[Ord. No. 972 §§1 — 2, 2-21-2012]
Each user shall pay for the services provided by the City based on their use of the water system as determined by water meters acceptable to the City. Water meters will not be installed unless all connection fees have been paid. Each residence or business shall have a separate water meter.
All monthly user charges will be based on monthly water usage and charges shall be structured as set out in Chapter 150, Table A of Title I of this Code.
A connection charge as established by the City Council shall be levied for new water meter installations. The connection fees for water meter installation will be determined by the size of meter required and whether the user is inside or outside the City limits. These figures are set out in Chapter 150, Table A of Title I of this Code. The cost of meter size upgrades or downgrades in existing installations will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Cost of new meters for users outside the City limits that have granted easements for water mains will be determined on a case-by- case basis.
The water deposit fee shall be as set out in Chapter 150, Table A of Title I of this Code and is payable before the water meter can be activated. Upon termination of service, the deposit will be refunded less any user charges due to the City.
The City may offer water for sale in bulk form from the water plant. Water purchased in this manner shall be as set out in Chapter 150, Table A of Title I of this Code as controlled by the bulk metering system.
[Ord. No. 972 §§1 — 2, 2-21-2012]
Any person, firm or corporation who does not own or is not the owner of real estate upon which application has been made for City water services to be supplied to said premises by the City shall make application to the City Clerk for said services and deposit at the time of application with the City Clerk a sum as listed in Chapter 150, Table A of Title I of this Code for which the Clerk shall then issue a receipt. The deposit may be made in installments as set out in Table A of Chapter 150 of this Code.
All deposits provided to be made under Subsection (A) of this Section shall be turned over to the City Treasurer who shall keep a record of same and shall deposit said sum or sums in the City depository in a special City Treasurer's account to be designated "Water Consumers Deposit Account" and by him/her refunded to such depositor upon order of the Board of Aldermen.
Upon the discontinuance of the use of City water by the depositor, and upon surrender by him/her of the receipt issued by the City Clerk, the Board of Aldermen shall order the Treasurer to refund the amount of such deposit, less any sums of money due the City for water furnished the consumer and not paid for.
Should any consumer become indebted to the City for water furnished in a sum of money equal to his/her deposit, the City shall cause such service to be discontinued until such time as such consumer pays his/her account and pays an additional charge of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for the reconnection of said water service. Said fee shall apply to non-payment of water bill, returned check, or lack of water deposit. No fee shall be charged for reconnection upon returning from an extended vacation.
[Ord. No. 972 §§1 — 2, 2-21-2012; Ord. No. 1714, 7-24-2023]
The Mayor, upon recommendation of the Chief Operator/Water Superintendent, shall have authority to implement the following Water Conservation Plan (See Section 705.031) for water service and providing for enforcement of the same, when it is determined that a probable water shortage problem exists.
[Ord. No. 1714, 7-24-2023]
The plan would become effective upon a finding by the management of the Water Department that a probable water shortage problem exists. When it can be anticipated that there is a distinct possibility of a water distribution shortfall, the following plan will be implemented until it is determined that the emergency no longer exists. Depending on the expected severity of the problem, it is possible that Stages II and III might be implemented immediately. Requests for public cooperation would be made through both the news media and the City of Concordia's social media. This Section will affect only those citizens and commercial entities who receive water service from the City of Concordia Water Department. All wholesale and municipal wholesale customers shall determine actions for their customers based on the reduced quantities available to them as commercial and industrial customers of the Concordia Water Department.
Stage One (Voluntary). Requests voluntary conservation efforts and compliance with the following restrictions:
No washing of sidewalks, driveways, parking areas, tennis courts, patios or other paved areas, no pumping of fountain recirculation water
No refilling of swimming pools with water furnished by the City.
No washing cars, other motor vehicles, trailers.
No water or dust control.
No flushing of mains by the Water Department personnel, except to alleviate specific customer complaints.
Commercial and industrial users will be requested to conserve water use as much as possible.
If, after the initiation of Stage One, weather conditions, expected trends in demand or other factors indicate that the threat of a water shortage will continue, the additional provisions of Stage Two shall be implemented.
Stage Two (Voluntary). Stage One restrictions would remain in effect plus the following restrictions would also be requested:
No use of water from a fire hydrant except for fighting fires, filling fire trucks, or use in connection with animals.
Watering any lawn, garden, landscaped area, tree, shrub, or other plant shall be prohibited, except from hand-held hose or container. Such watering shall be permitted only at times designated by the management of the City Water Department.
