A person erecting or maintaining a water closet, sink, bathtub, or drain in the city upon property within 300 feet of any public sanitary sewer shall connect the facility with the sewer at his or her own expense, in the manner and under regulations and supervision prescribed by the city.
No unauthorized person shall uncover, make any connection with, open into, use, alter, or disturb any sanitary sewer without first obtaining a written permit from the city to do so.
The rates and charges provided herein are for incurred costs based upon use or availability for use of a regional (and local) sewer and sewage disposal system, the availability of which is necessary for the regulation of, and provision for, the public health, safety, and welfare. The charge is controlled by the user’s (or potential user’s) request and choice of the kind, nature, and quantity of use.
A regional sanitary sewerage facility system development charge (SDC) shall be paid to the city prior to issuance of a permit to connect to the sanitary sewer system of the city. The regional sanitary sewerage facility SDC methodology shall be established by resolution of the city council and may be adopted and amended concurrent with the establishment or revision of the system development charge.
A credit for property taxes on real property paid to retire bonded debts incurred for the construction of regional sewerage facilities shall be deducted from the regional sanitary sewer SDC. The credit shall accrue from the year of annexation to the city, and be based on the assessed value at the time of obtaining the permit in accordance with the credit table established by resolution of the city council.
The rates and charges provided herein are incurred charges or costs based upon use or availability for use of the local and regional sewer and sewage disposal system, or the storm sewer system. The nature of the service provided and charged for is such that the individual property owner is not able (and therefore not meeting a routine obligation of ownership) to meet the requirements of sewage and sewer collection, disposal and treatment if required, and the charges and service are therefore necessary to enforce the regulations pertaining thereto necessary to provide for the public health and safety as to sanitation, communicable diseases and in guarding against the hazards of excess surface and flowing water which cannot ordinarily be satisfactorily or safely provided by individual citizens.
Any person desiring to connect a private sanitary sewer line to a city sanitary sewer line from property against which no assessment has been levied shall first apply to the department of public works for a permit to do so. The permit shall set forth at what point the city sewer line is to be tapped, the distance that the connecting sewer line will run, the location, the size of pipe, the type of construction and such other facts as the city engineer may reasonably require on a form to be furnished for this purpose.
Upon making an application as herein provided, such person shall pay to the city an amount based upon the city’s established rate per square foot of benefited property. This rate is based on the average actual sewer construction costs per square foot of benefited property, as set by resolution of the council. Any rate adjustment shall be determined by the previous year’s sewer construction costs and projected inflation to the next construction season. The depth of the benefited property shall not exceed 150 feet from the street or 150 feet from the sanitary sewer line if the sewer line is not within the street right-of-way, except by special authorization by the Director of Public Works and based upon reasonable judgment, such as:
The location of the building in relation to the referenced 150 foot line;
The possibility of future development for the building sites beyond the 150 foot depth. Except as provided by (a) and (b) immediately preceding, a reduced charge will be charged for that area beyond the 150 foot line. The sum so paid may be deposited against any future sanitary sewer assessment which may be made against said property. In the event the sum paid exceeds the assessment any excess will be refunded to the property owner.
Unassessed property along McVay Highway/Franklin Boulevard to Nugget Way. Properties directly benefited by the Franklin/McVay sanitary sewer extension city Project No. 21080 shall pay a fee based on square footage as determined and adopted by council resolution.
In the event that a city sewer line is in close proximity but not contiguous to an industrial, commercial or multiple housing development desiring connection, a line of adequate length, size and depth, as approved by the city engineer, shall be installed at the owner’s expense to serve such property. The charge as outlined in subsections (1) to (4) shall then be imposed but the owner shall have credited upon such connection charge, that cost for excess length, size or depth required by the city engineer.
In the event that one or more single family residential property owners desire to extend a sewer to serve their property, the method and connection charge, if any, shall be as determined by the director of public works, consistent with current policies.
Payment of the charges provided in this section shall be in lieu of any assessments to property owners paying the same under that paragraph for any future sewer which might serve the property.
The fees herein required shall be imposed against all new construction (not existing structures), including mobile and modular homes.
Provided however, no such fee shall be imposed where a new structure replaces a formerly existing structure of like use within two years of the date the former structure was removed or demolished. The date the former structure was removed or demolished shall be the date when the permit for such removal or demolition was issued. Replacement shall be allowed without charge to the extent of the previous use and/or structure. In the event the structure is of a larger size as to either occupancy or square footage, as appropriate, according to the type and kind of occupancy, a fee shall be charged for such increase in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section.
The fee herein required by this section shall be imposed against all structures within territory annexed to the city after September 1, 1971. The reference to structures in this subsection shall not relieve the owner from paying the charge required for each living unit contained in any structure.
The fees herein imposed shall be paid to the city by the person seeking a building permit and/or sewer connection (tap) permit and no such permit shall be granted or issued except upon payment of the required fees.
(Section 3.356 amended by Ordinance No. 6318, enacted April 21, 2014)
No person shall construct any sanitary sewer within the city without first making application and securing a permit therefor.
A separate permit will be required for each and every building.
