"Allotment cycle."
The period of time starting January 1 and ending December 31 of each calendar year.
"Allotment threshold."
In any given allotment cycle, the difference between: (i) the number of unallocated allotments in the special allocation pool; and (ii) the number of dwellings units for which permits have been granted and are exempt from the allotment provisions of this chapter. As an example, and for illustrative purposes only, if the current unallocated balance of allotments in the special allocation pool is 20 dwellings and the number of dwellings units for which permits have been granted for residential projects that are exempt from the allotment provisions of this chapter is 15, the allotment threshold is five dwelling units (20 minus 15 = five units).
The Air Quality Management Plan for Ventura County, including all appendices thereto, as amended from time to time. The references in this article to Tables E-6 and E-7 of the AQMP are to the tables by that number appearing in Appendix E-95 of the version of the AQMP adopted November, 1995 or, in the event that such tables are amended later by the AQMP, then to the most recent version of such tables however numbered.
"City's proportionate share."
For any given point in time, 26% of the difference between the maximum permissible number of Ojai Valley dwelling units for the current year and the second succeeding calendar year immediately following as set forth within Table E-7 of the AQMP. Twenty-six percent represents the City's share of the total permissible dwelling units in the Ojai Valley pursuant to the AQMP. For example, if the maximum permissible number of dwelling units for the Ojai Valley for the year 2003 is 12,301 and for the year 2005 is 12,532, the difference between the two is 231. Twenty-six percent of 231 is 60.06 which represents the City's proportionate share of the maximum permissible number of new dwelling units to be constructed in the Ojai Valley for the year 2003.
"Current number of dwelling units."
As of any given point in time, the total number of housing units located within the City as determined by the California Department of Finance, Demographic Research Unit ("DOF") as of January 1 of each year.
Department shall mean the Community Development Department.
"Developable lot."
A lot which complies with all current State and City requirements for residential use.
Director shall mean the Director of Community Development.
"Maximum permissible number of dwelling units."
As of any given point in time, the total number of housing units that, according to AQMP Table E-7, are forecasted to be in the Ojai Valley on January 1 of the second succeeding calendar year. For example, AQMP Table E-7 forecasts that there will be 12,532 dwelling units in the Ojai Valley on January 1, 2005. Hence, the maximum permissible number of dwelling units for any given point in time in 2003 is 12,532. The second succeeding calendar year is selected in recognition of the fact that it takes approximately one year to complete a dwelling unit after the requisite permits have been issued.
"Multi-family allotment."
An allotment allocated for a developable lot in a multi-family zone.
"Ojai valley."
The "subareas" identified in Tables E-6 and E-7 of the AQMP as the "Ojai GA," "Ojai NGA," "Ventura River GA" and "Ventura River NGA."
"Persons per household."
For any given point in time, the average number of persons who occupy the dwelling units located within the City as determined by the DOF.
"Population of the city."
For any given point in time, the aggregate population estimate for the City certified by the California Department of Finance pursuant to Section 11005.6 of the Revenue and Taxation Code.
"Residential development allotment" or "allotment."
A growth management permit allocated for a developable lot located in a residential zone.
"Residential project."
As defined, with related terms, in Section 10-2.902.
"Single-family allotment."
An allotment allocated for a developable lot in a single-family zone.
"Special allocation pool."
Allotments which remain unallocated at the end of each calendar year, plus allotments that are not used within one year of their assignment pursuant to Section 10-6.804, and pledged for subsequent reallocation to special Residential Projects at the discretion of the City Council pursuant to Section 10-6.603(b).
(§ 1, Ord. 769, eff. January 8, 2004, as amended by § 4, Ord. 828, eff. July 11, 2013)
Notwithstanding any provision of this Code or any other ordinance or resolution of the City, no building permit may be applied for or issued for the construction or installation of an additional dwelling unit in the City if the issuance of such permit would cause the current number of dwelling units for the City to exceed the City's proportionate share of the maximum permissible number of dwelling units for the Ojai Valley (including both the incorporated and unincorporated portions thereof).
Provided the provisions of Section 10-6.502(a) hereinabove are satisfied, no building permit may nonetheless be applied for or issued for the construction or installation of an additional dwelling unit in the City unless either a residential development allotment has been issued for that unit or an exemption has been granted pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
(§ 1, Ord. 769, eff. January 8, 2004)