Usage and interpretation rules.
For the purpose of this subdivision ordinance, certain terms or words herein shall be interpreted or defined as follows:
Words used in the present tense include the future tense;
The singular includes the plural;
The word "person" includes a corporation as well as an individual;
The term "shall" is always mandatory;
The term "may" is discretionary;
The male gender shall include the female and the neutral.
Words and terms not expressly defined.
Words and terms not expressly defined herein are to be construed according to the normally accepted meaning of such words or terms or, where no definition appears, then according to their customary usage in the practice of municipal planning and engineering.
(Ordinance 2024-03 adopted 2/6/2024)
For the purpose of this subdivision ordinance, certain terms and words are herewith defined and shall have the meaning here applied; any word not defined herein shall be determined by the town council.
Adjacent, adjoining, and contiguous to. It may also mean having a lot line in common with a right-of-way or easement, or with a physical improvement such as a street, waterline, park, or open space.
A means of approaching or entering a property, or the ability to traverse a property (such as in the use of the phrase "pedestrian access easement").
A public right-of-way, not intended to provide the primary means of access to abutting lots, which is used primarily for vehicular service access to the back or sides of properties otherwise abutting on a street.
Amending plat.
An amending plat applies minor revisions to a recorded plat consistent with provisions of state law. See section 10.02.097 amending plat.
The person or entity responsible for the submission of an application. The applicant must be the actual owner of the property for which an application is submitted, or shall be a duly authorized representative of the property owner. Also see developer.
The package of materials, including but not limited to an application form, plat, completed checklist, tax certificate, construction plans, special drawings or studies, and other informational materials, that is required by the town to initiate town review and approval of a development project.
Application form.
The written form (as provided by and as may be amended by the planning manager that is filled out and executed by the applicant and submitted to the town along with other required materials as a part of an application.
Approval constitutes a determination by the official, board, commission or town council responsible for such determination that the application is in compliance with the minimum provisions of this subdivision ordinance.
Such approval does not constitute approval of the engineering or surveying contained in the plans, as the design engineer or surveyor that sealed the plans is responsible for the adequacy of such plans.
Arterial street.
A principal traffic-way more or less continuous across the town or areas adjacent thereto and shall act as a principal connecting street with highways as indicated in the comprehensive plan.
Base flood.
The flood having a one (1) percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year, determined based upon FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) guidelines and as shown in the current effective flood insurance study.
A tract or parcel of land bounded by streets, or by a combination of streets and public parks, cemeteries, railroad right-of-way, highway, stream, or corporate boundary lines.
Block face.
The portion of a block that abuts a street.
Block length.
The length of the block face between two intersections.
Any structure built for support, shelter, or enclosure of persons, animals, personal property, records, or other movable property and when separated in a manner sufficient to prevent fire, each portion of such building shall be deemed a separate building.
Building official.
The building official of the town or his or her designee.
Building permit.
A permit issued by the town before a building or structure is started, improved, enlarged, or altered as proof that such action is in compliance with the town code.
Certificate of occupancy.
An official certificate issued by the town through the enforcement official that indicates conformance with the town's rules and regulations and authorizes legal use of the premises.
Code of Ordinances.
The Code of Ordinances of the town of Fairview.
Collector street.
A street designed or used to carry traffic from local streets to arterials.
Commercial planned development district area plan (CPDD).
A component of the ordinance adopting the commercial planned development district (CPDD).
The planning and zoning commission of the town.
Comprehensive plan.
The plan, including all revisions thereto, adopted by the town council as the official policy regarding the guidance and coordination of the development of land in the town.
The plan indicates the general location recommended for various land uses, transportation routes, public and private buildings, streets, utilities, parks, other public and private developments and improvements, and population projections.
The plan may consist of, but is not limited to, the following plan elements: Future land use plan, transportation plan, and thoroughfare plan map.
Construction plans.
A set of drawings and/or specifications, including paving, water, wastewater, drainage, or other required plans, submitted to the town for review in conjunction with a subdivision or a development.
See town council.
Collin County.
An open, unoccupied space other than a yard, on the same lot with a building that is bounded on three (3) or more sides by the building.
