A new refinement plan and/or Development Code may be initiated by the Director, the Planning Commission, or the City Council.
Amendment of adopted refinement plans, refinement plan diagrams and this code’s text may be initiated by the Director, the Planning Commission, the City Council or a citizen.
Citizen initiated amendments are allowed only twice each calendar year; on or before January 5th or July 5th.
Adoption or amendment of refinement plan text, refinement plan diagrams and this code’s text are reviewed under Type 4 procedure.
In reaching a decision on the adoption or amendment of refinement plans and this code’s text, the City Council shall adopt findings that demonstrate conformance to the following:
The Metro Plan and Springfield Comprehensive Plan;
Applicable State statutes; and
Applicable State-wide Planning Goals and Administrative Rules.
Applications specified in SDC 5.6.105 may require co-adoption by the Lane County Board of Commissioners.
(6279; 6443)