(Ordinance 2020-59, adopted 9/8/2020)
The purpose of this division is to provide for the orderly and aesthetic development of the town and to promote the health, safety and general welfare of the community. It is the intent of this section to achieve the following:
A balance between the need for landscape treatments and the need for commercial growth in the town.
Promote a flexible attitude of enforcement sufficient to meet the spirit and intent of these requirements.
To aid in stabilizing the environment's ecological balance by contributing to the processes of air purification, oxygen regeneration, ground-water recharge, storm water runoff retardation and erosion control.
Provide for the separation and buffering of incongruous uses and intensity of activities; and provide for the visual softening of building masses.
Reduce glare from paved surfaces, dust nuisances and the impact of noise.
Protect and promote the value of residential and commercial properties within the town.
Promote a positive image for the attraction of new business enterprises within the town.
Encourage the protection of healthy trees and vegetation and promote the natural ecological environmental and aesthetic qualities of the town.
Therefore, landscaping is required of new development and altered or repaired construction on all developments, and construction of the developments shall conform to the standards in this division (the "Landscape Standards").
The standards and criteria contained in this division are the minimum standards for all new development and existing developments that are expanding or redeveloping 30 percent or more of that development. For the purposes of this division, expanding or redeveloping, shall be based on an increase of the overall building area. All construction in these developments shall conform to this division. In addition, any use requiring a specific use permit (SUP) or any property having a Planned Development (PD) zoning designation must comply with these landscape standards or the standards set forth in the SUP or PD zoning designation, whichever is more restrictive. The provisions of this division shall be administered and enforced by the Director of Development Services, or his/her designee. For new construction, landscape standards shall be shown on a landscape plan as required in this division.
No permits will be issued for building, paving, utilities or construction until a landscape plan is submitted and approved by the town. A certificate of occupancy will not be issued until the landscape plan approved by the town has been installed in accordance with that plan and approved by the town.
If a certificate of occupancy is sought during a season of the year in which the town determines that it would be impractical to plant trees, shrubs or grass, or to lay turf, the developer/owner will deposit with the town a sum of money equal to the cost of installing all or the remaining portion of the approved landscape plan. In lieu of paying cash, the developer/owner may provide financial assurance of payment of the cost of installing the landscape plan acceptable to the town, which will remain in effect until the landscape plan is installed and accepted by the town. The landscape plan will be installed within six months of final acceptance of the development by the town or issuance of the first certificate of occupancy within the development. Failure to do so will be a violation of this ordinance and subject to the penalties contained herein.
If at any time after the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the landscaping that was installed does not conform to the landscape plan or the landscape standards, the town will issue notice to the property owner, tenant and/or agent, citing the violation and describing the action required to comply with this division. The owner, tenant or agent shall have 30 days from date of said notice to comply with approved landscape plan. If the landscaping is not installed within the allotted time, the property owner, tenant, and agent shall be in violation of this ordinance. In addition to any other remedy available to the town, the certificate of occupancy for that property may be revoked.
A landscape plan shall be submitted in conjunction with a site plan and/or final plat for all developments. A landscape plan is not required for individual single family lots. With the exception of properties consisting of less than two acres and located in DTO, DTR, or DTC district, the landscape plans shall be prepared by a landscape architect and shall contain the information outlined in the development manual.
The owner, tenant and/or their agent, if any, shall be jointly and severally responsible for the maintenance of all landscaping required by this ordinance. All plant material shall be perpetually maintained in a healthy and growing condition as is appropriate for the season of the year. Plant materials that die shall be replaced by property owner, tenant or agent with plant material of similar variety and size, within 30 days of notification by the town or a date approved by the town.
All trees located on town property shall be cared for by the town unless that responsibility is transferred to another entity through a Council-approved agreement. The Director of the Parks and Recreation Department shall ensure that the town, or its contractor, monitors and cares for trees in a way that promotes a healthy and growing urban forest, is performed according to ANSI A300, "Standards for Tree Care Operations," and tree care best management practices published by the International Society of Arboriculture. It shall be unlawful to remove, prune, damage or otherwise harm trees on town property without permission from the Director of the Parks and Recreation Department. The Parks and Recreation Department shall be responsible for developing and updating an annual work plan. This work plan shall document what maintenance activities are being performed and scheduled each year. The Parks and Recreation Board may appoint an advisory committee to focus on issues and initiatives that pertain to any urban forest that is located on public lands.