A short, residential street having only one vehicular access to another street, and terminated on the opposite end with a vehicular turnaround.
Dead-end street.
A street, other than a cul-de-sac, with only one outlet.
The town official or group, such as the planning manager, town council, or planning and zoning commission, responsible for deciding an application authorized by this subdivision ordinance.
Design standards and specifications by NCTCOG.
Specific engineering requirements for the construction of public improvements by the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG).
A person or entity, limited to the property owner or duly authorized representative thereof, who proposes to undertake or undertakes the division, developments, or improvement of land and other activities covered by this subdivision ordinance.
The word developer is intended to include the terms subdivider, property owner, and, when submitting platting documents, applicant.
Any manmade change to improved or unimproved real estate, including but not limited to, buildings and/or other structures, paving, drainage, utilities, storage, and agricultural activities.
Development application.
An application, developed and updated by the planning manager, for any type of plan, permit, plat, or construction plans/drawings authorized or addressed by this subdivision ordinance.
Development manual.
A collection of application forms created, updated, and managed by the planning manager. The development manual also contains checklists, additional information, fees, and forms and is a policy document for the public to reference.
Driveway approach.
That access or transitional portion of a driveway intended for vehicular traffic, and running from the street curbline or edge of paving (or rock/gravel) to the property line.
Dwelling unit.
One or more rooms, which are arranged, designed, used, or intended to be used for occupancy by a single-family or group of persons living together as a family or by a single person.
Authorization by a property owner for another to use any designated part of the owner's property for a specified purpose or use and evidenced by an instrument or plat filed with the county clerk. Among other things, easements may be used to install and maintain utility lines, drainage ditches or channels, or for other town or public services.
An area established for public purposes on private property upon which the town shall have the right to remove and keep removed all or part of any buildings, fences, trees, shrubs, or other improvements or growths which in any way endanger or interfere with the construction, maintenance, or efficiency of town systems.
The town shall at all times have the right of ingress and egress to and from and upon the said easements for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, inspecting, patrolling, maintaining, and adding to or removing all or part of its respective systems without the necessity at any time or procuring the permission of anyone.
Easement, common access.
An easement to provide shared access to and from adjoining properties. Easements are maintained by the owners of the property upon which the easement is located or as otherwise provided by deed restrictions or the terms of the easement instrument.
A person duly authorized under the provisions of the Texas Engineering Practice Act, as heretofore or hereafter amended, to practice the profession of engineering and who is specifically qualified to design and prepare construction plans and specifications for public works improvements.
Engineering plans.
See construction plans.
See extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ).
Extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ).
The unincorporated area, not a part of any other municipality, which is contiguous to the corporate limits of the town, the outer limits of which are measured from the extremities of the corporate limits of the town outward for the distance as stipulated in chapter 42 of the Texas Local Government Code, according to the inhabitants of the town, and in which area the town may regulate subdivisions and enjoin violation of provisions of this subdivision ordinance.
Fee schedule.
A listing of fees for various town applications, which is prepared by the town manager and approved by town council and may be amended periodically. The fee schedule is approved separately from this subdivision ordinance.
Filing plat.
See final plat.
Final acceptance.
The acceptance by the town of all infrastructure improvements constructed by the developer in conjunction with the development of land.
Final plat.
The one official and authentic map of any given subdivision of land prepared from actual field measurement and staking of all identifiable points by a surveyor or engineer with the subdivision location referenced to a survey corner and all boundaries, corners, and curves of the land division sufficiently described so that they can be reproduced without additional references.
The final plat of any lot, tract, or parcel of land shall be recorded in the deed records of Collin County, Texas.
A final plat may also be referenced as a record plat or filing plat.
The area subject to being inundated by water from the base flood.
A natural drainage area that accommodates the base flood for existing creeks and open drainageways.
All the property abutting on one (1) side of the street, or between two (2) intersecting streets, measured along the street line.
Homeowners' or property owners' association.
A formal organization created by private recorded land agreements for the benefit of a defined geographic area within the town, operating independently of the town, and consisting of membership that is either mandatory or voluntary as generally defined below.
