No person shall stand or park a vehicle on a street, including a cul-de-sac, other than parallel with the edge of the roadway, headed in the direction of lawful traffic movement, and with the curbside wheels of the vehicle within 12 inches of the edge of the curb, except where the street is marked or signed for angle parking, in which case motor vehicles shall be parked with the front headed into the curb, and at the angle of and between painted stripes or other markings upon the pavement where such head-in parking is indicated.
Where parking space markings are placed on a street, or on a city owned parking lot, no person shall stand or park a vehicle other than in the indicated direction and, unless the size or shape of the vehicle makes compliance impossible, within a single marked space.
The operator who first begins maneuvering a motor vehicle into a vacant parking space on a street shall have priority to park in that space, and no other vehicle operator shall attempt to deprive the person of priority or block the access.
Whenever the operator of a vehicle discovers that the vehicle is parked close to a building to which the fire department has been summoned, the operator shall immediately remove the vehicle from the area, unless otherwise directed by a police officer or fire fighter.
The registered owner of a vehicle placed in violation of any of the terms of sections 6.005 to 6.075 shall be responsible for the penalty, except where the use of the vehicle was secured by a person without the owner’s consent. When charging a person with a parking violation, proof that the vehicle was registered to the defendant at the time of the violation shall constitute a presumption that the defendant was then the owner in fact.
In addition to complying with the provisions of the motor vehicle laws of the state of Oregon prohibiting parking, no person shall park or stand:
A vehicle upon a bridge, viaduct, or other elevated structure used as a street, unless parking is permitted by a lawfully installed sign; or
A vehicle in an alley, except to load or unload persons or materials, but in no case in excess of 20 minutes; or
A vehicle upon a street, alley, right-of-way, or other public way, for the principle purpose of:
Displaying the vehicle for sale;
Washing, servicing, or repairing the vehicle, except repairs necessitated by an emergency that does not cause an obstruction and that lasts no more than one hour;
Displaying advertising from the vehicle except when in compliance with sign code section provisions of this code;
Selling merchandise from the vehicle, except when licensed as a transient merchant; or
A vehicle that is displaying expired registration tags, an expired temporary permit, or displays no license plate.
A vehicle within that area between the curb or curb line and the sidewalk line or outer edge of the sidewalk commonly known as the parking strip.
A vehicle within any area officially designated, whether permanently or temporarily, as a no parking zone, whether such area is marked by signs, a yellow curb, or by other means.
A vehicle within 10 feet on each side of a fire hydrant measured from the point of the curb nearest to the hydrant.
No person shall park a vehicle in a parking zone, whether on the street or in a municipal parking lot, for a period in excess of the period of time designated for parking in the zone, except as provided in subsection (2) of this section. Where maximum parking times are designated, movement of a vehicle within a block face shall not extend the time limits for parking.
Parking permits may be issued that shall entitle the vehicle, upon which the permit is placed, to park in excess of the time limits provided in a restricted time space. Permits shall be issued as follows:
The city manager may issue “visitor” parking permits for persons attending meetings, conferences, performing volunteer work, conducting construction or repair or at the manager’s discretion.
The municipal court may issue “jury” parking permits for persons performing jury duty.
The public works department, or traffic department, may issue “special” parking permits for construction and maintenance vehicles, equipment, materials, or to businesses or homeowners adjacent to street construction projects, whenever the construction necessitates the permits.
The city manager may authorize approved entities to park “fleet” or car sharing, leased and rental vehicles on street in excess of posted time-stays.
The city manager may designate that certain city owned parking lots and rights-of-way, require a permit to lawfully park in that parking lot or section of right-ofway. The fee for the permit shall be at an amount set by council resolution.
The following parking lots and on-street parking zones in the downtown area require a permit.
City Hall North Parking Lot. This lot is located under the north section of City Hall, with its south side being adjacent to A Street.
City Hall South Parking Lot. This lot is located under the south section of City Hall with its north side being adjacent to A Street.
Main Street Lot 3. This lot is located south of City Hall, between 5th and 6th Street and adjacent to Main Street to the south.
7th Street Pocket Lot. This lot is located adjacent to 7th Street to the east and A Street to the north.