(Ordinance 17-74, adopted 9/26/2017)
The following criteria and standards shall apply to landscape materials and installation:
All required landscaped open areas shall be completely covered with living plant material. Mulch and other materials can be used around required shrub and tree plantings. Supplemental plantings or design elements that are beyond requirements can be submitted for town review and approval at any time. Landscape plans must meet the minimum requirements of this division prior to approval by the town.
Plant materials shall conform to the standards of the approved plant lists in this division and substitutions of plant material may be approved by the town. The quantity of plant material required by this division must equal or exceed the minimum number of plants required by this division. Unless otherwise noted on the approved landscape plan, required plant material can be placed in groupings or utilized in appropriate planting designs that are proposed by the applicant and approved by the town.
Trees shall have an average spread of crown of greater than 15 feet at maturity. Trees having a lesser average mature crown of 15 feet may be substituted by grouping the same so as to create the equivalent of 15 feet crown of spread. Unless otherwise specified herein, trees shall be of a minimum of three inches in caliper as measured 12 inches above natural soil level and seven feet in height at time of planting.
Shrubs other than dwarf variety shall be a minimum of two feet in height when measured immediately after planting. A screening hedge, where required, shall be planted and maintained so as to form a continuous, unbroken, solid visual screen that will be three feet in height within one year after planting. Any parking area abutting the landscape perimeter will be screened from the adjacent street as approved by the town. Parking areas that are beyond 60 feet from the property line do not require screening unless adjacent to a residential zoning district or a residential development.
Ground covers used in lieu of grass must provide complete coverage within one year of planting. Ground cover planting must provide and maintain adequate coverage as approved by town.
Earthen berms shall not exceed a 3:1 slope (three feet of horizontal distance for each one foot of height). All berms will contain adequate drainage and preventive erosion measures as may be required by the town. Berms shall not include construction debris. Slippage or damage to the smooth finish grade of the berm must be corrected prior to acceptance by town.
Large trees must be planted four feet or greater from curbs. Large trees shall be placed a minimum of four feet from sidewalks, utility lines, screening walls and/or other structures. Ornamental trees can be placed closer than four feet with approval from the town. Any reduction in spacing requires a root barrier approved by the town. Utility installation that includes common trench and conduit banks is exempt from the large tree planting distance requirements. The town has final approval for all tree placements. The landscape plan will show the size and location of duct banks.
Evergreen trees such as conifers intended for screening will have a minimum height of six feet at the time of planting. Evergreen shrubs intended for required screening shall be a minimum of seven gallons and be capable of attaining six feet in height in two growing seasons.
A Tree Permit, in accordance with article 4, § 4.3.3, and/or grading permit is required for all clear-cutting and/or mass removal of under-story or wooded areas.
All driveways will maintain visibility as approved by the town. Landscaping shall not impede visibility affecting the health, safety, and welfare of the public.
All plantings intended for erosion control will be maintained by the land owner, applicant, or tenant. The town may require re-vegetation to prevent erosion or slippage.
Small trees maybe substituted for large trees at the rate of three small trees for each one large tree (3:1) with approval of the town. Unless otherwise specified herein, small trees will have a minimum size of three inch caliper.
New or proposed plant materials will be measured and sized according to the Texas Association of Nursery (TAN) standards.
Other plant materials in excess of the quantities required in this Ordinance may be smaller than the required material. All shrubs intended for public, non-residential, or multi-families developments should be at least two gallons or more.
Alternate designs may be considered by the town to conform to the intent of this ordinance. Any alternate design requires town approval. The alternate method of utilizing large quantities of small material may include, but are not limited to:
One five-gallon shrub = Two three-gallon or four two-gallon
One three-inch large tree = Three three-inch ornamental trees
All substitutions are subject to town approval and must be specified on the approved landscape plan.
The right-of-way adjacent to required landscape areas shall be maintained by the adjacent property owner in the same manner as the required landscape area.
Existing trees on a property that are preserved may be used to meet the requirements of this division upon approval by the town.
Existing trees approved by the town for credit are to remain in a living and growing condition. Any existing tree for which credit was given that dies shall be replaced on the same basis as set forth in this division.
Large groups of small or under-story trees are eligible for tree preservation credits with approval from the town. Credits shall be indicated on the landscape plan.
Credit will be revoked where trees intended for preservation credits are damaged due to, among other things, construction, broken branches, soil compaction or soil cut/fill.
Single Family, two family (duplex), town home, and mobile home landscape area requirements.