Mandatory membership. Mandatory homeowners' or property owners' associations are generally defined by the following:
Restrictive covenants apply that may govern the use and improvement of property under the jurisdiction of the association;
Each lot and/or property owner in the area subject to the agreement is automatically an association member; and
Each lot or property interest is automatically subject to recurring or special charges or assessments for a proportionate share of the expense for the organization's activities, such as the maintenance of common property; and
The charge or assessment, if unpaid, is subject to a lien against the nonpaying member's property.
Voluntary membership. Voluntary homeowner' or property owners' associations are generally defined as an association where owners of property in the area subject to the agreement are voluntarily subject to rules or restrictive covenants and are responsible for costs associated with enforcement of such rules and the maintenance of common property, with the association having limited ability to enforce payment of fees or dues against association members.
Any manmade fixed item that becomes part of or placed upon real property, see also public improvement.
All streets, alleys, sidewalks, storm drainage, water, and wastewater facilities, utilities, lighting, transportation, and other facilities as required by the town.
Land planner.
A person(s), other than a surveyor or engineer, who also possesses and can demonstrate a valid proficiency in the planning of residential, commercial, industrial, and other related developments; such proficiency often having been acquired by education in the field of landscape architecture or other specialized planning curriculum and/or by actual experience and practice in the field of land planning.
Letter of final acceptance.
Notification to an applicant from the town engineer that all improvements are completed, inspected, tested (if applicable), and determined by the town to be in conformance with this subdivision ordinance and with the town's design/engineering standards and all improvements are accepted by the town or will be accepted contingent to the approval of a final plat.
Local street.
A local street is a street used primarily for access to abutting property in residential and commercial areas. Local streets also provide secondary or minor access and circulation to community facilities (schools, parks, etc.) and other traffic generators, such as commercial and industrial areas.
Residential local streets. Local residential streets distribute traffic to and from residences, are short in length, and designed to discourage through-traffic.
Commercial local streets. Local commercial streets distribute traffic to and from businesses, are short in length, and designed to encourage through-traffic.
Land occupied or to be occupied by a building and its accessory buildings, together with such open spaces as are required under this subdivision ordinance, and having its principal frontage upon a street or officially approved place.
Lot lines.
The lines bounding a lot as defined herein.
Lot of record.
A lot that is part of a subdivision, a map of which has been recorded in the office of the county Clerk.
Lot width.
The mean distance between side lines measured at right angles to the depth.
Lot, corner.
A lot situated at the junction of two or more streets.
A corner lot shall be deemed to front on the street on which it has its smallest dimensions, or as otherwise designated by the planning and zoning commission.
Lot, depth.
The mean distance from the front street line to the rear line.
Lot, interior.
A lot, the side line of which does not abut on any street.
Lot, key.
A corner lot that is designed such that the lots located directly behind it face the side street of the corner lot and are not separated by an alley.
Lot, through.
An interior lot having frontage on two streets.
Manual on Uniform Traffic-Control Devices.
The Manual on Uniform Traffic-Control Devices, or MUTCD defines the standards used by road managers nationwide to install and maintain traffic control devices on all public streets, highways, bikeways, and private roads open to public traffic. The MUTCD is published by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) under 23 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), part 655, subpart F.
Marginal access street.
A marginal access street is parallel to and adjacent to an arterial street, and primarily provides access to abutting properties and protection from through traffic.
Minor plat.
A plat dividing land into no more than four (4) lots that meets the submission and approval requirements of section 10.02.095 minor plat. Such a plat is also considered a final plat.
Park, playground, or community center, public.
An open recreational facility or park owned and operated by a public agency such as the town or the school district, and available to the general public.
Pavement width.
The portion of a street available for vehicular traffic. Where curbs are laid, it is the portion between the face of the curbs.
Perimeter street.
A street that abuts a parcel of land to be subdivided on one side.
An individual, firm, association, organization, partnership, trust, foundation, company or corporation.
Planning and zoning commission.
The planning and zoning commission of the town.
Planning manager.
The person(s) so designated by the town manager as planning manager of the Town of Fairview, Texas.