Justice Center Parking Lot. This lot is located adjacent to 5th Street on the east and B Street to the north.
Pioneer East Lot. This lot is located adjacent to Pioneer Parkway on the east and A Street to the north.
On-Street Parking Zone B. Zone B is divided into two sections. One section is located between Mill Street on the west, Pioneer Parkway on the east, B Street to the north and Highway 126 to the south. The other section of Zone B is located between 7th Street to the west, 10th Street to the east, B Street to the north and Highway 126 to the south.
Permits shall be valid only for the dates specified, or if no date is specified, until revoked.
Permits shall be placed on the dash of the vehicle or hung from the vehicle’s rear view mirror so as to be plainly visible from outside the vehicle.
Nothing herein shall be construed as allowing any vehicle to be operated or parked in any manner in violation of law or any parking requirement of Chapter 6 excepting only the specified limits of time.
When a vehicle is parked continuously for eight hours in an area in violation of sections 6.005 to 6.075, the vehicle may be removed by a police officer, or patrol community service officer. The impoundment and disposition shall be in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
[Section 6.020 amended by Ordinance No. 6327, enacted October 6, 2014; further amended by Ordinance No. 6337, enacted May 18, 2015]
No person shall park, stand or stop a vehicle for any purpose or length of time other than for the expeditious loading or unloading of persons or materials, but in no case in excess of 30 minutes, in any area designated as a loading zone.
No person shall stop, stand, or park a vehicle other than a bus in a bus zone or a taxicab in a taxicab stand, except that the operator of a passenger vehicle may temporarily stop for the purpose of, and while actually engaged in, loading or unloading passengers, when stopping does not interfere with any bus or taxicab about to enter the restricted area.
Bus zones shall be defined as that area within 25 feet on each side of the sign indicating a bus stop. The Lane Transit District shall be responsible for marking each bus stop sign to indicate the restricted area.
The operator of a bus or taxicab shall not stand or park the vehicle upon any street at any place other than at a bus zone or taxicab stand, respectively, unless it is temporarily stopping for the purpose of and while actually engaged in the loading or unloading of passengers.
The department of public works is hereby authorized to designate, within the city, areas in which the parking of vehicles is restricted in time or is prohibited, areas that are to be restricted as loading zones, and areas that are to be restricted as bus zones and taxi stands, and zones that are limited to a specific use or classification.
The fire department is hereby authorized to designate, on public ways or private property open to the public, areas that are to be restricted as fire lanes.
Upon designation by the department of public works of an area as a restricted parking zone, a loading zone, or as a bus zone or taxi stand, or a zone that is limited to specific use or classification, or by the fire department of an area as a fire lane, the area shall be marked by a sign or other means as a restricted area and the permissible time for parking a vehicle therein shall be so indicated if applicable.
Upon designation by the department of public works of an area as a no-parking zone, the area shall be marked by a yellow curb or appropriate signs.
The statutes contained in ORS Chapter 811 relating to parking for persons with disabilities as currently in effect, are adopted by reference and made part of this chapter.
[Section 6.045 amended by Ordinance No. 6415, enacted March 2, 2020]
No person shall park or stand any restricted truck as defined in section 6.250(1) upon the streets of the city except:
Upon streets designated as permitted truck routes in section 6.250(1) of this code; or
Except for the purpose of and while actually engaging in loading or unloading; or
Upon determination by the public works department and the posting of signs stating that truck parking is permitted. In making a determination, the public works department shall consider the need for on-street truck parking, the potential impacts of such parking on access to abutting properties, nearby business operations, traffic and pedestrian safety, and may specify appropriate terms and conditions with regard to such parking.
No person shall park any truck, bus, camper, motor home, trailer or boat, as defined in subsection (3) of this section, upon the streets of the city for more than 16 consecutive hours in any 72-hour period. If the truck, bus, camper, motor home, trailer or boat is located in a residential area, it shall be associated with a residence near the place it is parked.
As used in this section, the following mean:
Boat. Any vehicle, structure or device, whether or not mounted upon a wheeled device for trailing behind a car, truck or other vehicle, intended to be used as a conveyance upon water.
