temporary Occupancy Permit (valid for 1 week) upon completion of construction to allow the applicant time to relocate materials from the manufactured unit to the permanent offices.
The majority of the produce to be sold shall be grown on the premises. Commercially produced nursery stock shall not be sold from the premises.
The sales are located entirely on private property.
There shall be room to pull off the roadway so that hazardous traffic conditions will not be created.
The residential unit is representative of those being sold.
No merchandise shall be sold from the premises.
Unless extended by the Director, the use shall not be permitted longer than 12 consecutive months.