Editor's note—Ord. No. 831, § 1, effective Sep. 28, 2013, amended the title of Title 1, Chapter 6, Article 1. This article was formerly titled "Transient Violations."
This article is adopted pursuant to California Government Code Section 53069.4 and provides for administrative citations which are in addition to all other legal remedies, criminal or civil, which may be pursued by the City to address any violation of this Code. Use of this article shall be at the sole discretion of the City, subject to the provisions of this section.
(§ 1, Ord. 772, eff. June 25, 2004; § 2, Ord. 831, eff. September 28, 2013)
For purposes of this article, "enforcement officer" shall mean any City employee or agent of the City with the authority to enforce any provision of this Code, or any person so designated by the City Manager.
(§ 1, Ord. 772, eff. June 25, 2004)
Whenever an enforcement officer charged with the enforcement of any provision of this Code determines that a violation of that provision has occurred, the enforcement officer shall have the authority to issue an administrative citation to any person responsible for the violation.
(§ 1, Ord. 772, eff. June 25, 2004)
Each administrative citation shall contain the following information:
The date of the violation;
The address or a definite description of the location where the violation occurred;
The section of this Code violated and a description of the violation;
The amount of the fine for the Code violation;
The name and address of the violator;
A description of the fine payment process, including a description of the time within which and the place to which the fine shall be paid;
An order prohibiting the continuation or repeated occurrence of the Code violation described in the administrative citation;
A description of the administrative citation review process, including the time within which the administrative citation may be contested and the place from which a request for hearing form to contest the administrative citation may be obtained; and
The name, signature and department of the citing enforcement officer.
(§ 1, Ord. 772, eff. June 25, 2004)
The amounts of the fines for Code violations imposed pursuant to this article shall be set forth in a schedule of fines established by resolution of the City Council. The schedule of fines shall specify any increased fines for repeat violations of the same Code provision by the same person. The schedule of fines shall specify the amount of any late payment charges imposed for the payment of a fine after its due date.
(§ 1, Ord. 772, eff. June 25, 2004)
The fine shall be paid to the City within 30 days from the date of the administrative citation. Any administrative citation fine paid pursuant to this section shall be refunded in accordance with Section 1-6.111 if it is determined, after a hearing, that the person charged in the administrative citation was not responsible for the violation or that there was no violation as charged in the administrative citation. Payment of a fine under this article shall not excuse or discharge any continuation or repeated occurrence of the Code violation that is the subject of the administrative citation.
(§ 1, Ord. 772, eff. June 25, 2004)
Any recipient of an administrative citation may contest that there was a violation of this Code, or that he or she is the responsible party, by completing a request for hearing form and returning it to the City within 30 days from the date of the administrative citation, together with an advance deposit of the fine, or notice that a request for an advance deposit hardship waiver has been filed pursuant to Section 1-6.108. A request for hearing form may be obtained form the department specified on the administrative citation. The person requesting the hearing shall be notified of the time and place set for the hearing at least 10 days prior to the date of the hearing. If the enforcement officer submits an additional written report concerning the administrative citation to the Hearing Officer for consideration at the hearing, then a copy of the report also shall be served on the person requesting the hearing at least five days prior to the date of the hearing.
(§ 1, Ord. 772, eff. June 25, 2004)
Any person who intends to request a hearing to contest that there was a violation of the Code or that he or she is the responsible party and who is financially unable to make the advance deposit of the fine as required in Section 1-6.107 may file a request of an advance deposit hardship waiver as follows:
The request shall be filed with the Department of Finance on an advance deposit hardship waiver application form, available from the Department of Finance, within 10 days of the date of the administrative citation.
The requirement of depositing the full amount of the fine as described in Section 1-6.107 shall be stayed unless or until the Director of Finance makes a determination not to issue the advance deposit hardship waiver.
The Director of Finance may waive the requirement of an advance deposit set forth in Section 1-6.107 and issue the advance deposit hardship waiver only if the cited party submits to the Director a sworn affidavit, together with any supporting documents or materials, demonstrating to the satisfaction of the Director of Finance the person's actual financial inability to deposit with the City the full amount of the fine in advance of the hearing.
If the Director of Finance determines not to issue an advance deposit hardship waiver, the person shall remit the deposit to the City within 10 days of the date of that decision, or 30 days from the date of the administrative citation, whichever is later.
The Director of Finance shall issue a written determination listing the reasons for his or her determination to issue or not issue the advance deposit hardship waiver. The written determination of the Director of Finance shall be final.
The written determination of the Director of Finance shall be served upon the person who applied for the advance deposit hardship waiver.