Trees from the large tree list in § 4.2.7 below shall be planted on all single-family detached, two family (duplex), and town home lots. Trees shall be planted to meet the total number of caliper inches referenced in the table below. Required trees shall not be smaller than three caliper inches. A minimum of one - four caliper inch tree(s) shall be located in the front yard of all residential lots less than 7,000 square feet in size. A minimum of two - four caliper inch trees shall be located in the front yard of all residential lots 7,000 square feet in size and larger. The remaining required large trees may be placed in the front or rear of the residential lot. The total caliper inches of large trees and number of shrubs are required as shown in the table below.
Size of Lot
(sq. ft.)
Caliper Inches
Number of Shrubs
A minimum of one tree from the large tree list in § 4.2.7 below shall be planted in the side yard area adjacent to the street on a corner lot. When more than two trees are required per lot, the corner lot, side yard tree may count toward the requirement. Street trees (trees located in the parkway area between the curb and the sidewalk) adjacent to the side yard of a corner lot may count toward the requirement.
Ground cover shall be planted in the front, side, and rear yards of all residential lots. Ground cover includes, but is not limited to: grasses, shrubs, mulched planter beds, and hardscape.
Required shrubs shall be a minimum of three gallon in size when planted and shall be planted in the front yard of all residential lots.
All landscaping required above shall be planted prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy on the dwelling.
Two family (duplex) and townhome open space. Each parcel of land developed under the 2F or TH standards shall provide usable open space totaling ten percent for 2F and 20 percent for TH of the area being developed. The open space shall be computed on the percentage of total platted area in the subdivision, excluding right-of-way dedicated major thoroughfares. This open space shall be owned and maintained by a homeowners' association. Areas provided as usable open space shall meet the following criteria:
All residential lots must be located within 1,400 feet of a usable open space area as measured along a street. In order to preserve existing trees or should a property have unique topography, size, or configuration, this distance may be increased by the Planning and Zoning Commission with approval of the plat.
All open space areas shall be minimum of 20,000 square feet with no slope greater than ten percent and no width less than 50 feet. The Planning and Zoning Commission may give full or partial credit with approval of the plat for open areas that exceed the maximum slope or that are otherwise unusable, if it is determined that such areas are environmentally or aesthetically significant.
Open space areas must be easily viewed from adjacent streets and homes. Open space areas must abut a street on a minimum of 40 percent of the perimeter of the open space. However, the perimeter street requirement may be reduced to 30 percent with Planning and Zoning Commission approval of the preliminary plat when:
Preserving existing trees;
Preserving natural geographic features; or
Physical constraints such as overall property size, configuration, or topography exist.
Landscaping, sidewalks, and amenities such as tennis courts and swimming or wading pools may be located within usable open space areas. Detention ponds that contain a constant water level, are landscaped, or otherwise treated as an amenity for the development, as determined by the Director of Development Services or his/her designee, may be calculated toward the required open space.
Open space shall contain one minimum three-inch caliper large tree for every 1,000 square feet of required open space. The tress shall be maintained in a healthy and growing condition, and must be replaced with trees of similar variety and size if damaged, destroyed, or removed. A landscape plan must be approved prior to approval of the final plat.
Multifamily landscape area requirements.
These standards apply to all multifamily zoning districts. Any area within a PD district containing landscaping standards shall comply with the standards set forth in the PD district.
General requirements.
Landscaped areas will be of varying depths intended to separate and screen incompatible land uses from one another and to provide green areas along major thoroughfares.
Foundation plantings of a single row of shrubs are required along the front façade of all buildings adjacent to a public street.
Trees required by the open space planting requirements are encouraged to be placed along the south and west sides of the residential building(s) to increase energy efficiency.
A summary of tabulations for all required plantings, preservation credits, tree mitigation, and/or other data as necessary to document the landscape requirements shall be shown on the landscape plan.
Perimeter requirements.
A landscaped area at least 25 feet wide shall be located between multifamily developments and public street(s) unless otherwise stated in another ordinance. One large tree, three-inch caliper minimum, will be planted on 30 foot centers within the required landscaped area (or quantity for size substitution can be approved by the town). All landscaping shown on the approved landscape plan will be installed in the vicinity of the building and its adjoining parking prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for units in said building. Required landscape areas adjacent to public streets shall be exclusive of easements or other restrictions which could inhibit planting, growth, or permanence of landscaping.
Where multifamily development is adjacent to the property line of single family zoned property or areas shown as single family on the future land use plan, a double row of three-inch caliper trees on 50 foot offset centers shall be located adjacent to single family zoning districts with one row being shade trees and the other row being evergreen trees in a 25 foot wide landscape perimeter area, unless otherwise approved by the Director of Development Services or his/her designee.
