These "Good Neighbor Guidelines Warehouse Distribution Facilities" (referred to as "Good Neighbor Guidelines"), assist planning departments, developers, property owners, elected officials, community organizations, and the general public as a tool to potentially help address some of the complicated choices associated with permitting warehouse/distribution facilities and understanding the options available when addressing environmental issues. These Good Neighbor Guidelines are designed to help minimize the impacts of diesel particulate matter (PM) from on-road trucks associated with warehouses and distribution centers on sensitive receptors located within the city of Lathrop.
(Ord. 23-449, 11/13/2023)
This chapter is applicable to all warehouse distribution facilities throughout the city regardless of size and as defined in Section 17.98.030. This chapter shall supersede any existing requirements in the municipal code and specific plans.
(Ord. 23-449, 11/13/2023)
For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply:
"Distribution center."
See "Warehouse distribution facility."
means the operation of the engine of a vehicle while the vehicle is not in motion.
"Sensitive receptors"
means populations that are at a heightened risk of negative health outcomes due to exposure to air pollution, including children, elderly, asthmatics, and others. The locations where these sensitive receptors congregate are considered sensitive receptor locations and include residential communities, schools, parks (excluding trails), playgrounds, day care centers, nursing homes, and hospitals.
"Warehouse distribution facility"
means a building, structure or other facility primarily used for the warehousing, storage, sorting, packing, staging, shipping, receiving, distributing or holding of goods and merchandise of any kind, typically which are not manufactured, processed or otherwise produced in the same facility, for any length of time. Warehouse distribution facilities include but are not limited to wholesale distribution, distribution centers, moving and transfer storage, cross-dock facilities, package handling centers, order fulfillment centers, or logistics centers and facilities.
means a building or portion thereof used for the storage, receiving, shipping, or wholesaling of goods and merchandise, and any incidental or accessory activities.
(Ord. 23-449, 11/13/2023)
The following landscape buffer and screening requirements shall apply to warehouse distribution facilities that share a common property line with a sensitive receptor, except when the distance between the structure of the existing sensitive receptor and proposed structure exceeds 300 feet:
For any warehouse distribution facility equal to or less than 50,000 square feet in size, a five-foot landscape buffer shall be required.
For any warehouse distribution facility larger than 50,000 square feet in size, a 10-foot landscape buffer shall be required.
For any warehouse distribution facility larger than 400,000 square feet in size, a 15-foot landscape buffer shall be required.
The landscape buffer area(s) shall include:
A solid, eight-foot masonry wall(s), or alternative material approved by the community development director.
Trees with a minimum box size of 24 inches with spacing dependent on the tree species as recommended by a certified landscape architect. The buffer may include stormwater bio-filtration, detention or retention areas.
Drought tolerant and properly irrigated plants and trees to maintain growth.
A berm is encouraged within the landscape buffer area(s) to assist in screening the warehouse distribution facility.
(Ord. 23-449, 11/13/2023)
The following signage is required for all warehouse distribution facilities, regardless of size:
Anti-idling signs indicating a five-minute diesel truck engine idling restriction shall be posted along entrances to the site and in the dock areas and shall be strictly enforced by the facility operator.
Directional signs consistent with Section 17.84.050 indicating automobile and truck entrances shall be posted along entrances to the site.
Signs shall be installed at all truck exit driveways directing truck drivers to the truck route as indicated in the truck routing plan or as specified in a specific plan.
Signs shall be installed in public view with contact information for a local designated representative who works for the facility operator and who is designated to receive complaints about excessive dust, fumes, or odors, and truck and parking complaints for the site. The sign shall also include information for the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District's (SJVAPCD) on-line complaint system and its complaint call line.
All signs under this section shall be legible, durable, and weather-proof.
(Ord. 23-449, 11/13/2023)
The following guidelines shall apply to the construction of a warehouse distribution facility:
Warehouse distribution facilities shall install solar photovoltaic (PV) array and an energy storage system (ESS) consistent with the California Building Code.
A portion of the passenger vehicle parking spaces shall be allocated for electric vehicles (EV), with all necessary conduit and related appurtenances installed consistent with the California Building Code.
The following guidelines shall apply to the operation of a warehouse distribution facility:
The warehouse distribution facility shall incorporate a recycling program.
New or future tenant improvements for warehouse distribution facilities for cold storage shall include electrical hookups for refrigeration units.
Warehouse distribution facilities shall not allow a TRU (transportation refrigeration unit) to operate while stationary unless the vehicle is lawfully parked at a location approved for truck parking and not within 500 feet of a sensitive receptor unless the operator is actively engaged in the process of loading or unloading cargo or is waiting in a queue to load or unload cargo for a period not to exceed two hours.
(Ord. 23-449, 11/13/2023)
In addition to the application submittal requirements prescribed in Chapters 17.100 and 17.112, the application shall include the following information:
Operational signage plan including, but not limited to, location, size, height, and type of illumination. The operational signage plan shall demonstrate compliance with Section 17.98.050 of this chapter.
Site plan illustrating a 1,000-foot distance from the property line in all directions.
Truck turning template to verify truck turning movements at entrance and exit driveways and maneuverability throughout the site.
Cross-section and plan view of the landscape buffer area(s).
Site lighting photometric plan including information with detail specifications on fixtures, poles, and wall packs. The site lighting photometric plan shall illustrate candlepower distribution beyond the property line.
Outdoor break area exhibit(s) illustrating proposed furniture, shade structure(s), and other proposed equipment.
Truck routing plan to and from the State Highway System based on the city's latest truck route map.
(Ord. 23-449, 11/13/2023)
Minimize exposure to diesel emissions to sensitive receptors that are situated in close proximity to the warehouse/distribution center and eliminate diesel trucks from unnecessarily traversing through residential neighborhoods by using the following strategies:
To the extent feasible, locate driveways, loading docks and internal circulation routes away from residential uses or any other sensitive receptors.
Enforce compliance with Lathrop Municipal Code Section 10.16.010, requiring the use of designated truck routes.
Enforce compliance with Lathrop Municipal Code Section 10.24.050, restricting truck parking in residentially zoned districts.
Enforce compliance with Lathrop Municipal Code Section 10.24.110(A), regarding the parking of trailer or semi-trailer upon any street, alley, public way or public place, unless the trailer or semi-trailer is attached to a motor vehicle capable of moving the trailer.
Require warehouse/distribution centers to educate drivers by providing a detailed map identifying the specific truck route between the warehouse/distribution center and the freeway and/or primary access.
(Ord. 23-449, 11/13/2023)