The following described places are hereby designated as the places for posting public notices pursuant to the provisions of Section 37903 of the Government Code of the State relating to notices inviting bids and as places for posting public notices, ordinances, and other official documents and advertising required to be posted by any other statute, ordinance, or provision of this Code when the exact place of posting is not otherwise specified:
Ojai City Hall Lobby, 401 South Ventura Street, Ojai, California;
United States Post Office Lobby, 201 East Ojai Avenue, Ojai, California; and
The outside wall of the Ojai Pharmacy, 328 East Ojai Avenue, Ojai, California.
(§ 1, Ord. 243, eff. December 22, 1958, as amended by Part 1, Ord. 516, eff. May 13, 1976)