Commercial and industrial users would be requested to reduce their water consumption by fifteen percent (15%). For the purpose of this Section our wholesale customers and municipal wholesale customers will be considered commercial users.
If, after the initiation of Stage Two, weather conditions, expected trends in demand or other factors indicate that the threat of a water shortage will continue or worsen, or if a severe problem or system emergency should develop, the mandatory measures of Stage Three shall be implemented.
Stage Three (Mandatory).
No washing of sidewalks, driveways, parking areas, tennis courts, patios or other paved areas, no pumping of fountain recirculation water.
No refilling of swimming pools with water furnished by the City.
No use of water for recreational uses such as water slides or yard play.
No washing cars, other motor vehicles, trailers, or boats except from a bucket.
No water or dust control.
No flushing of mains by the Water Department personnel, except to alleviate specific customer complaints.
No use of water from a fire hydrant except for fighting fires, filling fire trucks or use in connection with animals.
Watering of any lawn, garden, landscaped area, tree, shrub, or other plant shall be prohibited.
It would be mandatory that all large commercial and industrial users reduce their usage by thirty percent (30%), or if notified by the City, to terminate service until further notice.
Depending upon the severity of the problem, the Plan could revert to Stage One or Stage Two or be cancelled as conditions improve.
Notification Provisions.
With respect to the mandatory provisions of this Plan, a customer shall be deemed to have been notified and directed to reduce the use of water as set forth in the Plan when the Water Superintendent or his/her designated representative file such notice through the news media and has posted such notice to the City's website at www.concordiamo.org, except nothing contained herein shall be deemed to prohibit other means to notify persons of the need to reduce use of water in accordance with the plan.
Upon the Water Department taking steps to notify customers as set forth above, a customer shall be presumed to have notice and shall take steps to comply with the Plan, except a customer may rebut such presumption by showing the customer did not, in fact, have notice of the directions to comply with the provisions of the Plan.
Compliance With The Plan.
All persons who receive City water service shall be entitled to receive such water service only upon strict compliance with the provisions of the Plan.
It shall be unlawful for any person to violate the mandatory provisions of the Plan when such person is directed to reduce or curtail their use of water, as set forth in Step Three of the Plan. A direction to reduce or curtail use of water shall be presumed when notice is given, as set forth in the Plan.
Penalties. Any person, who shall violate any of the mandatory provisions of the plan pertaining to discontinuance, interruption, curtailment of water service, etc., may have water services terminated, until such time as the City of Concordia Water Department finds there is no longer a problem, at which time the City may restore the water service to the customer.
[Ord. No. 972 §§1 — 2, 2-21-2012]
It shall be unlawful for any person to reconnect water services when such services have been discontinued for non-payment of a bill for water and/or sewerage services, unless such bill for sewerage services has been paid in full.
[Ord. No. 972 §§1 — 2, 2-21-2012]
All users shall be billed monthly. Water meters shall be read by the City during the week proceeding the last day of each calendar month, and statements shall be issued to users by the first (1st) day of each month for water used since the previous meter reading. Bills for water shall be due and payable upon receipt of statement, and if not paid on or before the tenth (10th) day of the following calendar month, shall bear a penalty of ten percent (10%) of the amount of the bill. In the event weather or other conditions prevent the timely reading of meters, readings will be estimated and adjustments made on the subsequent month's bill.
[Ord. No. 972 §§1 — 2, 2-21-2012]
Whenever a water bill is not paid on or before the twentieth (20th) day of the calendar month following the period for which the bill was rendered, the account shall be deemed delinquent and the City may disconnect water service to the premises on which the water was used, except as limited by Section 441.650, RSMo. The City Administrator is hereby authorized to extend the service a maximum of time required before Board of Aldermen consideration of an extended contract for payment may be acquired, in cases where a customer has requested an extension of time before service is disconnected. The City Administrator shall be required to bring the request by a customer for a greater length of time before disconnection occurs for Board of Aldermen approval. If the water service to the premises is in the name of the owner, service shall not be reconnected until such time as the water bill, late payment penalty and reconnection charge are paid.
If the water service to the premises is in the name of an occupant who is not the owner, and the bill and other charges due remain unpaid for a period of two (2) weeks after disconnection, then the City shall take the occupant's utility deposit and may file an action against the occupant to collect any charges due after taking the deposit. Furthermore, the occupant may not establish an account for water service at another premise until the bill and other charges are paid. Service to the premises may be reconnected in the name of the owner, or in the name of another occupant, upon payment of the appropriate utility deposit.
Service may also be disconnected to any customer who fails to comply with orders restricting or prohibiting the use of water.