Where a multifamily development is adjacent to the property line of property zoned for uses other than single family or parcels not shown as single family on the future land use plan, a 15-foot wide landscape area is required. In addition, one large tree, three-inch caliper minimum, will be required for each 50 linear feet that abuts the adjacent property line. Trees will be located within the 15 foot perimeter area or within the area located between the property line and the side or rear building line. Trees required under this division that are planted in parking areas may not be credited towards meeting the number of required trees as outlined in the interior parking requirements listed below.
Berms ranging in height from three feet to six feet, and an overall minimum average of four and a half feet, shall be required along US 380, Frontier Parkway/FM 1461/Parvin Road, Custer Road/FM 2478, Preston Road, Dallas Parkway, and FM 1385.
Interior parking requirements.
Twenty square feet of landscaping for each parking space shall be provided within the paved boundaries of the parking lot, exclusive of the required perimeter landscape requirements stated above.
One large tree, three-inch caliper minimum, must be provided for every ten parking spaces, in addition to the perimeter trees required in article 4, § 4.2.6(B)(2). In addition, the trees required in this division may not be planted in the required perimeter landscaped areas to receive credit for the perimeter landscape area. Three small trees, a minimum of six feet in height and three inches in diameter, may be substituted for one required large tree for up to 25 percent of the required large trees.
Landscaped islands within the parking lot shall be a minimum of 160 square feet, not less than nine foot wide, and a length equal to the abutting space.
There shall be at least one large tree, three inch caliper minimum, within 50 feet of every parking space. Only trees located in parking areas are available to meet this requirement.
Landscaped islands will be located at the terminus of all parking rows, and should contain at least one large tree, with no more than 12 parking spaces permitted in a continuous row without being interrupted by a landscaped island. Areas where parking is located between the public street and the buildings, trees will be placed every five parking spaces.
Landscape islands in parking areas may be grouped to form one large island subject to town approval, provided however, grouping for large islands is prohibited adjacent to public street frontage.
All landscaped areas will be protected by a raised six inch concrete curb or wheel stop where curbs are not provided. Pavement will not be placed closer than four feet from the trunk of a tree unless a town approved root barrier is utilized.
A solid living screen using evergreen trees shall be placed around any RV/trailer parking areas.
Irrigation requirements.
Permanent irrigation shall be provided for all required landscaping as follows:
Irrigation lines shall be placed a minimum of two and one-half feet from a town sidewalk. Reduction of this requirement is subject to review and approval by the Town Engineer.
Trees and shrubs shall be irrigated by bubbler irrigation lines only. Other landscaping may be irrigated by spray irrigation. Separate valves shall be provided to turn off the spray irrigation line during periods of drought or water conservation.
Rain, freeze, and wind detectors shall be installed on all irrigation lines.
Open space.
Each parcel of land developed under the MF standards shall provide usable open space totaling 30 percent of the area being developed. The open space shall be computed on the percentage of total platted area in the subdivision, excluding right-of-way dedicated major thoroughfares. Areas provided as usable open space shall meet the following criteria:
The open space shall have a maximum slope not exceeding ten percent.
The open space shall have a minimum dimension of not less than 30 feet.
Of the required open space, 15 percent or 20,000 square feet, whichever is greater, shall be arranged or located in a contiguous mass. Flood plain used for open space may receive full credit for that portion that is maintained in its natural state. Floodplain that is reclaimed and used for open space shall receive a 50 percent credit toward open space.
At the time of preliminary site plan approval, the Planning and Zoning Commission may give full or partial credit for open areas that exceed the maximum slope, that are otherwise unusable, or that are less than the 15 percent or 20,000 square feet required in article 4, § 4.9.16(B)(3). These areas must be determined to be environmentally or aesthetically significant and/or an enhancement to the development or the area.
Landscaping, sidewalks, and amenities such as tennis courts, swimming or wading pools, and clubhouses may be located within usable open space areas. Detention ponds that contain a constant water level, are landscaped, or otherwise treated as an amenity for the development, as determined by the Director of Development Services or his/her designee, may be calculated toward the required open space.
Open space shall contain one minimum three-inch caliper large tree for every 1,000 square feet of required open space. The tress shall be maintained in a healthy and growing condition, and must be replaced with trees of similar variety and size if damaged, destroyed, or removed. A landscape plan must be approved prior to approval of the final plat.
Non-residential landscaped area requirements.
These standards apply to all non-residential uses. Any area within a PD containing landscaping standards shall comply with the standards set forth in the PD district.