(§ 1, Ord. 772, eff. June 25, 2004)
The City Manager shall designate a Hearing Officer for the administrative citation hearing.
(§ 1, Ord. 772, eff. June 25, 2004)
All administrative citation hearings conducted in accordance with this article shall be done as follows:
No hearing to contest an administrative citation before a Hearing Officer shall be held unless the fine has been deposited in advance in accordance with Section 1-6.107 or an advance deposit hardship waiver has been issued in accordance with Section 1-6.108
A hearing before the Hearing Officer shall be set for a date that is not less than 10 days and not more than 60 days from the date that the request for hearing is filed in accordance with the provisions of this article, unless the Hearing Officer determines that the matter is urgent or that good cause exists for an extension of time.
At the hearing the party contesting the administrative citation shall be given the opportunity to testify and to present evidence concerning the administrative citation.
The failure of any recipient of an administrative citation to timely make the advance deposit, obtain an advance hardship waiver or to appear at the administrative citation hearing shall constitute a forfeiture of the fine and a failure to exhaust his or her administrative remedies.
The administrative citation and any additional report submitted by the enforcement officer shall constitute prima facie evidence of the respective facts contained in those documents.
The Hearing Officer may continue the hearing and request additional information from the enforcement officer or the recipient of the administrative citation prior to issuing a written decision.
(§ 1, Ord. 772, eff. June 25, 2004)
The Hearing Officer shall render his or her decision as follows:
After considering all of the testimony and evidence submitted at the hearing, the Hearing Officer shall issue a written decision to uphold or cancel the administrative citation and shall list in the decision the reasons for that decision. The decision of the Hearing Officer shall be final.
If the Hearing Officer determines that the administrative citation should be upheld, the fine amount on deposit with the City shall be retained by the City.
If the Hearing Officer determines that the administrative citation should be upheld and the fine has not been deposited pursuant to an advance deposit hardship waiver, the Hearing Officer shall set forth a payment schedule for the fine in the decision.
If the Hearing Officer determines that the administrative citation should be cancelled and the fine was deposited with the City, the City shall promptly refund the amount of the deposited fine, together with interest at the average rate earned on the City's portfolio for the period of time that the amount was held by the City.
The recipient of the administrative citation shall be served with a copy of the Hearing Officer's written decision.
The employment, performance evaluation, compensation and benefits of the Hearing Officer shall not be directly or indirectly conditioned upon the amount of administrative citation fines upheld by the Hearing Officer.
In the event the City elects, at the initiation of the hearing, to seek recovery of its attorneys' fees, the Hearing Officer shall order that the prevailing party in the hearing be awarded its attorneys' fees. In no event shall the award of attorneys' fees to the prevailing party exceed the amount of reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by the City in the proceeding.
(§ 1, Ord. 772, eff. June 25, 2004, as amended by § 1, Ord. 796, eff. July 26, 2007)
Any person who fails to pay the City any fine imposed pursuant to the provisions of this article on or before the date the fine is due also shall be liable for the payment of any applicable late payment charges set forth in the schedule of fines.
(§ 1, Ord. 772, eff. June 25, 2004)
The City may collect any past due administrative citation fine, late payment charge and its administrative costs (including attorney's fees) by use of all available legal means, including recording and foreclosing a lien pursuant to Sections 1-6.218 through 1-6.223. The City also may recover its collection costs and attorney's fees incurred in any subsequent legal action.
(§ 1, Ord. 772, eff. June 25, 2004)
Failure to pay any past due administrative citation fine, late penalty or administrative costs may be enforced as:
A personal obligation of the violator; and/or
If the violation is in connection with real property, a lien upon the real property. The lien shall remain in effect until all of the administrative penalties, interest and administrative costs and attorney's fees are paid in full.
(§ 1, Ord. 772, eff. June 25, 2004)
Any person aggrieved by an administrative decision of a Hearing Officer or an administrative citation may obtain review of the administrative decision by filing a petition for review with the Municipal Court in Ventura County in accordance with the time line requirements and provisions set forth in California Government Code Section 53069.4.
(§ 1, Ord. 772, eff. June 25, 2004)
The administrative citation and all notices required to be given by this article shall either be personally served on the responsible party or by mail, postage prepaid to the responsible party at the last known residence address. Failure to receive any notice specified in this article does not affect the validity of proceedings conducted hereunder.
(§ 1, Ord. 772, eff. June 25, 2004)
Editor's note—Ord. No. 831, § 3, effective Sep. 28, 2013, amended the title of Title 1, Chapter 6, Article 2. This article was formerly titled "Continuing Violations."
