The Active Ground Floor Use (AGFU) Overlay District requires active ground floor uses along portions of South Spruce Avenue in the Lindenville Specific Plan. The specific purposes of the Active Ground Floor Use Overlay District are to:
Create a place that represents a unique, attractive destination for residents and visitors.
Enable residents and employees to meet their daily needs within a short walk or bike ride.
Maintain a diverse mix of uses in Lindenville to support the local economy.
Enhance the Lindenvilles's character through the promotion of high-quality design.
(Ord. 1649, 10/11/2023)
The Active Ground Floor Use Overlay District can be combined with the zoning districts illustrated in Figure 20.210.002. In the event of a conflict between the regulations specified in the Active Ground Floor Use Overlay District and any underlying base district, the provisions of the Active Ground Floor Use Overlay District shall prevail.
Figure 20.210.002 Active Ground Floor Use Overlay District
(Ord. 1649, 10/11/2023)
Active ground floor uses are required in the Active Ground Floor Use Overlay District and provided in Table 20.200.003. Only uses allowed or conditionally allowed in underlying zoning districts are allowed in areas requiring active ground floor uses.
Table 20.210.003: Arts and Makers Overlay Zone Uses
Use Category
Permitted Uses
Public and Semi-Public
Cultural institution; day care center; clinics; social service facilities
Animal care, sales, and services; artist's studios; arts exhibition space; banks and financial institutions; eating and drinking establishments; food and beverage sales; nursery and garden centers; personal services; retail sales
(Ord. 1649, 10/11/2023)
The development standards for the underlying base zoning district shall apply, in addition to the following standards.
Ground Floor Building Area. At least 50 percent of ground floor building frontage along South Spruce Avenue shown in Figure 20.210.002 must be devoted to active ground floor uses allowed in Table 20.210.003.
Ground Floor Depth. Retail and commercial shopfronts shall have a minimum depth of twenty-five feet.
Floor-to-Floor Height. Active ground floor uses shall have a minimum floor-to-floor height of fifteen feet and minimum twelve feet clear floor-to-ceiling dimension.
Building Frontage Types. The following frontage types are required on the ground floor facing South Spruce Avenue for buildings: arcades, forecourts; shopfronts; and terraces, or similar. See Chapter 20.135.040 ("Frontage Types") for standards for all building frontages types allowable within the form-based, or transect, zoning districts.
(Ord. 1649, 10/11/2023)