Bus. Any vehicle originally designed to convey 10 or more passengers. “Bus” also means any vehicle described herein, including one which has been converted for camping, sleeping and/or living facilities, or the storage of materials.
Camper. Any device placed upon a truck or pickup bed that extends above the top of the cab of the truck or pickup whether or not the same is outfitted with camping or sleeping facilities or equipment. “Camper” is not intended to cover simple canopies.
Trailer/Motor Home. A vehicle or wheeled structure designed for being moved over public thoroughfares equipped for sleeping, cooking and with plumbing facilities intended for human occupancy.
Truck. Any vehicle licensed as a motor truck, semi-truck, or any vehicle 72 inches or more in width, or any vehicle including, but not limited to, a motor or semi truck trailer, that is designated or primarily operated for the transportation of property, and the body weight or combined body and load weight of which exceeds 6,000 pounds. “Truck” shall not be applied to automobile passenger vehicles or to that form of truck commonly referred to as “pickup.”
[Amended by Ordinance No. 6307, enacted November 25, 2013]
No person shall park or stand a vehicle in an area designated as a fire lane, excepting fire department vehicles or other emergency vehicles.
Police officers and patrol community service officers shall enforce the terms of sections 6.005 to 6.075 as well as parking violations defined by state or county laws, by appropriate marking of vehicles and the issuance of citations for violations or impoundment, or both.
In addition to subsection (1), the city may enter into an agreement with a private, public or non-profit parking service certified as a private security company by the state of Oregon to authorize parking service and its employees to enforce the terms of sections 6.005 to 6.075 as well as parking violations defined by state or county laws, by appropriate marking of vehicles and the issuance of citations for violations. The private parking service may collect the delinquent fines and may immobilize or impound the vehicle with the same authority and manner as citations issued by peace officers of the local government.
A violation of the prohibited parking activities in sections 6.015 and 6.020, unless otherwise defined in this code for state law, is punishable by a penalty in the amount established by council resolution.
Parking citations shall be placed conspicuously on the vehicle. The registered owner of the vehicle shall be responsible for the citation unless the driver accepts responsibility.
With 10 days of the issuance of the parking citation:
The required penalty must be paid;
A written response contesting the ticket must be filed; or
A written request for an in-person hearing must be filed.
The citation shall state the penalties that may be imposed for failure to comply.
The city manager may appoint one or more persons to serve as hearings officers to review written responses and/or hold in person hearings.
If section 6.060(5) is not complied with, the city or its designee shall provide written notice to the owner or lessee of the vehicle. The notice shall provide information related to additional charges, as established in the city’s fee schedule.
If the city has contracted the enforcement of parking violations that contractor or its agent may collect the delinquent fines, impose additional charges for the collection efforts undertaken, and may immobilize or impound the vehicle pursuant to this code. These additional collection charges shall be established in the city’s fee schedule.
A vehicle for which a citation has been issued and remains unpaid after becoming due may be immobilized or impounded. A vehicle that has been immobilized or impounded shall not be released until all outstanding penalties and charges have been paid to the city or its designee.
[Section 6.060 amended by Ordinance No. 6312, enacted March 3, 2014; further amended by Ordinance No. 6337, enacted May 18, 2015; further amended by Ordinance No. 6415, enacted March 2, 2020]
Except as provided in sections 6.005 to 6.075, no person shall letter, mark or paint in any manner on any sidewalk, curb, or other portion of any street, or post anything designed or intended to prohibit or restrict parking on any street.
[Section 6.070 repealed by Ordinance No. 6171, enacted May 15, 2006]
When a police officer, patrol community service officer, or an agent of the fire department observes a vehicle parked in violation of sections 6.015, 6.025, 6.030, 6.040, 6.045, or 6.055, the officer or agent may cause the vehicle to be impounded, may cause it to be removed, or require the driver or person in charge of the vehicle to move it.
When a police officer or patrol community service officer observes a vehicle which has five or more unpaid parking violations, on which the court appearance date has passed, the officer shall cause the vehicle to be impounded.
The disposition of a vehicle impounded under authority of this section shall be in accordance with the provisions of this code or Oregon Revised Statutes.