This article is adopted pursuant to California Government Code Section 53069.4 and provides for administrative remedies which are in addition to all other legal remedies, criminal or civil, which may be pursued by the City to address any violation of this Code including the provisions of Article 1 of this Chapter. This article shall be used at the sole discretion of the City, subject to the provisions of this section.
(§ 1, Ord. 772, eff. June 25, 2004; § 4, Ord. 831, eff. September 28, 2013)
For purposes of this article, "Director" means the head of any City department which is charged with responsibility for enforcement of any provision of this Code, the Building Official as defined in Section 9-1.203(c) or any person as the City Manager may designate.
(§ 1, Ord. 772, eff. June 25, 2004)
Whenever the Director determines that a violation of any provision of this Code within the Director's responsibility is occurring or exists, the Director may issue a written compliance order ("compliance order") to any person responsible for the violation ("violator" and/or "owner").
(§ 1, Ord. 772, eff. June 25, 2004)
A compliance order issued pursuant to this article shall contain the following information:
The date and location of the violation;
The section of this Code violated and a description of the violation;
The action required to correct the violation;
The time period after which administrative penalties will begin to accrue if compliance with the order has not been achieved; and
Either a copy of this article or an explanation of the consequences of non-compliance with this article and a description of the hearing procedure and appeal process.
(§ 1, Ord. 772, eff. June 25, 2004)
The Director shall give the violator a reasonable period in which to comply with the compliance order. However, should the violation constitute an imminent threat to life or property, immediate compliance may be ordered.
(§ 1, Ord. 772, eff. June 25, 2004)
Service of a compliance order shall be made as follows:
Except where real property is involved, all notices required by this article shall be served in the manner provided in Section 1-6.116
Where real property is involved, written notice shall be mailed to the violator and/or owner at the address as shown on the last equalized County assessment roll, and a copy of the order shall be conspicuously posted at the property which is the subject of the order.
The failure of any person to receive any notice required under this article shall not affect the validity of any proceedings taken under this article.
(§ 1, Ord. 772, eff. June 25, 2004)
If the director determines that all violations have been corrected within the time specified in the compliance order, no further action shall be taken. If full compliance is not achieved within the time specified in the compliance order, the Director shall schedule a hearing before a Hearing Officer approved by the City Council. The Director shall cause a written notice of hearing to be served on the violator and, where real property is involved, a notice of hearing ("notice of hearing" or "notice") shall be served on the violator and/or owner at the address as it appears on the last equalized County assessment roll available on the date the notice is prepared, and a copy of the notice shall be conspicuously posted at the property which is the subject of the notice.
(§ 1, Ord. 772, eff. June 25, 2004; § 5, Ord. 831, eff. September 28, 2013)
Every notice of hearing on a compliance order shall contain the date, time and place at which the hearing shall be conducted by the Hearing Officer. Each hearing shall be set on a date not less than 10 days nor more than 60 days from the date of the notice of hearing unless the Director determines that the matter is urgent or that good cause exists for an extension of time. At the hearing, any person named in or subject to a compliance order, shall be given a full opportunity to object to the determination that a violation has occurred and/or that the violation has continued to exist. The failure of any person subject to a compliance order, pursuant to this article, to appear at the hearing shall constitute a failure to exhaust administrative remedies and a waiver of the right to be heard by the Hearing Officer.
(§ 1, Ord. 772, eff. June 25, 2004; § 5, Ord. 831, eff. September 28, 2013)
The Hearing Officer shall conduct its hearing in accordance with the following:
At the place and time set forth in the notice of hearing, the Hearing Officer shall conduct a hearing on the compliance order issued pursuant to Section 1-6.203
Consistent with any rules and procedures adopted pursuant to Section 1-6.266, the Hearing Officer shall consider any written or oral evidence regarding the violation and compliance by the violator or owner.
Within 15 days following the conclusion of the hearing, the Hearing Officer shall make findings and issue its determination regarding:
The existence of the violation; and
The failure of the violator or owner to take required corrective action within the required time period.
The Hearing Officer shall issue written findings on each violation. The findings shall be supported by evidence received at the hearing.
If the Hearing Officer finds that there is a preponderance of the evidence showing that a violation has occurred and that the violation was not corrected within the time period specified in the compliance order, the Hearing Officer shall issue an administrative order ("administrative order").
If the Hearing Officer finds that no violation has occurred or that the violation was corrected within the time period specified in the compliance order, the Hearing Officer shall issue a finding of those facts ("findings of fact").
