The Height Incentive Overlay District is intended to incentivize
higher levels of green building performance, affordable housing, and
the provision of additional open space in excess of the amount required
under existing City and Specific Plan regulations and fees in exchange
for increased building heights.
(Ord. 1649, 10/11/2023)
The Height Incentive Overlay District can be combined with the
zoning districts illustrated in Figure 20.160.002. In the event of
a conflict between any of the regulations specified in the Height
Incentive Overlay District and any underlying base district, the provisions
of the Height Incentive Overlay District shall prevail.
Figure 20.160.002 Height Incentive Overlay District
(Ord. 1649, 10/11/2023)
The following standards must be implemented to receive the height
A. GreenPoint Checklist. Achieve a minimum of 120 points
on the GreenPoint Rated checklist or equivalent;
B. Submetering. Submeter or use other appropriate technology
that can track individual energy use, for each residential unit;
C. Whole Building Life Cycle Assessment. Conduct a whole-building
life-cycle assessment per the Leadership in Energy and Environmental
Design (LEED) Building Life-Cycle Impact Reduction Credit;
D. Affordable housing. Provide an additional five percent affordable housing beyond requirements in Chapter
20.380 ("Inclusionary Housing Requirements").
E. Open Space. Provide at least 20% of the project site
as publicly assessable open space.
F. Additional Standards and Requirements. Additional details
on the requirements for the HI Overlay are set forth in the LSP Section
(Ord. 1649, 10/11/2023)
If the requirements of Chapter 20.160.003 are met, development
projects may receive the following incentives.
A. Building Height. Within the overlay, the maximum primary
building height is allowed up to the maximum height allowances based
on the San Francisco International Airport Land Use Compatibility
Plan and FAA regulations. Height limits shall not exceed FAA regulations
and the ALUCP Critical Aeronautical Surfaces requirements. See Chapter
20.300.003 ("Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan Consistency") for
height allowances and airspace protection evaluation requirements
based on the ALUCP.
B. Density Bonus. Within the overlay, the development project
maximum density allowed is 180 du/ac.
C. Flex High-Rise. Within the overlay, the Flex High-Rise building type is allowed, see Section
20.135.030 ("Building Types").
(Ord. 1649, 10/11/2023)
Additional development standards apply to all portions of a
building greater than ninety feet in height as illustrated in Figure
A. Building Spacing. The portion of a building greater
than ninety feet in height shall be located a minimum of sixty feet
from all other buildings greater than ninety feet in height regardless
of whether the adjacent building is on the same parcel or different
parcel. Where two adjacent parcels are under different ownership,
portions of a building greater than ninety feet in height shall be
located a minimum thirty feet from adjoining property line. Residential
building façades greater than one hundred feet in length shall
be located a minimum of one hundred twenty feet from all other buildings
façades greater than 100 feet in length and greater than ninety
feet in height.
B. Building Dimensions. For residential buildings the portion
of the building above ninety feet in height shall not have a continuous
façade building dimension that exceeds one hundred sixty feet
in length.
C. Reduction in Mass. Building floor plates greater than
ninety feet in height shall not exceed 16,000 square feet.
Figure 20.160.005 High-Rise Building Spacing and Massing
(Ord. 1649, 10/11/2023)