It shall be unlawful for persons using City parks to conduct themselves in such a manner so as to interfere with the use of City parks, equipment, and facilities by others.
(Part 1, Ord. 568, eff. December 28, 1978)
No person shall set up or maintain any exhibition, show, performance, concert, lecture, oration, place of amusement, or concert hall without first obtaining a permit to do so from the City Manager. Special patrols by the City park staff and/or Police Department may be a condition of use for such functions.
(Part 1, Ord. 568, eff. December 28, 1978)
No person shall operate any sound amplification device at or near a City park in such a manner that it will be audible at a distance in excess of 100 feet from the sound amplifying equipment, unless a sound amplification device permit is first obtained from the City Manager or his or her designated representative. No person, in any instance, shall operate a sound amplification device in such a manner that the volume is unreasonably loud, raucous, jarring, disturbing, or a nuisance to persons or domestic animals within any area of audibility.
Pursuant to Article 4 of this chapter, a permit for sound amplification devices shall be obtained from the City Manager. The application for such permit shall include a general description of the sound amplification device which is to be used, the volume in decibels of the sound which will be produced, and any other information which the City Manager finds necessary will be required to make a fair determination as to whether a sound amplification device permit should be issued. The City Manager shall issue a sound amplification device permit when he or she finds that the operation of such a sound amplification device will not unreasonably disturb other users of the City park or adjacent residences, even though the sound will be audible for a distance in excess of 100 feet.
(Part 1, Ord. 568, eff. December 28, 1978)
No person shall operate motorized model airplanes within a City park. No person shall play golf within a City park. No person shall play or engage in any game or activity in open areas in a City park if it is determined by the City Manager that such an activity is a hazard to the health, well-being, or property of other park patrons. No person shall do anything within any City park that is in violation of park deed restrictions.
(Part 1, Ord. 568, eff. December 28, 1978)
No person shall practice, carry on, conduct, or solicit for a trade, occupation, business, or profession without first obtaining a written commercial permit from the City Manager.
The City Manager shall charge a fee fixed by the Council to cover the administrative costs of the issuance of such permits.
Whenever a commercial permit is required by the provisions of this chapter, an application shall be filed with the City Manager stating the name and address of the applicant, the nature of the proposed business activity, and the dates, hours, and park facility for which the permit is desired. The City Manager may issue commercial permits when the conduct of such trade, occupation, business, or profession is compatible with the normal City park activities and uses, is convenient and beneficial to City park patrons, and does not conflict with the business of established concessionaires. Commercial permits may be issued by the City Manager on an annual basis.
(Part 1, Ord. 568, eff. December 28, 1978)
No person shall camp or sleep overnight within any public park without first obtaining a permit from the City Manager. The terms and conditions of camping permits shall be based upon policies established by the Parks and Recreation Commission and approved by the Council. Any camping permit may be revoked by the City Manager if any term or condition of the permit is violated.
(Part 1, Ord. 568, eff. December 28, 1978)
All City park use, entrance, and permit fees set by the Council shall be paid to the City Manager or be collected by persons designated by the City Manager.
(Part 1, Ord. 568, eff. December 28, 1978)
No person shall enter, remain upon, or occupy the grounds of a City park, or use any of the facilities or equipment therein, or permit any vehicle to remain therein, except during such periods as set by the Parks and Recreation Commission and posted at conspicuous places at each park. The City Manager may extend the hours in which a City park may be used for special events if he determines that the particular event will not disturb the peace or create undue noise, nuisances, or hazardous conditions by indicating such extension of park hours on the face of the permit of the special event involved.
(Part 1, Ord. 568, eff. December 28, 1978)
A City park may be closed when it has been determined by the City Manager or his or her designated representative that the continued use of the park could create hazardous conditions detrimental to the health or safety of the public or cause an adverse physical impact on the City park environment.
(Part 1, Ord. 568, eff. December 28, 1978)
All signs, including warning, regulatory, and road markings, placed by order of the City Manager and applicable to the control of vehicles and animals and the health and safety of the public shall be observed by all users of City parks.
(Part 1, Ord. 568, eff. December 28, 1978)