(§ 1, Ord. 772, eff. June 25, 2004; § 5, Ord. 831, eff. September 28, 2013)
If the Hearing Officer determines that a violation occurred which was not corrected within the time period specified in the compliance order, the Hearing Officer shall issue the administrative order described in Section 1-6.209 which imposes any or all of the following:
An order to correct, including a schedule for correction where appropriate;
Administrative penalties as provided in Section 1-6.211; or
Administrative costs as provided in Section 1-6.212
(§ 1, Ord. 772, eff. June 25, 2004; § 5, Ord. 831, eff. September 28, 2013)
The Hearing Officer may impose administrative penalties as follows:
The Hearing Officer may impose administrative penalties for the violation of any provision of this Code in an amount not to exceed a maximum of $1,000 per day for each ongoing violation, or for any related series of violations, except that the total administrative penalty shall not exceed $100,000 excluding administrative costs, including attorney's fees and costs, interest and restitution for compliance reinspections.
In determining the amount of the administrative penalty, the Hearing Officer may take any or all of the following factors into consideration:
The duration of the violation;
The frequency, recurrence and number of violations, related or unrelated, by the same violator;
The seriousness of the violation;
The good faith efforts of the violator to come into compliance;
The economic impact of the penalty on the violator;
The impact of the violation on the community; and
Such other factors as justice may require.
Administrative penalties imposed by the Hearing shall accrue from the date specified in the compliance order and shall cease to accrue on the date the violation is corrected as determined by the Director or the Hearing Officer.
The Hearing Officer, in its discretion, may suspend the imposition of applicable penalties for any period of time during which:
The violator has filed for necessary permits;
Such permits are required to achieve compliance; and
Such permit applications are actively pending before the City, state or other appropriate governmental agency.
Administrative penalties assessed by the Hearing Officer shall be due by the date specified in the administrative order.
Administrative penalties assessed by the Hearing Officer are a debt owed to the City and, in addition to all other means of enforcement, if the violation is located on real property, may be enforced by means of a lien against the real property on which the violation occurred.
If the violation is not corrected as specified in the Hearing Officer's order to correct, administrative penalties shall continue to accrue on a daily basis until the violation is corrected, subject to the maximum amount set forth in subsection (a) of this section.
If the violator gives written notice to the Director that the violation has been corrected and if the Director finds that compliance has been achieved, the Director shall deem the date the written notice was postmarked or personally delivered to the Director or the date of the final inspection, whichever first occurred, to be the date the violation was corrected. If no written notice is provided to the Director, the violation will be deemed corrected on the date of the final inspection.
(§ 1, Ord. 772, eff. June 25, 2004; § 5, Ord. 831, eff. September 28, 2013)
The Hearing Officer shall assess administrative costs against the violator when it finds that a violation has occurred and that compliance has not been achieved within the time specified in the compliance order. The administrative costs may include any and all costs, other than attorneys' fees, incurred by the City in connection with the matter before the Hearing Officer, including, but not limited to, costs of investigation, staffing costs incurred in preparation for the hearing and for the hearing itself, and for all costs for all reinspections necessary to enforce the compliance order. In addition, in the event the City elects, at the initiation of the hearing, to seek recovery of its attorneys' fees, the Hearing Officer shall order that the prevailing party in the hearing be awarded its attorneys' fees incurred throughout the administrative process outlined in this article and for any subsequent legal action. In no event shall the award of attorneys' fees to the prevailing party exceed the amount of reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by the City in the proceeding.
(§ 1, Ord. 772, eff. June 25, 2004, as amended by § 2, Ord. 796, eff. July 26, 2007; § 5, Ord. 831, eff. September 28, 2013)
Failure to pay the assessed administrative penalties and administrative costs specified in the administrative order of the Hearing Officer may be enforced as:
Personal obligation of the violator; and/or
If the violation is in connection with real property, a lien upon the real property. The lien shall remain in effect until all of the administrative penalties, interest and administrative costs and attorney's fees are paid in full.
(§ 1, Ord. 772, eff. June 25, 2004; § 5, Ord. 831, eff. September 28, 2013)
Any person aggrieved by an administrative order of the Hearing Officer may obtain review of the administrative order by filing a motion for review with the Superior Court in Ventura County in accordance with the time line requirements and provisions set forth in California Government Code Section 53069.4.
(§ 1, Ord. 772, eff. June 25, 2004; § 5, Ord. 831, eff. September 28, 2013)
The City may collect the assessed administrative penalties and administrative costs and attorney's fees by use of all available legal means, including recording a lien pursuant to Section 1-6.218.
(§ 1, Ord. 772, eff. June 25, 2004)
If the Director determines that compliance has been achieved after a compliance order has been sustained by the Hearing Officer, the Director shall file a report indicating that compliance has been achieved.
