The Type 1 application involves the ministerial review of an application based on clear and objective standards. In general, potential impacts of development allowed through a Type 1 application have been recognized through the adoption of standards. The Type 1 procedure does not require interpretation or exercise of policy or legal judgment when evaluating development standards. A Type 1 determination is made by the Director without public notice or a hearing.
The Director may elevate a Type 1 application to a Type 2 application when there is a need to interpret or exercise policy or legal judgment, or to apply discretionary land use standards. The Director’s decision to elevate a Type 1 application to a Type 2 application is not an appealable decision.
The applicant may elevate a Type 1 application to a Type 2 application by submitting a Type 2 application and paying the applicable fee associated with the Type 2 process.
A Type 1 application is reviewed according to the following procedures.
The Director must determine application completeness according to SDC 5.1.405.
The Director’s decision must address all the applicable approval criteria and/or development standards. The Director may approve, approve with conditions, or deny the application.
The Director's decision for a Type 1 application is the final decision of the City. The Director’s decision is effective on the day it is mailed or otherwise provided to the applicant.
A Type 1 determination is not appealed at the City level except as otherwise provided in the Springfield Development Code or if found to constitute a permit and authorized by the Director.