Perimeter requirements:
A landscaped area consisting of living trees (as specified below), turf, or other living ground cover and being at least 25 feet in width measured from the property line interior to the property shall be provided adjacent to and outside of the right-of-way on all properties located adjacent to a major or minor thoroughfare as defined by the Town of Prosper Thoroughfare and Circulation Designs Standards.
The landscaped area may be reduced to 15 feet for the portion of a property adjacent to a collector or equivalent street as defined by the Town of Prosper Thoroughfare and Circulation Designs Standards.
The landscaped area shall be increased to 30 feet for properties adjacent to Preston Road, University Drive, and Dallas Parkway.
One large tree, three-inch caliper minimum per 30 linear feet of roadway frontage shall be planted within the required landscape area. The trees may be planted in groups with appropriate spacing for species.
In the DTO District, one large tree, three-inch caliper minimum per 30 linear feet of roadway frontage, excluding the width of driveways at the property line, shall be planted within the required landscape area. Where the width of the roadway frontage is greater than 80 feet, excluding the width of driveways at the property line, the number of large trees may be planted at a rate of one, three-inch large tree per 40 feet of roadway frontage, in lieu of the required one tree per 30 linear feet. The trees may be planted in groups with appropriate spacing for species. In the DTO District, the substitution of three small, ornamental trees for one large tree shall not be permitted.
A minimum of 15 shrubs with a minimum size of five gallons each will be planted in the landscaped area for each 30 feet of linear frontage.
Parking abutting the landscape area shall be screened from the adjacent roadway. The required screening may be accomplished with shrubs or earthen berms.
Unless there is parking adjacent to the landscape area, shrubs are not required in the landscape area in the DTO District.
Required landscape areas adjacent to public streets shall be exclusive easements or other restrictions which could inhibit planting, growth, or permanence of landscaping.
Berms ranging in height from three feet to six feet, and an overall minimum average of four and a half feet, shall be required along US 380, Frontier Parkway/FM 1461/Parvin Road, Custer Road/FM 2478, Preston Road, Dallas Parkway, and FM 1385.
Where a non-residential development is adjacent to the property line of residential zoned parcels or areas shown as residential on the future land use plan, one large tree, three-inch caliper minimum, will be planted on 30 foot centers in a 15 foot landscape area, with the following exceptions:
Evergreen trees, three-inch caliper minimum, that will reach a minimum of 15 feet in height, shall be planted on 20 foot centers within the 15 foot landscape area where truck docks or loading spaces are adjacent to residentially zoned property or areas shown as residential on the future land use plan.
Evergreen trees, three-inch caliper minimum, that will reach a minimum of 15 feet in height, shall be planted on 20 foot centers within the 15 foot landscape area on any lot containing a drive-through restaurant, drive-in restaurant, and/or automotive use as defined in article 4, § 4.9.11(A) that is adjacent to a residential zoning district or area shown as residential on the future land use plan. All landscape screening materials shall be maintained in a manner to provided the intended screening.
In the DTO District, regardless of the adjacent use, zoning, or future land use designation; the width of perimeter landscape area adjacent to the property line may be reduced to a minimum of five feet.
In the DTO District, in lieu of the required large trees, one small (ornamental) tree shall be planted 30-foot centers along the adjacent property lines.
Where a non-residential development is adjacent to the property line of parcels zoned for uses other than residential or parcels not shown as residential on the future land use plan:
A five-foot-wide landscape area is required.
If the property line is the centerline of a fire lane or drive aisle, the five-foot-wide landscape area will begin at the edge of the lane/aisle. If the drive aisle or fire lane only allows access to parking spaces, the landscape area may be eliminated or moved at the discretion of the town.
The five-foot-wide landscape area may be eliminated for a building where the building is attached to another building and the attached buildings are shown on an approved site plan.
One small tree and one five-gallon shrub shall be planted every 15 linear feet. These trees and shrubs may be clustered in lieu of placing them every 15 feet.
All uses containing a drive-in, drive-through, or that require stacking shall provide a ten-foot-wide landscape area along the perimeter of the property. If the property line is the centerline of a fire lane or drive aisle, the ten-foot-wide landscape area will begin at the edge of the lane/aisle. The landscape area shall contain a minimum three-inch caliper evergreen trees planted 15 feet on-center with minimum five-gallon shrubs planted three feet on center.
Interior parking requirements.
Any non-residential parking area that contains 20 or more parking spaces shall provide interior landscaping, in addition to the required landscaped edge, as follows:
Fifteen square feet of landscaping for each parking space shall be provided within the paved boundaries of the parking lot area.
