The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) is responsible for the preparation of the Congestion Management Plan (CMP) for Ventura County. Among the State-mandated elements of the CMP is a Trip Reduction and Travel Demand Management Element that promotes alternative transportation methods, such as carpools, vanpools, transit, bicycles, walking and park-and-ride lots, improvement in the balance between jobs and housing, and other strategies, including flexible work hours, telecommuting and parking management programs. The goals and policies of the CMP also support the increased use of low and no emission vehicles. The VCTC must also determine annually whether the County and cities within the County are conforming to the CMP, including the requirement to adopt and implement a Travel Demand Management Ordinance (TDM Ordinance) to improve both congestion and air quality.
This chapter is intended to promote trip reduction and travel demand measures in the City and meet the Travel Demand Management Facilities Ordinance adoption requirement as set out in the Ventura County Congestion Management Program. The requirements of Ventura County Air Pollution Control District (District) Rule 210 are separate from this chapter, and administrated by the District. This chapter sets forth the minimum requirements for meeting the CMP. Employers are encouraged to offer or provide additional inducements to use alternatives to single-occupant vehicles to their employees necessary to meet Rule 210 requirements.
(§ 1, Ord. 702, eff. December 24, 1993)
The following words or phrases shall have the following meanings when used in this chapter:
"Alternative transportation"
means the use of modes of transportation other than the single passenger motor vehicle, including, but not limited to, carpools, vanpools, buspools, public transit, walking and bicycling.
"Applicable development"
means any development project that is determined to meet or exceed the project size threshold criteria contained in Article 2 of this chapter.
means a vehicle with more than 16 seating positions used and maintained primarily for carrying commuters to and from work.
"California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)"
is a statute that requires all jurisdictions in the State of California to evaluate the extent of environmental degradation posed by proposed development.
means a vehicle occupied by two or more persons aged 16 years or older commuting to or from work and/or school.
shall mean the builder who is responsible for the planning, design and construction of an applicable development project. A developer may be responsible for implementing the provisions of this chapter as determined by the property owner.
means the construction or addition of new building square footage. Additions to buildings which existed prior to the adoption of the ordinance codified in this chapter and which exceed the thresholds defined in Article 2 shall comply with the applicable requirements but shall not be added cumulatively with existing square footage; existing square footage shall be exempt from these requirements. All calculations shall be based on gross square footage.
"Employee parking area"
means the portion of total required parking at a development used by onsite employees. For information purposes, based upon information developed by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), broad employee parking needs could be calculated as follows:
Type of Use
Percent of Total Required Parking Devoted to Employees
"Neighborhood work center"
means a location in a community where facilities are provided either by public or private means for shared employee work activities.
"Preferential parking"
means parking spaces designated or assigned, through use of a sign or painted space markings, for carpool and vanpool vehicles carrying commute passengers on a regular basis that are provided in a location more convenient to a place of employment than parking spaces provided for single occupant vehicles.
"Property owner"
means the legal owner of a development who serves as the lessor to a tenant. The property owner shall be responsible for complying with the provisions of this chapter either directly or by delegating such responsibility as appropriate to a tenant and/or his agent.
"Public transit"
means transit services provided by public agencies for the general public on a regular basis by vehicles, such as buses or trains, usually on a fare-paying basis.
means the lessee of facility space at an applicable development project.
"Transportation Demand Management (TDM)"
means the alteration of travel behavior, usually on the part of commuters, through programs of incentives, services and policies. TDM addresses alternatives to single occupant vehicles such as carpooling and vanpooling, and changes in work schedules that move trips out of the peak period or eliminate them altogether (for example telecommuting or compressed work weeks).
"Trip reduction"
means reduction in the number of work-related trips made by single occupant vehicles.
means a group of at least seven commuters traveling to work in a vehicle designed for carrying more than six but less than 16 persons, including the driver, which is maintained and used primarily for work-related transportation of adults for the purpose of ridesharing.
means a device by which any person or property may be propelled, moved, or drawn upon a highway, excepting a device moved exclusively by human power, used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks, or buses used for public or private transit. Examples include, but are not limited to passenger cars, motorcycles, vans, recreational vehicles and pickup trucks.
"Ventura County Air Pollution Control District" (APCD)
is the authority created by the California State Legislature to meet federal standards and otherwise improve air quality in the Ventura County portion of the South Central Coast Air Basin.
(§ 1, Ord. 702, eff. December 24, 1993)