(§ 1, Ord. 772, eff. June 25, 2004; § 6, Ord. 831, eff. September 28, 2013)
If the Director does not file a report pursuant to Section 1-6.216, a violator or owner who believes that compliance has been achieved may request a compliance hearing before the Hearing Officer by filing a request for a hearing with the Hearing Officer. The hearing shall be noticed and conducted in the same manner as a hearing on a compliance order provided in Sections 1-6.208 and 1-6.209. The Hearing Officer shall determine the dispute as follows:
If compliance has been achieved, when it was achieved, and to what relief, if any, the violator may be entitled.
If compliance has not been achieved, to what extent has it not. Further, for good cause shown, the Hearing Officer may amend or modify its original order.
(§ 1, Ord. 772, eff. June 25, 2004; § 6, Ord. 831, eff. September 28, 2013)
The City may impose a lien on real property as follows:
Whenever the amount of any administrative penalty and/or administrative cost imposed by the Hearing Officer pursuant to this article in connection with real property has not been satisfied in full within 45 days and/or has not been successfully challenged pursuant to the applicable provisions of Government Code Section 53069.4, this obligation may constitute a lien against the real property on which the violation occurred.
The lien provided herein shall have no force and effect until recorded with the County Recorder. Once recorded, the administrative order shall have the force and effect and priority of a judgment lien governed by the provisions of California Code of Civil Procedure Section 697.340 and may be extended as provided in California Code of Civil Procedure Sections 683.110 to 683.220, inclusive.
Interest shall accrue on the principal amount of the lien remaining unsatisfied pursuant to the law applicable to civil money judgments.
Prior to recording any such lien, the Director of Finance shall prepare and file with the City Clerk a report stating the amounts due and owing.
The City Clerk shall fix a time, date and place for hearing such report by the City Council and any protests or objections thereto.
The Director of Finance shall cause written notice to be served on the violator and/or owner not less than 10 days prior to the time set for the hearing. Such notice shall be served as provided in Section 1-6.206.
(§ 1, Ord. 772, eff. June 25, 2004; § 6, Ord. 831, eff. September 28, 2013)
The City Council's hearing on the report shall be conducted as follows:
Any person whose real property is subject to a lien pursuant to Section 1-6.218 may file a written protest with the City Clerk and/or may protest orally at the City Council hearing.
Each written protest or objection shall contain a description of the property in which the protesting party is interested, the interest in such real property assessed by the protesting party and the grounds of such protest or objection; provided, however, that any member of the public may speak on the subject of the report at such hearing.
The City Council, after the hearing, shall adopt a resolution confirming, discharging or modifying the amount of the lien.
(§ 1, Ord. 772, eff. June 25, 2004)
Thirty days following the adoption of a resolution by the City Council imposing a lien, the City Clerk shall file the same as a judgment lien in the office of the County Recorder of Ventura County, California. The lien may carry such additional administrative charges as set forth by resolution of the City Council.
(§ 1, Ord. 772, eff. June 25, 2004)
Once payment in full is received by the City for outstanding penalties and costs, the Director of Finance shall either record a notice of satisfaction or provide the violator and/or owner, or financial institution, with a notice of satisfaction so they may record the notice with the office of the County Recorder. Such notice of satisfaction shall cancel the City's lien.
(§ 1, Ord. 772, eff. June 25, 2004)
The lien imposed pursuant to this article is deemed a judgment pursuant to Government Code Section 53069.4(c), and may be foreclosed and the real property sold, by the filing of an action for foreclosure in a court of competent jurisdiction, and the issuance of a judgment to foreclose. There shall be no right to trial by jury. The City shall be entitled to its attorney's fees and costs incurred in connection with prosecuting the foreclosure action.
(§ 1, Ord. 772, eff. June 25, 2004)
The lien may be redeemed by the payment in full of all amounts secured by the lien within six months after the lien is recorded and notice is given to the violator and/or owner. There shall be no right of redemption after foreclosure of the lien in accordance with Section 1-6.222.
(§ 1, Ord. 772, eff. June 25, 2004)
The administrative penalties and costs set forth in the Hearing Officer's order shall also become a personal obligation of the violator and/or owner.
(§ 1, Ord. 772, eff. June 25, 2004; § 7, Ord. 831, eff. September 28, 2013)
Interest shall accrue on all amounts declared due by the Hearing Officer, and unpaid, from the date of the administrative order to the date paid pursuant to the laws applicable to civil money judgments.
(§ 1, Ord. 772, eff. June 25, 2004; § 7, Ord. 831, eff. September 28, 2013)
The City Council may, by resolution, adopt such rules and regulations for the administration and interpretation of this chapter as it may consider proper.
(§ 1, Ord. 772, eff. June 25, 2004)