Where an existing parking lot area is altered or expanded to increase the number of spaces to 20 or more, interior landscaping shall be provided on the new portion of the lot in accordance with this division.
All landscaped areas shall be protected by a raised six-inch concrete curb. Pavement shall not be placed closer than four feet from the trunk of a tree unless a town approved root barrier is utilized.
Landscaped islands shall be located at the terminus of all parking rows, and shall contain at least one large tree, three-inch caliper minimum, with no more than 15 parking spaces permitted in a continuous row without being interrupted by a landscaped island. Where there is a minimum eight-foot-wide landscaped median between two rows of head-in parking, landscaped islands are required every 20 spaces.
Landscaped islands shall be a minimum of 160 square feet, not less than nine feet wide and a length equal to the abutting space.
Subject to approval by the town, islands may be grouped to form one large island.
There shall be at least one large tree, three-inch caliper minimum, within 150 feet of every parking space. This minimum distance may be expanded with town approval in the event that required islands are grouped to form larger islands.
Required parking lot trees may be consolidated into groups under the following conditions:
The number of required trees is one per ten parking spaces.
Consolidated tree islands require 180 square feet per tree.
The maximum run of parking spaces is increased from 15 to 30.
This consolidation does not include the tree islands at the end of a row of parking or along perimeter parking rows that face a drive aisle or street.
A consolidated tree island shall not be located closer than five parking spaces from an end of row tree island.
All uses containing a drive-in, drive-through, or that require stacking shall be subject to the following standards:
A minimum five-foot-wide landscape island shall be constructed around the outer edge of the drive-through lane(s) along the outer edge of the escape lane, extending from the point entry to the exit.
The landscape island shall contain minimum three inch caliper evergreen trees planted 15 feet on-center with minimum five gallon shrubs planted three feet on center. Ornamental trees may be used in place of a portion of shrubs to create a mixture of species and types of vegetation. If the landscape island is located on the perimeter of the property, perimeter landscaping requirements may be applied towards this requirement.
Building landscaping.
Foundation plantings are required for buildings or groups of contiguous buildings that are 100,000 square feet or larger. One large tree, three inch caliper, shall be required for every 10,000 square feet of gross building area. These trees shall be located within 30 feet of the face of the building. These plantings are intended to provide pedestrian areas while breaking up the large areas of impervious surface. Trees required by other sections of this ordinance will not meet this requirement. Trees may be planted within the building landscape area described above or within tree grates. Trees can be grouped or planted in singular form. These tree plantings should be placed so as not to impede sign visibility. Trees intended for foundation plantings shall meet the following criteria:
Planted within 30 feet of the front building face.
Trees planted less than four feet from the back of curb shall be located in a tree grate with a minimum dimension of four feet.
Small trees may be substituted for large tree foundation plantings at the rate of five ornamentals for each requirement of a large tree (5:1) with town approval. Small trees shall have a minimum size of three inch caliper. Multi-trunk trees will be required to meet a three inch requirement based on standard nursery trade specifications.
Trees may be placed in groups with appropriate spacing for species.
The above requirements may be reduced if approved by the town and additional pedestrian features such as plazas, seating areas, fountains, and outdoor recreation facilities are provided. These facilities must occupy an area equal to or greater than five percent of the total building area.
In the DTR and DTC Districts, large trees shall be planted every 30 feet on center in tree grates within the sidewalk a minimum of four feet behind the back of curb. The trees shall be a minimum three inch caliper at the time of planting.
Irrigation requirements.
Permanent irrigation shall be provided for all required landscaping as follows:
Irrigation lines shall be placed a minimum of two and one-half feet from a town sidewalk or alley. Reduction of this requirement is subject to review and approval by the Town Engineer.
Trees and shrubs shall be irrigated by bubbler irrigation lines only. Other landscaping may be irrigated by spray irrigation. Separate valves shall be provided to turn off the spray irrigation line during periods of drought or water conservation.
Rain, freeze, and wind detectors shall be installed on all irrigation lines.
Median planting requirements.
Non-residential developments having frontage on a divided thoroughfare are required to plant or escrow funds for one three-inch caliper large tree per 70 linear feet of frontage. The purpose of this requirement is to establish trees in the medians as development of properties adjacent to divided thoroughfares occurs. The Town will be responsible for maintenance of the trees and medians following the initial installation. The town is responsible for the installation of trees and irrigation where funds are escrowed or a bond is provided. The Town will have the sole authority to approve any alternate methods of meeting median obligations. Right-of-way median plantings shall meet the following criteria:
Median plantings within the public right-of-way are to be a minimum of 60 feet from back of curb at the median nose.