An application for a permit to construct a sanitary sewer shall be in writing, on a form provided by the building department, and shall give the location of the property to be served by the sewer, the name of the owner of the property, the name of the person engaged to construct or reconstruct the proposed sanitary sewer, and such other information or plans as the city manager may require.
An application for a permit to construct a sanitary sewer shall be accompanied by a fee set by resolution of the council. If more than 50 percent of an existing sewer line is to be reconstructed, then it shall be classed as new construction.
An application for a permit to reconstruct any sanitary sewer shall be accompanied by a fee set by resolution of the council. If less than 50 percent of an existing sewer line is to be reconstructed, then it shall be classed as repairs.
If the work involved does not require the laying of a new line, it shall be classed as a repair job, and no permit shall be required.
Upon approval of the application, the building department shall issue a permit to construct or reconstruct the line, which permit shall specify where the proposed work shall be done.
Reasonable notice shall be given to the plumbing inspector to inspect all work in connection with the construction or reconstruction of any sanitary sewer line while the work is still uncovered.
An applicant for a permit to construct a sanitary sewer must comply with the provisions of section 3.208 of this code regulating and requiring permits for the making of cuts or excavations in, on, or under streets and alleys. Not more than one bond shall be required of the applicant, however, provided the amount of the bond is sufficient to cover the requirements of both permits.
These regulations do not in any way affect or govern the construction of sanitary sewers within the public streets or public easements which is done by regular contract and under the supervision of the city engineer.
Any person constructing a sewer to be hooked up to the city sewer shall have the right to construct the sewer according to the plans and specifications of the city engineer, and if the sewer is upon a line projected by the city engineer and of a character deemed likely to be of service in the future to other areas when extended thereto, the council shall have the right by resolution upon the recommendation of the city engineer and upon completion of the construction of the sewer to accept the sewer as a part of the city sewerage system, with adequate easements providing access thereto. In the event any such sewer is accepted by the city, the builder of the sewer shall be entitled to have refunded the payment provided for in section 3.356 of this code, and, in addition, the property shall not be liable for any such assessment for any sewer thereafter constructed by the city to which other property similarly situated and beneficially served by an assessed sewer would not be liable. Upon such acceptance by the council as to his or her property, the provisions of section 3.356 of this code shall thereafter be of no effect, and notice thereof shall be stricken by the city finance director from the lien docket of the city.
The following words and phrases, when used in sections 3.368 and 3.372 of this code, shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this section:
"Sewer cleaning device"
shall mean and include any mechanical equipment, tool, or device; whatsoever used in the process of cleaning private, commercial, or residential sewer lines.
"House sewer"
shall mean that part of the horizontal pipe of a house drainage system extending from the house drain five feet outside of the building wall to its connection with the main sewer or septic tank.
It shall be unlawful for any person, except any person holding a valid license under the provisions of this code on the licensing of plumbers, to perform or offer to perform services or work in the process of cleaning private, commercial, or residential sewer line by mechanical device without first obtaining a license therefor in the manner hereinafter provided.
Any person desiring to obtain a license to operate a sewer cleaning device to construct, repair, alter or change any new or existing house sewer in the city shall make application therefor at the office of the city building inspector on forms to be furnished by the city for that purpose.
Upon approval of the application for the license required by this section and upon payment of the license fee prescribed for contractors by this code, the finance director shall issue to each applicant a suitable license, which shall be carried upon the person operating any sewer cleaning device licensed in accordance with the provisions of this section at all times that such device is being operated.
Any mechanical cleaning device licensed pursuant to this section shall conform to minimum standards of efficiency and safety, as prescribed by the city engineer.
The owner and operator of any device licensed under the provisions of section 3.370 of this code shall each be liable to the city for any and all damage, as determined by the city engineer, which may be suffered by or caused to the sewers or installations of the city by such device, and the provisions of the section shall be a part of any license issued under the provisions of the section.
No unauthorized person shall maliciously, willfully, or negligently break, damage, destroy, uncover deface, or tamper with any structure, appurtenance, or equipment which is a part of the municipal sewerage system. Any person violating this provision shall be subject to immediate arrest under a charge of disorderly conduct.
All measures, tests, and analyses of the characteristics of water and waste, to which reference is made in sections 3.350 to 3.382 shall be determined in accordance with standard methods for the examination of water and sewage, and shall be determined upon suitable samples taken from the nearest downstream manhole in the public sewer at the point to which the property in question is connected.
The building inspector and other duly authorized employees of the city bearing proper credentials and identification shall be permitted to enter upon all properties for the purpose of inspection, observation, measurement sampling, and testing in accordance with the provisions of sections 3.350 to 3.382. Any person found to be violating any provision of sections 3.350 to 3.382 shall be served by the city with written notice stating the nature of the violation and providing a reasonable time limit for the satisfactory correction thereof. The offender shall, within the period of time stated in such notice, permanently cease all violations.
Any violation of sections 3.350 to 3.378 beyond the time limit fixed in section 3.378 of this code, shall be an infraction within the meaning of chapter 5 of this code.
Any person who violates a provision of sections 3.350 to 3.378 shall be liable to the city for any expense, loss, or damage caused the city by reason of such violation, in addition to the penalties set forth in chapter 1 of this code.