A plan detailing a property's exact layout and proposed development into one or more lots, blocks, streets, parks, school sites, easements, alleys and/or any other elements as required by this ordinance.
Plat, amending.
See amending plat.
Plat, final.
See final plat.
Plat, minor.
See minor plat.
Plat, preliminary.
See preliminary plat.
Preliminary drainage plan.
This plan shows the watershed affecting the development and how the runoff from the fully developed watershed will be conveyed to, through, and from the development see section 10.02.150(i) preliminary drainage plan for details.
Preliminary plat.
The graphic expression of the proposed overall plan for subdividing, improving, and developing a tract shown by superimposing a scale drawing of the proposed land division on a topographic map and showing in plan view existing and proposed drainage features and facilities, street layout and direction of curb flow, and other pertinent features with notations sufficient to substantially identify the general scope and detail of the proposed development. The preliminary plat shall serve as a means for the town to review and study the proposed division of land and/or improvements. See section 10.02.093 preliminary plat.
Preliminary utility plan.
A plan detailing both water utility and wastewater utility requirements. See section 10.02.148(c) preliminary utility plan for details.
Private street.
See street, private.
Proportionality/proportional share.
The developer's portion of the costs of an exaction or public improvement.
Public improvement.
Any Improvement, facility, or service together with its associated public site, right-of-way or easement necessary to provide transportation, storm drainage, public or private utilities, parks or recreational, energy or similar essential public services and facilities, for which the town ultimately assumes the responsibility, upon a letter of final acceptance being issued, for maintenance, operation and/or ownership.
Record drawings.
A group of drawings or plans that depicts the final configuration of the installed or constructed improvements of a development. A record drawings reflects the construction plans (or working drawings) used, corrected, and/or clarified in the field.
Record plat.
See final plat.
The re-subdivision of any or part or all of any block or blocks of a previously platted subdivision, addition, lot, or tract, that is beyond the definition of an amending plat and which does not require the vacation of the entire preceding plat. Such plat also conforms to section 10.02.096 replat of this subdivision ordinance. A replat can function as a final plat for a property.
Residential street.
A street that is intended primarily to serve traffic within a neighborhood or residential zoning district and which is used primarily for access to abutting properties.
Residential use.
Residential use means use of a structure as a residence.
Residential zoning district.
Residential district means a single-family, patio home, duplex, townhouse, multifamily, or manufactured home zoning district.
Responsible official.
The town staff person who has been designated by the town manager to accept a type of development application for filing, to review and make recommendations concerning such applications, and where authorized, to initially decide such applications, to initiate enforcement actions, and to take all other actions necessary for administration of the provisions of development applications. Also includes any designee of the designated town staff person.
Retaining wall.
A nonbuilding, structural wall supporting soil loads and live and dead surcharge loads to the soil, such as additional soil, structures, and vehicles.
A parcel of land occupied or intended to be occupied by a street or alley.
A right-of-way may be used for other facilities and utilities, such as sidewalks, railroad crossings, electrical communication, oil or gas, water or sanitary or storm sewer facilities, or for any other use.
The use of right-of-way shall also include parkways and medians outside of pavement.
For platting purposes, the term "right-of-way" shall mean that every right-of-way shown on a final plat is to be separate and distinct from the lots or parcels adjoining such right-of-way and not included within the dimensions or areas of such lots or parcels.
Rural residential street.
A rural residential street is a street used primarily for access to abutting residential properties.
The financial guarantee provided by an applicant that secures the construction of public improvements.
Setback line.
A line within a lot, parallel to and measured from a corresponding lot line, establishing the minimum required yard and governing the placement of structures and uses on the lot.
Site plan.
A site plan is a detailed, scaled drawing of all surface improvements, structures, and utilities proposed for development and is associated with the zoning ordinance as it currently exists or may be amended.
Sketch plan.
A sketch or informal plan prepared before the preparation of the or preliminary plat describing the proposed design of the subdivision to be reviewed during the pre-application review process.
A public right-of-way that provides vehicular traffic access to adjacent lands.
Street right-of-way width.
The shortest distance between the property or easement lines that delineates the right-of-way of a street.
Street, private.