Median plantings shall be a minimum of five feet from back of curb.
Visibility corridors are to be shown on landscape plans.
Trees shall be a minimum of five feet from utility lines.
Six inches of topsoil shall be provided in medians.
Open space requirements.
A final open space plan shall be submitted with the final site plan application for all non-residential uses. Open space plans will be used only to ensure minimum standards are met. Open space plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of Development Services or his/her designee. The applicant may appeal the decision to the Planning and Zoning Commission. For nonresidential development, seven percent of the net lot area is required to be provided as open space. The open space may consist of any element that is not one of the following:
Vehicular paving.
Required parking lot landscape islands.
Building footprint.
Utility yards.
Required landscape setbacks.
Sidewalks, unless the sidewalk is designated as an outdoor dining area on the approved site plan.
Detention ponds. Detention ponds that are located between the building and street and contain a constant water level, are landscaped, or otherwise treated as an amenity for the development, as determined by the Director of Development Services or his/her designee, may be calculated toward the required open space.
Nonresidential and multifamily development adjacent to a major creek:
Major creeks within the Town of Prosper shall be defined as:
Button Branch
Doe Branch
Gentle Creek
Rutherford Branch
Wilson Creek
Each major creek begins at its headwater (as determined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and/or the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers) as is generally depicted on Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) as provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
All nonresidential and multifamily lots developing adjacent to the 100-year floodplain of a major creek shall comply with the requirements listed below. Multifamily-zoned property that develops as single-family is not subject to these requirements, but shall comply with division 14 of the subdivision ordinance, as it exists or may be amended.
Retaining walls, where provided, shall be constructed of clay-fired brick, stone, patterned concrete, modular concrete block, or split faced concrete masonry units. This requirement does not apply to walls constructed within the channel of the creek to control water flow.
Three inch caliper trees planted on 30 foot centers and three gallon shrubs planted on five foot centers shall be provided between parking and the flood plain when parking is located directly adjacent to the flood plain. The trees and shrubs are not required to be planted in a single row; they may be planted in groups. Existing trees in healthy growing condition and of a species from the list of recommended plant materials in article 4, division 2 of this Ordinance, as it exists or may be amended, may be counted toward this requirement.
Maintenance access, as required by the Town Engineer, or his/her designee, shall be provided to the flood plain, hike and bike trail, and creek.
The development shall incorporate a connection to a hike and bike trail along the major creek by way of a sidewalk, stairs, and/or ramps. The connection shall comply with ADA and TAS accessibility requirements. The Director of Development Services or his/her designee may waive this requirement if he/she determines that a connection is not needed due to the property size, configuration and constraints, or land use.
Open space areas adjacent to the floodplain that have been improved with patios, courtyards, or additional landscaping listed in § 4.9.14(C)(1) and § 4.9.14(C)(6) below may be used to meet minimum open space requirements.
Loading areas located adjacent to the major creek shall be screened from the flood plain by a solid living screen to reach a minimum of 14 feet tall within two years. Existing trees in healthy growing condition and of an evergreen species from the list of Recommended Plant Materials in article 4, division 2 of this ordinance, as it exists or may be amended, may be counted toward this requirement. For industrial development, this requirement may be waived by the Planning and Zoning Commission upon site plan approval if the adjacent property on the opposite side of the creek is zoned Industrial or designated on the future land use plan as industrial, unless zoned other than industrial.
Multifamily, except those multifamily properties that are developed as single-family, and office development adjacent to a major creek shall provide four of the amenities listed below. Retail and commercial development adjacent to a major creek shall provide three of the amenities listed below. Industrial development adjacent to a major creek shall provide two of the amenities listed below. Amenity selection is subject to approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission upon preliminary site plan or site plan approval.
A 30 foot landscape edge adjacent to the floodplain of the major creek with a double row of three inch caliper trees planted on 30 foot centers. Existing trees in healthy growing condition and of a species from the list of recommended plant materials in article 4, division 2 of this Ordinance, as it exists or may be amended, may be counted toward this requirement.
A minimum of 25 percent of the surface area of walls that face the major creek to be provided as windows.
Construction of a hike and bike trail along the creek.
A visibility corridor of at least 100 feet shall be required between and/or adjacent to buildings adjacent to the flood plain. This visibility corridor can include parking, landscape medians or areas, amenities, and drive aisles.
Trail Head Park. A trailhead park shall have minimum dimensions of 50 feet and be located adjacent to the hike and bike trail. Park benches shall be provided. Trailhead parks are subject to review and approval by the Director of Parks & Recreation or his/her designee.
A common patio, balcony, courtyard, or terrace a minimum of 750 square feet located between the building and the major creek.
Building orientation such that the entire side of the building adjacent to the flood plain is not the back of the building.
Building to have the same building materials and architectural elements on all four sides.
Creek restoration (plan shall be designed and implemented according to USACOE standards and approved by Army Corps of Engineers).
Other amenities not listed may be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission in conjunction with a preliminary site plan if they determine that the proposed amenity meets the intent of these requirements.
The Planning and Zoning Commission may grant variances to the requirements of this division, as it exists or may be amended, upon preliminary site plan or site plan approval only if they determine that conforming to these requirements is not possible due to the property size, configuration, topography, constraints, or land use and that no other alternative is available. The decision by the Planning and Zoning Commission may be appealed to the Town Council using the site plan appeal process described in article 4, division 1, as it exists or may be amended.
(Ordinance 15-55, adopted 9/22/2015; Ordinance 16-46, adopted 7/26/2016; Ordinance 2024-08, § 3, adopted 1/9/2024)
Artificial plants or turf are expressly prohibited.
Drought tolerant and/or native plants from the lists below are required for compliance to this division. Other species may be utilized with approval from the town.
Large Trees (Shade)
Small Trees (Ornamental)
Afghan Pine
Birds of Paradise
American Beautyberry
American Elm
Buckeye, Mexican
Arizona Cypress
Buckeye, Red
Aromatic Sumac
Bald Cypress
Buckeye, Texas
Bridal Wreath Spirea
Bigelow Oak
Carolina Buckthorn
Burford Holly
Bur Oak
Crepe Myrtle (tree form)
Chinese Photinia
Caddo Maple
Desert Willow
Cedar Elm
Eastern Red Cedar
Compact Nandina
Chinquapin Oak
Eve's Necklace
Coral Berry
Durrand Oak
Crimson Pygmy Barberry
Lacebark Elm
Hollywood Juniper
Dwarf Burford Holly
Lacy Oak
Japanese Black Pine
Dwarf Burning bush
Live Oak
Juniper, Blue Point
Dwarf Chinese Holly
Juniper, Wichita Blue
Dwarf Crepe Myrtle
Shumard Oak
Dwarf Glossy Abelia
Southern Live Oak
Mexican Plum
Dwarf Pomegranate
Southern Magnolia
Ornamental Pear*
Dwarf Spirea
Texas Ash
Dwarf Wax Myrtle
Texas Red Oak
Possumhaw Holly
Dwarf Yaupon Holly
Western Soapberry
Roughleafed Dogwood
Flowering Quince
Texas Persimmon
Foster Holly
Wax Myrtle
Glossy Abelia
Winter/Bush Honeysuckle
Harbor Dwarf Nandina
Yaupon Holly
Indian Hawthorn
Italian Jasmine
Leatherleaf Mahonia
Miniature Crepe Myrtle
Nellie R. Stevens Holly
Oakleaf Hydrangea
Purpleleaf Japanese
Red Yucca
Rose of Sharon (Althea)
Semi-Dwarf Crepe Myrtle
Smooth Sumac
Standard Nandina
Texas Sage
*Ornamental Pear does not include Bradford Pears
Ornamental Grass
Asiatic Jasmine
Autumn Blush Muhly
Avens, White
Big Bluestem
Frog Fruit
Black Fountain Grass
Ground Ivy
Blue Grama
Hardy Plumbago
Bushy Bluestem
Liriope or Lily Turf
Canada Wildrye
Mondo or Monkey Grass
Dwarf Maiden Grass
Dwarf Pampas Grass
Purpleleaf Euonymus
Eastern Gamma Grass
Feather Reed Grass
Snake Herb
Hamelin's Fountain Grass
Wood Violet
Inland Sea-Oats
Lindheimer's Muhly
Little Bluestem
Maiden Grass
Morning Light Maiden
Ravenna Grass
Sideoats Grama
Silver Bluestem
Splitbeard Bluestem
Standard Fountain Grass
Variegated Japanese Silver Grass
Zebra Grass
Landscaping installed that exceeds the minimum required amounts above does not have to be from the drought tolerant/native plant lists contained herein. However, cottonwood trees may not be planted within 25 feet of any public infrastructure.