A privately owned street within a subdivision for which the private owners assume full responsibility for maintenance and controls and that has not been dedicated to the use of the public. This term is inclusive of related alleys. Private streets are local streets allowed in gated planned unit developments (PUDs) with homeowners' associations that maintain them.
Anything constructed or erected that requires location on the ground or attached to something having a location on the ground, including, but not limited to, advertising signs, billboards, and poster panels, but exclusive of customary fences or boundary of retaining walls, sidewalks, and curbs.
Any person or any agent thereof, dividing or proposing to divide land so as to constitute a subdivision.
In any event, the term "subdivider" shall be restricted to include only the owner, equitable owner, or authorized agent of such owner or equitable owner of land to be subdivided.
The division of a tract or parcel of land into two or more parts or lots for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of sale or building development or transfer of ownership with the exception of transfer to heirs of an estate, and shall include re-subdivision.
Any other subdivision or re-subdivision of land contemplated by the provisions of chapter 212, Local Government Code.
Subdivision ordinance.
The adopted subdivision ordinance of the town, as may be amended in the future, and may be referred as "this ordinance."
Subdivision plat.
A plat (i.e., preliminary plat, final plat, minor plat, replat, or amending plat) established in LGC 212 involving the subdividing of land in two (2) or more parts or the amending of a recorded plat.
Subdivision regulations.
Any regulations and standards contained within the subdivision ordinance.
Subdivision waiver.
See section 10.02.171 Petition for subdivision waiver.
Suburban residential street.
A suburban residential street is a street used primarily for access to abutting property especially residential areas and channel traffic from collector streets. Suburban residential streets also provide secondary or minor access and circulation to community facilities (schools, parks, etc.) and other traffic generators such as commercial and industrial areas.
A licensed state land surveyor or a registered public land surveyor, as authorized by the state to practice the profession of surveying.
The Town of Fairview, Texas, together with all its governing and operating bodies.
Town attorney.
The person(s) so designated by the town council to provide oversight for and have legal responsibility for the town. This term shall also include any licensed attorney designated by the town attorney.
Town council.
The duly elected governing body of the Town of Fairview, Texas.
Town engineer.
The person(s) so designated by the town manager for mapping and supervision of municipal construction projects.
Town manager.
The officially appointed and authorized town manager of the Town of Fairview, Texas, or the town manager's duly authorized representative.
Town secretary.
The person(s) so designated by the town manager to provide clerical and official services for the town council. This term shall also include any designee of the town secretary.
Transportation plan.
The plan that guides the development of adequate circulation within the town, and connects the town street system to regional traffic carriers. Also, referred to as the thoroughfare plan or master thoroughfare plan.
Tree survey.
The plan that is required to be submitted that identifies the current location of trees in the proposed site. Refer to the Town of Fairview Code of Ordinances Natural Resource Management and Tree Protection.
Usable open space.
An area or recreational facility that is designed and intended to be used for outdoor living and/or recreation. Usable open space may include recreational facilities, water features, required perimeter landscape areas, floodplain areas, and decorative objects such as artwork or fountains.
Utility easement.
See easement.
Vested right.
A right of an applicant requiring the town to review and decide the application under standards in effect before the effective date of the standards of this subdivision ordinance and/or of any subsequent amendments.
Vested rights petition.
A request for relief from any standard or requirement of the subdivision regulations based on an assertion that the applicant (petitioner for relief) has acquired a Vested Right, such petition is regulated under section 10.02.173 subdivision vested rights petition.
An open space other than a court, on the same lot with a building, unoccupied and unobstructed from the ground upward, except as otherwise provided herein. In measuring to determine the width of a side yard, the depth of a front yard or the depth of a rear yard, the least horizontal distance between the lot line and the main building shall be used.
Yard, front.
A yard across the full width of a lot extending from the front line of the main building to the front street line of the lot.
Yard, rear.
A yard across the full width of the lot extending from the rear line of the main building to the rear line of the lot.
Yard, side.
A yard between the building and the side line of the lot and extending from the front yard to the required minimum rear yard.
(Ordinance 2024-03 adopted 2/6/2024)